Gran Turismo 7's Next Update is Coming September 28, Adds Three New Cars

Frame of reference. I’ve been playing this game since Gran Turismo. No, not “GT1” . . . Gran Turismo. #Old #Bitter

I find it interesting that there are so many complaints expressed each time a new update is published. This time the refrain is “Forza’s coming out so I’m leaving GT7” mixed in with “the car/track/feature I wanted didn’t come so this update is horrid.”

A genuine question to the individuals who find this (and the other updates) unsatisfactory:

Would you support a microtransaction based pay-for-your-desired-item model?

While I would not – I love the fact I get new updates about every month – I’m curious to see just how many are complaining because they want everything they want instantly . . . vs. how many are willing to commit money to get what they want.

Personally I’m now in the PSVR2 category and consider myself lucky; this is a brand new game to me in every respect. There are certainly cars/tracks/features I’d love to see return to the game and/or added to GT7. I’d love to have the Vector W8 Twin-Turbo, Track Editor (Thundercloud . . . I still miss you!) and Virginia International Raceway added (or hell, Summit Point for that matter) but I’m not going to rage quit if/when they don’t arrive.

I’ll continue to enjoy what I have: the opportunity to improve my driving skills, take wonderful pictures in different landscapes, design liveries and just enjoy a drive in cars that I will likely never own.

Of course, your milage may vary.

That’s just my opinion; it may be wrong.
Did i miss something, i thought they added new races?

Got all my engine tickets, that 959 Engine i got will really make a good impression never been used :-/
The windsor-maverick engine swap in the cayman GT4 makes it`lively`on the opening laps on Tokyo,also the 959 swap into the 1992 911 carrera is pretty solid too.
Frame of reference. I’ve been playing this game since Gran Turismo. No, not “GT1” . . . Gran Turismo. #Old #Bitter

I find it interesting that there are so many complaints expressed each time a new update is published. This time the refrain is “Forza’s coming out so I’m leaving GT7” mixed in with “the car/track/feature I wanted didn’t come so this update is horrid.”

A genuine question to the individuals who find this (and the other updates) unsatisfactory:

Would you support a microtransaction based pay-for-your-desired-item model?

While I would not – I love the fact I get new updates about every month – I’m curious to see just how many are complaining because they want everything they want instantly . . . vs. how many are willing to commit money to get what they want.

Personally I’m now in the PSVR2 category and consider myself lucky; this is a brand new game to me in every respect. There are certainly cars/tracks/features I’d love to see return to the game and/or added to GT7. I’d love to have the Vector W8 Twin-Turbo, Track Editor (Thundercloud . . . I still miss you!) and Virginia International Raceway added (or hell, Summit Point for that matter) but I’m not going to rage quit if/when they don’t arrive.

I’ll continue to enjoy what I have: the opportunity to improve my driving skills, take wonderful pictures in different landscapes, design liveries and just enjoy a drive in cars that I will likely never own.

Of course, your milage may vary.

That’s just my opinion; it may be wrong.
Judging by the fact people have pointed out the Ferrari P330 has increased 100 dollars... no... no people wouldn't support microtransactions
Looking at new Porsche extra menu right now and... did PD make a new 3D location for this? I don't remember seeing it before.
They keep teasing us with those and then be like "ye u not getting that to take pics of ur cars, enjoy more scapes tho"
Here's a video of it on Youtube

I believe that location was already used in the VR showroom
I am fine with 3 real cars in updates instead of wasting resources with VGT.

It is not possible to please everyone with car choice but addition of new Corolla and Civic flagships, is the right way to go.

New track will arrive , eventually, and the right attitude is to set expectations on minimum. It is obviously that PD is working on GT8 and must save new content for PS5 exclusive game.
Not attracted to Forza after this, FM7 engine was garbage and I expect the same for FM8. I have a 3080 laptop so that would be easy to get into, FM7 even had one of my cars, where GT7 has none.

What I won't do though is just as important. No upgrade to PS5 Pro. I only use the PS5 for GT7 and if PD doesn't invest more in this game I won't invest more in the platform either. They just have to fix 2 player assists for me and then I'll consider the PS5 Pro. I would also consider it for Sonoma Raceway if it gets added on.

When Grand Theft Auto comes out though, you best believe I'll forget about GT7 except once a month where they add 3 cars and 5 swaps.
Judging by the fact people have pointed out the Ferrari P330 has increased 100 dollars... no... no people wouldn't support microtransactions
I tend to agree with your observation.

This indicates to me they want everything to arrive in the next update . . . and I'm only partially kidding here. A short trip through this thread indicates there are soooo many things desired that - unless everything is added in a single update - someone's going to be mad to the point of rage-quitting.

That is their prerogative.
Weird, because I happen to be listening to my Yes playlist right now as I tried to enter the time trials.

I didn't notice the 'U17' stipulation for the Suzuka TT, and was totally thrown by the registration page...

