- 266
- aurelio_911
In view of the the pics Timppaq has posted, I think something bigger than we expect is going to fall in our little hands...
In view of the the pics Timppaq has posted, I think something bigger than we expect is going to fall in our little hands...
I could be reading something into it that simply is not there (especially since it's a translation from Japanese into German), but he supposedly says "damage to race cars". Could mean that only race cars can be damaged. (which would be a great solution to avoid discussions with the manufacturers...simply don't have damage for production cars)
Also from the rest of the article:
They say that GT will be released "in 2009". That would also suggest a Thanksgiving release.
I could be reading something into it that simply is not there (especially since it's a translation from Japanese into German), but he supposedly says "damage to race cars". Could mean that only race cars can be damaged. (which would be a great solution to avoid discussions with the manufacturers...simply don't have damage for production cars)
Hope,this free advertising for Audi will get us the Audi R8 V12 TDi as a concept car in the final game !!!!
Oh by the way has the car been updated with its current V10 engine ?
but if Kaz promised damage in Prologue which has no race cars..💡
like what?....
what kind of revamp do you want? They measured everything down to the width of a guard rail for all the tracks in GT4 to make sure the tracks are as close to 100% realistic as possible. At this point all they can do is add better textures and lighting... which they have done, for GT5P. Maybe 3D trees and better grass, but that's really to appease the people who don't actually get GT to drive, but to stop and nitpick.
A revamp is only needed when the object in question is a piece of crap, something which GT4 tracks are not. Revamping for the sake of revamping will only waste everyone's time. If you thought Suzuka looked insanely good before, don't let the fact that it's "basically a PS2 game track with upscaled textures" make you think it looks bad, because you'll only be doing a disservice to yourself.
They should give us a final update of GT5P, a special car not included in GT5. It can be just a normal car with new paint job or sticker. Like a thank you for playing note for all the fans. But I am still happy for having GT5P anyway.
Dynamic weather is the news Ive been waiting for. Much more important then damage (IMO).
Fantastic news, time of day transitions are also more appealing to me than damage, rain sounds interesting but I suspect I'll hate it. Exciting in any case.
Haha you're lying to yourself, of course he is saying racecars-cars which are racing-haha. Look from the translation it says very directly racecars and not cars which are racing. I'm German as you can see in my account so you can bet on it that i translated this part for you correctly, and not only me there was another good translation of the whole interview only 1 or 2 sites before-look it up.He says "Damage to racing cars" - this could be the cars racing, or race cars. We don't know.
Hey guys!
I am from Austria and my language is german so thought i translate some facts from that pdf data!
For making the lightning as real as possible they even delivered the Headlights from germany to Japan
Someone at Sony must be getting pretty twitchy at the budget that GT5 is likely racking up with all this detail...
Besides, if only race cars get damage, that's still something. Could be for some special pro races or something. But I really seriously hope all of them have damage.