GT5 Video From TGS!

^ we know its gt4 tarted up a bit. you dont expect it to be EXACTLY like this stupidly early release video do you? :P

im expecting it to be the step up that GT2 was from GT1 :D

No I would hope it would be better as so far I'm not that impressed. But GT2 wasn't a big step up from GT1, it was better handling, more cars/tracks, worse graphics and my opinion and an awful frame rate :)

I'd like to see some real progress after all GT5 was supposed to be 'in development' during GT4. Its not like GT4 offered much different to GT3 and the other prequels. If GT5 is another GT rehash with nothing new I'll have to do my best and avoid it.

I find it quite amusing people are amazed by clear windows in the cars. Even Need for Speed 4 had that in what 1998?
People busy themselves criticizing a game that doesn't even exist yet, as if it was going gold and coming to store shelves in a month. Brilliant. :sly:

Well, since I have a brain and experience watching games go from development shots to on my screen, I'm stoked. In love, actually. If I could buy Gran Turismo 4 SE today, with nothing added but the ability to race against 19 competing cars with humanlike AI, animated crowds and enhanced high def resolution, I'd do it, and never touch GTR again.

You people who act like Polyphony is done working on this game are ninnies. Kazunori-san's vision of a Gran Turismo based on taking a tour of history couldn't be realized because of the limitations of the PS2. And these days, the PS2 is downright wussy in every way you can imagine a videogame system to be. There will be virtually no limitations on the PlayStation 3, other than the designer's imagination. Polyphony/Sony could fund university research into artificial intelligence for the game if they want. Game companies do it with physics and graphics engines. Both the XBox 360 and PS3 are going to put our best PCs to shame, never mind the obsolete PS2 and XBox. So do I expect even a GT4 SE to be an amazing game? Of course!

Why a handful of you guys wallow in doubt and revulsion is beyond me, except that some of you are only happy when you're unhappy. :crazy:
... I personally think Vision GT is a clever way to ensure that the PS3 has a strong racing game as a launch title....

This is the same thing that I've been thinking (hoping for) since E3.
aghh, like its been said, Vision GT is GT4 running on Ps3 hardware. as soon as they hit a point where theres basically little code of GT4 left, its GT5 :)
ah, ok. just wanted to make it clear ;)
Wow...the reflections...the in-car view...the engine sounds...

I'm just breathless. If this is just a small fraction of what GT5 will be, then GT5 is going to be flat out awesome. :drool:
The engine sounds have always been very good, but those were some great racing effects. And my beloved blue-violet Raybrig NSX chameleon paint scheme was among the cars!

I'm just as breathless over the artistry involved in the transition of the blue RX-7 from inside the building to the racetrack, and the setting was perfect. El Capitan. And the music was superb. I'm voting for this footage to be the basis for the opening video of the release game. And I'd almost pay money to have Sony pick this monumental game to feature this version of "Moon over the Castle" instead of some lame western pop-rock tune like... Panama?? Yuck. If anything, let Joe Satriani, Dream Theater or Steve Vai do their own epic rendition of this Gran Turismo tradition.

Who's with me? :dopey:
Yeah, I think they need to go back to the music style of the original GT.
I don't think songs like "Panama," whether you like them or not, fit GT's style very well.
uhhhhh, i wish i was the very first to get it, butt nooo you californian peeps get it first cuz you close to japan :/ lol jk very sweet grpahics, can't wait to get it, don start without meh!
If these are the graphics of PS3 im really not impressed! So if its not the grahics of PS3 then we cannot say it is an actual trailer of GT5!
Its NOT!

Its nothing more than Gran Turismo 4's engine spiced up.
Vision GT=Spiced up GT4.

The REAL Gran Turismo 5 pics and videos have yet to be shown.
One thing I forgot to enthuse about, and it was something I was hoping for with GT4 is CHOPPER CAM! PLEASE let this be active and selectable! :dopey:
With the copter's shadow in the pics if you're at the right angle... would add immensely to the sense of realism.

I don't know what you guys are harping about... it's a trailer. It looks about 50% better than GT4 in some parts, and 100% better in others, and it probably isn't even the official code yet. Give it some time, guys.

But yes, it is breath-takingly awesome and cinematic.
Now on the date of this post, I have not seen the video for GT5. So I reserve my judgment on the TGS footage until I have seen the video, studied the video, and all that.

Now, I'm not going to make the early mistake about pre-judging something as bad that hasn't even been released. When GT4 came out, I was looking forward to the game, wanted to play the game, and when I finally played the final product, I was in love. Whereas most other people gave up on it or come up with any excuse to play Burnout 3, I enjoyed the GT4 experience. I thought a lot has changed between GT3 and GT4 besides prettier graphics. For one, I had to get adjusted to the newer physics engine. Having done go-karting before, I know what car control is like. That experience kind of helped me understand how to race one of those machines in the game.

