GT5 delayed

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
This feels way too much like when the Fallout 3 DLC was released for PS3.

Bethesda said the first episode would launch late June 2009 after months of hemming and hawing over it coming out at all. I waited for the PSN store to update. Nothing. I and other Fallout fans waited the next week. Nothing. Then the week after that. Nothing.

After 2 1/2 weeks from the promised date, Bethesda finally said it was delayed due to "production issues" and the DLC wouldn't arrive till late September. I was frakking pissed. But at least they delivered, and sold us "Broken Steel" first instead of "Operation: Anchorage." I was a happy camper.

This time, I don't know. I was cool with the delay, but with the end of the month coming and no news yet, I'm getting pissed again. I hope we hear something today or after tomorrow at Paris Games Week, but I have a bad feeling about it all over again, about no news for another week. It's hard to lowball these expectations, but it's time to do it.
Ironically, the first day is November 2...

Yeah I know lol, I'm happy that I have thing's that have taken my mind off of GT because when they first announced the delay I almost cried, then I put thing's into perspective and am now calm, cool and collective.
Why does it take so long to schedule the new release? There are so many people involved in this, the company is massive, but nothing happens?

Mabe they are just really carefull with a new release date, and want to be 1000% sure it will make it.

Seen the advertisements and promotionscampagne of this game though, I think the release will be far in future. It's way too silence.

The fact we weren't given a new release date almost immediately after they canceled the first means one of two things to me; either they have a good handle on getting it out by Christmas but don't want to botch it again so they are waiting till they are absolutely sure or they ran into some major issues and are in a frenzy trying to push it out by Christmas but themselves have no clue if its doable. I honestly don't believe kaz would say our before next year is likely unless they honestly believe it can be done.
I honestly don't believe kaz would say our before next year is likely unless they honestly believe it can be done.

Kaz is a very talented guy, one talent he doesn't have however is sticking to something he said before, or knowing when it's best not to say something like the infamous 'we can release it at any time we want' last year which despite probably being theoretically and even factually accurate perhaps sounds hilarious in hindsight and raised expectations unnecessarily for a relatively early release date.
The biggest trouble is not just that he keeps repeating this error and therefore establishes a questionable reputation as for being trustworthy but probably that he himself actually genuinely believes it each time ( and therefore makes this mistake by being overconfident perhaps ).
So yes, he probably honestly believes it can be done, that however hasn't got much credibility or substance anymore to me at least.
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Kazunori Yamauchi explains the recent delay
I'm willing to bet it will be out on Dec.6th or 13th. We've waited this long, what's another month? I don't think this is intentional on PD's part. I honestly believe they want this out as badly as we do, but they have to make sure it is ready, and not release the game before working out the kinks. It is, in my mind, going to be the best game on PS3. And not just the best racing game, but the best game period.
NFS releases a game every 6 months to a year, and it really shows. GT is not just a slapped together game like 80% of those on the shelves. They want it to be the best, and good things take time. So just be patient, it will be out in a few weeks, and when it comes out you know it is going to be good.
honestly this game has taken forever.. i remeber laying gt1 when it first came out. and with me saying that ive played all 5 gt games this year trying to get 100% and im on gt4 now at 90%. by time i hit 100% this game bette be out