::The Monaco Grand Prix - Pres. by ASRA:: Winner: Gman aka GTP_Potatochip!

  • Thread starter BrandonW77
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Awesome on board video Brandon! Few things I noticed in the video. Looks like you haven't set the transmission low enough. Need to set the top speed as low as it can go. It makes it so you redline coming out of the tunnel - just perfect.

Also, the way you took the chicane was really conservative.

What's the rule going to be on cutting the chicane? I think we should be allowed to "cut" over the chicane 'cause even though it looks weird, two tires are still on track when you get through it the fastest. Shouldn't be a problem since there's that fat concrete barrier to slap sense into people cutting it wrongly.

I was waiting for someone to critique the lap. lol I was being very conservative because I was recording it. Actually took me a couple tries to get a clean lap. :dunce:

As for the chicane, we will ask that if you make up a position by cutting the chicane that you give it back within a lap. Since we don't have a points system it's hard to impose penalties, and the race is a long one so it would take a while to review anything. We might have an official steward during the race that will be broadcasting a live video stream of the "watch race" screen and if he sees somebody consistently cutting the chicane he could give a warning and use the "boot" feature if needed. 👍 But basically, just do your best to take it properly but if you cut it a little bit here and there it's probably not a big deal.

If somebody finishes in the top 3 by regularly cutting the chicane they will be bumped from the podium and the 4th place finisher will get the prize. Speaking of prizes, we still owe 2nd and 3rd place from the 500 their prizes. I believe Owens said he has a couple level 24 tickets to send your way. Should be able to use them to get a F1 car if needed. :)

Sorry I haven't had any updates today, I went to Carb Day at the Indy Motor Speedway. I know this doesn't have anything to do with the Monaco Grand Prix but I thought you guys would enjoy a couple vids from the Indy Lights 100 race. Enjoy!!

sign me in as well, going with the F10.

If the race is held after the 10 of juin, i wont be able to make it, but think seems to be lining up quickly, so i am hoping !!
Good see JP and Jav signed up!!!!

Race is shaping up. Thanks to you all for entering.

GP of Monaco is going to incredible. Knockout Qualfying will so exciting. I got a guy lined to do live web feed for both Qualfying and the race. He plans to bounce around and show the tight racing. So it should pretty exciting to watch via the live feed.

As well those. How do we qualify for live Qualfying? Say we got 18 racers and 14 spots. We can't run all 18 in knockout. ? ?

Brandon do we need a 3 lap on 2nd lap counts initial? To lock the 14 racers in. Then set grid spots via knockout style?
What sorts of laptimes are people setting so far just out of interest? Or shall we not tell to keep it more exciting? Hehe :)
What sorts of laptimes are people setting so far just out of interest? Or shall we not tell to keep it more exciting? Hehe :)

Faster then Real life Qualfying here. ......... ;)
Guys, I'm sorry but I can't do these races of they're in the middle of the day. :/
If they were more US friendly times, I'd be happy to come, but that's not the case. :/
Guys, I'm sorry but I can't do these races of they're in the middle of the day. :/
If they were more US friendly times, I'd be happy to come, but that's not the case. :/

What do you mean? We haven't set a time or day yet?
Faster then Real life Qualfying here. ......... ;)
me to both on hards and softs. btw are im the only one struggeling to get it around in the loew's hairpin.

a idea what about put ballast in the cars so they weigth 620 Kg like they did in 2010 season:)
What do you mean? We haven't set a time or day yet?

Well, seeing that quite a few of the people that signed up last time are doing this one, and the time worked for most of them last time, I'd imagine that it'll be the same time. :/
So count me in if it's in the evening, but if not, I'm gonna sit this one out.
Good see JP and Jav signed up!!!!

As well those. How do we qualify for live Qualfying? Say we got 18 racers and 14 spots. We can't run all 18 in knockout. ? ?

Brandon do we need a 3 lap on 2nd lap counts initial? To lock the 14 racers in. Then set grid spots via knockout style?

It's simple.

This is how it could break down:
Currently you're doing a day-to-day qualifier to determine the 16 (Advising against trying to do 18 here for network performance reasons)
along with a live "knockout" qualifying system the day (day doesn't matter too much, could be right before the feature race) before the race correct?

All you have to do is treat the day-to-day qualifer as "Q1" or round 1 of the knockout. To put it another way; people in the qualifier from 12th to 16th are locked once the qualifier deadline's met.

Then the top 12 will participate in the last two rounds of live knockout quali.
Q2 will knockout 6 more people, locking them into their quali. times posted in "round 2", again, in live quali.

Then it goes down to the last 6 that are let out one more time to go for pole.

That'll be a good substitute since we can't do everything true to life.

Based on today's F1 qualy, then so am I :sly:

These are my times:
Fastest in the F2007 1:11.458 (Soft tires, 45 miles on the engine, full tank of fuel, full aero - free run)
Fastest in the F10 1:10.754 (Soft tires, 81 miles on the engine, fuel close to empty, full aero - free run)

me to both on hards and softs. btw are im the only one struggeling to get it around in the loew's hairpin.

Do it in third gear. Seems counter intuitive but with GT5's sketchy gearbox model it works out best. Just go really wide on entrance to Loew's, stick it in third and let off the throttle. If you hit it right you'll coast around the corner at about 35mph average. Exit's a little tricky to get used to but just aim for a throttle point right in the middle of the street to get a clean out.

And man, with JP and Senninha joining up I'm gonna switch back to the F10!

It's simple.

And man, with JP and Senninha joining up I'm gonna switch back to the F10!


Lets just hope we do this before the 9 of juin as im leaving for the west coast the 10 to the 24

Edit : If its even possible :(
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:tup:Superb presentation guys.
Shant be racing tho as F1 cars are out of my league. :nervous:
What sort of time is competitive here? I'm doing some practice with my mates F2007.

Posted for the third time:

These are my times:
Fastest in the F2007 1:11.458 (Soft tires, 45 miles on the engine, full tank of fuel, full aero - free run)
Fastest in the F10 1:10.754 (Soft tires, 81 miles on the engine, fuel close to empty, full aero - free run)
Unfortunately I don't think we'll be able to have it by the 9th. That would mean we'd have to hold it this coming weekend and I don't think we have things quite in order yet. I was thinking of having qualifiers the week of June 6-10, final qualifying on Saturday June 11 and the race on Sunday June 12 around 2pm or 3pm EDT. Hopefully that time slot allows European drivers to participate as well as West Coast U.S. drivers. 👍

Wardez, I love your idea for the qualifying procedure. It kind of combines the best parts of weekly qualifiers and a live knock-out qualifying session. I think we would extend the times from Q2 and Q3 from real life, maybe 20 minutes for Q2 and 15 minutes for Q3. I think we're going to go with that plan.

We will only be having 15 drivers in the race as the 16th spot will be for the steward/broadcaster. During knockout qualifying everyone will have to stay on the track or in the pits. As long as you are on the track or in the pits your times are registered in the live timing monitor. The steward will watch the times, alert us when time is up for Q2 and notify us of the slowest 5 drivers. We will then reset the track/lap times and the 5 drivers who advanced to Q3 will enter the pits/track to fight for the pole for 15 minutes. Again, all drivers in Q3 must stay in the pits or on the track during the session so your times will be registered on the live timing monitor.

For the weekly qualifiers (Q1) every driver will get a 4 lap run. We will start a 4 lap race, the first lap will be warmup, laps 2 and 3 will be hot laps and lap 4 will be a cool down lap. Your fastest of the 2 hot laps will be your official qualifying time, the top 15 will advance to the race with the slowest 5 of those locked into positions 15-10. The remaining 10 drivers will advance to knockout qualifying, Q2 seeing 10 drivers battle for 20 minutes with the top 5 advancing to Q3, a 15 minute battle for the pole.

Sound good?

Unfortunately I don't think we'll be able to have it by the 9th. That would mean we'd have to hold it this coming weekend and I don't think we have things quite in order yet. I was thinking of having qualifiers the week of June 6-10, final qualifying on Saturday June 11 and the race on Sunday June 12 around 2pm or 3pm EDT. Hopefully that time slot allows European drivers to participate as well as West Coast U.S. drivers. 👍

Wardez, I love your idea for the qualifying procedure. It kind of combines the best parts of weekly qualifiers and a live knock-out qualifying session. I think we would extend the times from Q2 and Q3 from real life, maybe 20 minutes for Q2 and 15 minutes for Q3. I think we're going to go with that plan.

We will only be having 15 drivers in the race as the 16th spot will be for the steward/broadcaster. During knockout qualifying everyone will have to stay on the track or in the pits. As long as you are on the track or in the pits your times are registered in the live timing monitor. The steward will watch the times, alert us when time is up for Q2 and notify us of the slowest 5 drivers. We will then reset the track/lap times and the 5 drivers who advanced to Q3 will enter the pits/track to fight for the pole for 15 minutes. Again, all drivers in Q3 must stay in the pits or on the track during the session so your times will be registered on the live timing monitor.

For the weekly qualifiers (Q1) every driver will get a 4 lap run. We will start a 4 lap race, the first lap will be warmup, laps 2 and 3 will be hot laps and lap 4 will be a cool down lap. Your fastest of the 2 hot laps will be your official qualifying time, the top 15 will advance to the race with the slowest 5 of those locked into positions 15-10. The remaining 10 drivers will advance to knockout qualifying, Q2 seeing 10 drivers battle for 20 minutes with the top 5 advancing to Q3, a 15 minute battle for the pole.

Sound good?


i can not race the 12 because of both Le Mans (i will be pretty tired with no sleep at all) and the Canadian grand prix the weekend after would work much better for me:)
I would love to do this but i have a couple of sticking points.
I dont have either of the cars :(
And i cant make the 12th of June.
If you change the date and allow FGT's then i'm in....
Ok I may not be able to race at all the way it's looking. If not, fine but I will have to make you're next race. I've heard you will be doing some big ones.

