Forza Motorsport 7: General Pre-Release Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
So, how many folks here plan to get a 4K/HDR TV for Forza 7?

I ordered one today,Samsung 40",should be delivered before weekend,im going to use it as my pc monitor as well from now on,and in few weeks im going to get 1080Ti as well (1070atm,so going to sell it)
If my calculations are right,i might even have space for a wheel,as 40" wont be as close to my ugly face as current monitor :D
About XOX im not yet decided,but its very tempting..Its hard to hide such things from certain person in my house :D
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I ordered one today,Samsung 40",should be delivered before weekend,im going to use it as my pc monitor as well from now on,and in few weeks im going to get 1080Ti as well (1070atm,so going to sell it)
If my calculations are right,i might even have space for a wheel,as 40" wont be as close as current monitor.About XOX im not yet decided,but its very tempting..Its hard to hide such things from certain person in my house :D

Good going mate! 👍

Hope you get the wheel, though a good surround amp is more important IMO, if you already don't have one, that is.

As for me, it looks like I'm going to get a little more mileage out of my 2009 Sony LCD TV. I'm just not sold on the whole UHD/HDR deal, as games already look quite good at 1080p/no HDR. Not to cause a commotion or anything, but I believe HDR is a bit of a gimmick - TVs were already equipped with 10-bit and 12-bit color panels and capable of the socalled "wide color gamut" before HDR was even announced. Anyhoo, that's just me. :gtpflag:

By the way, how many games do you think are even taking advantage of the 10-bit (30-bit color total) panels anyway?
Im playing games only with headphones,so....Well,my Sammy cost me only 450eur,so its not biggie,besides,my pc monitor i have atm is really old and 24" only,so im not only changing it for the FM7,needed to change it anyway,and there is no better time i guess than to have it in time for glorious FM7 at 4K time.PC monitors way overpriced,so decided to go with not to big but quality TV (funny,that TV has way less lag than some more than twice expensive pc monitors).
BTW - what amp can any recommend-not to expensive,with proper controls (high,medium,low etc)
Im playing games only with headphones,so....Well,my Sammy cost me only 450eur,so its not biggie,besides,my pc monitor i have atm is really old and 24" only,so im not only changing it for the FM7,needed to change it anyway,and there is no better time i guess than to have it in time for glorious FM7 at 4K time.PC monitors way overpriced,so decided to go with not to big but quality TV (funny,that TV has way less lag than some more than twice expensive pc monitors).
BTW - what amp can any recommend-not to expensive,with proper controls (high,medium,low etc)

Headphones, you say? If they're Stereo, you'd want to try the new Windows Sonic and Dolby Atmos virtual surround sound settings for stereo headsets. They make the soundstage interesting. :D

I'd recommend a Denon, Onkyo or Yamaha - those can be had for around $300, entry level models. You may be able to get then in the $200-250 range, used of course. But that's just the amp. You might as well get the entire setup, which will probably set you back by a good $400-500 I imagine.

Well, I don't know if PC monitors or HDTVs are more laggy, but my old HDTV has an advertised 8ms response time. There's no lag on it whatsoever, even with enhancements set to medium or max. The PC monitor I have is a regular 4:3 17" screen bought over a year ago. No lag on it either.

In future, if I decide to get a TV, do you think the refresh rate is really that important? I ask because I do not like how 30 fps games look next to 60 fps ones. I get a bit of a headache afterward on 30 fps, but nothing major. I understand that ALL games coming out currently are native 60Hz (as are the consoles' GPUs), so these 120Hz and 240Hz models, are they really worth the extra price?
Well,thats why i got TV and not pc monitor- 1.its twice cheaper 2.has less lag than some of so called 1ms pc monitors 3.colors look much better
All newer TV's have no problem with 60fps.As for 120hz and above - prices on them a ridiculous,while the smoothness is better,i just cant see myself paying 1K just for that.I rather wait when it becomes mainstream.4K 60fps is good enough for me,and my eyes are quite sensitive to fps,if it drops from 60 to even 55,i feel it.Also it depends on game.But my TV i ordered (Samsung UE40KU6000k) has quite a big fan base in ocuk forum,and all who have it not going back to pc monitors,at least till they get cheaper with all 120hz etc.
As for sound,yes i tried Dolby Atmos ;)
Well,thats why i got TV and not pc monitor- 1.its twice cheaper 2.has less lag than some of so called 1ms pc monitors 3.colors look much better
All newer TV's have no problem with 60fps.As for 120hz and above - prices on them a ridiculous,while the smoothness is better,i just cant see myself paying 1K just for that.I rather wait when it becomes mainstream.4K 60fps is good enough for me,and my eyes are quite sensitive to fps,if it drops from 60 to even 55,i feel it.Also it depends on game.But my TV i ordered (Samsung UE40KU6000k) has quite a big fan base in ocuk forum,and all who have it not going back to pc monitors,at least till they get cheaper with all 120hz etc.
As for sound,yes i tried Dolby Atmos ;)

Well, I'm sticking to mostly 60 fps games then. :D Although I don't mind playing action/adventure games running at 30 fps like TR or Batman AK, since you're not dealing with constant movement, i.e. Horizon.

