For the upcoming GT Academy (North America) I will be entering because:

  • It sounds like fun

    Votes: 104 38.4%
  • I might win some cool prizes

    Votes: 57 21.0%
  • I want to be on Speed TV for the playoffs

    Votes: 6 2.2%
  • I want to be a real race car driver

    Votes: 71 26.2%
  • I think I could win

    Votes: 33 12.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I will be Midwest and have all golds. I posted a pic in that thread minutes ago. Feel free to add me on PSN, although I don't race online too much yet.

PSN: mcfizzle and put GT planet in message so I know
Northeast here. Can't wait for this to start to find out how I compare. Anyone know how they are going to make this fair. DLC is probably the car we "have to use" with out the settings being adjustable.
Southeast for me! :)

I already know that I'm not going to come close to winning anything...but it sounds like it'll be fun.

And hey, maybe there will be free prizes! :lol:
Has anyone received any sort of confirmation email or anything after signing up? Maybe we're just not going to hear anything until the 20th.
I'm surprised the list isn't longer. I could think of a bunch of names I'm sure we'll see on the leaderboards....the 'ol sneak attack, eh?

I got a confirmation email after I registered. Nothing else since...


psn: rfcnkt North East here, not going to say I don't want to be a race car driver but I doubt I'll make it to the top as I'm not the fastest in the game. On the GT academy site it says the point of this competition is to turn the best Gran Turismo player into a pro race driver, not to give those skilled in racing already a chance at a career. Gotta be realistic about it and just try your best I guess.

I wish everyone luck, and hope the winner is from GTP!
Great news fellow Yank's I just got the "Big Get", pippin4652 (Alex Ingram) GT Academy 2010 Silverstone Finalist returned my request to help out his fellow members from across the pond when were are pulling our hair out trying to make the cut. His link is at the top of the buddy list as a Driving Advisor. 👍
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Great news fellow Yank's I just got the "Big Get", pippen4652 (Alex Ingram) GT Academy 2010 Silverstone Finalist returned my request to help out his fellow members from across the pond when were are pulling our hair out trying to make the cut. His link is at the top of the buddy list as a Driving Advisor. 👍

Excellent :)

I'd quit my day job to make the trip to the finals. And it's a legitimate job. I'd chase the dream. Even if it doesn't pan out, I'm going to be doing karts.
Great news fellow Yank's I just got the "Big Get", pippen4652 (Alex Ingram) GT Academy 2010 Silverstone Finalist returned my request to help out his fellow members from across the pond when were are pulling our hair out trying to make the cut. His link is at the top of the buddy list as a Driving Advisor. 👍

The wonders of getting on the front page :lol:
Great news fellow Yank's I just got the "Big Get", pippen4652 (Alex Ingram) GT Academy 2010 Silverstone Finalist returned my request to help out his fellow members from across the pond when were are pulling our hair out trying to make the cut. His link is at the top of the buddy list as a Driving Advisor. 👍

Hi all. If anyone has any specific questions for me then please fire away, but to kick off I can offer a few general tips:

First and foremost,
Use a wheel - I did not reach the UK finals of the 2008 GT Academy because I used a DS3. I am absolutely convinced that If I'd had a wheel back then, I would have reached those finals too. By the 2010 GT Academy, I had owned a wheel for about six months, and it brought me the extra speed that I needed.

Don't be complacent - Even if you think you've nailed a lap that you can't possibly imagine beating, someone else will probably find a quicker way. When such a big prize is on offer, the most determined will be working at it every day to be the best, so to win, you will need do the same.

Mental Approach - Everyone is human, everyone is beatable, so why is it ridiculous to believe that you are the person who will win? Nobody has an unfair advantage over anyone else, so you should all believe that you have a genuine shot at victory.

Hope these tips prove to be helpful for a start, I'm sure there are many others buried away at the back of my mind that will pop up at some stage :)

The wonders of getting on the front page :lol:

:lol: I know, well if you don't ask you don't get, so Lefty asked if I wanted to help, and I obliged!

By the way Lefty, its not pippen, its 'pippin,' as in 'that little chap from Lord of the Rings.' ;)
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Midwest here. I hope to be able to make it at least to the top 32 in the country, I would obviously like to get into gt academy. I have a dfp wheel, and I still nedd to get use to it. I bought a stock 370z to practice different tracks with. atm I am still faster with a ds3, but I am improving with my lap times.
I have some questions. is reading books on racing a help? Also, I tend to spin out a lot. I am obviously pushing the car too much. How do I know the limits of a car? I've been trying to learn but I just can't get it. I need serious help. I do want this badly. Would I have come on here otherwise? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong at times or if I'm pushing too much I also understand race lines but can't hit them at all. Basically, I need loads of help
I have some questions. is reading books on racing a help? Also, I tend to spin out a lot. I am obviously pushing the car too much. How do I know the limits of a car? I've been trying to learn but I just can't get it. I need serious help. I do want this badly. Would I have come on here otherwise? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong at times or if I'm pushing too much I also understand race lines but can't hit them at all. Basically, I need loads of help

Good to hear you have the heart but it sounds like you need to just put in more pratice/seat time to really evolve as a driver. I find that reading on the subject has helped. I personaly like the 'Speed Secrets' books. It sounds to me like you need to be alittle lighter on your feet (gas and brake) and be alittle quicker with your hands (steering) but all ways stressing smoothnees. If your also missing your racing lines it may be time for you to 'go back to basics' and pick up a low <180hp FF car and work on hitting your lines and getting consistent lap times on a smaller track. Dont stress trying to tune your car. Then move to a low hp FR car and repeat. If your still having troble get better tires and try agian. Good luck!

And do we know when this is starting? I.E. 12:00am EST?
I have some questions. is reading books on racing a help? Also, I tend to spin out a lot. I am obviously pushing the car too much. How do I know the limits of a car? I've been trying to learn but I just can't get it. I need serious help. I do want this badly. Would I have come on here otherwise? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong at times or if I'm pushing too much I also understand race lines but can't hit them at all. Basically, I need loads of help

Play a little game between you and the Driving Line. Your first challenge should be to drive directly over the Driving Line, and go slow enough so that you are board stiff but you keep the wheels straddling the line no matter what. If you push out in any turn on the track "slow down". You have to become one with the line.

After you can keep the line between your tires, slowly start bringing up your speed until you are struggling to keep the car on the line. That is when you will need to need to keep the tire squeal to an even sound in the turns as you are fighting to keep the car on the line.

If you have by this time resisted to leave the line and not gone rogue, then you can do anything you want do while going down the straight but get back to where you have to be to get into position to be on the line to go through the turn as you have practiced earlier.

As you have most assuredly figured out to this point it's the turns that are giving you problems and not the, the Brits have an ol saying "go in slow come out fast", you should by this time have a good enough feel for the track that you can start to turn it up and if you push out wide going in to the turn "SLOW DOWN" and at all cost don't leave the line.

Practice one turn at a time, it just like learning to play music, you don't practice the second turn until you get through the first turn perfect. As you start chaining the turns together you will eventually make a lap :) and then start chasing your ghost, that will make you go nuts... lol.