Drag Racing Mode

  • Thread starter Patrik

Is it time for PD to finally include a drag race mode?

  • Yes

    Votes: 314 68.6%
  • No

    Votes: 91 19.9%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 53 11.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
well, if there's gonna be Drag racing events, there better be some good drag cars like the HKS R33 Drag

Dude, thank you so much! Your post is the kindest I've seen in quite some time, so thank you again. I'm doing another one just in this moment, so let's see what you think about that one.

Oh, and on a side note, you knew that Camaro I edited is from GT5, right? Just checking. :)
Oh boy... look at the overjoyed drunken me last night. :lol:
Wheelies shouldn't have to be a "feature". If the general car physics engine is good enough, they should result as a natural consequence of heavy acceleration and drag tires (in cars powerful enough and with the right drivetrain).

True,it does not have to be a feature,but every little bit would help add flavor to the game. ;)

I totally agree with you. It's a natural thing given the right amount of grip and power. What's not to be forgotten though, is trackbite. Trackbite is what makes drag racing by today's standards possible in the first place.

Trackbite = A multitude of varying factors which can have adverse effects on a cars performance.I highly doubt that PD would incorporate all of these factors into the game,but it would be real cool.As long as PD gives us a Drag Racing mode and a fully functional christmas tree (with the ability to red light),I'll be a happy camper. :D

Oh boy... look at the overjoyed drunken me last night. :lol:

So you put on a good one huh ? :lol:
The world's biggest and most prestigious drag racing event is on, the Mac Tools U.S. Nationals at O'Reilly Raceway Park in Indianapolis. It started yesterday and ends on monday.

Picture from the AA/S class final earlier today:



NHRA license in the future of Gran Turismo would really be something. Hopefully we'll at least get one or two drag strips this time around, but no words about it yet.


I've been hoping for a drag racing mode to included in GT since PD mentioned they would include it in GT2, but all they got was three drag cars. In GT3 if you go to license tests you can see a drag racing "christmas tree" in the background, and in GT4 they had a drag strip. Now I want the freakin mode!


In car super stock video:
Michael Iacono


Here are some reaction time simulators:


If you want a Drag Racing Mode in GT5, vote for it HERE!

there is a course maker, so just set it to ptp, and 0 turns and the length to 1/4M and DONE! you made your own :)
there is a course maker, so just set it to ptp, and 0 turns and the length to 1/4M and DONE! you made your own :)
Don't know how many times I've said this, but that's not the same thing as having a real drag strip... far from it.
Well the Top Gear Track is already confirmed for a straight.. Maybe I can finally build that infinite straight away I've always wanted.....
Of course, but people seem to think that a plain and simple straight road is enough in order to have a realistic drag racing mode, which is not the case.

It certainly is the case. If you want to replicate NHRA style drag racing, then, no, that is not sufficient.

A drag race can happen on a dirt road, or even a field, as most drag races I've been part of have happened in those two arens. :)
It certainly is the case. If you want to replicate NHRA style drag racing, then, no, that is not sufficient.

A drag race can happen on a dirt road, or even a field, as most drag races I've been part of have happened in those two arens. :)
Which part of "realistic drag racing mode" did you not get? Real drag racing has rules and is set at a real drag racing facility, and these things are therefore needed in order to make it realistic.
Which part of "realistic drag racing mode" did you not get? Real drag racing has rules and is set at a real drag racing facility, and these things are therefore needed in order to make it realistic.

Well, you are not right. Real is what I've done. Because I did it, it is real. You want NHRA (style) drag racing.
Well, you are not right. Real is what I've done. Because I did it, it is real. You want NHRA (style) drag racing.
Just in case you didn't know, IHRA (International Hot Rod Association), ANDRA (Australian National Drag Racing Association) and FIA Drag Racing are using 1/4 mile drag strips and christmas trees as well, and they're regulated by pretty much the same rules as in NHRA. So no, I'm not only talking about "NHRA style" drag racing, I'm talking about real drag racing.

You seem to refer to some kind of street racing or test and tune days at air strips.
Well if that small stip in GT4 returns that would be atleast nice.. also the course maker you could make just a drag stip (somehow) Right?
that HKS drag car sucked in GT4, bogged down badly, I don't remember the other being any better. But hey we all know the physics suffered badly in GT4, and One of them that was the worst I feel was even responsible for the stupid under-steer, was the Diff simulation. It is seriously fixed even in prologue, the amount of diff feel you get is amazing, so its a definite possibility., the base is there. But for drag racing to be simulated, You have to even get into the profile, and width of the Tyre's, something I don't see Polyphony doing, although this is a major overlooked item even in street/ racing cars as well- so bottom line, Proper drag racing would be very cool
Just in case you didn't know, IHRA (International Hot Rod Association), ANDRA (Australian National Drag Racing Association) and FIA Drag Racing are using 1/4 mile drag strips and christmas trees as well, and they're regulated by pretty much the same rules as in NHRA. So no, I'm not only talking about "NHRA style" drag racing, I'm talking about real drag racing.

