Concours Club [Single Make Same Tune Racing]

  • Thread starter Captain Roh
I would like to join in on this. Spec racing is the best. All about the driver.

1. Do you agree to abide by the rules and regulations outlined in the OLR? Yes
2. Have you read all 3 opening posts fully? Yes
3. Is there anything you dont understand? No
4. Are you willing to perform a few test laps to prove your respectful racing credentials? Yes

My Psn is TDRdirtyjersey. Also if anyone is on tonight shoot me a Fr as i'd like to get some racing/practice in. Thanks in advance.
I sprained my wrist badly on Tuesday:ouch: so I'm likely to miss another. Great timing :rolleyes:

Dude dont miss it! Come and spectate if you cant race :D

Practice driving with one arm just in case :lol:

I would like to join in on this. Spec racing is the best. All about the driver.

1. Do you agree to abide by the rules and regulations outlined in the OLR? Yes
2. Have you read all 3 opening posts fully? Yes
3. Is there anything you dont understand? No
4. Are you willing to perform a few test laps to prove your respectful racing credentials? Yes

My Psn is TDRdirtyjersey. Also if anyone is on tonight shoot me a Fr as i'd like to get some racing/practice in. Thanks in advance.


I'll add you in 2 minutes! Just look out for us online and get stuck in.. 👍
I'll be there, but likely tired as the F1 race is at 5 a.m. Sunday morning for me :yuck:

Have not practiced yet; completed the muscle car seasonal; event-fun!
any chance we could change it till half 8 on sunday? i'm working till half 7 and won't get in till just after 8. if you want to run with the original time thats cool, just thought i'd ask as i don't want to miss any of the races. if anyone is on later i'll catch you then.
Sorry Wee. Lobby will open at 8 as stated. You should know how it works by now though,.. waiting on people joining, having a chat and qualifying.. First race wont be till 8.30 easy. You'll make it ;)

Looking forward to this massively now. Had some races with crispy to test and had a blast. Over four laps there must have been 15 or more overtakes! Sunday will be busy guys.. awareness is paramount 👍
wish i could have stayed in longer last night but i lost electric in the middle of making my coffee. Double burn. No GT or coffee, needless to say i was kinda pissed.
I'll be there tonight guys. Go easy on me, I'll be a bit rusty.

I'm gonna try and get some practice in beforehand so feel free to join me if you're on.
Excellent, be good to see you again Douqa 👍

Looking like we're going to have a nice grid tonight...gonna be a lot of fun!!

See you guys on track 👍
Great night of racing yesterday.
Even if my results were crap, I really enjoyed.
I was late for first race by 1 lap :yuck: and watch a pretty calm race, but oh man. Come Rome/Reverse, a track I never drove before this weeks Concurs and i had one of the best races in GT5 so far. Action from the start till the finish. Always fighting for position with someone. Great fights specially with Burr and Crispy. My best 5th place ever. 👍
Laguna was another interesting race until I spun out in front of Douqa and Crispy. That must have been scary guys. :sly:
In Nurburgring the first lap was too :crazy:, with lots of contact and i spun exiting the chicane at the end of the lap.

I hope we can race this fun little car again sometime.
PSN being down so long sure had me out of practice; more of a back marker than usual :ill:

Fun in 2nd at Laguna until I screwed up at the corkscrew :yuck:
In Nurburgring the first lap was too :crazy:, with lots of contact and i spun exiting the chicane at the end of the lap.

I wasn't sure at the time but looking back at the replay, that was my fault.
Sorry KamyKaze. It doesn't take much to PIT someone in them cars.
I wasn't sure at the time but looking back at the replay, that was my fault.
Sorry KamyKaze. It doesn't take much to PIT someone in them cars.

