F1 2011F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter Akmuq
old build, is orange now, recent gameplay on youtube:

Looks pretty red and stupidly shiny there. I'd put it down to the contrast and colour settings of the TV and also the camera recording, but then again they really screwed up the brightness and tone of colours in F1 2010. So lets see.

Certainly the horrible glare is still in the game, and that alone ruins the look of the game.
^ You will not purchase if there's no safety car?
I admire your sticking to your guns attitude but I think your probably in a minority.
And also, a safety car would probably make the game worse. Who the hell wants to do laps at a third of the usual speed? I mean, if you had the settings down to five laps, you could probably do the entire race behind the safety car.
^ You will not purchase if there's no safety car?
I admire your sticking to your guns attitude but I think your probably in a minority.

Don't get me too serious... I just had a need to motivate developers before the release! :-p
I'm confused, I thought safety car was official. And I can only imagine it would be something you can turn on and off, dunno why so many people are getting worked up about.
With this photo from Andy Gray's Twitter, it seems that the Safety Car is confirmed for F1 2011.


The Merc SLS looks to be modeled very nicely, it must be said.

And the issue of how it should be implemented; well, it should only be optional at the higher race lengths (much like pit stops weren't required for 3 laps and 10% in F1 2010, and stuff like the parade lap can be turned on/off in F1CE). I can see how it can make the game worse, because i have a old EA NASCAR game with cautions in it (optional feature) and they were really boring, especially since you don't even have control of the car. It will be interesting to see how it will play out in longer career and online races where the field is close for sure and what control over your car you got.

(If races start under safety car, i will be disappointed.)
I'm glad the safety car is in. Was racing Montreal today, running 4th with about 20 seconds to make up and Webber spun out on track. Definitely would have brought a safety car, and gave me 20 seconds for free. :)

I'm sure it will be optional feature though, for those who don't want it. Maybe we'll have more details later today.
The demand for the safety car is over-rated. I don't understand why driving around at half speed is so critical to a game where the whole point is to go faster.
With this photo from Andy Gray's Twitter, it seems that the Safety Car is confirmed for F1 2011.
I wouldn't take it as confirmation at all. The safety car was included in F1 2010 and later removed. The same thing could have happened here.
The demand for the safety car is over-rated. I don't understand why driving around at half speed is so critical to a game where the whole point is to go faster.

I wouldn't take it as confirmation at all. The safety car was included in F1 2010 and later removed. The same thing could have happened here.

For me its strategy wise and the league races I take part in and it will be in the game, it will be all over gamescon and CM have been saying how they were working on it for a while trying to get it perfect which they have done!
The demand for the safety car is over-rated. I don't understand why driving around at half speed is so critical to a game where the whole point is to go faster.

I wouldn't take it as confirmation at all. The safety car was included in F1 2010 and later removed. The same thing could have happened here.

Maybe people just aren't thinking the way you are or would like. People more so seem to want the car so they have a real F1 feel, drivers in real life dont get to hit a turn off button for whether or not a safety car is deployed during the season. People who will never get to drive an f1 car or any lower standards would like to have the closest thing to the experience, that means safety car included. Driving nascar back in the day cautions were something I was use to as part of the game play and welcomed it cause it felt like an actual race. I think F1 2011 with a safety car and already declared improved AI system will be much fun and give that true racing feel. It seems to be a bit obvious why people would want it in the game.

Strategy is another big part as well especially if they figure a way to mirror tire degredation from the real F1 seaons this year.
CM have been saying how they were working on it for a while trying to get it perfect which they have done!
How do you know that? Have you played the game? With the safety car?

Codemasters said they had F1 2010 perfect ... and it was loaded with bugs.
I knew it would be ever since the go compete trailer as there is a law in uk that you cannot mislead in an advert and they knew what message it gave out.
How do you know that? Have you played the game? With the safety car?

Codemasters said they had F1 2010 perfect ... and it was loaded with bugs.