You seem to refer to some kind of street racing or test and tune days at air strips.

I think you're missing his point, by definition "Drag racing is a competition in which vehicles compete to be the first to cross a set finish line, usually from a standing start, and in a straight line."

You can have a drag race between two pedal cars if you want, just because it doesn't have a xmas tree or is 1/4 mile doesn't mean it isn't "real drag racing". You are referring to a particular class of drag racing. Pedantic I know.
I think you're missing his point, by definition "Drag racing is a competition in which vehicles compete to be the first to cross a set finish line, usually from a standing start, and in a straight line."

You can have a drag race between two pedal cars if you want, just because it doesn't have a xmas tree or is 1/4 mile doesn't mean it isn't "real drag racing".
Sorry, a real drag race can be 1/8 mile as well, but otherwise you're wrong.

You are referring to a particular class of drag racing. Pedantic I know.
No, I'm referring to drag racing as a motorsport, as in organized drag racing regulated by certain rules which are the same world wide. It doesn't matter if you go to O'Rielly Raceway Park in Indiana USA, Santa Pod Raceway in Great Britain, Western Sydney International Dragway in Australia, Mantorp Park in Sweden or the Bahrain International Circuit drag strip, they're all basicly the same.

Tell me, if you don't have a christmas tree, how are you gonna be sure the cars are standing exactly on the starting line and how are you gonna judge false starts and elapsed time?
I will attempt to make a short post, but it is not guaranteed...

A brief background of me is that I have been a NHRA drag racer for several years, but have been around drag racing in general since I was born. If you wish to know more, PM me.

The below list is more of a dream list, but I still would like to see it implemented possibly in some manner.

*Events: Both the basics of bracket and heads-up racing would be great. The more specialized classes would be a nice bonus (e.g., 9.60 index, weight, car brand, etc.) as well. Also, the possibility of either quarter mile or eighth mile drags.

*Proper Track Layout: Have a realistic drag strip with the correct X-mas tree with a water box, pre-stage beam, stage beam (DEEP enabled), and check-points down the strip (i.e., 60' ET, 330' ET, 660' ET and MPH, 1000' ET, 1320' ET and MPH).

*Proper X-mas tree: Have the general full (0.500) tree and pro (0.400) tree. Possibly allow small variations such as a full (0.400) tree.

*Tire Grooves: If you have ever raced, you know that bad stuff tends to happen if you get out of the groove. It usually results in loss of ET and the car pulling a direction. It may result in much more though, such as a wall collision.

*Qualifying: For heads-up, it typically is the quickest cars first. For bracket, it could be done by random, best practice RT, closest to dial-in, or best package. If multiple perfects are obtained, it's typically the first one to perform it wins the qualifying. Also, limit the number of qualifying runs down to two or three. These could be performed while waiting for the event to start. If racers do not attempt a qualify pass, they are placed randomly in the rear of the ladder.

*Eliminations: Create a ladder from the qualifying runs. Also, make it multi-round where its winner vs. winner all the way down to where one is remaining. The losers could either stick around and spectate, or leave.

*Disqualification/Fouls: The fouls should be implemented (e.g., red light, crossing the center line, wall collision, breaking out, etc.) in the proper priority order (e.g., first to red light, worst break-out, etc.).

*Pit Area: Could act as an in-game lobby before the racing event begins. Allow the racer to tune, fix, or swap their cars, while also allowing racers to voice chat with one another and display their cars. Also, allow practice runs while waiting for the event to begin. The racers should have the option of observing the runs if they desire too.

*Staging Lanes: Similar to the Pit Area, except the racers can no longer swap their cars. They should be allowed to fix their car if the car damage is not excessive, as in set limitations possibly. Most the time though in drag racing, a broken car doesn't win.

*Track Information: This can be provided when in the Pit Area/Staging Lanes. The data provided should be similar to what a racer can find out via a weather station device. I havn't used one in my racing career, so I do not know what is exactly provided other than track temp, humidity, adjusted altitude, wind speed and direction, etc. Time would be another useful track data as cars generally slow down during the heat of day and pick up speed at night.

*Devices: Trans-brake, Line-lock, Shift light, Delay Box, Cross Talk, Two-Step, etc.

*Mechanical Failure: In the end, cars do break from fatigue. Also, devices fail to work sometimes as well such as line-lock not working, trans-brake not engaging, etc.

