Gran Turismo 6 coming to PS3

Sorry everyone :(

Thanks. It's nice to see someone just accept responsibility and respond with humility. I think I can say without reservation that the rest of the GTP community appreciates it too. 👍👍

Welcome to :gtpflag:
Yet its stupid for us to think that GT6 to come to the PS3 despite a sony exec accidentally letting slip that it may be one of the few ps3 games still on its way to the ps3?

The funniest pic I've seen in awhile. And funniest post I've read in awhile ^^. Lol he said xbox 720. I just died laughing.
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Today one game that was announced just for xBox 360, PS3 and PC (I´ll be getting it on PC of course), the game is Metro Last Light, it will be also coming to the PS4.

And there are more games that will be coming at a later date for the PS4. I am now starting to think that there is the possibility of PD to release the game on PS3 and for the PS4 as well.

Imagine PD selling the game for PS3 owners and new PS4 owners close to release if not at the same time. It will be like a gold mine right there for PD.

Of course both games are going to look different in some aspects, but the guys who have a PS3 and can´t afford a PS4 won´t care about that.

It can be possible since developers who are not working exclusively for Sony and the console are making this let´s say nulti-gen-platform games.

As happened with PS2 and PS3, a lot of games had versions for both consoles.

If having in mind that the console may come at the end of the year...and if those rumours about GT6 coming in November as well...sounds possible.

As usually just more speculation to the table. (some people already said this)
Today one game that was announced just for xBox 360, PS3 and PC (I´ll be getting it on PC of course), the game is Metro Last Light, it will be also coming to the PS4.

And there are more games that will be coming at a later date for the PS4. I am now starting to think that there is the possibility of PD to release the game on PS3 and for the PS4 as well.

Imagine PD selling the game for PS3 owners and new PS4 owners close to release if not at the same time. It will be like a gold mine right there for PD.

Of course both games are going to look different in some aspects, but the guys who have a PS3 and can´t afford a PS4 won´t care about that.

It can be possible since developers who are not working exclusively for Sony and the console are making this let´s say nulti-gen-platform games.

As happened with PS2 and PS3, a lot of games had versions for both consoles.

If having in mind that the console may come at the end of the year...and if those rumours about GT6 coming in November as well...sounds possible.

As usually just more speculation to the table. (some people already said this)

It has not happened for both consoles @ sentence #6. They simply redefined the PS2 games so they can look better. Your implifying they both release at the same time period which would be utter chaos to me. Imagine the PS4 edition looking real cut clean, while as the PS3 version looks like GT5 with more features.
I am now starting to think that there is the possibility of PD to release the game on PS3 and for the PS4 as well.

Imagine PD selling the game for PS3 owners and new PS4 owners close to release if not at the same time. It will be like a gold mine right there for PD.

Of course both games are going to look different in some aspects, but the guys who have a PS3 and can´t afford a PS4 won´t care about that.
As happened with PS2 and PS3, a lot of games had versions for both consoles.

If having in mind that the console may come at the end of the year...and if those rumours about GT6 coming in November as well...sounds possible.

That makes an incredible amount of sense and is what I had believed since the PS4 was announced.

I want GT6 and to be honest, it doesn't really matter what system it comes out on although I would prefer it to arrive on the PS4.

On the topic of Amar, I really do wish he would here and give us a "wind" post or two... or three.:)
It has not happened for both consoles @ sentence #6. They simply redefined the PS2 games so they can look better. Your implifying they both release at the same time period which would be utter chaos to me. Imagine the PS4 edition looking real cut clean, while as the PS3 version looks like GT5 with more features.

It can be chaotic but at the same time profitable. Giving the "advantage point" of getting GT6 for those who cannot buy a new PS4 console as of yet, can be good for customers and also for them.

The differences between both games are going to be mostly related to graphics quality not necessary to features. You can have tons of features in the PS3 version if they want to finish them properly.

Still it sounds "weird" to me more than "chaotic" because having a logical perspective about the game itself...the PS3 capabilities still can limit what you can do in the PS4 IF you don´t want the game to be completely different to the PS3 version so people "can´t" complain.

But as I said multiple times "IF" that happens.

Possible is, profitable could be, but also it can affect PS4 sales considering all points of views...they (Sony/PD) have like 3 choices: 1-release GT6 for the PS3, 2-release it for both or 3-release it only for PS4 as a release or close to release.

Since people still "don´t know what to do" (we don´t have info about GT6 coming yet and the PS4 is not here as well)...ones want GT6 on the PS3 (we all have the console so yeah why not) and in my case I want it for the PS4 but don´t care if it comes for PS3 if the game is way better than GT5 in a lot of areas...So I´ll probably be getting it, later on the PS4 and GT7 perhaps.

Is hard to tell now what Sony can do with the imminent release of their new console, "release or not release a GT game, here is the question..." (Shakespeare will be proud of me lol)
On the topic of Amar, I really do wish he would here and give us a "wind" post or two... or three.:)

The fact that Amar has been pretty silent is a bit worrysome for anyone hoping for a definite PS4 release. I remember how he'd reply to GT6 PS3 posts and saying it's not likely and that it's 99.9%, GT6 will probably be for PS4.

That's just my feeling though. I was expecting some kind of similar reply from Amar after Michael Denny's quote, but it's been silent.
Walks in
Any one with a brain cell would release it on the ps3. even if it only sells three million copy's Its bound to sell more than if it was n the ps4. Not every one with a ps4 is gonna buy gt6 and to top it off , I doubt the ps4 will sell past 1.2 million at launch.
Better than this.

'Not official artwork' :lol:

HAHAHAHAA Who the crap thought this would be a good idea?
/sorry if irrelevant
My point exactly. Plus, did the PS3 have a Gran Turismo title for it at launch? Nope. Mark my words, GT6 will come out for the PS3, period. Let's move on to more important things, like the cover, release date, content, etc.

I sure hope your right, I really want a good driving simulator that's fun to play for my beloved PS3. I do like GT5, and the physics are good enough for me,
But they need to make the single player aspect of the game fun and engaging!
I sure hope your right, I really want a good driving simulator that's fun to play for my beloved PS3. I do like GT5, and the physics are good enough for me,
But they need to make the single player aspect of the game fun and engaging!

Most people want a new and fresh look to A-Spec. That's a major factor why I dislike GT5 so much. There's just not much to do. And it's something the PS3 can obviously address. Other features like a livery editor, new manufacturers and tracks are easily feasible on the PS3. But it all comes down to KY and his mind, which is so...eccentric and erratic in my opinion. He puts in so much time into the driving physics (and they've come a long way), but other things are simply ignored. It's a balancing act that KY and PD don't manage well. GT5 is a physical manifestation of mental disorganization.
Sony sold 10.5 million Playstation 3 consoles (at 600 US dollars) within the first 13 months of release

Im sure the PS4 can match that pace if not exceed it, especially with the help of GT6. If 1 out of 2 people PS4 owners buy GT6, thats 5 million copies sold within 1 year. Better yet, if Sony bundles the game with the console, the sales could be even higher.

Who here would not buy a PS4 with GT6? If you couldnt afford it right away, wouldnt it be on the top of your to get list? Im sure Sony knows that, and sees little reason to release it on PS3.

Sony wants to win next gen...they are putting alot into th PS4. GT6 on PS3 is like Audi taking their newest and best equipment and running it at Spa and not Le Mans. The bigger goal is PS4, not PS3. At this point, Sony will let the PS3 just ride off into the sunset. Time to focus on the future.
^ exactly. GT5 looks pretty terrible on PS3 (in game) and it's pushing the system to it's limits, GT6 on PS4 is a necessity if you want better sounds, all premium cars, more cars on track, better sound, tracks that aren't ports from PS2, etc, etc. PS4 = sell systems like hotcakes, PS3 = most of GT5's fanbase now has a PS4 with no reason to play PS3 anymore.
PS4 has no bearing on PS2-era ported tracks being present in the game.

If GT6 were meant to be a PS4 release title, one has to ask; why have we not heard a word about it? We see trailers from PD for cars that tickle their fancy, even when we never get access to them (the NSX trailer, IMO, being a prime example of that sort of waste of time); am I expected to believe the same group of people don't want to show us what they have, no matter how miniscule, for their next title?

And for that matter, why would Sony be introducing a brand new IP in Drive Club? Even overlooking the fact PD has never been able to provide a launch title (or indeed, a title without a delay), why would Sony go through the trouble of hyping up a new title in the same broad genre only to pull the rug out from under it?

I already know that a GT6 alone does not make PS4 a must-buy for me. So many of my qualms with GT5 do not necessarily need a more powerful system.
I already know that a GT6 alone does not make PS4 a must-buy for me. So many of my qualms with GT5 do not necessarily need a more powerful system.

are you planning on still playing your PS3 in five years? if that's the case your opinion doesn't matter to Sony as you're not putting any money in their pockets, only using up bandwidth on PSN, and GT5 in itself is so far restrained by the system it's not even funny, if GT/PD want to survive they need to pull out all the stops, which simply isn't possible on the 2007-era PS3.

I still dont get this argument with the install base of the PS3. So, you guys that support this idea, would you be still happy to play a GT5 on the PS2? While every competitor moved on? I mean the PS3 is over 5 years old and I only see the financial reason not to upgrade. A console every 5-6 years is totally acceptable.

So, if GT6 would come out for the PS3 end of this year or next year, we will have a new playstation without a GT in the first 3-4 years of its life time AGAIN. You seriously want that???

PS4 has no bearing on PS2-era ported tracks being present in the game.

If GT6 were meant to be a PS4 release title, one has to ask; why have we not heard a word about it? We see trailers from PD for cars that tickle their fancy, even when we never get access to them (the NSX trailer, IMO, being a prime example of that sort of waste of time); am I expected to believe the same group of people don't want to show us what they have, no matter how miniscule, for their next title?

And for that matter, why would Sony be introducing a brand new IP in Drive Club? Even overlooking the fact PD has never been able to provide a launch title (or indeed, a title without a delay), why would Sony go through the trouble of hyping up a new title in the same broad genre only to pull the rug out from under it?

I already know that a GT6 alone does not make PS4 a must-buy for me. So many of my qualms with GT5 do not necessarily need a more powerful system.

Because there is no problem with having a couple of racing games at the same time. Even when they are all first party. Microsoft showed that with their PGR and Forza-games.

To be onest, Drive Club probably wont become a true simulation game. Probably more like Project Gotham Racing or so. And this means it will be different enough to co-exist with the GT-series. I think they probably thought that they cant let us wait for every GT-game that long, without having something fresh and good while waiting.
are you planning on still playing your PS3 in five years? if that's the case your opinion doesn't matter to Sony as you're not putting any money in their pockets, only using up bandwidth on PSN, and GT5 in itself is so far restrained by the system it's not even funny, if GT/PD want to survive they need to pull out all the stops, which simply isn't possible on the 2007-era PS3.

It's not about playing my PS3 for the next five years. It's about not buying a system I see no need for. Until there are numerous games I can't resist playing, I'm not buying the shiny newness simply because it's the shiny newness. That's a terrible mindset to have, IMO.

GT5's worst mis-steps have little to nothing to do with the system it's on.

I still dont get this argument with the install base of the PS3. So, you guys that support this idea, would you be still happy to play a GT5 on the PS2? While every competitor moved on? I mean the PS3 is over 5 years old and I only see the financial reason not to upgrade. A console every 5-6 years is totally acceptable.

The flip-side to that argument, is that the PS4 will likely have limitations that PD will bump into too. Back before GT5's release, the community was full of comments about how the wait would be worth it, that the PS3's massively increased power compared to the PS2 meant that GT5 would be the game we all dreamed it would be. Now, perhaps unsurprisingly, that same bit is being repeated about GT6 (if it were hypothetically a PS4 title). That it will be unrestrained, a purer vision of what Kaz has always wanted, et cetera et cetera, ad nauseum.

So, if GT6 would come out for the PS3 end of this year or next year, we will have a new playstation without a GT in the first 3-4 years of its life time AGAIN. You seriously want that???

I don't, no. But I don't think PD should be waiting half-decades between games.

Because there is no problem with having a couple of racing games at the same time. Even when they are all first party. Microsoft showed that with their PGR and Forza-games.

To be onest, Drive Club probably wont become a true simulation game. Probably more like Project Gotham Racing or so. And this means it will be different enough to co-exist with the GT-series. I think they probably thought that they cant let us wait for every GT-game that long, without having something fresh and good while waiting.

You're right. Project Gotham and Forza are co-existing beautifully... oh. Wait. ;)

While it'd be nice to have a two-pronged, first-party-supported attack on the racing genre, I don't think it really matters to casual gamers.
It's not about playing my PS3 for the next five years. It's about not buying a system I see no need for. Until there are numerous games I can't resist playing, I'm not buying the shiny newness simply because it's the shiny newness. That's a terrible mindset to have, IMO.

GT5's worst mis-steps have little to nothing to do with the system it's on.

The flip-side to that argument, is that the PS4 will likely have limitations that PD will bump into too. Back before GT5's release, the community was full of comments about how the wait would be worth it, that the PS3's massively increased power compared to the PS2 meant that GT5 would be the game we all dreamed it would be.

i don't get why you would wait when you're going to buy the system anyway just like everyone else, the only reason i can understand is financial obligations...and i'm not sure if you missed the memo, but devs hate the CELL processor with a passion, it had very little to do with its "massively increased power" and everything to do with how to utilize that power, which is also why every multi-platform game was natively developed on the 360 and ported to PS3. i'm sure you're aware the PS4 has done away with the CELL and moved on to a much more familiar platform for devs.
The flip-side to that argument, is that the PS4 will likely have limitations that PD will bump into too. Back before GT5's release, the community was full of comments about how the wait would be worth it, that the PS3's massively increased power compared to the PS2 meant that GT5 would be the game we all dreamed it would be. Now, perhaps unsurprisingly, that same bit is being repeated about GT6 (if it were hypothetically a PS4 title). That it will be unrestrained, a purer vision of what Kaz has always wanted, et cetera et cetera, ad nauseum.

I personally think that we are still atleast 10 years away from getting really photorealistic real time graphics. The jump to next gen with the PS3 and Xbox 360 was something new. The development studios are now familiar with the creation of hd games. And with the PS4 beeing closer to a pc, we will see faster development. Some developer said that it only takes weeks to port a pc game to the PS4 now.

I mean 8 GB RAM and a high end gpu/cpu are light years faster than the PS3. Will the game look 10 times better? Probably not, but I think that every part of the gameplay will benefit from the new system.

You're right. Project Gotham and Forza are co-existing beautifully... oh. Wait. ;)

The problem was that PGR 4, which was a fantastic game, came out at the wrong time. It was the release window of Halo 3 and some other really big games. More a problem of bad marketing than game quality. PGR 4 was superb!

It is just a matter of the right time to put a game in the spotlight for the consumer. If GT6 would come out as the same time as drive club, you can be sure that it would fail, because everybody would just look a GT.
i don't get why you would wait when you're going to buy the system anyway just like everyone else,

So with that logic, you've got a funeral casket in the shed waiting for when you need it?

If there isnt games that appeal, you have no need for it so why buy it? As a paperweight? thats the only use I can see it being used for if there arent games that appeal to you...
I still dont get this argument with the install base of the PS3. So, you guys that support this idea, would you be still happy to play a GT5 on the PS2? While every competitor moved on? I mean the PS3 is over 5 years old and I only see the financial reason not to upgrade. A console every 5-6 years is totally acceptable.

So, if GT6 would come out for the PS3 end of this year or next year, we will have a new playstation without a GT in the first 3-4 years of its life time AGAIN. You seriously want that???

I seriously don't understand why you and others who want GT6 on the PS4 so badly, find it as some big problem. Yeah big whoop when the other games are moving next gen, you think people are gonna go all crazy and buy that said console for one little game? Please. And oh wow with GT6 being on PS4 it'll help it sell millions in one week, oh wait, there never has been a GT launch title so scrap that idea...

I'm more then happy to purchase GT6 on the current console, instead of spending hundreds of dollars, again, on a console for one game. By all means keeping hoping for GT6 to be on PS4, it ain't gonna change Sony's minds of wanting GT6 on PS3. Wait for GT7 for PS4. :sly:

EDIT: And IF GT6 was worth to be on PS4, I won't be buying it either way, which is why I'm happy its going on PS3. GT7 on PS4 will be my next purchase after a few years has passed.
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I still dont get this argument with the install base of the PS3. So, you guys that support this idea, would you be still happy to play a GT5 on the PS2? While every competitor moved on? I mean the PS3 is over 5 years old and I only see the financial reason not to upgrade. A console every 5-6 years is totally acceptable.

If Sony and PD want to survive they need the most money they can get in the shortest period of time, and that will come from tapping the largest customer base with the smallest investment.

GT5 cost PD $60+ million to develop and a whole heap on top of that for advertising, given the number of copies they have sold and the rough return of retail back to developer they have made a small (for Sony/PD) return on it to date. Why woudl they then simply start another costly development cycle on the PS4 and ignore the minimal additional development needed to once again tap the 70+ million PS3 owners while also developing on the PS4

So, if GT6 would come out for the PS3 end of this year or next year, we will have a new playstation without a GT in the first 3-4 years of its life time AGAIN. You seriously want that???
What we want is only one factor in this. GT titles sell roughly 4 - 5 million units in the first two months from release, as a PS4 launch title that figure is never going to be achieved, which would loose momentum, be seen as a sales failure and wasted opportunity. It would make far more sense to wait a year until the user base is in place and actually be able to achieve the historical sales for the series.

That's why my money would be on GT6 for the PS3 this year and GT7 for the PS4 around 12 - 18 months after launch.

Because there is no problem with having a couple of racing games at the same time. Even when they are all first party. Microsoft showed that with their PGR and Forza-games.
They also made sure to launch them at differing times. PGR3 was a 360 launch title, FM2 came along 18 months later.

You can have a couple of racing games in the stable at the same time, but you don't want to release them at the same time. Cannibalising sales from yourself is not sane business practice.

To be onest, Drive Club probably wont become a true simulation game. Probably more like Project Gotham Racing or so. And this means it will be different enough to co-exist with the GT-series. I think they probably thought that they cant let us wait for every GT-game that long, without having something fresh and good while waiting.
And for the vast majority of people who will only buy one racing title (at most) at launch? Are they going to go for the unknown or the well established flagship title?

DriveClub and GT can most certainly co-exist, but not if Sony effectively kill one by launching it alongside a title that will almost certainly be seen as the preferable choice. Keep in mind that which one is the 'sim' is irrelevant; GT5 was not bought by 9 million sim racers, it was bought by 9 million people who wanted a racing game (sim or not).
What about one game every 5-6 years?

Not acceptable in my eyes...

Well it depends. A game like MGS or Final Fantasy is more story based and this way those are not in need for constant updates. But those two franchises release games faster than PD with GT.

A racing game, especially a simulation, has always potential to get more realistic and better. There is no simulation or game out there that is already 100 % realistic. Even a service like IRacing needs constant development in every area.

With a stream lined production and constant evolution step by step, it should be possible to make a release atleast every 2-3 years.

If Sony and PD want to survive they need the most money they can get in the shortest period of time, and that will come from tapping the largest customer base with the smallest investment.

GT5 cost PD $60+ million to develop and a whole heap on top of that for advertising, given the number of copies they have sold and the rough return of retail back to developer they have made a small (for Sony/PD) return on it to date. Why woudl they then simply start another costly development cycle on the PS4 and ignore the minimal additional development needed to once again tap the 70+ million PS3 owners while also developing on the PS4

What we want is only one factor in this. GT titles sell roughly 4 - 5 million units in the first two months from release, as a PS4 launch title that figure is never going to be achieved, which would loose momentum, be seen as a sales failure and wasted opportunity. It would make far more sense to wait a year until the user base is in place and actually be able to achieve the historical sales for the series.

Well, as I fully understand your argument about the financial situation for Sony and PD. I really dont care about it. First party games are subsidized most of the time anyway to generate hardware sales.

And I just want the best experience I can get for my money. As a gamer I only have to think about playing and not about the financial state of the developer.

If they fail to get the money back that they invested, it is not our problem. With a release every 3 years they wouldnt have such a problem anymore. Invest everything in one time and money consuming product and bet that everything will go fine, can go very wrong.

It is just sad how PD think that they are still the leader in the business. They just lean back and work on some ridiculuss details. Loosing their view for the whole game.

That's why my money would be on GT6 for the PS3 this year and GT7 for the PS4 around 12 - 18 months after launch.

I am sorry, but you cant possibly think that they will release GT7 that soon...
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