GTP NASCAR Nationwide Series // Season Report/Points // Champions!

  • Thread starter Chqr

Should we race at SSRX this season?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • No

    Votes: 7 30.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It's easy to restart the race and line up manually, though. We did it in Sprint Cup at High Speed Ring, even.

I'm just incredibly disappointed that my best Nationwide driver wasn't given a chance to race, especially with the race being held an hour earlier than normal. I don't want to rag on you at all. You really do a great job. :(
First of all, mega congratulations to the #1 JGR driver, Trynor, on not only an excellent race but also on WINNING the GTP NASCAR NATIONWIDE SERIES. Brilliant work dude. The effort and dedication you put into the series are comendable and you should relish in your glory.

Also, massive shout out to Dave in securing fourth spot in his very first league. It was a tough race today for our #2 driver, but did everything he needed to do to secure his place and help Trynor obtain victory.

Thanks to Tomato for stepping in and helping Trynor to the win as well.

Well done to RCR on winning the Constructors title. We felt at JGR that we had a chance of picking this up as well, but our slow start at the beginning of the series is where we fell short.

All in all, I (and I'll speak for Niop as well) am really happy with picking up 1st and 4th in the Drivers, and 2nd in the Constructors. A very good season, and great teamwork throughout guys. 👍

EDIT : Oh, and to Carbon, great run all series dude. You gave Trynor a huge run for his money, and you will be highly sought after next season, I have no doubt. Well done.
I've tried my best to ensure that everyone gets a race even if I'm not there.

In Litchi's case, he posted literally as the race started. I posted if 'we need anyone to wait' at the start of qualifying.

I could've restarted yes BUT this is the Season Finale, the grid was set and we are running tight time constraints.

Might I just add, he wasn't in the lobby until lap 7 so I'm afraid he wasn't even present for the start.

The Sprint Cup employed the exact same policy back in S2 for me and as far as I'm concerned this is a feeder series and we both abide by the same policy.

I apologise to Litchi but please do not jump in the lobby and start raging.

TRYNOR was unfortunate to miss Monza because of a time zone confusion issue but Niop did not rush in the lobby and do what you did.
No prob guys, case closed. ;)👍
Congrats, Trynor!

I barely made it into the top 5. Had chqr not had to pit (spin out?) I would have finished around 6th-7th. Great finish for my second start.

However, I would like to ask three things.

1. I had an incident with chqr early in the race. Was this my fault or chqr's? We were going into turn 3 and chqr hit my quarter panel, but at the same time I was turning and went towards the inside. Can somebody please view the replay to see who's at fault? (It cost me a possible top 3 finish.)

2. Was I too dirty? I seemed to keep banging into other drivers, mainly on turns 1 and 2.

3. Next season, are we making any major changes? For example, car and rule changes?
Congrats, Trynor!

1. I had an incident with chqr early in the race. Was this my fault or chqr's? We were going into turn 3 and chqr hit my quarter panel, but at the same time I was turning and went towards the inside. Can somebody please view the replay to see who's at fault? (It cost me a possible top 3 finish.)

2. Was I too dirty? I seemed to keep banging into other drivers, mainly on turns 1 and 2.

3. Next season, are we making any major changes? For example, car and rule changes?

1. I felt you lag into me but I did slide up. I may have caused it and if so I take full responsibility.

What really got me ticked off was the crash between gorsad and TRYNOR. Very disappointed but it showed tremendous character from TRYNOR to climb back from that to finish 3rd and of course, win the Championship.

2. Not at all. On worn tires, we are bound to slide up and make contact with the wall. You'll have to check with other drivers on this.

3. Niop's taking over. I'm out for S2.
I'm tempted to offer to host if Niop doesn't want to.

That would be awesome man in my opinion.

I get the feeling everybody's dumping series on RFLX today, has he been asked? :lol:
I may as well run both if everyone's fine with it, too.

No way I can do as good a job as Drop, though. But I do have experience.
That would be awesome man in my opinion.

I get the feeling everybody's dumping series on RFLX today, has he been asked? :lol:

Oh, I was under the impression he was willing to take over. That was Drop's word so perhaps not Niop's although I'd like to vouch for Niop, yourself or Carbonox.

I was tempted to hold it in and push through S2 but its the end of the season now so its a fresh start.

I've had a lot of thank you messages which have been truly amazing. Its been a blast to host but its not for me in my current lifestyle
Probably not. I'm hoping Drop comes to his senses and stays where he is, personally.

