• Thread starter BrandonW77
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Kind of makes you feel like a little mouse, scrapping around for crumbs instead of the Big Dog which the customer is supposed to
With this update coming possibly between the Grand Valley enduro and the custom oval track would it be a good idea to swap those two races on the calendar?If there is an update in the tire model or the track editor who know what type of issues could come up?

I think it's still a little early to do anything drastic but this is a very good point. I'm going to work on some sort of a backup plan to have in place in case things get screwy. With the last update to the course maker the courses were still able to be driven on but you couldn't make any edits so hopefully if there is any change to that mode of the game we'll still be able to use my existing track.

My prediction is that it will go 1 of 2 ways: Either the changes will have little-to-no effect on how we run the Capp Cup or they will have a huge effect that may result in a 1 week delay of the series while we re-group. I will keep tabs on the story and any new info that leaks out so I can start planning accordingly. I do hope there are some new online features that help us manage the league races or improve them, but we'll wait and see.
This would have been such a nice picture without banged up cars. lol


Here's the full quality version of the "mirrors" shot.

I think it's still a little early to do anything drastic but this is a very good point. I'm going to work on some sort of a backup plan to have in place in case things get screwy. With the last update to the course maker the courses were still able to be driven on but you couldn't make any edits so hopefully if there is any change to that mode of the game we'll still be able to use my existing track.

My prediction is that it will go 1 of 2 ways: Either the changes will have little-to-no effect on how we run the Capp Cup or they will have a huge effect that may result in a 1 week delay of the series while we re-group. I will keep tabs on the story and any new info that leaks out so I can start planning accordingly. I do hope there are some new online features that help us manage the league races or improve them, but we'll wait and see.
For all we know this super update could just be color matched balaclava's and racing gloves with a paintable HANS device.
For all we know this super update could just be color matched balaclava's and racing gloves with a paintable HANS device.

And perhaps some fluffy dice to hang from the rear view mirror? :)

Very interesting. After reading some of the comment though I came across this:

"Re: new GT5 screen shot/ new CAR?
Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 12:54 pm

I searched a little bit and Yeah, that is made from a a German Designer (Sasha Selipanov). It's like a "What if" Ferrari 612 GTO will looks like.

The Strange is that it looks like GT5 Engine some of them."

So I guess it's not legit. The original posting is from June too so it's from before the Spec 2.0 announcement and not likely related. Sure is a crazy looking car though!

Speaking of Spec 2.0, I'm ok with us having a little speculation and discussion here especially since it could have an impact on the Capp Cup (hopefully for the better!). Here are some of the things I'd guess to be in the new update:
- 1-2 new tracks
- 1-2 dozen new cars
- Increase in number of A/B-Spec events per category
- Perhaps some sort of minor overhaul to the clunky menu system
- Possibly online leader boards a la GT5P
- Lots of tweaks and bug fixes
- Mid-Enduro Saves

Things I don't expect to see (but would like to see):
- More replay controls (the replay system is very complicated)
- Changing wheels on standards (I think, for some reason, this just isn't possible anymore)
- More than 2 new tracks
- Standards converted to Premiums

Things I REALLY want to see!:
- Choice of rolling start or grid start for online races
- Ability to have a invite only or "lockable" open lounge
- Choice of timed or lap count for online races
- Improved live timing monitor for online races, and have it show everyone in the room not just who's on track
- Option for a speed-limited pace lap in online races
- Option to manually set a starting grid for online races
- Spinner wheels (ok, not really. lol )

