Datamined car list

  • Thread starter TumeK5
Does that variant/body of the Escudo Pikes Peak actually still exist? I've not seen a single instance of it appearing in a museum or anything since the early 2000s. If you try and research it it's like it's completely vanished.

Would love to be proven wrong and find out where it ended up.
Suzuki is strange when it comes to stuff like this. For instance after the flop of the SX4 WRC program, they ordered for every single one of the WRC cars to be destroyed. At the time iirc Tajima was still working with Suzuki and not his own Monster Sport company. Maybe since the 98 and 99 Escudo didn’t win the event it suffered the same fate, unlike the 95 car which did win.

Never mind, one of the cars is at least apparently at Suzuki Plaza, the company’s own museum. Good to know it’s not in a junkyard crushed into millions of pieces.

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Fingers crossed for Lotus/Caterham but won't hold my breath. Surprised to see the RS500 listed but not the 200, road or otherwise.
I wouldnt mind any of them, even if it is just another Kei-Car entry with a Seven-170, but I dont have any hopes for this happening at all.
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That list made me have mixed feelings, on one side, I would love to see cars like the Mercedes Evo and Sierra RS500, on the other, DTM legends like the Calibra and C Class are missing.
In the twitter thread there's a pic with some cars (Alfa, Quattro...) that the Instagram account Japanese Racing Cars posted some time ago. The main difference was the ARTA, identified by this guy as a 911 GT1 "Rennversion" if I remember correctly.
No clue of the Gt500 Supra or GR Corolla, but maybe they'll come, who knows...
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The lack of 488GT3/GTE is worrying :( Lack of Corvette C8 too :(
But i guess it is not official, and even it is confirmed this could be not the only cars coming to GT7
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Oh. I thought someone from PD or Sony was sharing new cars with a family member or friend and a Net ranger caught some 0’s and 1’s in the air.
its amazing how these "leaked" lists of cars have different caps compared to the YT video, almost like someone typed them out instead of copying and pasting from the "datamine"
The lack of 488GT3/GTE is worrying :( Lack of Corvette C8 too :(
I don't care if the 488 GT3 doesn't show up because Assetto Corsa Competizione models it best. No C8 Corvette is a bit strange though.
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Looking closer at the list, I can definitely say it looks realistic, as in a lot of those cars are something PD would add, judging by GTS updates.
But Lotuses there are the clearest indication those are nothing more than strings in the files, which PD love to have in their games. I definitely wouldn't call it "leaked upcoming cars", more like "leaked possibly maybe probably one day coming to this game or maybe not cars".
To be honest, can kinda make up a similar list based on GTP's wishlist section (PD clearly used it for inspiration for some cars in the past), GT6's cars, both premium and standard, and just overall pattern of previous updates.
Was this one even confirmed by other dataminers?
I doubt Geely is going to sign a contract that doesn't focus on the "newer" cars like the Emira and Evija. In a few years we might see those cars, but then PD is going to pay some serious $$, because Geely wants Lotus to be the new Porsche or McLaren.

And what happened to that blue Pagani Zonda from Lathouras that they scanned in 2018?
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Actually, I can personally confirm the scanning process PD use. Kaz’s team visited me over a year ago now. I remember it well.

They scanned a pitiful handful of coins I found down the back of the sofa, and thanked me for helping them develop their roulette prize graphics.
PD scanned my house once. Actually, they're still working on it. I charged them €80 to come look at it and told them they can come back every other month. I've also told them they can scan my bathroom once I've refurbished it, but I don't think I'll actually do that. When they're done, I'll get a new front door and tell them the house has a new layout.
Depending on your game version (not PAL), you could actually extract the car with external means and use it in the game - and the Lancia Stratos and, in NTSC/UC, Lamborghini Nomad Diablo (it was actually in the NTSC/J version).

However there were some cars whose names you could find in the game code - Bugatti EB110, Bugatti EB18 concept, Mazda RX-Evolv, and some others I don't recall - but only had names in the game code and could not be used at all. Which I suppose would be a more appropriate example :lol:

Either that or we really are just sat here waiting for PD to update GT3 to add the EB110.
They were actually programming the EB110 already. There was even a wireframe model of it, which you can see @04:22 mins:

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The list is quite nice. Just add the new RS5 or/and RS6/RS7, the road version of the Sport quattro (not only the rally versions) and the facelifted 2020 R8 Performance (just different bumpers so not much work added and the car looks much better) and I'm super OK :)
Those are all just big lies even if there's a proof in the datamine, don't buy into it. Previous games that has leftover contents proved it.

It's like the car selling that has not been on game and likely never, it was announced during April, means it was an April Fools joke.
I see the XJ220 --> I believe, since it's the main missing Jag

I don't see the Porsche 959 --> I don't believe. No way Kaz would bring the XJ220 without the 959 (they have the Porsche license now don't they? What's stopping them?)

I see a bunch of Lotus --> I don't believe. In 2017 Geely bought Lotus. Wasn't even in GTS....except in an old beta before the dark times, before China.
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Worth noting that the Lancia 037 mention matches up this scanning report here. No Veloster or 2012 Prius GT300 though, but I wouldn't hold my breath for those things and would also believe there's some cars not in the datamine that is on PD's addition pipeline (like the current GT500s or the SEMA Civic).

Someone said a while back that the car doesn't exist any more, and they seem to be right, but I think there should be enough reference material for PD to create it fairly accurately. They have whatever data they still have from GT6, which looked solid enough in terms of the shape/mesh. Just needed re-building with more polygons and generally improving. Then there is a fair bit of reference imagery of the real thing to get the finer details right, including interior shots. They wouldn't have to get it totally accurate, if the real thing doesn't exist it only needs to look accurate to the best reference images. Plus who knows what Suzuki themselves could provide.

Also it is worth noting the Pennzoil GT-R GT500 '99 that appears in the game is based on the now-crashed bodyshell/chassis (the version used in historic events like the Nismo Festival is a repainted chassis originally used by the 1999 Calsonic car). Also there's this Isuzu 4200R write-up, since it suffered the same fate.

View attachment 1158376

Lotus Evora GT3 has to refer to the GT300 one that raced in Super GT in the GT300 class 🤔
The "gt3m" name suggests that it's going to be a PD-designed original Gr.3 race car (the same with "gt4m" for Gr.4 equivalent), if (and a big if) Lotus does come back.
For instance after the flop of the SX4 WRC program, they ordered for every single one of the WRC cars to be destroyed.
Going off topic, one of those ended up rallying in Barbados for a few years after the works team dropped the program so fingers crossed there is at least one of them still out there in private ownership.
To add some positivity to my previous messages regarding that leak, I would love to see all those Evos. In addition to what's already in game, III, VIII and IX would probably give me enough cars to play with for years, considering GT7's customization options :lol:
PD: Carefully curates list of fan favourite and highly requested cars as planned future updates
The Community: Leaks it



This is my head canon of why Chris Forsberg's Z34 hasn't made it into the games yet.
The element of surprise is nice and all, but money are involved.