F1 2011F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter Akmuq
Cranking up the difficulty and turning off the aids made the AI challenging? I think the only challenge I ever felt from the AI was at Catalunya and that has forever been a tough AI track even back on the Studio Liverpool games.

I hope they have made the AI more difficult and not so buggy. The number one bug they need to fix though is the silly pit stop one.

I will wait for the game before expecting anything, as usual. I don't really care for the typical game PR thats put out before release. I can't wait for the complaints once again too.
I'd be happy with F1 2010 with improved AI, less bugs and KERS and DRS just thrown in. Anything else is a bonus so lets wait and see.

I also hope that they haven't wasted too much time with the post-race celebration animations that get old after a few races. It seems they haven't really put much time into the driver models anyway, so I'm confident they haven't.
I have the difficulty on Legend right now and to be honest, I'm not that good of a driver and I can still win pretty much all of the races. The ones I don't win are when I go off track or make a mistake like hitting the AI, cause I use the realistic penalty setting. I hope for 2011 they really crank up the AI ability to make it harder to win or do good even when you are running your absolute best.
At the very least it should be very difficult to qualify the HRT in the top 5 at all tracks. If this is possible again, they have once again failed. What's the point in having difficulty settings if you aren't going to go the full mile and offer an actual "hard" setting?
I think that diary just proves that 2010 was just a beta version.
Not really - Codemasters never would have released it otherwise. No, if F1 2010 has a problem, it's that Codemasters had to do everything from scratch. But for F1 2011, they already have a basic framework to work on. The same thing happened with GT2; GT1 was used as a base line for it. Likewise GT4 being an evolved version of GT3. But you don't see anyone claiming that GT1 or GT3 were little mroe than beta versions.
Not really - Codemasters never would have released it otherwise. No, if F1 2010 has a problem, it's that Codemasters had to do everything from scratch. But for F1 2011, they already have a basic framework to work on. The same thing happened with GT2; GT1 was used as a base line for it. Likewise GT4 being an evolved version of GT3. But you don't see anyone claiming that GT1 or GT3 were little mroe than beta versions.

Very true, however some people would be willing to call GT5 a "beta" version. While it was not all that it could have been, it was a great game. More tracks could have made it a lot better. Especially something epic after GT4's nurburgring. Guess some people just have unrealistic expectations.
Maybe I should have elaborated a touch. For me, the previous game lacked a touch of polish. Before it was announced, lots of content was talked about, but didn't make it into the final game (safety car, parade laps, etc). When the game was released there was some glaring issues, that had to be fixed with quite a big patch. It all added to a 'rushed' feel to the game. A further patch was rumoured, but dismissed, as they wanted to focus on the next game.
Pretty much after release, the developers were saying 'we didn't have time, we had to focus on handling, we felt it wouldn't bring much to the experience'. All fair points, obviously if you are creating a game from scratch and with time restraints (which 2010 was), you aren't going to nail everything and they done a reasonable job on the game as it was.
My point from my previous post was, they released F1 2010 in a rush, and didn't correct any further. It's just the 'we could have done this, we wanted to do this' in the last game quotes annoyed me a touch. Hopefully the 2011 builds on what 2010 had, all the content that has been mentioned is in and they continue to support it, not just wash their hands of it. That was what annoyed me, I didn't want this franchise to go the Madden route of a little change every game. That was why I said I might skip to the next one.
I will wait for opinion first, if it ticks the boxes, who knows might even get it!
Has release date for this game been confirmed yet? Sorry for asking, I'm rather behind the times with this game. If not, then it'll be September again. Possibly a release on the Friday of the Korean GP, since that was when it was released last year.
Last I saw the date was the 20th of September, the same day Gears 3 releases. Going to be a busy day for me lol.
Cranking up the difficulty and turning off the aids made the AI challenging? I think the only challenge I ever felt from the AI was at Catalunya and that has forever been a tough AI track even back on the Studio Liverpool games.
I didn't say it made the AI challenging, I said it was the only way to really do so, & even then, it did nothing. 💡
Has release date for this game been confirmed yet? Sorry for asking, I'm rather behind the times with this game. If not, then it'll be September again. Possibly a release on the Friday of the Korean GP, since that was when it was released last year.

23rd of September, Singapore weekend.(Which it was last year.:P)
The oversteer moment in melbourne and monaco from cockpit looks very unrealistic from my point of view. It looks a little bit like offroad rally driving. Hopefully it is just a wrong feeling, plz codemasters not too much oversteer catching possibilies it was quiet good simulated in f1 2010.

Best regards

I agree with darkpsi, the oversteer moments in 2010 were about right, difficult but most can be caught.

In 2011 it looks a bit too easy.
What do you mean the online pass crap? If you mean that you have to pay for online for buying it used, w.e. I think that is all justified. Developers don see anymore money no matter how many times that game gets tossed around. If they can make $5 for you to play online after you have already gotten the game cheap, why not.

500 copies are sold. Developers get paid for 500 users online.

250 sell there copies developers then charge the 250 to play online.

Still only 500 users online even though 750 have paid.

If you want to lend a copy to a mate he's screwed.