So do I, frankly. We all have moments like this. You guys see mine all the time lol.
Didn't mean to, sorry for any problems I caused, and the bump that probably ruined TRYNOR's race.
Don't worry about it Gorsad. Trynor says it was his own fault, he was trying to block but was too late getting there.

Race Results @ Brickyard 200

*denotes driver's points are illegible towards the Drivers' Championship due to driving in the GTP Nascar Sprint Cup Championship.
DNS = Did not start
DSQ = Disqualified


Drivers' Championship
Your worst two points finishes excluding the season finale are dropped.


Owners' Championship


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Nationwide S1 Season Report

34 drivers have taken to the track in this season's Nationwide including those in Preseason. The turnouts, commitment and quality of racing has been truly superb and definitely has surprised me.

Take the Monza race, of course there would be wrecks but with such an unknown grid with many drivers making their GTP Debuts let alone GTP Nascar Debuts, it was amazing we made it through the first lap unscaved with no travel trap excursions or bookings with the Stewards' Office. Massive testament to all drivers that the Nationwide Field is just as competitive and talented as the Sprint Cup Field.

For sure, I may have not raced in a quarter of the season but this was anticipated hence why I asked Tom, Niop and Drop to host on various occassions. Massive thank you to them for doing so and holding with me. Its been my season-long policy to give everyone a race every weekend and not postpone a race just because one driver/the host can't make it. I hope this has panned out well as we have finished in time albeit by one week over.

The extension of the calendar brought with it even more new drivers such as Litchi who jumped into the series and adapted very well to what is a very competitive and large field. Massive thank you to our newcomers and I hope the season extension and the ability to drop two races did bring you into the Championship somewhat.

I'd like to praise the team owners. You know who you are but to put out 3 cars every race almost irrespective of their division is amazing for the series. Many have said Sprint Cup drivers have ruined the Nationwide field. My opinion is heightened the quality and given it more of a real-life Nationwide feel and made the racing far more enjoyable as we would all love the satisfaction of beating the Niop's and Joe's of this world.

And some praise for our Championship contenders. It showed tremendous character from TRYNOR to come back and take third after being wrecked very early on in the race and indeed as we all know to take this year's title. We all very much respect Carbonox who is one of the most graceful in defeat. He drove an extraordinary race and I suppose there was little more he could've done as winning would've still made him 1 point shy. Nonetheless, he bags the Owners' Championship along with myself, smuffy and Ken. Richard Childress Racing is arguably the most deserving Team to win. No bias intended haha. We never fielded more than 1 Sprint Cup driver per race and even seeing a Sprint Cup driver in our team was a rarity.

Finally, a last telling thank you to you drivers. This season wouldn't have been made without you and the positive feedback from many drivers has been amazing. When I haven't raced, I've tried to get the standings up on the same day if the laps led count wasn't too difficult to count up and publish some previews and reports throughout the season.

I look forward to finishing off Thunder and seeing you next-time although I won't be hosting S2 of Nationwide. The host remains to be seen.

Chqr – Nationwide Series Co-Race Director

Is it just me mate, or are some of the teams:drivers on the final round results wrong?
Funny, I definitely remember there being 9 drivers on the grid, but only 8 of the starters are listed (with Litchi getting 10th place). Someone seems to be missing, and that someone is gorsad as it turns out.
Nice write-up Chqr, and thank you for hosting this great series. You've done a superb job with it. We'll make sure and keep it going for S2.

Congrats to RCR, and again to Trynor.
Congrats to Trynor on taking the championship. And congrats to Carbonox on his outstanding run this series. Thanks to Chqr for running this series, also to Niop n Droptop respectively. It was great being an owner and winning that championship. Thanks to all the drivers in HMS/RCR for bringing us to the winners circle. JRM had a good run at the end and was starting to zero in on us. Also thank you to Mudd n Dowhat for filling in when needed, solely for team points not for your own pleasure. And thank you Chqr for filling that 3rd empty seat RCR had problems with keeping a driver in. This series has been great! I can't wait to the start of S2, whomever chooses to host it will do an outstanding job. 👍
If your picked by a Team Owner, and you can't just make up your own name.

I know Knelly, and Knelly Its not on the GT5. Miz made it its on GT5 not on this league. My username for this NASCAR Team is STR_JAKOB_15