As far as this trailer goes (remember, I haven't seen the video), I have no idea what to expect. But I read about animated pit crews, cooler-sounding cars, and maybe a few new cars. To me, you can hate me if you wish, but what's the point in thinking that this is going to be GT4 rehashed? Every GT is a new GT to me. The same racing dynamics and rise to fame may be the same, but from my experience, there are new experiences in each game so that saying "just the same" is basically an insult. GT5 will be no different. Unless GT5 really will turn out to be GT4 for the PS3, then this will all be brand new. Each GT after GT1 built off of the last GT and most of the time, was better than the last. PD would have to be really lazy for me to turn away from any future GT games. You won't see me saying "just the same." It may be just a trailer, but can you really assume that PD sat on their asses after making GT4 so that the American gaming media would favor Forza Motorsport and Burnout 3 over Gran Turismo 4? What's wrong? Are we all going to assume GT5 will be GT4 with more stuff? If 99% of America thinks that when GT5 is released, let me be the 1% to say that GT5 is actually going to continue PD's legacy for as long as PD is around and as long as GT remains successful. It's too early now, so let's not be too negative on it just yet.
I will just whait and see, I think 2 years is pretty much time to work on a game... and especaly when the PS3 is very easy to work with compared to the PS2 from what i have heard! making cars i think will take just a few days for exampel. the hard thing is gonna be to make the AI good, realistic tyresmoke maybe, damage and stuff...
So far right now, it looks like GT4 with more poly's and amazing lighting (the single screenshot over at IGN shows it more clearly). With a reported 2007 release date, there's still alot of time for further improvement. If I remember correctly, GT3 changed a heck of a lot from the early pre-PS2 launch version (aka GT200).

Honestly though, I'd prefer that that extra horsepower goes to car damage, AI, physics (maybe making them scalable) and online.
LMAO you guys kill me. For anyone to say that's GT4 code you have to be crazy. Just go into photo mode and examine any car in GT4, you'll notice that the body panels on the car are just one big piece, looks awesome in motion, but ugly when paused. First thing i noticed in the vid, you can actually see the space between the body panels, no idea how anyone missed this? Nay sayers kill me, dismiss everything from jump, no one says anything bad about PGR3, and that game look beautiful, but still their graphic look pretty close to that TGS GT video, except their cars were overly shiny.

Watch the video again and watch the cars closely, that is not GT4 code. Wanna tell me that at 1:00min video time that part of <course name escapes me>, yes I'm positive that is GT4 code :rolleyes:. Give me what you are hopped up on.

Anyone else here notice that this ain' t CG either, If that's running on what may be final hardware, one can only imagine when they are keeping from us. The rest of you pessimists can go buy yourself a clue. What is apparent is that they used the track information they collected and use most of in GT4, but no way in hell that is the code they used in GT4.

Oh im referring to specific instances in the video, like the very beginning the two car models and the 1:00 minute mark. The rest of the video looks like beefed up GT4, but then again it may just be all new for PS3 just using the information they had for GT4, not the exact code. Exact code would deliver the exact same results as GT4, and in this video you can see that isn't true. Further examination of the two cars in the beginning reveal a lot more, now I see that the windows are a realistic tint and the interiors are tinted realistically. What amazes me is the lighting, it's amazing. Now i see it, the two cars the Lancer and the Rx7 those are definately entirely new code, they are the oly two cars which windows you can clearly see through, while the in the videos, the race cars still looked dark.
listen to this, Project Gothem Racing 3 for the x-box 360 graphics is almost like gt3, mark my words, because after seeing pictures on page 1 (mazda rx-7) it astonished me. I can tell which is better. they've got the body work refletion right.
imagine a real person standing next to it, what do u see off GRAN TURISMO 5, REALITY... thank you.
The car models don't compris of the game engine code, physics code or any of that, you can run more detailed car and track models on GT4 code, it can still be GT4 code. I remember Kaz saying he designed GT4's code so it could be easilly updated for future GT's.
listen to this, Project Gothem Racing 3 for the x-box 360 graphics is almost like gt3, mark my words, because after seeing pictures on page 1 (mazda rx-7) it astonished me.
Eh???? PGR3 looks nothing like GT3, it looks ace.
The car models don't compris of the game engine code, physics code or any of that, you can run more detailed car and track models on GT4 code, it can still be GT4 code. I remember Kaz saying he designed GT4's code so it could be easilly updated for future GT's.

Maybe you can, but just watching the level of detail in the one 1:00 section leads me to believe that that is a lot more than GT4 code there. Then again, we never knew exactly the depth of GT4's code. But the Evolution and RX7 are definately off new code, yes you need code to display those polygon and texture maps along with light diffusion and other graphical jargon that's going on in the shots of those two new models.

One thing is for damn sure, they haven't added realtime shadowing yet, lol. I want to see the damage engine in action, realtime. Want to see what Kaz was talking about when he said he wanted to accurately produce roll-overs and such, car manufacturers are going to cringe if it's anything like TOCA2, lol.
Yep but thats only oe aspect of the code, the core game engine can be largly the same along with the physics engine, I'm thinking that is just an improver GT4 engine like most people.
Ok now i understand. OK people, the course data and all the other car data are directly from GT4. The RX7 and Evolution are built with PS3 specs in mind so they are of much higher quality than the other cars in the video. That PS3 is a real beast if it is able to take GT4's code and toss around 3 times the cars with loads of lighting effects. But if those two car models are anything to go by, then the final product will be undoubtedly amazing.

Sorry live4speed, but i recognized it now. cheers mate
Yeah thats what I'm getting at, I agree that GT5 could be the best looking game ever so far.
After watching the trailer I must say it will get better. But the GT5 graphics could get a challenge from Unreal 4 engine.

But glad HDR is in GT5.