Forza Motorsport 5 |OT| Where dreams are Realised

  • Thread starter phillgt2002
Mines earning over 10k a day. Play the game more, get better at it, sync your drivatar, get more rewards. Simples.
If it was that simple why offer microtransactions in the first place? Obviously you are not the target of this offer, but guys like me who have more money than time and talent. If the cars were cheaper why would I be tempted to buy tokens? Have you even been on the token sale page? They praise the token package with 'great value' and the 99€ one with 'best value' like in any smartphone free-to-play game.
If it was that simple why offer microtransactions in the first place? Obviously you are not the target of this offer, but guys like me who have more money than time and talent. If the cars were cheaper why would I be tempted to buy tokens? Have you even been on the token sale page? They praise the token package with 'great value' and the 99€ one with 'best value' like in any smartphone free-to-play game.
If you have more money than time and talent whats the problem?
The problem is that Microsoft doesn't deserve the money. Actually the game itself is great. I even cancelled my GT6 preorder, because I don't have the time to play 2 racing games at the same time. I will get it later.
But this policy to help microtransactions sales make FM5 to a worse game for casual players. Hardcore players will get their cars in any game economic system but I guess that collecting cars might not be their main concern as having a lot of cars won't help to get you a higher spot at the leaderboards. Most of us casuals will never place high on the leaderboards , but they could let us drive the cars without having to pay additional money.
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If you have more money than time and talent whats the problem?

One high end car costs £60, that's the problem. Hell I could afford to buy an Xbox One with the game and all of the DLC and cars tomorrow if I wanted to but I'm not going to as I feel the prices are too high considering what you get for your cash. £60 could fill the tank of my real car with petrol and provide me with a lot more fun!
If you have more money than time and talent whats the problem?
And I have to make clear that I didn't mean to say that I am rich. I have a well paid job but I have very little time and I am a bad driver. I know that some good driver can make lots of money in rivals mode but I tried and it's not a option for me, because I suck.
The F1 car doesn't cost 60 pounds unless the person buying it is intentionally buying the smallest token pack repeatedly to... waste money and prove a point, I guess. It should not come as a surprise that the bigger packs are cheaper on a per-token basis. Not saying it's worth buying the F1 car with real money at any rate, though... at least for me.

I assume the 100k/hour comment doesn't take into account how much money a player can rake in rigging Rivals. I haven't played, but I assume the method I used in FM4 works fine; just target the person directly above you, even if it's 0.001 of a time difference, and sandbag to finish as closely to their ghost as possible while remaining ahead. Rinse and repeat; I earned literally millions from each Top Gear Rivals event by doing just that.

It's interesting that people are bothered that one of the cars will be locked up from accessing until a month or so in, though. I admit, not having the whole lineup in Free Run is disappointing, but considering GT5 locked the vast majority of its car lineup behind not just high prices, but a completely random and too tiny used car dealer, I don't see it as too criminal that two cars are worth 6 million in FM5.

What's more shocking to me is the apparent lack of free upgrades with Affinity. Now that's where I saved a ton of money...
I guess I still don't understand this attitude. I can't think of any other type of game where all the content is unlocked right out of the gate. If you're a casual gamer, chances are it's going to take you a long time to get anywhere on any game. Take an RPG for example, you aren't going to get all the best equipment without investing a ton of time and effort into the game. As I've said, all vehicles should have been unlocked in the free play mode, but even then there are several other games out there that lock things in free play mode until you beat them in your campaign/career mode.
The F1 car doesn't cost 60 pounds unless the person buying it is intentionally buying the smallest token pack repeatedly to... waste money and prove a point, I guess. It should not come as a surprise that the bigger packs are cheaper on a per-token basis. Not saying it's worth buying the F1 car with real money at any rate, though... at least for me.

I assume the 100k/hour comment doesn't take into account how much money a player can rake in rigging Rivals. I haven't played, but I assume the method I used in FM4 works fine; just target the person directly above you, even if it's 0.001 of a time difference, and sandbag to finish as closely to their ghost as possible while remaining ahead. Rinse and repeat; I earned literally millions from each Top Gear Rivals event by doing just that.

It's interesting that people are bothered that one of the cars will be locked up from accessing until a month or so in, though. I admit, not having the whole lineup in Free Run is disappointing, but considering GT5 locked the vast majority of its car lineup behind not just high prices, but a completely random and too tiny used car dealer, I don't see it as too criminal that two cars are worth 6 million in FM5.

What's more shocking to me is the apparent lack of free upgrades with Affinity. Now that's where I saved a ton of money...

There is no money in rivals anymore though :(
For me in Europe the F1 car is going to cost 50€ with the cheapest package, but I would have to buy the 100€ package. So I would still have 10.000 unused credits. Sure GT5 had a really expensive cars as well, but I got them with B-Spec. The AI drivers would earn credits in a endurance race while I was a work. I did the same with FM4s hired drivers while watching TV with my family.
But in end all the credits and all the cars won't help you to become a better driver. So in my opinion the comparison with a RPG is not valid. Even with all cars unlocked if you don't have the skill, you will still not beat your friends.
Ok let's say the comparison with a RPG is a good one. In a good RPG the player should have fun during the progession of the game and never get the feeling that he/she is grinding. So it worked fine with the free cars for leveling in FM4. The player gets a new exiting car to try out as a reward for advancing a level. So why change that if not for the obvious reason that noone would buy tokens if there are free cars.
Microtransactions hurt the flow of this game badly and ultimatley they will hurt this wonderful franchise.
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What's more shocking to me is the apparent lack of free upgrades with Affinity. Now that's where I saved a ton of money...
That's sort of a bummer. One of my favorite things to do in 4 was take something like a Pinto and throw 100,000cr or so in free upgrades at it to create a 950hp AWD monstrosity. I guess I can readjust to the old ways of paying for upgrades, though.
I'd have to figure the number of laps it takes is dependent on how long it takes to beat your target time.
Just a PSA to redeem your Forza rewards for the month. They expire in 2 days. Tier 4 got me 80,000 credits in FM5.
Just a PSA to redeem your Forza rewards for the month. They expire in 2 days. Tier 4 got me 80,000 credits in FM5.

i would but for some nice reason UPS handed off my copy of FM5 to the US postal service and it hasn't moved for 3 days. I suspect I'll get it in 2 weeks
On one hand, I haven't been able to understand why it's so outrageous to require an investment of time to earn the very best stuff in a game, based on comments regarding GTA Online, the news of GT6's credit-microtransactions, and FM5's payouts. I could swear the definition of "grinding" has been changed from "doing a single thing over and over and over again", and is now defined as "playing the game". But on the other hand, this is a completely legitimate outlook on the issue with FM5:
I have no problem with the costs of these cars in Career mode but to apply the same pricing to Arcade mode is too much of a bitter pill for me to swallow.

If Turn 10 wanted to enhance the feeling of "connection" or "ownership" with a car, they could have gone about it a few different ways. Like allowing a player to unlock a car for use in Free Play by passing a brief challenge that highlights the car's strengths or historical context (kinda like Autovista in FM4). Or remembering assist/transmission settings on a per-car basis like Enthusia did (with custom defaults so you don't have to set up every new car with your usual preferences). Or styling the floating UI gauges based on the gauges in the car you're driving (a criminally underused idea, IMO). It's the little things that contribute to that "connection", not what's required to earn the thing itself.

I don't believe the payouts and car prices were necessarily arranged as an obstacle to encourage more token sales, but I would agree that the restriction of cars in Free Play is somewhat conspicuous.
I don't know why, but I'm staring 160k in credits on the Rewards site and I can't redeem them.


What is this? :odd:
But I am on Tier 5. I'm 274 points away from breaking into T6.

That makes it even more weird.
Simple answer. Play FM4 ;)

This is a different came and they have decided on a different game mechanic. They have given good reasons for doing so.
I am sure the current game mechanics work well for you Mr '60k for 7 laps'. Unfortunatley I don't belong to the Elite and it's a fact that there are much more guys like me than guys like you out there.
Anyone know how to replay the Jeremy Clarkson FM5 tribute to cars intro "from the game", just love this as it really hit's home with me! Once it is played the first time on a profile I don't see how to play again.

@azrael1965 Let me get this straight, you don't want to play the game and earn credits to play the game, but you don't want to pay real money for the car?

Guess what, you don't get everything for free. The prices are steep but you shouldn't just buy your way to victory, you have to earn it.
@azrael1965 Let me get this straight, you don't want to play the game and earn credits to play the game, but you don't want to pay real money for the car?

Guess what, you don't get everything for free. The prices are steep but you shouldn't just buy your way to victory, you have to earn it.
I have to agree. It will take me longer than many to build a credits bank account based on my very average abilities but it adds to my appreciation of my acquisitions. It was too easy in FM4 to build a garage full of cars.
@azrael1965 Let me get this straight, you don't want to play the game and earn credits to play the game, but you don't want to pay real money for the car?

Guess what, you don't get everything for free. The prices are steep but you shouldn't just buy your way to victory, you have to earn it.
You know what? I don't need to discuss with you anymore. As for me my point is already proven as T10 have already giftet me the Cars i wanted most and i got a nice garage this weekend with the fifty percent discount. So i guess i wasn't the only one complaining. So you can go and try to lecture someone else. Maybe you are faster next time.
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Has anyone done any tests on how quickly tires wear? I did a couple laps last night in my Ariel Atom on the Bugatti Circuit and found that fuel depletion is definitely a concern. I started with 11.1 gallons and at the end of the 2 laps I was down to 10.6. The Bugatti circuit is 2.65 miles, which means I was burning fuel at 10.65 MPG.
I am sure the current game mechanics work well for you Mr '60k for 7 laps'. Unfortunatley I don't belong to the Elite and it's a fact that there are much more guys like me than guys like you out there.
I've found an even better way to make money. Free play. Select the hardest AI and 15 of them. 20 Laps of Spa takes about 50 mins. And you end up making somewhere in the region of 350k. 100k in race winnings and 250k in credits for the levelling up you get which is about nine levels per 20 lap race. Easy money ;)

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