I have been doing that every time my PS3 shuts down on certain map on Battlefield BC2 and GT5 weather change tracks ( Suzuka and Monza ), when I restart, it will prompt for restore file system. It was useless, and when I keep on scrolling the icons on the game list under XMB while pressing triangle to show infos, it will randomly shut down. So, the issue seems to be some file corruption on game data files. I did clean install on GT5 many times to no avail, update my Battlefield BC2 twice after deleting the game data. And I still have shut down issue when playing certain maps or track - only these 2 games
Definitely not overheating, since I can watch Blurays for hours, I left my PS3 on for days on end, playing games, watching movies, downloading demos, no problem. Not a bluray lens issue or the disc issue, the game can be played at my friends place ( GT5 and BFBC2 ) without any issue, I can play other games like Dead Space ( read all from disc ) or MGS4 ( 2.0 full install ) without ever encountering such shut down.
I am backing up my PS3 now, then I will do a full format on the PS3 HDD, then restore the backup, will it also introduce the corruption issue or will cure the problem for GT5 and BFBC2 ?