2015 Round 3 - Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps - Nissan Zytek Z11SN Greaves Motorsport LMP2

  • Thread starter numbnuts70
Thanks to all who have posted vids. Very helpful!! :cheers:

Probably wont be able to get any laps in tonight, but the vids alone are worth a ton! I have to drop to 1st in La Source. Staying in second is decent (when I get it right), but can't get on the juice quick enough or I wash out wide. Which Is one of my biggest overall probs. Not being able to keep enough momentum through the corners and get the rotation needed. I'm hoping the braking techniques and marks from the vids will help. I find myself letting off too soon and coasting a bit (at times)...NOT GOOD!

Anyway, :gtplanet: Rocks!! Without all you on here giving great input, vids, and advice...it would be like, "can the B Spec boys do da' lap for me?" :nervous::confused::lol:

ALL the best to everyone in achieving your goals!! :cheers:

If it's any consolation, since the last round is 99% likely to be the GT-R NISMO LMP1, there won't be as much sliding because it's FF and has more downforce.

In fact, I think this will be the first time ever in GT Academy where the final round uses a non-RWD car. Would be interesting to see if it brings out different winners at the top.

the GTR LM will have a lot of power on the rear with the hybrid sytstem, matter of the specs PoDi will put on the car...
and FF or anything, to go fast in GT6, a slide is needed, if the throttle won't make it, the handbrake will...
i fear the gameplay of the last round...
Having another weird session tonight. First 3 (three) login attempts and the closest I could come to my ghost was around .300 after 3 laps each session. 4th session, 2nd lap improved by .243, third lap another .100, 5th lap another 2.10. Still coming close to further improvement but atm I'm at 2'09.848 Now, how do I know if I were to log in again if I'd have even better grip, or worse.....this is the problem I'm having with further running these events. PD, PLEASE LOOK INTO THIS.

Yea, for me and still in this 4th login session, the grip levels are insane. I was just up on my ghost by over .300 till I got excited and lost it all in the last chicane. :banghead: Something is deffinately up here . :odd::confused::boggled::crazy::irked::mad::grumpy::banghead:

EDIT: 3 times now that damn ****cane has tripped me up from between a 3.75 - 4.00 improvemet. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: and :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: some more. :mad:

Break time. Time for my medicine. :sly:
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I'm not sure if anyone else has already posted this, but I just did an ultra-slow cruise lap to see what the bottom of the leaderboard looked like. Looks like the bottom time is #66,289.
Anyone got a trac
k mal with names of the corners on it? I could tell you exactly what each turn is, but I got no clue what some of the names are. Eau Rough is probably the only one I know.

There's 2 maps with differing corner/complex names in the OP, a bit small maybe but if you squint.......:odd:

'Eau Rough'.....you're probably right there!! :lol:

I'm finding some odd occurrences also. Yesturday, went and did the log in, log out, and log back into the event just to see if the grip issues were there like they were in the first 2 rounds. This time, it seems to be reversed as I couldn't even come close to my time, about .400 off the pace. It was as if I had some alien like grip, pretty weird to say the least.

I've noticed that the grip seemed to be changing all the time.

I haven't done the log-in thing but I've convinced myself that grip levels are changing slightly after each restart and/or cone hit.

I just put it down to slightly differing steering angle and throttle/brake inputs by myself.
I've also noticed the grip level glitch. On a previous session I was stuck on 2:11 flat and could not improve no matter what. I was so frustrated I quit and watched one of the top replays to see if I could learn something to help me. I went back in and laid down a 2:10.4 on the first lap driving no differently. But until tonight I wasn't able to match that. Just dropped a couple tenths off that time.

I'm really struggling to find speed this round. At Brands Hatch I knew where I was losing time and was just a matter of hitting each corner right. Here it seems like I'm taking the corners right, but I'm just not carrying the speed like I've seen in the replays posted here. Hoping Tidgney posts one of his detailed lap guides soon. They have been very helpful the first 2 rounds and I'd like to thank him and the others who have posted their laps for review.

A few things to mention before I begin:

1. I noticed the top guys upshifting before redline (around 7500 rpm). For the most part, I do the same thing. Don’t think it helps much although I do keep it at a higher gear at some places.

2. Unlike last round, my feedback’s back down to 3.

3. I usually start a session, exit all the way out and go back in. Whether the second session’s the most grippy, I honestly don’t know.

La Source – Around the end of the small downhill on the road, find the 100m board to your left. That’s your braking spot (the dip also works if you can work the pedals quickly). Hit the brakes hard and downshift quickly to 2nd. If you notice, the dark part of the track drifts away from the curbs. Adjust the car’s line to stay on top of it. Add more wheel and coast to the apex. Once you get there, start adding some gas and unwind the wheel. If you have the rotation, you can go to full throttle without worrying about wheelspin.