No worries mate. As I said that was a crazy lap, and i shouldn't be so agressive too. Stuff like this hapens when we're racing so close to each other.
No hard feelings.
Fantastic races last night, thanks to all that turned up 👍

Race one was pretty intense trying to catch up to Shin in first. In a race long duel that had us both running very close in the early laps, but it didn't take long for Shin to pull out a lead on a track he clearly felt very comfortable with, and the best I could do was maintain the four second gap and finish second, despite my best efforts to close in on him. Well done Shin, a stellar performance mate 👍

Race two...what an awesome battle that was!! After a very bizarre countdown, and Shin blasting off from last straight into the back of Wee (I think) before anyone else had moved :lol:, the race got underway and never before have I seen so much passing, was fantastic!! Although it nearly came to an end early on when firstmivec hit the chicane just in front of me, and somehow I managed to avoid him by millimeters...we must've scraped paint :lol: But after furious battling with Cpt D, and Kamy I managed to fluke third :D

Race three was looking good as I took first after the leader pitted, and built a reasonable gap to second until I decided to pit! I must have come in a little quick as when the 'auto-pilot' took over it sent me nose first into the tyre wall. Cue 15 seconds of smashing backward and forward into the walls as it tried to get me back in the pitlane :grumpy: Race over, ended up in fourth, enough said!

Race four, still being slightly annoyed about my pitlane incident, it was win...or die trying :lol: And luckily for me I managed to get into first after Burr pitted from the lead, then it was a case of banging in a couple of cracking laps to try and make the jump. It worked, I came out still in the lead, but very aware that Burr and Shin were not far behind at all, and keeping me honest 👍

A great nights racing chaps, really enjoyed it :D

Now onto the next combo... 👍
Yep, an excellent return to concours in my opinion. Everyone was a bit rusty that much was obvious, but even though there were bumps and scrapes, 99% of the time they resulted in little more than paint swapping!

Concours has made leaps and bounds over the weeks, and the racing has never been cleaner or closer! Congratulations to everyone involved, I hope you're having as much fun as I am :D:tup:

Complete thread update to follow wednesday/thursday evening.
And maybe a race report :)
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can't believe how close me and douqa finished on rome! maybe shin can use the pic i sent in the race report
..... Pending.

I'm very sorry guys but this week has been an absolute joke. Too busy and too tired to even think about concours combos. Havent had 2 minutes to even do a results podium, never mind test a full combo online.

This weekend may have to be a washout. However I shouldl be free on sunday evening, so i'd really love it if we could all meet up for some random racing. Just because there's no combo in place doesn't mean we cant race 👍

Once again guys I am very sorry, and I hope normal service can resume next week at the latest.

Cheers chaps :)
Revisit the best combos we had. Like:
Elise at Rome Reverse(Yeah I really like that this much:))
Swift at Autumn Ring Mini
Nascars at Daytona (Ok this maybe I'm the only one who liked it:sly:)
458 Italia at ...(Wasn't in the Concurs yet)

Thoughts on this??
I was going to suggest that perhaps a recent winner could choose the next combo; or perhaps the back marker could choose the next combo :sly:

I think the Nissan SILVIA spec-R AERO (S15) RM '02 on Race mediums (get some tire wear) would be fun on Suzuka, Grand Valley Speedway, and Monza :)

Other suggestions .......?
Firstly, I've got to say that last Sunday was the most fun Concours to date, those Elise's were great fun for close racing!

Secondly, unfortunately I won't be able to make it this Sunday, got a mates wedding to go to so I'll be out all day getting extremely drunk!
I think the Nissan SILVIA spec-R AERO (S15) RM '02 on Race mediums (get some tire wear) would be fun on Suzuka, Grand Valley Speedway, and Monza :)

This 👍

Whatever the choice is, I'll be there on sunday for a few races. See you then chaps :cheers:
RM Integras at Indy Road has to be worth a revisit.

Remember this?

Sounds like you've been having a fun week Captain, I know how you feel. Not to worry though, a "Concours Club Greatest Hits" would be awesome, and we can just decide which combos on the night.