*Proper Launch RPM: I have not driven any car where you can mash the pedal without the car jumping forwards (other than using a trans-brake with two-step). I would like to see the user have to control the RPM. It may be a problem to the Controllers though due to the throttle behaving in an on or off manner.

I will end the list here for now as it is taking to long to type up. Hopefully, this provided some useful ideas/information, and did not show the lack of knowledge I may or may not possess. If anyone has questions on any of the stuff I mentioned, feel free to PM me.
I will attempt to make a short post, but it is not guaranteed...

A brief background of me is that I have been a NHRA drag racer for several years, but have been around drag racing in general since I was born. If you wish to know more, PM me.

The below list is more of a dream list, but I still would like to see it implemented possibly in some manner.
Dude, although I would like all these features, they will never make it to a Gran Turismo title. However, your list of features inspires me to try and gather programmers and 3d modelers and make a true drag racing simulator. A NHRA Sportsman simulator would be awesome, featuring Comp, Super Stock, Stock, Super Comp, Super Gas and Super Street.

I actually e-mailed the iRacing crew about including drag racing a while back, but they said it was not something they thought about at the moment. Send them your feature list and maybe they'll get some inspiration? :dopey:
Yeah, I realize I'm dreaming :)

I may attempt an e-mail to the crew though.

Now, something I will point out that will make it difficult implementing bracket racing into a simulation fully is the use of head movement.

What I mean is that towards the end of the race, the racers typically look at one another. This is to attempt making the win margin as small as possible. The win margin I aimed for in Pro was 0.02 seconds (a fender length), and the typical win margin I witness in Super Pro tends to be under .01 seconds (at least at the last race I went to).

Again, if you wish more detail on what drag racing is, or what I am talking about, feel free to PM.

PS: You may have to use the right analog stick to rotate the head. I just don't know what to use on a wheel... The alternative is to dial honest, but does not always work :/
Maybe because I'm not a drag enthusiast. I don't mind if they have regulated drag races, but if they do bring that in, I want a section for open racing. No rules limits regulations or restrictions. Just two cars running anything between 1/8 mi to 2 mi. Maybe more for those who can build the machine. I don't mind rules but I despise being FORCED to race under regulations. Hate it with a passion. Plus with both ruled and unruled races, almost everyone can be mostly satisfied.
Maybe because I'm not a drag enthusiast. I don't mind if they have regulated drag races, but if they do bring that in, I want a section for open racing. No rules limits regulations or restrictions. Just two cars running anything between 1/8 mi to 2 mi. Maybe more for those who can build the machine. I don't mind rules but I despise being FORCED to race under regulations. Hate it with a passion. Plus with both ruled and unruled races, almost everyone can be mostly satisfied.
How are you gonna race at all in GT5 if you despite being forced ro race under regulations? Every online event I bet will have rules to a certain degree. The worthy and fun ones anyway.
Since we have the new Dodge Challenger, how cool wouldn't it be if we get the Drag Pak option?


There are quite many of these now, and they're all built strictly to follow NHRA A/SA class regulations which means they're all exactly the same. It shouldn't be too hard for PD to get to test drive and collect data from one of these if they really wanted to.

Just for the record, 3 time NHRA Top Fuel chamion Don Garlits and 4 time NHRA Pro Stock chamion Jeg Coughlin Jr. drives one at events from time to time.
Don Garlit is a racing legend and all, but I wouldn't give that man the time of day.

On the other hand, what if you could create a straight course (in course maker) and then it prompted if you wanted to make it a drag strip or not?
How are you gonna race at all in GT5 if you despite being forced ro race under regulations? Every online event I bet will have rules to a certain degree. The worthy and fun ones anyway.

I don't mind rules and regulations. But GT hasn't always been forceful with them, which is what I like. Online there will be some races that have rules and regulations and others that are basically anything goes. I don't mind rules. Sorry if I made it sound like I'm the racing anarchist. lol. Regulations are fine. I just think there should be a balance of regulated and unregulated races. As for online, that entirely depends on people's preference.

I'll be running in both.

One other thing though. They should bring some back. Hp and torque limits for one, in addition to size, tyre and weight limits. gave some races a unique challenge.
On the other hand, what if you could create a straight course (in course maker) and then it prompted if you wanted to make it a drag strip or not?

In the course maker there's even a configuration for banking angle, which we should set on zero as we don't want any bank on the straight. We could change the start from "rolling start" to "static start" or something, and of course the cars must start side-by-side, too. And our drag race is done! :cheers: However, I don't think it will be possible to put a division between the competitors. We will need to trust that our opponents will race clean.

We could even change the terrain type and add some banks. Drag on dirt, anyone?