As a brief intro, I am a big fan of the F1 series so all the notes and issues here are done with an honest, non-malicious viewpoint. I have included some smaller, more precise details about the game that I think our European racers might be interested in and that are usually overlooked by forum users and publications.
I am a PS3 racer with a gamepad who drives with all assists off.
* Recommended gamepad setup:
Throttle/brake - Right stick
L1 - gear down
R1 - gear up
L2 - DRS
* Gamepad racers will be able to be competitive with all assists off if they are experienced racers (I recommend mapping throttle and brake to right analog stick)
* More care needs to be taken with the accelerator; I find I am accelerating with 50 to 75% throttle a lot more than just jamming on it like in F1 2010
* Wheelspin on starts is now par for the course; gentle throttle control on starts will give you a good jump
Racing, weather & track conditions
* AI is both more aggressive but more cautious; they will actively widen their turn radius on the outside of a hairpin if they think your nose is too close to their sidepod and you might spin them
* Engineer feedback is timely and useful "you're lapping faster than Webber in Sector 1, use that area to pass"
* Putting the outside edge of two tyres onto the gravel will not automatically kill your forward momentum as long as you get back on the track soon
* In full wet races when the rain lets up a bit, the cars will begin to carve a dry line over the natural racing line
* Marbles are very visible and modelled, appear gradually over the course of the race and look fantastic
* As far as I can tell, the game mechanic of pit lane speed limit penalties and pit limiter has been completely removed from the game. You can go full throttle into the pit lane entrance area, but there is a large "buffer zone" where the game slows your car and it doesn't look forced or unrealistic. Not really a plus or minus in my book.
* Multiplayer rooms can be joined at any time: drivers who join during a qualifying session can spectate until the session ends, then can participate in the following race from the back of the grid
* Spectating camera views include no Tv-style angles or dynamic cams; only in-car and chase cams
* Racing leagues can use one of the 16 human driver slots as a spectator to record live race video by having that player join the race but then pause in the garage menu and select "Retire from session"....useful for leagues that want a video of every race covering all the action
* There should be no concern about floating cars in replays; the cars look shiny and colourful, they sound amazing and raw, and they look solid and much more like real TV
* The replays have many more shots in the Gran Turismo replay style with a zoomed-in, narrow field of view. Looks great
* New depth-of-field effect for faroff scenery looks ace in replays
* Pop-up of on-track scenery in the wet puddles that we saw in dev builds has been eliminated as far as I can see
* The "piss filter" has been replaced with a "cloudy filter" in heavy rain; the cars are perhaps too devoid of colour with this wet-weather lighting
* PS3 users will notice the framerate dipping into the mid 20s, though it is uncommon. Instead of last year at Monaco's pits which was sudden and irritating, at least in F1 2011 the frame rate eases gently down and gently back up instead of jarringly turning into a slideshow
* PS3 users will notice more jaggies than last year in HD resolution
* The cars sound great, the engines throaty and massive in exterior views and replay (you really get a second, throaty tone to the engine in these views)
In general, I am extremely happy. The new strategic elements, the new canned cinematics, bigger crowds in the grandstands, and the new handling make the racing ridiculously fun, especially online against friends. The races, especially online have a more "grand" feeling to them. Feels like a real race weekend experience.
The co-op championship steals the show once you sit through a full race weekend with a mate.