GT5 Could be delayed again for an early 2011 launch

  • Thread starter GrandCobra
anyway PD they will release it for japan first than they give us when it comes to e.u or u.s
as gran turismo series
so if delayed for japan it means for all!

No, if you remember correctly, the delay at the beginning of January specifically was for the Japan release only.
This is all a result of the Sony's horrible decision making and I am referring to the PS3 in general. $600 at launch? lol, what morons! What idiots! They put themselves into a big hole from day one. Now, they're catching up fast, but I bet that's a big reason GT5 is taking so long. Sony needs to make up more ground with a reliable exclusive.

So Sony, if you're reading thins, launch the PS4 at no more than 400 dollars and keep your dumbass 3D tvs below 3,000 dollars. It's a recession, too. Don't you forget!
You still haven't explained a benefit for PD to outsource the model content.

Accomplishment of project deadlines. :)

...and quite frankly model/graphics is massively important in customer satisfaction, we live in the HD era, soon to be the 3D era, people want stunning looks. being developed off-site. It will make everything take longer, let alone more expensive.

As I said, everything depends on the competence of the stakeholders, being outsourced is just a detail. Yes, It may interfere in quality if they do all the work offshore but this is not what I'm suggesting. Basically, PD hires outsourced professionals, put them under supervision of PD staff and make them work at PD site.

Graphics are really important, and specialists can do the same work of PD staff if they're given the proper tools. PD just makes software, they don't do magic tricks, anyone could deliver the same quality under the vigilant eyes of the sensei and using the spetacular server farm at PD. :D

You've got the point, Quality Assurance is the pain of the arse when it comes to outsourcing, but Kazunori it's not concerned about quality because a high level of quality doesn't satisfy him, he wants perfection, and that's why GT is so good. I want to agree with you because I know your comment is much more reasonable than mine's, however, I want to see things flowing faster for the next games and I'm sure sony is considering ways of speeding up GT series development timespace for the next titles, they've already lost a lot of money to Microsoft because of this unfinished odissey.


PS: Hitler sucks. :D
Thank God for Forza 3!!

Honestly I just don´t care anymore about GT5...sick of delays after another.

PD should have announced GT5 when they launched GT...1, it would be ready by the next year....
It makes sense, we still are in the 2009 financial year which Sony clearly expected to get a big boost from GT5, which has attributed to it's lower than expected income. Now it's been delayed until the next year (2010 finacial year).

If you're willing to use the crappy MS official wheel, otherwise you will need much more than 100 quid for a proper wheel that supports FM3 (Fanatec Turbo S)
Or the Pure, much cheaper...lose alot of features though.
Again and again this is a circus, and just guess who are the clowns?? 🤬 If PD didnt tell us all those release dates (that never happen) i would certanly endure the pain of not having the full game much easier... but this is unfair! Lets see what happens in March... Nothing surprises me now! OHH wait!! When the game comes out! Oh yeah that will be a SURPRISE!! This isnt about winning, but to note how stupid i feel everytime a release date is canceled! Whats the ideia of realesing a date when you arent sure that the game will be ready?!
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imo, everyone kicks it while it's down, then when it comes out, everyone hops on the bandwagon.

Yea.....that is pretty much what happens when something, anything, is delayed a ridiculous amount of times until it is released. In my eyes there isn't even a bandwagon to jump on.
The Japanese release was only delayed to make it a World Wide release, simple as that.

Sony decided it would be in there best interests to have it released in every country at once to maximize profits.
The Japanese release was only delayed to make it a World Wide release, simple as that.

Sony decided it would be in there best interests to have it released in every country at once to maximize profits.

Source please
The real annoying things is not that is has taken so long to make the game but that Polyphony and Sony keep feeding us with misinformation. They originally targeted it for 2008 then 2009. Kaz mentioned a couple of times that it be done by 2009. Then they moved it to 2010. Then they delayed it. And now we don't even know when it’s going to be released. To add to all this confusion are the random comments of some people at Sony. "This fall, next fall." "This fiscal year, next fiscal year."

Just set a date and stick to it. Even if it is 2 years from now.
If Sony thinks GT5 will solve all their problems they are delusional.
I can HONESTLY see Forza 4 and the next NFS game being released before GT5, and those games may not even be in development yet! (Although odds are that they are well on the way by now)

And FM4 and NFS shift 2 (or whatever theyre gonna call it) will IMO be as good as if not better than GT5 (maybe not graphically or physics wise but as a whole package)

In fact, I half believe that GT5 isnt going to be as good as FM3 AS A WHOLE PACKAGE
Accomplishment of project deadlines. :)

As I said, everything depends on the competence of the stakeholders, being outsourced is just a detail. Yes, It may interfere in quality if they do all the work offshore but this is not what I'm suggesting. Basically, PD hires outsourced professionals, put them under supervision of PD staff and make them work at PD site.