Have you played that game yourself? You sound no better than people saying it is in the game by acting as if the game developers couldn't fix the bugs from a year ago. It is possible that they fixed it, especially with the pressure of people wanting it in the game. I'm not saying I agree it's in or not but I think the attitude you have when people bring it up is a bit misplaced.
Have you played that game yourself? You sound no better than people saying it is in the game by acting as if the game developers couldn't fix the bugs from a year ago. It is possible that they fixed it, especially with the pressure of people wanting it in the game. I'm not saying I agree it's in or not but I think the attitude you have when people bring it up is a bit misplaced.
You're missing the point. I know full well that the bugs in F1 2010 were fixed. I'm just addressing Aqua F1's assertation that because the safety car is included in the game, it has been included perfectly. He has absolutely no way of knowing that without having played the game with the safety car in it (which he obviously hasn't, since there have bene no gameplay videos of it). Especially since there is a precedent for questioning the implementation of the safety car - even though the bugs were fixed in F1 2010, the fact that those errors were in the release build of the game in the first place means there is a reason to question the quality of the safety car. You know, once bitten, twice shy and all that.
The demand for the safety car is over-rated. I don't understand why driving around at half speed is so critical to a game where the whole point is to go faster.

I wouldn't take it as confirmation at all. The safety car was included in F1 2010 and later removed. The same thing could have happened here.

No it was considered, not included. Quite a big difference I think.
You're missing the point. I know full well that the bugs in F1 2010 were fixed. I'm just addressing Aqua F1's assertation that because the safety car is included in the game, it has been included perfectly. He has absolutely no way of knowing that without having played the game with the safety car in it (which he obviously hasn't, since there have bene no gameplay videos of it). Especially since there is a precedent for questioning the implementation of the safety car - even though the bugs were fixed in F1 2010, the fact that those errors were in the release build of the game in the first place means there is a reason to question the quality of the safety car. You know, once bitten, twice shy and all that.

I don't see him ever saying it was included perfectly and if Haitch is right and them not putting it in there but having twitter photos promoting it...that would be considered a false advert to an extent. No one is saying it will be perfect but not including doesn't add to the realism and thus once again this seems to be a main reason why people would like to see it. Also there hasn't been all that much shown from what has been given on the major F1 sites and the actual feed on youtube from Codemasters, so to just come to some conclusion without having the full story yourself is no better than the opposite thinking that a few pics must mean the car is in. If you're going to debate or disprove wouldn't lack of emotional bias be a better way of getting your point across?
them not putting it in there but having twitter photos promoting it...that would be considered a false advert to an extent.
Not necessarily. We only have the photo - nothing else. We have no idea what context it's in. Was there a tweet saying "Here is the safety car - it's in the game"? No? If not, then there could just as easily be a tweet reading "The safety car has been cut from the game, but here is the model we were going to use".

It was cut out long before any builds were made that the public could play.
Right, because we're only counting builds of the game the public can play, rather than all builds of the game that ever existed.

Not necessarily. We only have the photo - nothing else. We have no idea what context it's in. Was there a tweet saying "Here is the safety car - it's in the game"? No? If not, then there could just as easily be a tweet reading "The safety car has been cut from the game, but here is the model we were going to use".

Hence why I said to an extent I didn't just run with it and say "yeah that is for sure a infraction and clear advert for the game". Also we can find the tweet, but as I said clearly for a few post now, this could go one way or the other don't just feel so sure you're right you have no more situational awarness than the next guy, unless you have a job with Codemasters over the pond?

Also I'm willing to agree with you and say that that could be the formation/parade lap of the race and be the only time it shows up, but I can't say that 100% because I don't know for sure.
Not necessarily. We only have the photo - nothing else. We have no idea what context it's in. Was there a tweet saying "Here is the safety car - it's in the game"? No? If not, then there could just as easily be a tweet reading "The safety car has been cut from the game, but here is the model we were going to use".

Hang on, what's this? That's right, the SAFETY CAR IS IN!!!

Right, because we're only counting builds of the game the public can play, rather than all builds of the game that ever existed.

Do you work for CodeMasters? Because they never confirmed this.
This is the closest they were to confirming it for F1 2010.