Any chance of an ASRA general discussion thread?
I just had an idea!
What if, we said that you are not allowed to enter the pits while qualifying!
That way you're forced to use the same tires throughout the qualifying sessions.
We'd have to make people stay on the track for all three sessions, but it could work!
Unfortunately I don't think we'll be able to have it by the 9th. That would mean we'd have to hold it this coming weekend and I don't think we have things quite in order yet. I was thinking of having qualifiers the week of June 6-10, final qualifying on Saturday June 11 and the race on Sunday June 12 around 2pm or 3pm EDT. Hopefully that time slot allows European drivers to participate as well as West Coast U.S. drivers. 👍

Wardez, I love your idea for the qualifying procedure. It kind of combines the best parts of weekly qualifiers and a live knock-out qualifying session. I think we would extend the times from Q2 and Q3 from real life, maybe 20 minutes for Q2 and 15 minutes for Q3. I think we're going to go with that plan.

We will only be having 15 drivers in the race as the 16th spot will be for the steward/broadcaster. During knockout qualifying everyone will have to stay on the track or in the pits. As long as you are on the track or in the pits your times are registered in the live timing monitor. The steward will watch the times, alert us when time is up for Q2 and notify us of the slowest 5 drivers. We will then reset the track/lap times and the 5 drivers who advanced to Q3 will enter the pits/track to fight for the pole for 15 minutes. Again, all drivers in Q3 must stay in the pits or on the track during the session so your times will be registered on the live timing monitor.

For the weekly qualifiers (Q1) every driver will get a 4 lap run. We will start a 4 lap race, the first lap will be warmup, laps 2 and 3 will be hot laps and lap 4 will be a cool down lap. Your fastest of the 2 hot laps will be your official qualifying time, the top 15 will advance to the race with the slowest 5 of those locked into positions 15-10. The remaining 10 drivers will advance to knockout qualifying, Q2 seeing 10 drivers battle for 20 minutes with the top 5 advancing to Q3, a 15 minute battle for the pole.

Sound good?


Sounds good but as others pointed out that's Le Mans day. A lot of people, including myself, are gonna be dedicated to watching the race. It's a really monumental 24 hours this year since it's the first year of massive rule changes with the GTE class and Audi's first outing in the R18.

How about the weekend after? I also think this should be held on Saturday not Sunday, since there's a few people that might want to participate living in the Eastern hemisphere where everyone's a day ahead. 7pm EDT could be ideal since it would make it around 11pm Saturday night in Europe (not too late) and around 9am Sunday morning in Australia. I worked that time out for my own series and it truly is the balanced time that allows most of the civilized world to participate.

And you mean running live qualifying in race mode right? Just asking 'cause live timing doesn't seem to always work in free run for some reason. Unless you know how to make sure the times show up. But the obvious problem with using race mode is the draft. So I just don't know...
Sounds good but as others pointed out that's Le Mans day. A lot of people, including myself, are gonna be dedicated to watching the race. It's a really monumental 24 hours this year since it's the first year of massive rule changes with the GTE class and Audi's first outing in the R18.

How about the weekend after? I also think this should be held on Saturday not Sunday, since there's a few people that might want to participate living in the Eastern hemisphere where everyone's a day ahead. 7pm EDT could be ideal since it would make it around 11pm Saturday night in Europe (not too late) and around 9am Sunday morning in Australia. I worked that time out for my own series and it truly is the balanced time that allows most of the civilized world to participate.

And you mean running live qualifying in race mode right? Just asking 'cause live timing doesn't seem to always work in free run for some reason. Unless you know how to make sure the times show up. But the obvious problem with using race mode is the draft. So I just don't know...

That would be perfect for me!
Then I'll be able to participate!
I just can't be up too late because I have a regional Rotax race the next day...
GTP_J_Turner, I think we have a system in place to get you one of the F1 cars if you need it. Unfortunately the F1 cars can only run with against each other, it won't let us allow FGT's to partcipate.

My live timing monitor seems to be hit and miss too, but in the Capp Cup I've been using it during qualifying and after I reset the track to clear the lap times it always starts working. May just be coincidence but it's been working when I need it to.

We could do it under race conditions, just set the lap count for more than what the time limit would be. That would mean the draft would be enabled whith would be more like real life and add an extra bit of edginess to qualifying. But it does mean that the fastest person may not be on pole because somebody could get a good draft at just the right place. But, that's just like real life. I could go either way on it honestly. Hopefully the timing monitor will work when we need it to.

As for the date, we could probably push it back to Saturday, June 18th. I would prefer 5 or 6pm EDT, that works a little better for me and should still work out pretty well for the other time zones. How does that sound to everyone? I have to clear that date with Owens but if it works for him it works for me.

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