Age: 0 - 4 ; 5 - 9 ; 10 - 14; 15 - 17

Occupation: erm, toddler?

How familiar are you with the brand Honda? :lol:

Isn't there an age limit to having a PSN or GT7 account that would prevent the under 4's from taking part?!


I do like the question about what Honda products would you like to buy, however...

I said:

Honda SuperGT merch, a Honda Civic or NSX

Season 9 Nbc GIF by The Office
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Judging by the fact people have pointed out the Ferrari P330 has increased 100 dollars... no... no people wouldn't support microtransactions
Something I just spotted in this reply . . . to me the idea the P330 has increased by 100 dollars sounded cheap until I realized they were not thinking about earning credits in the game . . . they were talking about microtransactions.

I think that is a huge point I missed. My personal preference is to play the game, earn credits within the game and the "carrot" is whatever new car I want to buy. Just got the McLaren which leave the Mercedes as the one 20 Million Credit car I'm missing.

If I only approached these things as only gainable by microtransactions, I may have a different view.
How are they not creating an '80s Formula One series for this game? Hell, most of us can already think of 5 tracks that would be historically perfect for it. This game is full of so many wasted opportunities. Each car class type could have been their own progressive career tract on their own.
I get the impression their attitude is, "You want new things to do? With Sport Mode, every race will be new!

...Why is everyone talking about Meta? Facebook don't have a car we can model."
A genuine question to the individuals who find this (and the other updates) unsatisfactory:

Would you support a microtransaction based pay-for-your-desired-item model?
Microtransactions? In general, no. Paid DLC packs, maybe (semantics in respect of your question I know, but there is a difference in scope of one versus the other). Although free stuff trumps paying for that same stuff (short of it being free due to theft), I am not averse to paying for DLC if I feel the DLC warrants the price asked. But my issues with GT7 really have nothing to do with the cars and tracks, its the lack of good single player racing content and the in game economy. We have the Clubman Cup+ races and thats about it.

On your later point about the expensive cars being a carrot, I get that they can be. But for someone who doesn't have the time and/or inclination to grind the same races over and over again, or to save for those cars more organically, they become more of a demotivating factor instead.

The updates won't please everyone, this update is no better or worse than any of the other updates that brought 3 cars and handful of catch the rabbit races.
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Actually, it goes like this: "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me".
Yeah I was taking it a step further, like I’m an idiot to be fooled so many times. Haha. Oh whoops I see that now, I said shame on ME instead of shame on YOU haha. Good catch.

What I meant to type was fool me once, shame on you, fool me almost seven times, I’m an idiot. Hahahah
Yeah I was taking it a step further, like I’m an idiot to be fooled so many times. Haha. Oh whoops I see that now, I said shame on ME instead of shame on YOU haha. Good catch.

What I meant to type was fool me once, shame on you, fool me almost seven times, I’m an idiot. Hahahah
Actually, it's "Fool me once, shame on, shame on you. Fool me, you can't get fooled again"
A genuine question to the individuals who find this (and the other updates) unsatisfactory:

Would you support a microtransaction based pay-for-your-desired-item model?
No, I wouldn't pay microtranactions at all to get a car early. Unless when you say "microtransactions", you actually mean DLC car packs like other racing games offer. Then yes, I would be open to supporting paid dlc if they're done right and priced well. $20 USD for 3 cars is a major no no. $7 USD for a pack of 5 cars however and we're talking. I have paid $20-25 for season passes in the past for Forza Motorsport & Horizon games, Assetto Corsa, and DLC Packs for Project Cars 2 as they delivered great content for their price points.

The problem goes into whether PD would follow through for the prices or not, it could be like GT5 and we barely get DLC packs at all.

While I would not – I love the fact I get new updates about every month – I’m curious to see just how many are complaining because they want everything they want instantly . . . vs. how many are willing to commit money to get what they want.
While there's some silly opinions expecting new cars not long after the actual car is announced. I think you're ignoring the other points on how people have complained about the rate of cars coming each month. Especially when compared to the previous GT's content update rate. GT Sport in 2018 had 8-12 cars per month and in 2019 slowed down to 5-7 cars per month.

Getting 3 cars now on a monthly basis makes it feel like they're purposely holding back on us or that their planning is just bad.
Personally I’m now in the PSVR2 category and consider myself lucky; this is a brand new game to me in every respect. There are certainly cars/tracks/features I’d love to see return to the game and/or added to GT7. I’d love to have the Vector W8 Twin-Turbo, Track Editor (Thundercloud . . . I still miss you!) and Virginia International Raceway added (or hell, Summit Point for that matter) but I’m not going to rage quit if/when they don’t arrive.
and I'm glad that you feel so lucky to have the content that we have now. GT7 in many ways feels new. But the core problem with GT7 to me is that what's new here is for the most part worse than what he had in previous games including GT Sport. I'm not even just talking about cars and tracks. The single-player mode is lackluster, even more so than GT6 and I almost want to say that the GTSport's "GT-League" mode that was tacked on better executed than GT Cafe mode.