Discuss amongst yourselves. :)
You took the words of some of what I would like to see in v2.0 out of my mouth! Or off of my fingers.:dopey: By that, I mean...
  • New tracks (Maybe a return of some of the tracks both real and PD created from past GT games?)
  • 1-2 dozen new cars
  • Increase in number of A/B-Spec events per category
  • Possibly online leader boards a la GT5P
  • Lots of tweaks and bug fixes
  • Mid-Enduro Saves
  • More replay controls
  • Changing wheels on standards
  • Standards converted to Premiums (There are a few I would like to see undergo this conversion. ;))
  • Choice of rolling start or grid start for online races
  • Ability to have a invite only or "lockable" open lounge
  • Choice of timed or lap count for online races (Some series in real-life go with laps or time - whichever comes first. Maybe this is another possibility?)
  • Improved live timing monitor for online races, and have it show everyone in the room not just who's on track (Bigger room capacity as well?)
  • Option for a speed-limited pace lap in online races (Good one!)
  • Option to manually set a starting grid for online races (Another good one!;))

OT: For me, this was Post #2222. :D
I personally would like to see more cars in the recommended list in the online section.
I'll believe it when I see it released.

That's generally my opinion on they updates but the fact that they're calling it Spec 2 leads me to expect a little more, but not too much. As long as they add a bit of content, a few more options/features and don't break anything in the process I'll be happy. :)
Both of your lists look great, I also don't get too optimistic though.

I wouldn't mind seeing some more options for online shuffle races...
I wouldn't mind seeing some more options for online shuffle races...

I've heard good things about shuffle races but I don't think I've ever done one. I believe they force you to be on comfort tires? Uh, no thanks. lol If they open it up to sports tire then I might consider. :)
lol what's wrong with comforts?

They had us do laps around a custom Eifel track in GT Academy on Comfort Mediums in the GT-R... imagine that, not pretty :D.

I think they're fun when on the right car.

But I think the most important possibly added features to GT for our series would be something like:

-Reduced draft

-Actual, strict, track cutting limiter. Something just like in practice mode where your laps go red as soon as you have three wheels off, it works well and I'd love for it to be simply added into the online portion of the game as a lobby option. This would do away with us having to spectate eachother or worry about bad laps.

-Expanded communication options:
something like the xbox Live Parties where instead of every one joining a lobby, we all join a race group. The race group as a whole joins lobbies and not individuals one at a time. This way we can more easily find a better connection, never lose contact when someone gets dropped out of a race, etc.
Also, PM'ing in the chat, muting, voice chat volume controls, bulletin messages for all online GT friends in the community, invite to race function, the ability to tag individual drivers as being allowed to race or not (never have to worry about randoms), giving us custom start countdown timer functionality, the ability to ride onboard when watching a race, (btw being able to PM individual drivers, or select to only voice chat with specific drivers during a race would be an awesome way of implementing a manual "spotter" feature. Imagine having your friend come on to help you be aware of what's going on around you!... speaking of which, I might test this out with my brother sometime)

-Passworded online lobbies

-Ping readouts for each driver

-The ability to clear track time records without having to re-load it

-Meter distance indicator showing relative spacing to cars in position near you.
Ugh, I hate comforts!! Might as well be driving on snow chains! lol

Honestly, I could care less about most of the things people clamor about wanting/expecting/demanding in an update. If they add a couple more tracks and add the lobby/lounge options and improvements you listed then I would be an incredibly happy GT5'er. There are a lot of little things they could do to improve the online/league experience and since that's basically all I do anymore those are the things I would love to see most. 👍
Idk, comfort tires seemed very appropriate on the cars that are allowed in shuffle racing.

Probably, depending on point of view. I generally prefer the cars to be more fun to drive but the majority of people want it to be "realistic" which usually means the cars are harder to drive. IMO this leads to a spread out field and more incidents. But that's just my opinion and if I've learned anything it's that my opinion usually doesn't match up with the majority so I usually keep it to myself. :sly:
Idk, comfort tires seemed very appropriate on the cars that are allowed in shuffle racing.

Yes I'd say they are very appropriate for the cars allowed....which are slowwww factory cars. I'd like more options of cars, as well as tires, open it up to all cars in the game would be awesome...

