Gran Turismo 5 Full Game Footage/Images

  • Thread starter Sam48
I have no real qualms over them using the GT4 assets, however why did it take them so many years to make the game if that's what they've done?

It is also encouraging when you think about the rest of the GT4 tracks arriving for GT5.

Because it takes 6 months to make one car for GT5, they have 40 car modelers, So if the do 75 a year in 3 years thats around 220 since they began modeling the final cars for GT5P in 2007.
Neogaf is going crazy over these:




These make the tracks look a whole lot more like their GT4 counterparts.

Oh man what a HUGE letdown :yuck:....that's just ugly as hell! I don't care if premiums claim to be 'better looking' than that, but that's just unacceptable...

Makes me regret buying and pre-ordering the CE-edition (which get's delivered tomorrow).

I'm really thinking of returning the CE-edition and instead just buying the normal edition (which is about 30 euro's cheaper).....

This is not a hate-post on the GT-franchise, i've been playing GT since GT1 (skipped the prologue's) and i know how wonderful the games are and undoubtly GT5 has many good things....but personally for me, this is a huge letdown and not worth my 80 bucks......i guess i had too high expectations after all years of waiting.....:guilty:
Yeah its properly disappointing. I'm glad I didn't actually pay for it. Just traded 3 games in for pre-order. Still I wish they would have told us what would be missing and what a majority of the tracks and cars would like like a couple of years ago. I could have bought a ******* and ***** * instead. (Biggest PS3 and GT5 fanboy until now)
Oh man what a HUGE letdown :yuck:....that's just ugly as hell! I don't care if premiums claim to be 'better looking' than that, but that's just unacceptable...

Makes me regret buying and pre-ordering the CE-edition (which get's delivered tomorrow).

I'm really thinking of returning the CE-edition and instead just buying the normal edition (which is about 30 euro's cheaper).....

This is not a hate-post on the GT-franchise, i've been playing GT since GT1 (skipped the prologue's) and i know how wonderful the games are and undoubtly GT5 has many good things....but personally for me, this is a huge letdown and not worth my 80 bucks......i guess i had too high expectations after all years of waiting.....:guilty:
LOL i did a 180 from yesterday now im excited for tomorrow..

I preordered the CE on September 8th with intentions of keeping the game and selling every thing else. Since CE is only $40 more I know I can sell that car for $50 and the codes for $20 maybe $10 for the keychain and possibly $20 for the book. Which leaves me up money (I've done this before with other games)

However, I'm considering keeping the codes I love the chrome trim..
90% certain it's a troll now.

Troll my *ss..

I've been waiting for GT5 for years...litterally for years. I'm a student who is not rich, so my spend my hard-earned cash on things i really want or need.

I don't spend a large sum of money (€80,- is a lot for me) on things like games, but for GT5 i make an exception.

My expectations have been very high from the first moment on...and i kind of was afraid this would happen, but nonetheless, i kept my hopes high because the long development-time and the fact THIS game is the only reason i bought a PS3 in the first place (i don't even play the PS3 because i don't care about other games, just GT5)

I'm not saying GT5 is a bad game, it's undoubtly a great game and i WILL buy it (maybe after some time, maybe next week)....BUT....the the 80 bucks it is not worth it for me...

I know it's probably not a huge deal when actually playing the game due to motion, but the thought makes me uncomfortable and hence my thoughts about this issue.

I've never been a graphics person, so that doesn't bother me. At all. I'd be more focused on driving.
Neither am i a graphics person....but this is just too bad. Im sure physics et al will be great in GT5...but i'm also sure i would constantly keep thinking about the 'letdown' due to the high development-time and then this 'garbage'-like graphics INGAME.

LOL i did a 180 from yesterday now im excited for tomorrow..

I preordered the CE on September 8th with intentions of keeping the game and selling every thing else. Since CE is only $40 more I know I can sell that car for $50 and the codes for $20 maybe $10 for the keychain and possibly $20 for the book. Which leaves me up money (I've done this before with other games)

However, I'm considering keeping the codes I love the chrome trim..

You should just return the edition and get refunded. Saves you a lot of hassle of actually selling the items and maybe even making a loss in money

Yeah its properly disappointing. I'm glad I didn't actually pay for it. Just traded 3 games in for pre-order. Still I wish they would have told us what would be missing and what a majority of the tracks and cars would like like a couple of years ago. I could have bought a ******* and ***** * instead. (Biggest PS3 and GT5 fanboy until now)

Very dissappointing indeed.....i really got a little bit 'shocked' by those images...really....just so dissappointed :(
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Ok this is what PD should have done. Converted all the GT4 cars to GT5 and then get rid of the ones that look that bad. Holy hell! Thats just terrible.
I'm thinking those pics are sub-hd resolution. They just look to grainy and gt4 ish. If any of you have played GT5P on sub-hd you will know how much worse it looks, and the detail in the environments is also missing.

I suggest waiting to see it with your own eyes, we are seeing WAY too much inconsistency at the moment
Fortunately the premiums look fantastic.
I haven't got the Hommell yet, so I cant confirm it. I'll wait until I see it in the used cars section. But it certainly looks more like a PSP conversion.. Even tho the car existed in GT4 afaik. i remember I've been running a Hommell on Le Mans.
Then you will burn it.
To anes video of Trial Mountain. Looks alot better with the nice motion blur. Pretty sure I saw 3d grass ad stuff in the video too.
I'm thinking those pics are sub-hd resolution. They just look to grainy and gt4 ish. If any of you have played GT5P on sub-hd you will know how much worse it looks, and the detail in the environments is also missing.

I suggest waiting to see it with your own eyes, we are seeing WAY too much inconsistency at the moment

Nah, even Christhedude, said when he received his Hommel that it looks really bad compared to other standards (which is wierd because it was not in GT3 IIRC.

Sub-HD IDK about that, look at the rims, they look decent, not pixelated at all. but damnnn those lights those mirrors....ouffff.

Then again, not all cars were created equal in GT4.
Nah, even Christhedude, said when he received his Hommel that it looks really bad compared to other standards (which is wierd because it was not in GT3 IIRC.

Sub-HD IDK about that, look at the rims, they look decent, not pixelated at all. but damnnn those lights those mirrors....ouffff.

Then again, not all cars were created equal in GT4.

Yeah not the hommel, I was talking about the 3 pics on the last page, the sileighty, muscle car & whatever the other one is.
The Hommel pic is a psp conversion lol, i have the car in GT5 and it looks way better (in fact all standard cars are fine, it's not that bad).

But of course i prefer to play with the premiums, not sure why :confused: