You need to try that car 6,30's are easy with a real setup, that was first lap with it and just basic no camber or toe and dampers/bars at 333, really amazing car.
I think you asked for the bumper view a few days ago, this is the R8 first lap, messed up on the transmission and never used 6th but I think this is a good fast safe car.
Thanks a lot for the vid Whoosier... Very impressive... I tried the HSC also, very hard to drive, I find it understeering and unstable.. Understeery is perhaps not the right word, "turning reluctantly and crahes a lot" is a better way to express it.. I did one win with it, an emberrasing There were 6-7 MAJOR crashes involved lol...But the HSC is insanely fast, it hit 330km/h...Insane...
So the big question is: Did I get/learn something from Your replays??? NO..Not at all...SKILL cannot be copied...I`m experienced, started with GT5Prologue...I know Nurb very very well. but again...Skill is God here, and You have it...Oh my "Road to Hell excuse" is I`m sitting in my sofa with that Sixaxis controller on my lap, wagging my left thumb a few milimeters left and right (yeah it sounds - perverted...And it is

) Some day when GT7 comes out, I`ll buy myself a complete "spoiled kid racing rig" Hope it helps...
The most impressive (to me) of Your achievements here are: The Dino (gave it up myself) The Miura (won with it myself, some humble and the HSC win in Your later vid...
Oh of course Your "alternative" wins in those SUV`s and such are also very impressive, but I choose to close my eyes to this, as I don`t think it should be possible. - It`s like Kaz saying to us. "Yes yes hai hai, our cars are veeeery fancy, they can be used as helicopters also, hai hai" (You know what I mean lol)
And a COMPLAINT: (My GF says the day I stop complaining she will call a doctor, because I can`t be well then)
Wait for it..wait for it...wait...Here it comes...
- Please don`t use the phrase "bumper wiev" because it`s certainly not a bumper wiev...It`s a "drivers eye wiev with everythig but the dials made invisible for Your convenience" wiev...How do I know??? Simple...Jump into a short car, like the Daihatsu Midget for example....It`s literally a cabin on wheels, with no hood to it...Bump into the car in front of You, and note how extremely close You can go on him, before You made contact..
Then jump into a long vehicle like the Dodge Charger Super Bee for example. Note the difference between the "contact distance" between the Midget and the Bee - It`s huge...If it was a bumper wiev, all cars would have the exact same "contact distance" - right?? - Also; from a bumper cam You would be looking straight into the bumper of the car ahead (and UP on it) when closing in, but You look through his rear window, as You would IRL...Enough of that...Just saying...
Thanks for the vids, You did it on my request, very nice of You...
Hey the best I did so far was a in my MP4... That evil monkey reciding inside my ps3 just would`t allow me to get under 7min...Not finished yet though...And I got my Ford GT 05 down to
Keep it up Whoosier galaxy thing...And everyone else...Floor it...crash it...spin it....WIN IT...
Edit I just noticed my post is a little confusing, because I`m replying to the vid with the Audi, and not even mentioning the Audi. Instead I talk about the later HSC vid, but thats because I simply forgot about the Audi lol...Not important, all Your vids show great skill....Oh and the HSC vid is