Dolby Atmos for headphones is great, in fact a game changer so to speak, but its glitched in its current state, unfortunately. W.Sonic works seamlessly though.
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What i mean about 144+hz - its great,smooth as butter,but sadly prices on those monitors in my opinion are way to big,i had Acer X34 monitor,its great,but for 1k eur...nah,not that great,i sent it back for a refund,got bigger 4K TV for less than half,and still have money left for XOX,and after i will still have some change left..Sure,i can afford,but im trying to be smart,and just cant see point atm in overpriced monitors,besides,i like size :D TV gone a long way to be quite on the same level as monitors but cheaper due to the cheer volume are they being produced.
When monitors become standart 4K,144hz+ and wont cost arm and leg,maybe then,but for now im happy with 4K/60fps.

We are quite off topic here :D
What are you basing this on?
Forza Horizon 3 has around 500 cars.
Forza Motorsport 6 has about 50-100 cars that didn't feature in Forza Horizon 3.

If every car gets ported over, that's about 600 of the 700 roster done already.
Forza Horizon 3 has around 500 cars.
Forza Motorsport 6 has about 50-100 cars that didn't feature in Forza Horizon 3.

If every car gets ported over, that's about 600 of the 700 roster done already.

We can hope nearly all cars will return, but isn't there reason to expect that 10-15% of them have been sacrificed for new ones?
We can hope nearly all cars will return, but isn't there reason to expect that 10-15% of them have been sacrificed for new ones?
Entirely possible, though a lot of the list will be familiar. Not that that's a bad thing of course; plenty of good cars worth driving :)
I rather have cars to choose from,than think which one of the cars i already drived to pick again-choice is always good.
So, how many folks here plan to get a 4K/HDR TV for Forza 7?
Already have a 4K TV, but it is not HDR, and I plan on mostly playing on PC as my G29 is not supported on the XBOne. Luckily my PC is powerful enough to run the game at 4K as well.
Oh yes please! The Diablo GT too!

Will love to see the 2000 Noble M12 GTO make its way in to Forza as well. :)

Wow, can't believe I forgot the Diablo GT! Man that thing looks like a bat outta hell.. and sounds like it too! :D:D

Already have a 4K TV, but it is not HDR, and I plan on mostly playing on PC as my G29 is not supported on the XBOne. Luckily my PC is powerful enough to run the game at 4K as well.

Great, you're all future proof then! Besides, HDR is a luxury really - if your display is well-calibrated and already has a 10 or 12-bit panel, then you're golden, color-wise. I'm not sure however, how many games on console support anything above 8-bit color (24-bit total) even though in the X1 one options there is an option to select 10 or 12-bit per channel. On PC however, I'm sure majority of games support up to 30 and 36-bit color.

Don't you feel, HDR is more of an enhancement than a real game changer?

Sorry for the off-topic folks!:D
So good to have 700+ cars instead of 170+ :D:P

700+ cars is fantastic and all but I wonder which ones will get the royal treatment (winky winky) and which ones are getting the royal screwjob. If they're working hard to make them all look good, sound real, and exhibit unique performance/handling attributes like their real-life versions, all is good.

To be honest, I would much rather have the car count around FM5's count so that each and every car can faithfully be recreated, complete with accurate stock and upgraded sounds as well as a unique physics model for each. Oh well, wishful thinking, I know. ;)
So, how many folks here plan to get a 4K/HDR TV for Forza 7?
That's my plan.

I do usually run games off my comp. screen and let the TV run in the background in my office, so I've been considering upgrading to a comp. screen that can utilize the most of 4K/HDR quality. But, this screen is also only a couple years old and works fine, so... probably stick to the plan.
I don't think that anyone has talked about this yet, but according to the Forza Motorsport Forums, Forza Motorsport 7 is getting The Fate Of The Furious Car Pack as Day One Launch DLC. The Ultimate Edition game cover image is just a placeholder.
I don't think that anyone has talked about this yet, but according to the Forza Motorsport Forums, Forza Motorsport 7 is getting The Fate Of The Furious Car Pack as Day One Launch DLC. The Ultimate Edition game cover image is just a placeholder.

I read about FF car pack,also i think that cover is final,since preorders going in MS store exactly with this cover,it just doesnt make sense to change cover lately,as they confirmed what they cover car is,besides i never saw T10/MS change covers for FM after they anounced.
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I don't think that anyone has talked about this yet, but according to the Forza Motorsport Forums, Forza Motorsport 7 is getting The Fate Of The Furious Car Pack as Day One Launch DLC. The Ultimate Edition game cover image is just a placeholder.
I was really hoping those fast n furious car packs were done for Forza motorsport games smh. While I understand the partnership why not have those for horizon so we have more space for Real cars, like road cars or track cars.
That's my plan.

I do usually run games off my comp. screen and let the TV run in the background in my office, so I've been considering upgrading to a comp. screen that can utilize the most of 4K/HDR quality. But, this screen is also only a couple years old and works fine, so... probably stick to the plan.

To be completely frank with you, a good-quality 1080p is really all you need, particularly if it's set up properly. There are only a handful of games that natively support 4K/HDR, and not that many that even support higher than 24-bit color on consoles. But good for those who have invested in a little future-proof goodness. That's always fun.