It's not as bad as you think B since the cars are slower, usually a pretty tight race. You should look for a room sometime. Typically no "riff-raff" (as you would put it) in shuffle rooms too.
Comfort tires are fun when your just playing around or when your in a more sensible car. Like a Nissan march, or lupo, or a Capp!

On the topic of Spec II. I, as gran turismo lover am loving that a new version is coming out. But I'm looking at the general discussion forums and I feel like a bunch of those people are gonna feel let down because thy expected too much. Some might even get mad because they thought they were gonna get something that wasn't gonna happen. I really think that everyone(almost) who comes to GTPlanet, loves Gran Turismo. And you loved it before the update, so if you don't get what you want from the update, why not keep loving it?

I'm not talking about anyone in particular, just what I've been seeing in that Spec II wishlist thread.
On the topic of Spec II. I, as gran turismo lover am loving that a new version is coming out. But I'm looking at the general discussion forums and I feel like a bunch of those people are gonna feel let down because thy expected too much. Some might even get mad because they thought they were gonna get something that wasn't gonna happen. I really think that everyone(almost) who comes to GTPlanet, loves Gran Turismo. And you loved it before the update, so if you don't get what you want from the update, why not keep loving it?

I'm not talking about anyone in particular, just what I've been seeing in that Spec II wishlist thread.

PREACH!! That's kinda why I started a little discussion here, so we could talk about it sensibly without all the flaming and hatred. lol
I just want to be able to turn off the PSN names over peoples cars during the race. The PSN name always blocks my view since Im usually at the back of the pack.
I just want to be able to turn off the PSN names over peoples cars during the race. The PSN name always blocks my view since Im usually at the back of the pack.

I'd like them to be a little smaller but I do think it's good to be able to know who's in front of/behind you. For example, during one of the races on Tuesday I had fallen way behind but I glanced behind me and saw Lancer, Yuri and Wardez coming up behind me so as soon as we came around to the front stretch I pulled way over to the inside so I wouldn't impede the leaders. Of course they all proceeded to get right behind me and mooch off my draft, but at least I tried. :) lol

The can also be handy to judge whether you're closing on a car or not. If you're trailing a car and notice that suddenly their name is getting bolder so you know that you're gaining on them. If their name starts getting lighter and then disappearing then you know you're losing ground.

The names over the cars used to bother me but honestly I don't think I even really notice them anymore, just gotten used to them I guess. :)
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I'd like to see gap times: How far you are from the car immediately in front and the car immediately behind you. I seem to remember this being in an F1 game I played many years ago. Anyone remember Revs on the BBC micro? :)
I agree with you to some degree, I would just like to have the option to turn them off or not.

I'd like them to be a little smaller but I do think it's good to be able to know who's in front of/behind you. For example, during one of the races on Tuesday I had fallen way behind but I glanced behind me and saw Lancer, Yuri and Wardez coming up behind me so as soon as we came around to the front stretch I pulled way over to the inside so I wouldn't impede the leaders. Of course they all proceeded to get right behind me and mooch off my draft, but at least I tried. :) lol

The can also be handy to judge whether you're closing on a car or not. If you're trailing a car and notice that suddenly their name is getting bolder so you know that you're gaining on them. If their name starts getting lighter and then disappearing then you know you're losing ground.

The names over the cars used to bother me but honestly I don't think I even really notice them anymore, just gotten used to them I guess. :)
There is names over cars? Hahaha yea it seems normal now.

However go 3D and those names ruin the experience. It's crazy how bad the names are in 3D mode.
Be pretty interesting if they made some generic graphics or number plates, etc. that you could add to any normal car...give it a look like a weekend racer (thinking Miata's, March, so on). Like everyone else though, I am not holding my breath on anything till I see it.
Wont be on tonight due to a last minute change of plans, but I will be around for tomorrow, so hopefully I dont get bumped. :\
Wont be on tonight due to a last minute change of plans, but I will be around for tomorrow, so hopefully I dont get bumped. :\

Not likely, Saturday's usually have the lowest turnout of the week.
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