As for using the 1st gear trick, it has worked best for me when I braked a little late and avoided adding too much wheel at the apex. The amount of rotation you get is, at best, random. If it’s lazy, the lap’s kaput. If it’s decent, you can hop into 2nd and be on the aggressive side for gas. When the rotation is a lot, jam into 3rd, nail the gas and hope it sticks. I try this on occasion and at best, I can flirt with .5s.

Eau Rouge – At the 50m board on the left, start aiming for the rumbles on the left. The moment you touch them, go right. You want to aim for the white line but not get the wheels on the curbing. I did without much consequence but they can take ahold of your car and will rob your momentum. The last jab to the left, hard to say. I’m usually too focused on the corner to look around but the end of the DHL sign or the house/cabin on your left can be a rough landmark. I would avoid letting the car drift to the rumbles on the exit. They only take away speed, not add, by touching them.

Les Combes/Malmady – Start braking right where the curbing begins on the left. Again, quickly downshift to 3rd and keep the car the straight. Where the curbing starts on the right, off the brake and turn the car off throttle. Once you reach the cone, you can add throttle but just enough to keep momentum.

Off throttle again, turn left and start adding power again. Here, you want to get the car positioned as far left as possible for Malmady. Notice how my throttle bar isn’t quite at full; I only went full once I was confident with the car’s turning ability.

Malmady, very tricky to get right. 3rd helps you turn but you’re all but out of gear. 4th has grunt but it also gives you understeer. The best way I have found is once you’re positioned well enough to the left, upshift to 4th, back off the throttle (completely off also works) and aim for the cone. Unlike last year, that inside cone is harder to hit so don’t be shy about it. Do it right and you’ll have enough rotation to hit the curb. A fair warning; they can make your car slide. If you flutter the gas right as you hit it, that seems to avoid it. The curbs at exit won’t spin you out if you have a nice wide arc through Malmady, most of the time.

Rivage – Ridge Racer corner. Even I can slide through here, sort of.

Once the rumbles start on the left, aim for the first set of cones you see on the right and brake hard. Then reduce but keep adding some throughout the entry. Be a little aggressive with the wheel. You’ll likely understeer off the initial apex but if you have a little brake on, you won’t go any further than hallway up the track.

Now, once you’re down to 2nd, it’s time to start adding gas. In 2nd, you’ll get some slippage in the rear. However, it’s quite controllable and given your position in the corner, the risk of hitting an inside cone is on the low side. Now, the temptation is to jump into 3rd and aim for the outside. A little faster, yes, but I would not recommend it. Why? Because the next corner comes up quickly and if you end up lollygagging on the wrong side of the track too long, you’ll probably screw it up. Keep a tighter line through the exit and you’ll have a nicer approach.

Turn 11 (left hander) – Hated this corner last year because it has almost no usable reference points and I still do now. Most replays I’ve seen have the driver use 3rd. On my end, I found the downshift eating too much into my speed. If you can make it work and be faster, then do so.

Go from 3rd to 4th, wait a moment and then barely touch the brake. Then, turn off throttle and let the car work toward the apex with a small jab of wheel. Do NOT touch the throttle until you’re at the cone. I know, it feels like a long time but the grip available around the inside curbing allows for a strong launch. The curbs on the exit will only spin you if you’re trying too hard to get around here.

Admittedly, this one’s harder to nail if you’re close to the outside curb on entry. There’s more grip a few inches to the left if you’re looking for consistency.

Pouhon – There’s a black... something on the right hand side you can use as a braking marker. The curbing on the right is usable but go too deep and it will spin you out. What you can do is use it to alter your approach from straight to a subtle left like in my run. Dab brake and give a small amount a wheel to the inside. Carry momentum toward the first cones on the left. I usually aim for 117-120 mph before throttling up. Don’t hit the inside curbing, though, because that will push you wide.

Fagnes/Campus – Difficult because the gearbox isn’t ideally suited. I start braking right when I reach the overhead banner. I aim inside but not all the way in because it’s a rather long corner. Once you’re deep enough in, you can add gas and cut further right. Right before the road straightens out, starting turning the other direction but not too hard. Right now, I use the technique somewhat similar to Malmady: upshift, dump the throttle, get back on it again right before reaching the inside cone and clear the corner. I feel like there’s a better way to attack this complex, especially Campus, but I haven’t had any luck yet.