If you want to rent a copy, forget online.

I'm tired of this crap. I'm not blaming Codies. There not the worst of the bunch.

Heaven forbid if you happen to have 2 consoles in your house.

Sorry for off topic.
The oversteer moment in melbourne and monaco from cockpit looks very unrealistic from my point of view. It looks a little bit like offroad rally driving. Hopefully it is just a wrong feeling, plz codemasters not too much oversteer catching possibilies it was quiet good simulated in f1 2010.

Best regards

When I first saw this yesterday I thought they made the F1 car drive like a road car when I saw the oversteer moment in Monaco. I hope it is just the view that is bad but the actual feel is good. I don't think oversteer moments were simulated that good in F1 2010. I think it was the big weak point that the on the edge physics felt very poor to me and braking is usually the best option in race situations when you have a bit of oversteer.

I agree with darkpsi, the oversteer moments in 2010 were about right, difficult but most can be caught.

In 2011 it looks a bit too easy.
I think it will probably feel more natural and less scripted in 2011. The best modern F1 car physics I felt in a game / sim is from Ferrari Virtual Academy and the sounds are very good. They sound like the real F1 car from TV onboards. If any of you haven't already got it, you should as correcting of oversteer moments feel the same way you see F1 drivers in real life correct it. The braking physics are also very good and there is also engine braking settings which gives the same look and feel that you will see in real F1 cars like Hamilton's Spa 2008 Pole lap.

500 copies are sold. Developers get paid for 500 users online.

250 sell there copies developers then charge the 250 to play online.

Still only 500 users online even though 750 have paid.

If you want to lend a copy to a mate he's screwed.

If you want to rent a copy, forget online.

I'm tired of this crap. I'm not blaming Codies. There not the worst of the bunch.

Heaven forbid if you happen to have 2 consoles in your house.

Sorry for off topic.
They lose out on sales from new customers though due to losing potential customers to the pre-owned market. The online pass is a way to get some money from people who buy used copies if they ever decide to go online.

If you have 2 consoles in your house, ain't the online pass linked to your account so that should not be a problem?
I don't own 2 consoles, so I don't know.

I'll agree to dissagree but I won't derail the topic further out of respect.

On topic.
Day one purchase for myself.
If you have 2 consoles in your house, ain't the online pass linked to your account so that should not be a problem?

Well if you have two kids with diferent accounts and one console or two how will it work then??? do I have to buy two copies (or three in my case)?
I agree with darkpsi, the oversteer moments in 2010 were about right, difficult but most can be caught.

In 2011 it looks a bit too easy.

oversteer moment doesn't even exist in 2010.. the physic was crap and if you were about to a sensless spin ( like 90% of thosw in the game) you could just press the brake and save it.
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I thought so.

I don't own 2 consoles, so I don't know.

I'll agree to dissagree but I won't derail the topic further out of respect.

On topic.
Day one purchase for myself.
I will probably wait for the price to go down as I bought F1 2010 on the week of release and did not really play it much, same with Fifa 11. By the time I played it the price went down so it will be a bit pointless to be sitting there gathering dust this time around. Still might get it on release though having said that :P.

Well if you have two kids with diferent accounts and one console or two how will it work then??? do I have to buy two copies (or three in my case)?

It should work with one copy. It is a bit like PSN games and also DLC, if the account that has it is activated on the PS3 system, then all other accounts can make use of it on the same system. The account with the online pass must be active also on the 2nd console and you should be able to download the pass again from download history. I may be wrong though so if anyone wants to correct me if I am, feel free to do so ;).
OMG!!! MORE TEASING!!! Here is some video of ISR using the new Fanatec F1 wheel, but it is just mentioned lol Zero details. Im hoping GamesCom they will release official info and details on how it integrates to F1 2011

Just seen the second dev diary, firstly the flexibility and handling look great! (Obviously I'll reserve final judgement both for the finished article and once I've actually driven it first hand).

Just a quick note, the force india features a lot at the end. Is it just me or does it look very red when it should be orange?
Just seen the second dev diary, firstly the flexibility and handling look great! (Obviously I'll reserve final judgement both for the finished article and once I've actually driven it first hand).

Just a quick note, the force india features a lot at the end. Is it just me or does it look very red when it should be orange?

I noticed that as well...
Just seen the second dev diary, firstly the flexibility and handling look great! (Obviously I'll reserve final judgement both for the finished article and once I've actually driven it first hand).

Just a quick note, the force india features a lot at the end. Is it just me or does it look very red when it should be orange?

old build, is orange now, recent gameplay on youtube:
That 2nd dev diary had the colour tint off quite a bit...only necessary to look at the track surroundings to see that the Force India isn't mis-painted.

To assume they got the paint scheme wrong when everything has to go under the scrutiny of Formula Onr Management is a little ridiculous, no? :)
Just a quick note, the force india features a lot at the end. Is it just me or does it look very red when it should be orange?
Red is a funny colour in that it doesn't photograph very well. If you actually stood next to a Ferrari, a McLaren, a Virgin or a Force India, the colour would look very different compared to what it does on television.