Graphics are really important, and specialists can do the same work of PD staff if they're given the proper tools. PD just makes software, they don't do magic tricks, anyone could deliver the same quality under the vigilant eyes of the sensei and using the spetacular server farm at PD. :D

You've got the point, Quality Assurance is the pain of the arse when it comes to outsourcing, but Kazunori it's not concerned about quality because a high level of quality doesn't satisfy him, he wants perfection, and that's why GT is so good. I want to agree with you because I know your comment is much more reasonable than mine's, however, I want to see things flowing faster for the next games and I'm sure sony is considering ways of speeding up GT series development timespace for the next titles, they've already lost a lot of money to Microsoft because of this unfinished odissey.


PS: Hitler sucks. :D

Dan, I don't see how your proposal would have improved the development time for GT5. I don't think they have lost a lot of money to MS, GT5 will still massively outsell FM3.

Your suggestion seems to me to be hiring people to do a job that someone else is already doing, and to be getting PD staff to be man managing more people, what if you don't have the manpower to plan for that? You bring in more staff. Your idea not only takes time to achieve but is far more expensive. Also, we have no idea if model development is a reason for any "delay" (if there is one) to GT5. Besides, you can have all the models ready 6 months before release, means squat if the rest of the game isn't ready.
Seems like a miss translate to me, they may have meant they expected GT5 to be released this year (This finacial year which ends after march) "it looks more likely that it will be after this year (we are still in 2009 financial year) so that’ll be a significant factor."

Sounds to me like a finacial year translation error, this is a Financial
Conference which speaks in financial years not calander years.

I was thinking the same thing. Fiscal 2009 has not even ended yet, the end of March.

They need to make some decisions and get this game on it way to being listed as "gold". GOW3 and Heavy Rain ain't gittin' it done for me. Looks like O'l be playing Modntion Raversion until GT5 gets here.

Last year was literally agonizing for FT universe. Sitting on the edge of our seats daily looking for any glimmer of when we'd have our game. I can't subject myself to that same anguish. I'm hoping for spring, expecting summer, and dreading a fall release.
For Japan. It's quite obvious every region gets it with the 3DTV's.

Obvious to you? Agreed.

What he means is that Japan will still get it before anyone else would, therefore a delay for Japan equals a delay for everyone else.

That's not how it works.

Either way, it kind of baffles me why GT5 isn't being released in europe first. They buy the most copies, not us or japan. I understand japan getting it fors cause it's the home country of the game but EU should be next and US after. Make they fans feel appreciated.
That's not how it works.

Either way, it kind of baffles me why GT5 isn't being released in europe first. They buy the most copies, not us or japan. I understand japan getting it fors cause it's the home country of the game but EU should be next and US after. Make they fans feel appreciated.

I'm just interpreting what he's saying. Anyway, if you have any first hand knowledge of how the industry works & any indication that it will be a worldwide release, do tell.

I'd like to point out that no one has any idea and either point of view could be right (either this will cause a delay for everyone vs. simultaneous release). There is no indication that either camp is more correct at this point in time. Unless, of course, you work for PD, because it seems not even Sony execs know the answer.
"PS3 hardware to become profitable in Sony’s 2010 financial year"

Im aware it says its due to less production cost. But a launch of GT5 would without a doubt give a boost in PS3 sales, and is for sure something Sony will use combined.

All in all I think the article doesnt say anything we didnt knew before. The Portugese Sony guy on the front page stated it would be out late 2010 if i remember. That fits just fine with expected launch in 2010 f-year, and fits perfectly with a moresale and profit of PS3 units overall.
I can HONESTLY see Forza 4 and the next NFS game being released before GT5, and those games may not even be in development yet! (Although odds are that they are well on the way by now)

And FM4 and NFS shift 2 (or whatever theyre gonna call it) will IMO be as good as if not better than GT5 (maybe not graphically or physics wise but as a whole package)

In fact, I half believe that GT5 isnt going to be as good as FM3 AS A WHOLE PACKAGE

This post is so full of wrong it's not even funny.
I can HONESTLY see Forza 4 and the next NFS game being released before GT5, and those games may not even be in development yet! (Although odds are that they are well on the way by now)

And FM4 and NFS shift 2 (or whatever theyre gonna call it) will IMO be as good as if not better than GT5 (maybe not graphically or physics wise but as a whole package)

In fact, I half believe that GT5 isnt going to be as good as FM3 AS A WHOLE PACKAGE

WTF?! :odd: Was that humor?? pffff:tdown: