F1 2011F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter Akmuq
Does anyone else think it's unfair that North America seem to get everything 1st in terms of new games. Is F1's fan base not mostly in Europe ?......... WTF , We should get a game released 1st here in Europe for once or better idea just release it everywhere on the same day. Is there a good reasons why they do this ? have I missed something ? or are they just trying to piss people off who don't live in North America. :(

👍 I agree. And codemasters is UK based is it not.
Ok so on this 130R spin with TC off in this video I posted yesterday.

JIC for reference once again as it was 2 pages ago now.

Clearly the actual "spin" had to do with the car pushing wide onto the curb and astro turf. However I think what the driver was getting it was that with TC on he took the same corner flat out, no problem (see the vid at 4:35). Then after only turning TC off he takes the same corner in the same manner and now all of a sudden the car drifts wide which leads to the spin.

So the question is, if TC in the game really is the culprit, why would the TC setting affect the car's aerodynamic grip in 7th gear and full throttle to such a significant extent?


And here is a follow up vid demonstrating several attempts at 130R with TC off (see 4:42).

I think it's just designed that way for more "casual" gamers. When I went in to preorder my game, the guy at the counter asked why I liked playing the game, because to him it was the hardest and most unforgiving racing game he'd played (F1 2010).

I don't use assists though, so it's not a big deal for me either way. I do wish there were separate categories on the leaderboards though for people using assists, especially if they increase times that much. It's nice that they show whether you set the time with assists on or not, but in a few months you likely won't see anyone on the leaderboard times who didn't use assists.
Does anyone else think it's unfair that North America seem to get everything 1st in terms of new games. Is F1's fan base not mostly in Europe ?......... WTF , We should get a game released 1st here in Europe for once or better idea just release it everywhere on the same day. Is there a good reasons why they do this ? have I missed something ? or are they just trying to piss people off who don't live in North America. :(

I do, fair enough a nascar based game, but F1? And the fact that codemasters is a british company with hq in britain, i dont know lol...
Time attack is a nice feature. It at least makes the gameplay more engaging for single player. It will be fun trying to get gold on every track, and will likely make a lot of people better drivers. 👍
Another thing is that all of these saved statistics in the game will make for better F1 2011 forum discussion.
Another thing is that all of these saved statistics in the game will make for better F1 2011 forum discussion.

FYI double posting is kinda frowned upon around here, people are expected to use the edit button whenever possible. Just a friendly note :).

So they did improve the overall telemetry stat tracking of the game? If so, that is definitely positive news as 2010 was rubbish in that regard.
If I'm not mistaken, region release dates are out of codemasters hands. Same way I sometimes cannot purchase certain artists music on itunes/beatport due to region restrictions, due to legal technicalities

Add me on psn people let's get some clean racing in 👍
👍 I agree. And codemasters is UK based is it not.

They are. Not really relevant though, the decision for the US to get it first is most likely not financial and more likely relevant to their distributors/retailers/region specifics.

It's 2/3 days, it's not exactly a month! :lol:

If I'm not mistaken, region release dates are out of codemasters hands. Same way I sometimes cannot purchase certain artists music on itunes/beatport due to region restrictions, due to legal technicalities

Indeed. Different regions have different demands, our Asian iTunes release this year was about 2-3 weeks behind R.O.W as it had some different demands and due to the delay we included a patch in it. But clearly releasing in one region before another is just favouritism ;)

Will hopefully get this at pay day if reviews continue to be good.
I couldn't find the guys post that said it looked worse then 2010 on his ps3 but I can say that is absolutely not true for the 360.

I had many hours on 2010 -360 version and 11 looks stunning! Props to codemasters!
Does anyone else think it's unfair that North America seem to get everything 1st in terms of new games. Is F1's fan base not mostly in Europe ?......... WTF , We should get a game released 1st here in Europe for once or better idea just release it everywhere on the same day. Is there a good reasons why they do this ? have I missed something ? or are they just trying to piss people off who don't live in North America. :(

The US doesn't get everything first. Here's two examples: MotorStorm Apocalypse and Splinter Cell trilogy. EU had/has both over a month before they reached US. Look at it this way - at least you're only two or three days behind. Could be 30+ :grumpy:

Also keep in mind it's a different publisher in the US. They get to decide the date (I assume), not Codemasters (though I'm sure they have say). I agree that Europe is much, much bigger on F1 but maybe they're trying to slowly build a presence in the US? We will have a GP next year.

👍 I agree. And codemasters is UK based is it not.

What does that have to do with who gets it first? Should Sweden get Battlefield 3 a week before everyone else because DICE is in Sweden? Where a studio is located shouldn't have any correlation to who gets the game first.
The US doesn't get everything first. Here's two examples: MotorStorm Apocalypse and Splinter Cell trilogy. EU had/has both over a month before they reached US. Look at it this way - at least you're only two or three days behind. Could be 30+ :grumpy:

Also keep in mind it's a different publisher in the US. They get to decide the date (I assume), not Codemasters (though I'm sure they have say). I agree that Europe is much, much bigger on F1 but maybe they're trying to slowly build a presence in the US? We will have a GP next year.

What does that have to do with who gets it first? Should Sweden get Battlefield 3 a week before everyone else because DICE is in Sweden? Where a studio is located shouldn't have any correlation to who gets the game first.

I did say they SEEM to get everything 1st, also I wouldn't rather anyone got it 1st I think we should all get it at the same time. On some multi-player games It's a big advantage to be the 1st players to be online it's so annoying when you just get a game thats just been released and there loads of people top rank who just kick your ass ok that won't really happen in F1 but in FPS games its a nightmare and I beat motorstorm would have been annoying online.
I did say they SEEM to get everything 1st, also I wouldn't rather anyone got it 1st I think we should all get it at the same time. On some multi-player games It's a big advantage to be the 1st players to be online it's so annoying when you just get a game thats just been released and there loads of people top rank who just kick your ass ok that won't really happen in F1 but in FPS games its a nightmare and I beat motorstorm would have been annoying online.

Well, I mean I agree about it would be ideal that everyone had it first, and I'm sure nobody would disagree with that, but the problem is that US has gotten itself cemented into Tuesday releases, and I'm sure shipping patterns, imports/exports aren't crazy easy to switch around. I do see more and more blu-ray movies coming out on Fridays here (Transformers does this week), so I would say that it's possible, but publishers just don't want to.

Motorstorm was annoying online...well, to those on. Pretty dead by the time we got it. I don't think I ever saw a full lobby.

Raced a few laps around India. Odd little track. The elevation changes just feel weird. Like, almost unnecessary. But a few do add a challenge, I guess.
Wow. I think a "Why does America get earlier releases" thread is needed TBH.

Take it elsewhere please.
We just had the Safety car come out for us during a race in the wet @ Monaco. It was pretty awesome although kind of finicky.

There's no real indication of what the order of the queu should be, people were fighting for first in the line behind the SC. I think it bugged us together and I was somehow put in first. I tried staying close to the SC but it said I was too close and "auto-brake"ed so... yeah not entirely sure how that was supposed to work.

Still awesome though!
My initial impressions are it looks good and sounds good, but I cannot for the life of me get my dfgt dialed in. I haven't yet run two clean laps in a row at Melbourne in over an hour lol. Can someone please share your sensitivity settings for steering? If I put the deadzone at even 5 % it's feels like too much and 1% is too little. I put it at 3% and I feel no more comfortable with that. Also it is very annoying to lose ffb in the corners, resulting in me overcorrecting 90% of the time so far. How can this game not have ffb like GT5 by now is beyond me.....
My initial impressions are it looks good and sounds good, but I cannot for the life of me get my dfgt dialed in. I haven't yet run two clean laps in a row at Melbourne in over an hour lol. Can someone please share your sensitivity settings for steering? If I put the deadzone at even 5 % it's feels like too much and 1% is too little. I put it at 3% and I feel no more comfortable with that. Also it is very annoying to lose ffb in the corners, resulting in me overcorrecting 90% of the time so far. How can this game not have ffb like GT5 by now is beyond me.....

Hey Dogg, I have everything set at 0% saturation on my G27, other than steering linearity, which is at 15%.

I sent you a FR, btw. :cheers:
Hey Dogg, I have everything set at 0% saturation on my G27, other than steering linearity, which is at 15%.

I sent you a FR, btw. :cheers:

Hm, I had it like that in 2010:

Steering Deadzone - 5%
Steering Saturation - 100%
Steering Linearity - 30%
Throttle Deadzone - 0%
Throttle Saturation - 100%
Brake Deadzone - 0%
Brake Saturation - 100%

Environmental Effects - 100%
Feedback Strength - 70%
Wheel Weight - 100%

What did you use in 2010? The same settings you use in 2011? I'm curious if I'd have to adapt them to 2011.
Yeah I've given up for the day lol. No matter what I do, my driver's hands move much more than I do when I steer with the dfgt and I can't get it to synch just right. I'll eventually get it but I'm annoyed that I spent a total of ten minutes getting the wheel right for F1 2010, for which I had no expectations, and here I've spent almost two hours on F1 2011 day one, and I cannot get the wheel to feel natural. Oh well, time for some Gears 3 and I'll try again tomorrow with F1 2011.