Another problem is that with each new feature or kind of content that was added in this game, a lot of them have a huge asterisk attached to them that kills the joy of it. Engine Swaps were added, but were tied down to daily exercise rewards or tickets for the first several months of GT7's life. Used Car Dealership is back, but is now tied to real-life day cycles instead of in-game day cycles like the old games. Online Racing and Sport Mode carried over from GT Sport, but are filled with bugs and more stability issues than what GT Sport had. Endurance races added in an update, but they were added as part of the missions hall and you can only earn money from them once.

A lot of the rage quitting is honestly just treating the current update as the straw that broke the camel's back in this case. This was a long time coming after months of lack-luster updates.
I tend to agree with your observation.

This indicates to me they want everything to arrive in the next update . . . and I'm only partially kidding here. A short trip through this thread indicates there are soooo many things desired that - unless everything is added in a single update - someone's going to be mad to the point of rage-quitting.

That is their prerogative.
I don’t think it is an all or nothing as you are saying. People would be a lot happier with say 8 cars a month and a track every other month as opposed to 3 cars and no track for 8 months.
Updated the game and looked at the cars and just turned it off. No desire to grind out the credits for these cars. Hopefully the next update has something a little more worthwhile
You needed to grind out the credits to buy a Honda Civic? That's just not playing the game at that point - the gameplay loop of any GT game is to do events to buy cars. It's not "grinding" to buy a literal Honda Civic.
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wow! 631 posts for an update on a game that came out over 18 months ago really does scream out loud about how unhappy the GT community (people who still actively visit this forum after all this time) is. It is a shame Kaz/PD aren't listening :( But the sheer volume of posts screams to how poor this update is, how unhappy the collective is, how let down we feel at not being listened to and how angry we are that instead of increasing our fun and giving us a reason to play (more events and bigger pay outs), instead we have a spiteful act of doubling a car price in a low paying game and making the GT experience more unpleasent, more unpalatable... way to go Kaz/PD - so let down, you serve up what had the potential to be the greatest GT of all time and then do all in your power to make people not like it... :(

this my straw... I don't quit with rage... past that long ago... but like many others I know, just quietly bow out with a whimper, giving up so to speak... I have not cared about numbers of cars or tracks for a long time... just want many many more events to use all my cars on, which should be so simple for PD to do!!!!!! And... I want them to all pay properly soo I can afford to modify and enjoy all those cars in my garage... that's all I need to be back in the drivers seat but i wont go near it until that time, which most likely will mean not going back at all. Sony/PD/Kaz do not care what their hard-core supporters since GT1 think or want - it used to be about a love of cars - now it's just about money
You needed to grind out the credits to buy a Honda Civic? That's just not playing the game at that point - the gameplay loop of any GT game is to do events to buy cars. It's not "grinding" to buy a literal Honda Civic.
The 5 swaps do take hours of grinding. And for a year before one could buy a swap in the game it would take a miracle!
Microtransactions? In general, no. Paid DLC packs, maybe (semantics in respect of your question I know, but there is a difference in scope of one versus the other). Although free stuff trumps paying for that same stuff (short of it being free due to theft), I am not averse to paying for DLC if I feel the DLC warrants the price asked. But my issues with GT7 really have nothing to do with the cars and tracks, its the lack of good single player racing content and the in game economy. We have the Clubman Cup+ races and thats about it.

On your later point about the expensive cars being a carrot, I get that they can be. But for someone who doesn't have the time and/or inclination to grind the same races over and over again, or to save for those cars more organically, they become more of a demotivating factor instead.

The updates won't please everyone, this update is no better or worse than any of the other updates that brought 3 cars and handful of catch the rabbit races.
feel exactly the same way - we have the cars, we have the tracks... now give us a plethora of traditional style events with good pay outs and the joy could return to GT..... when it costs nearly 300k to fully upgrade a car and you have hundreds of cars and the majority of races pay a pittance, there is no motivation to play... life is too short for Gran Turismo
Don't expect things to get much better.

The problem is not NEW assets, unless you have exhausted all the car track combo's in the game imo. GT7 is the most under-realised GT ever. They have a tremendous car list and a great selection of tracks.. IMO all they need to do to vastly improve the game is introduce Category events (like in previous GTs) - i.e IA Cup (what is the point of having licenses in this game as they are never used), Stars and Stripes, MX5 cup... etc, historic touring challenge... they have done all this before - 5 race cups with pts awarded for placings and overall championship - and then make them pay well so we can enjoy all the content that the game already has and feel that each race is a fair trade for our time in this busy real life world. Now...... none of these changes / introductions, would involve creating new assets, labour intensive assets, so that is not an excuse. Simply use what you've already got in game and multiply the race roster 100 fold