Stavelot – Brake straight and hard for a moment. Then, turn in hard and coast. You’re not quite on the racing line so you may not have as much grip from the onset but you’ll have a nicer exit angle. If you’re more comfortable staying closer inside, I’d use less braking at the start. Either way, use every bit of space on the exit. Too deep and you’ll be in trouble, though.

For the kink afterwards, I do keep it in 4th so the car turns a little better.

Blanchimont – Keep the car within the racing line. Turn smoothly.

Bus Stop – Everyone’s favorite corner.

Braking zone is between the final overhead sign and the white line across the track. The safe method is letting off the gas once past the overhead sign but wait on the brakes until you hit the white line. Otherwise, how you downshift can alter how you approach the entry. Fast downshifts will slow the car a lot but it can also lock up the fronts. Delaying the downshifts makes the car more stable but initial rotation is more difficult.

Whatever you do, focus on the exit. Too fast through the small straight bit and you may get initial understeer for the final left, ruining your exit. Wheelspin will ruin your exit. Excess wheel and you may get sliding action and will ruin your exit. The rumble strips, then can help although they can also induce a sudden drift and possibly ruin your exit.

Long story short, gaining time through the braking and right-hander means nothing if you’re out of position for the run to the line.
If it's any consolation, since the last round is 99% likely to be the GT-R NISMO LMP1, there won't be as much sliding because it's FF and has more downforce.

In fact, I think this will be the first time ever in GT Academy where the final round uses a non-RWD car. Would be interesting to see if it brings out different winners at the top.
Could bring out the best of those that use the handbrake is my only concern
Have spent quite a few hours trying to better 2;13;014, came to this thread for tips.
Reading the wheel v DS3 differences and the grip variations has led to me giving up.
Good luck to everyone who sticks with it.
They can do anything they want, its more of a question of, will they?
That is true. I know that these are time trials on a game but if it's going to lead you to get in a real car, surely PD/Nissan would try and encourage people not to use the handbrake or "slide" the car because this is such an unrealistic factor when driving a real car. Like I said, I know it's just a game and everyone does everything they can to win, but it should also be considered as practice or warming up because you know for a fine fact when you get in the car you'll be no where near as fast as someone who didn't use the handbrake or sliding technique because you didn't "practice" not using it. When considering that point, all of those who are extremely fast not using that technique but are miles slower than those who do use it (top 10 for example, all of those use the technique) - they won't get the chance to prove themselves properly because those who have used the technique go to race camp etc. and can't drive for 🤬 because they can't use the technique in a real car. This is why I feel the use of handbrake a little unfair because you wouldn't do it in real life. Yeah sure, there's no way to kind of outlaw the sliding because it's just how the car's physics work... or maybe PD could set the car up so that people can't physically slide the car because it already has that rotational force that people "slide" looking for... 💡
Just because they use the handbrake here doesn't mean they can't drive in real life? That's a weird assumption to make? There's nothing to suggest they wouldn't still be right at the top without the handbrake - they just get an added advantage with it. This competition is all about adapting and the guys at the top are doing that and will surely do the same at race camp.
That is true. I know that these are time trials on a game but if it's going to lead you to get in a real car, surely PD/Nissan would try and encourage people not to use the handbrake or "slide" the car because this is such an unrealistic factor when driving a real car. Like I said, I know it's just a game and everyone does everything they can to win, but it should also be considered as practice or warming up because you know for a fine fact when you get in the car you'll be no where near as fast as someone who didn't use the handbrake or sliding technique because you didn't "practice" not using it. When considering that point, all of those who are extremely fast not using that technique but are miles slower than those who do use it (top 10 for example, all of those use the technique) - they won't get the chance to prove themselves properly because those who have used the technique go to race camp etc. and can't drive for 🤬 because they can't use the technique in a real car. This is why I feel the use of handbrake a little unfair because you wouldn't do it in real life. Yeah sure, there's no way to kind of outlaw the sliding because it's just how the car's physics work... or maybe PD could set the car up so that people can't physically slide the car because it already has that rotational force that people "slide" looking for... 💡

Not sliding in a real car for going fast is completely ********. But then again you can always blame people for cheating if you cannot keep up with them.

If you look at the last time trial most of the top 10 (even P1) didn't use handbrake, so where were you?
Just because they use the handbrake here doesn't mean they can't drive in real life? That's a weird assumption to make? There's nothing to suggest they wouldn't still be right at the top without the handbrake - they just get an added advantage with it. This competition is all about adapting and the guys at the top are doing that and will surely do the same at race camp.
Not sliding in a real car for going fast is completely ********. But then again you can always blame people for cheating if you cannot keep up with them.

If you look at the last time trial most of the top 10 (even P1) didn't use handbrake, so where were you?
After looking back, yes my statement is very bold and most likely very inaccurate. So, I do apologise for that. 👍

Also, I'd like to clarify that I'm not accusing them of cheating at all! I'll happily admit that I'm no where near as fast as them.
Some people don't like and will not use the handbrake, including the ultra aliens (Immortal) etc. but it's a choice on that front. The complaint about sliding I do always find interesting, a bit of slip does happen in real racing, ye it's a bit more extreme on Gran Turismo but that's because we don't have the risk of tyres, death and the physics actually allow it a bit more. But to get the 'slides' still requires some skill, and in most cases some use of real driving techniques... To suggest that anyone in the top 10 wouldn't be in the top 10 without it and/or wouldn't do well at race camp is silly.
The only people complaining in here are the one's who suck at the game.
If you can't keep up with top 10 ,STFU and keep on practicing instead of bitching what technique's are being used.
The only people complaining in here are the one's who suck at the game.
If you can't keep up with top 10 ,STFU and keep on practicing instead of bitching what technique's are being used.

I pretty much suck and I'm not complaining. Also, I don't think telling someone to "shut the 🤬 up" 👎 is very polite, regardless. He has apologized for his rather bold statement, so there was really no need for you to pile on.
I pretty much suck and I'm not complaining. Also, I don't think telling someone to "shut the 🤬 up" 👎 is very polite, regardless. He has apologized for his rather bold statement, so there was really no need for you to pile on.
Even I suck and I don't complain. I was not pointing anyone in particular, it was a post in general for those who keep bitching in here because they can't go fast.
nExx just the Last round counts. It's a nice time m8. I did about 2.8:700 but I stop here cuz the last one counts and don't forget that the past jears finalists can't participate again. So if we make it in the first 30 the chances are big :)
Good luck ;)
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2:13.000 flat, with DS3, abs 1, all other aids off.

Room for improvement but **** it, I like the time :) also didn't realise there's a problem with Eau Rouge regarding going flat out with pad vs wheel till I read it here. I just thought the car had low down force due to stock setting's, anyway it's done.

EDIT: 2:12:593.

On another note......... ****ING CONES !!!!!!!! :(
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the GTR LM will have a lot of power on the rear with the hybrid sytstem, matter of the specs PoDi will put on the car...
and FF or anything, to go fast in GT6, a slide is needed, if the throttle won't make it, the handbrake will...
i fear the gameplay of the last round...

I read that Nissan couldn't get the rear drive hybrid system to work, so the car is exclusively FF for Le Mans. I guess it depends on PD whether they model the car after the 4WD prototype version or the actual FF version.

I wonder if PD can actually force the disablement of the handbrake, meaning NO ONE can use it because it isn't activated? 💡

Better still, I hope Kaz takes a look at the leaderboards and sorts out the physics so (extreme) sliding isn't faster in GT7. The fastest people will still be at the top, but at least the replay won't look so ridiculous.
2:12.6 also with my pad.I think if I proceed further the best is another 1 second faster only, thanks to the going uphill cones and the final long curve. GT6 wants us to buy steering .:lol::lol:
@outlaw4rc Great video and informative text, thanks for posting. I have a question though. I try using the same braking points in these videos but also seem to overshoot corner entry. I was just wondering why this is? I mean, is it the way in which you guys downshift that gets you slowed down quicker? I have heard a few explanations and just wondering how true they were. They are:

Because of the way the videos are rendered, the actual braking point is sooner than it appears in the video.

When downshifting, staying in the higher gears a tad longer gets you slowed down quicker. Example: 6......5.....4...3..2

Is any of this true? or just why is it that when I try to use the same braking markers, I end up overshooting the corners.
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I have a question though. I try using the same braking points in these videos but also seem to overshoot corner entry. I was just wondering why this is?

You simply cannot rely on braking points as you see them in video replays because they always look to be 5-10 meters beyond that of live game play.

Do a lap on any track in free run then save and watch the replay, you will notice all of your brake points look to be 5-10 meters later in them.

It has always been like that. :indiff:
You simply cannot rely on braking points as you see them in video replays because they always look to be 5-10 meters beyond that of live game play.

Do a lap on any track in free run then save and watch the replay, you will notice all of your brake points look to be 5-10 meters later in them.

It has always been like that. :indiff:

Alright. 👍 That's what I had seen explained before, just wanted to make sure it was good advice. Also though, what about the gears as I inquired about. Does staying in a higher gear a split second longer get you slowed down faster? Thanks again old pro for your explanation. 👍 :cheers: