GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
This week's Race C - my favorite daily so far I think - is also showing why we haven't had daily races like this before . . . and my not too often in the future.

People quit too frequently in these races. That would be multiplied with weather added.

I recall the GTWS event at this track with weather. While I didn't do too well (and that was before spinning my way out of the pits) I stuck it out and completed the race. During this week, I don't recall a single race where everyone in the lobby finished.

With Red Bull Ring up for next week, I would not be surprised to get either weather or a longer race . . . but not both.

How often have others doing race C this week had everyone finish the race/not quit?
Finally did 2 mistake-free Race C’s yesterday. Won the 1st race from 2nd, and landed in a loaded lobby (11x A+ drivers!) in the 2nd race. Race was quite eventful with me defending hard from Lap 2 to 6 (Won’t be doing so if I knew they were 2s per lap quicker!) but both drivers passed me cleanly. Did consistent 2:00 laps in 1st stint and 1:59’s after pitting, around 1-2s off the pace of the front running guys. Ended up 5th after Rory (rarely) made 2 mistakes in the final laps.

Full race below - don’t think anyone got time for the entire 40 mins so I also included the Acton time stamps.

00:00 - Race start from 10th, Got into 9th
02:00 - Defending 7th after messing up 130R
03:36 - Defending 7th against a very rapid Merc
06:08 - Defending 7th against a very rapid McLaren
20:18 - At 1st due to cars in front pitting at Lap 10
24:12 - Pitting at the end of Lap 12
39:03 - Passed the Merc for 5th after his mistake
40:36 - Checkered Flag


Edit: @TechnoIsLove I certainly know how you feel!

Could I bother you to upload your quali replay in game? I don't even know if that's possible if you didn't do it when you did the lap so please don't feel obligated to do it. Just tell me to f off 😆
Out of curiosity, what is the upside or downside for PD when they set up the dailies? They aren’t gaining or losing money. Do the numbers affect their revenue somehow? Honest question, not a sarcastic rhetorical question.
It's multi faceted to be honest. As a live service game they have access to way more data than previous games.

The dailies need to serve two purposes, 1 retain players, they need a user base to sell from to the higher ups.

2. Increase player numbers which means making races that anyone can have fun in.

Games like this heavily depend on a sticky user base, I'll ignore the career stuff because I don't think that is ever gonna be sticky to those that want to live out fantasies of being race drivers.

When you really sit back and think about it the dailies are hugely important.

Just looking at the TT participation numbers you get a sense of the scale and arguably it's not awesome.

Some TTs have 150k try. Now if these were all sports mode players the global index looks quite thin at any given time. This is why we get matched with people we have raced with. The population is in relative terms small.

So when they pick a daily race they need to make it sticky (people do it more, they need to balance new and experienced player preferences, and it has to fit the slots)


When you factor in the esports angle things get complicated.

Esports generally don't want tuned cars or ice races. So those are largely playing to the less race orientated people. Or less competitive types.

The dailies have to serve a purpose for the stickiness (things like daily marathon, it's a time based metric not a mileage based one)

So upsides:

- more people log on, race and spend time in the game

- down sides less people participate or are drawn in to the mode thus not increasing player volume or esport recognition.

Edit 2: to answer the question:

Yes it hits the bottom line.

The more players engaged with the game the more copies they will sell of the next game.

The more people playing the game, the more budget they get from Sony for the next one.

Whilst these are high level objectives (most of us have a 25 year history with the franchise tbf) to grow users, buyers, daily active users they have to make a compelling product. Arguably the most ardent GT fans (not in volume) are those that race online, invest in being competitive or reach out to peeps to be more competitive is the core market, the game is the mass market. But I don't think we stay for Sunday cups or Jimnys....
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Could I bother you to upload your quali replay in game? I don't even know if that's possible if you didn't do it when you did the lap so please don't feel obligated to do it. Just tell me to f off 😆

Happy to share the in-game QT replay! Just had it shared under my GT7 profile. Let me know if it works.

How often have others doing race C this week had everyone finish the race/not quit?

I think I did 6 races so far - none of them where everyone finishes (Full A or A/A+ mixed lobby). Usually 3-4 drop outs each race including myself at one point 😅

Man A+ is just miserable. My DR has floated back up to high A after I tanked it, and instantly as I got near to top split I was met with a last to firster in Race C who punted me off at the chicane twice because all they're focused on is passing 'slower' drivers with 0 racecraft to be seen.

It's shameful honestly. I've had cleaner races my entire time in mid A than I have in that one high split A+ race. Unfortunate that this is the state of Sport Mode.

It is really down which A+ drivers we got grouped with - they are all extremely fast but there is definitely a huge variance on their racecraft.
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I feel like I can "Senna" the throttle to generate oversteer when I need it in the MR cars without losing control and am very slow and also somehow more unstable in the corners in the M6/AMG. This is all probably because I suck in general. If anyone could suggest a good non-clickbait video explaining the driving style differences needed it would be appreciated.
What people are usually going to say to answer your request:
  • It’s all about throttle and brake inputs. You need to practice on small, controlled, incremental inputs when you brake and accelerate.
  • Watch the top time trials that players post each week.
  • Practice with their and/or your ghosts when you practice so you can see where you’re losing time.
  • Watch videos like Tidgney’s each week to get good markers for braking and accelerating.
  • Watch and study your own replays to see what you’re doing right or wrong.
Honestly, that’s about all you can or should do. There is no easy way to improve. I want to drive the M6 faster because it’s such a meta car, but it’s just too much power for me until I can learn to control the throttle better. It’s simply a skill difference.

Also, I’ll suggest not watching the fastest lap replays of top racers because they’re aliens and you (and I) can’t reproduce what they’re doing. I try to find the lowest posted qualifying best-lap replay because I can learn what they’re doing. You can’t learn to be an alien!

In the end, it’s about practicing more and more. Have fun and good luck!
Practice, practice and more practice.

Just doing laps gets you better on the pedals.

(Do not buy in to all this hype about wheels and torque) if you can't brake or accelerate smoothly it makes no difference where you are pointing

Ignore your lap times and focus on being smooth with the car, learn it, learn the track and work your pace up sector by sector. Use a ghost but as a friend to chase not an opponent to overtake.

But mostly understand the braking points (and do yours earlier!) understand gear selection if you can, and most importantly understand the lines. Being tight to everything is a bad idea on most tracks.

Here is a fun one for spa, attack the final chicane and your speed will be roughly 40 ish brake early, go slower and wider, accelerate more cleanly and you'll pass the line several miles an hour faster
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Another DR question. Done really well at Spa this week and am within touching distance of A!

But the last few races I’ve been put in lobbies where all but two or three players are A+ or A and I’m starting 13th-15th. So I’m losing DR.

Last race, though, I started 15th, but finished 11th, beating both B drivers and one A driver. Yet I still lost DR.

Shouldn’t I have gained it given my performance relative to the other B drivers and a few As? Isn’t what I did just as hard, if not harder, than getting a top 5 in an all B/S lobby which would’ve gained me DR?

Ps I’m not complaining. Even if I snuck into A I’d soon drop back. I’m a mid-pack B driver having an unusually good week.
Another DR question. Done really well at Spa this week and am within touching distance of A!

But the last few races I’ve been put in lobbies where all but two or three players are A+ or A and I’m starting 13th-15th. So I’m losing DR.

Last race, though, I started 15th, but finished 11th, beating both B drivers and one A driver. Yet I still lost DR.

Shouldn’t I have gained it given my performance relative to the other B drivers and a few As? Isn’t what I did just as hard, if not harder, than getting a top 5 in an all B/S lobby which would’ve gained me DR?

Ps I’m not complaining. Even if I snuck into A I’d soon drop back. I’m a mid-pack B driver having an unusually good week.
No is the honest answer.

What happens is you lose less DR in those races.

Once you are bottom any level the points distribution takes that in to account. Its ELO ish and doing its thing.
Another DR question. Done really well at Spa this week and am within touching distance of A!

But the last few races I’ve been put in lobbies where all but two or three players are A+ or A and I’m starting 13th-15th. So I’m losing DR.

Last race, though, I started 15th, but finished 11th, beating both B drivers and one A driver. Yet I still lost DR.

Shouldn’t I have gained it given my performance relative to the other B drivers and a few As? Isn’t what I did just as hard, if not harder, than getting a top 5 in an all B/S lobby which would’ve gained me DR?

Ps I’m not complaining. Even if I snuck into A I’d soon drop back. I’m a mid-pack B driver having an unusually good week.
Go back three pages and look at post #28,665. This explains it all.

Basically, in a mixed lobby with cars ranked higher than you, you’re still losing DR when you’re in the bottom half, but not as much. Since you’re on the edge of A though, you’re going to be bouncing around for a while until you have a good foothold in A (ask me how I know. . . .).

Best advice: don’t worry about it! I’ve done terribly this week on Race C, and had one good race and one ok race, and I gained DR overall. I’ll probably lose it all again by the end of the weekend and be back to about 20% into DR A.

At this time last year I thought I might have a chance at DR A+ if I worked more, but I got angrier and angrier and just burned out from the stress. After a long break, I’m back to about the same rank but I’m just enjoying the races and not worrying about my DR so much. Let go, and I promise you’ll be a happier person, and probably gain more DR when you’re not scratching and clawing for every single position in a race. That’s when weird things happen, egos get hurt, and we get into stupid situations that ruin our races. This week I just sat back and let people get around me and then fight each other while I steered clear. It’s been amazing how little I’ve been crashed, and how many positions I’ve picked up while they sit in the sand.

That’s my two cents. Take it for what it’s worth. Just don’t burn out! (Emotionally at least. Burn rubber on the track all you want!)
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Go back three pages and look at post #28,665. This explains it all.

Basically, in a mixed lobby with cars ranked higher than you, you’re still losing DR when you’re in the bottom half, but not as much. Since you’re on the edge of A though, you’re going to be bouncing around for a while until you have a good foothold in A (ask me how I know. . . .).

Best advice: don’t worry about it! I’ve done terribly this week on Race C, and had one good race and one ok race, and I gained DR overall. I’ll probably lose it all again by the end of the weekend and be back to about 20% into DR A.

At this time last year I thought I might have a chance at DR A+ if I worked more, but I got angrier and angrier and just burned out from the stress. After a long break, I’m back to about the same rank but I’m just enjoying the races and not worrying about my DR so much. Let go, and I promise you’ll be a happier person, and probably gain more DR when you’re not scratching and clawing for every single position in a race. That’s when weird things happen, egos get hurt, and we get into stupid situations that ruin our races. This week I just sat back and let people get around me and then fight each other while I steered clear. It’s been amazing how little I’ve been crashed, and how many positions I’ve picked up while they sit in the sand.

That’s my two cents. Take it for what it’s worth. Just don’t burn out! (Emotionally at least. Burn rubber on the track all you want!)
Thanks for the advice! I agree; as I said in my PS I’m not upset about it; just curious about how DR works in this case. I’m a mid-B driver skill-wise and I suspect I will end up back there soon!

Oh, and I couldn’t agree more about letting drivers fight. The level of stupidity of some B and A drivers is just wow - like door banging and weaving all over the track rather than do a lead follow, get a gap behind, and try a pass when it’s really on.
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Thanks for the advice! I agree; as I said in my PS I’m not upset about it; just curious about how DR works in this case. I’m a mid-B driver skill-wise and I suspect I will end up back there soon!
yep, basically you'll end up rated what you end up rated so just focus on driving (and also the guy behind you who is definitely going to dive bomb you)
Regarding the technique stuff, I would add that lapping without focus on a technique can hurt long term if your goal is to keep getting faster and more competitive. If you have a bad technique and aimlessly keep repeating it, you were unconsciously "practicing" that poor technique and it's now your habit. I would pick one of the suggestions, and focus on it; for me right now it's precision in lines and car positioning.

I've been bit by this on the guitar, I spent so long sort of aimlessly playing I developed bad habits, not even realizing it, and now am working to undo that. But 30 years of playing... some stuff can be hard to undo, even when it very obviously helps when I get it right.

As for the racing, great night on Daily C last night. Almost perfect consistency (which I value quite hightly) resulting in an 8th to 4th taking advantage of mistakes others were making. Started lapping at 2:02, then 2:01, then pit, down to 2:00, then cooled off to 2:01 at the end to bring it home. I hope we get more like this!!
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The SR bar looks empty when it's full, which makes TOTAL sense.🙃 You're good! :cheers:

@GrumpyOldMan you almost sounded lonely...thought I'd throw a couple laps at B. 😁

Figured I'd stop in and class-up your friends list.
View attachment 1328507

Anyone who references Christmas Vacation, is a friend of mine 👍🏼

Finally got around to some Daily C’s, and it’s been incredible. Really shows the potential in this game. Set a 1:59.5 in my 458, good enough for back of the pack in European 2nd split lobbies 😂. Might need to jump in my Porsche to set a lap. Usually can work my way into the top 5-6 if I don’t make any mistakes. Absolutely having a blast with this combo
First runs at Spa tonight, can't seem to get the 650 to behave with understeer. Moved onto the Veyron which reaches the highest speed on the Kemmel Straight, gave me a 2.30.* then last of all the Huracán. A couple appear in the top 10 and gave the best overall pace with a 2.29.5 as long as you brake in a straight line.
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Your comment was about the 20 laps on Race C. I was on lap 18 last night and I suddenly remembered how you always say you lack the attention span to do any Race C, and as I was thinking about it I suddenly lost my attention span while doing Race C!!!! I blacked out at the spoon and luckily was saved by muscle memory and woke up enough to finish! I took P3 in fact after P1 ran out of gas!
It's actually great you got a chance to experience what I live with all the time. ADD is, by definition, a deficit of attention. My mind just goes somewhere else. Except, of course, for me it happens much more often than it does for most people. And there is very little I can do about it - just the idea of thinking "stay focused" will get me drifting off. Meds help, and I'm a functioning member of society, but if you're having a conversation with me and you have to say "are you paying attention?" the answer is invariably "huh? what?". LOL.

When I was dating my wife, and had to drive 30 minutes home every night, I can't tell you the number of times I missed a freeway connection and found myself somewhere I didn't expect to be.

So when I'm racing and you see me missing my braking markers and flying into people in front of me, you know that chances are, I'm not trying to divebomb anyone. I'm just off in la la land.
A couple more tries at Race C tonight, both in the Porsche.

Race 1: 4:00PM EST, mixed lobby - B/S and A/S. Started in P9, still with my QT of 2:00.755. I think I'm starting to figure out some survival strategies for this Race C. For instance, in this race I was behind a driver who had similar pace to mine. Couldn't quite catch them, but I was keeping up. There was a multi-second gap to the car behind us, but it was shrinking. Eventually the driver caught up and was riding my bumper. I didn't like it. I felt like if I kept defending one or both of us was going to end up going off the track, probably me. So I let them by on the front straight. Soon they were pestering the car ahead, while I was driving my laps in peace. The faster driver eventually got by the other one and we went back to our chase, which ended when the other car went off the track on their own. Another faster driver caught up from me from behind, and instead of fighting, I let them by. On the final lap, they lost control it at the hairpin, putting it into the wall, putting me into P8. Then, on the straight to the Casio triangle, there was another car puttering along. I thought maybe they were waiting up for somebody they'd knocked off the track, but it turned out they were out of gas. That gave me P7 at the finish.

Race 2: 7:00PM EST, all B/S lobby. Started in P8. Lap 1 was generous. A Twitch streamer was doing a last-to-first challenge and immediately gave up his position. Another driver lost it in the Degnas. I soon found myself in P6 at the back of a pack of front runners, with a multi-second gap behind me. Things were looking good. On lap 6, the Twitch streamer blew past me -- he'd already posted a fastest lap that was a full second faster than any I've seen in the race this week; what the hell is this guy doing in a B/S lobby? Anyways, I'm feeling like if I can just run a clean race from here on out, I'm sitting pretty with a P6 finish, maybe higher if somebody screws up. Of course, I was the one that screwed up. On lap 7, I put my left tires in the grass going into Degna 1 and spun myself into the sand. When I got back on the track, I was P12 -- second from last. I decided then that today I wasn't going to give up. Today, I was going to fight! I sang the 'Dirty Tires' song to myself, then set to work getting back to P8. I soon found myself behind another car and decided to pit on lap 9 for tires and clean air. The clean air lasted a couple laps, but I soon found myself in the midst of other cars. Thankfully, they were all running a similar pace to me, so it wasn't really a problem. As the laps went on, cars ahead of me went off the track or outright quit. On lap 17, I looked up and discovered I had made it back to P8. On lap 19, I passed another car that had crashed. And on lap 20, another. I had somehow gotten back to P6 for the finish, albeit 15 seconds back from the pack I had been running with earlier. On paper, the P8 to P6 might not look that impressive, but I feel quite proud of how I got there.

I sure hope these longer races become a regular fixture of the Daily Races. I am just loving it!
Had a fun race with @GOTMAXPOWER

I mean…he had no clue I was in the race until I hit him up in the post-race chat, but it was fun nonetheless. Started 9-10th (I don’t remember) to 5-6th (I don’t remember). Looks like Max lost out on first place by less than a quarter of a second. Ouch

Such an epic Daily C 👍🏼
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Had a fun race with @GOTMAXPOWER

I mean…he had no clue I was in the race until I hit him up in the post-race chat, but it was fun nonetheless. Started 9-10th (I don’t remember) to 5-6th (I don’t remember). Looks like Max lost out on first place by less than a quarter of a second. Ouch

Such an epic Daily C 👍🏼
I didn't recognise you with a different name and flag 😅

I ran wide from the lead at Degner 1 then could never get close enough to repass, with the understeer it feels like the front tyres are overheating after a couple of laps so there isn't a lot of action in the races, for most of the first stint I was holding up 2nd place with the dirty air.
Had a fun race with @GOTMAXPOWER

I mean…he had no clue I was in the race until I hit him up in the post-race chat, but it was fun nonetheless. Started 9-10th (I don’t remember) to 5-6th (I don’t remember). Looks like Max lost out on first place by less than a quarter of a second. Ouch

Such an epic Daily C 👍🏼
Hi, what's your DR, I haven't seen you in any of my races, your level must be higher than mine. I'm a D driver.
Agree with the breadth of scale in A+ is crazy.

I still don't understand how the gap at the top is so big. My time is good enough for 550th or something and there's quite a few people within a hundredth of me most of the time never mind a tenth

Got in a race with vqsor something yesterday. Clears my qualy lap of 1.51.1 by over a second IN THE RACE. Go to lobby leaderboard he's 14th.

It's the same with time trial I don't understand how the gaps get bigger at the top when it's so close lower down.

Anyway props to him. I sat down afterwards to try and forget that someone so fast exists 😂😂😂
I couldn't bring myself to race this week. I hope they will find a balance between the long and short races. For me it's more about the waiting time. Race C starts every hour and for Race B the wait between races is longer than the actual race. It's not really working (for me) if you have very limited time to play.
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Been off with the kids this week so have a few more races per day than usually in my lunch, after thinking B would be terrible it hasn’t been too bad, close racing and managed a win and countless p2 from starting around 4-7, not sure if this weekend will be the same but let’s see, I’m hoping next weeks B will be 4-5laps gr3 and present some good racing too
When we used to get the daily races leaked with full details, was that based on stuff posted in PD website backstage or was it insider information?
Lol, I dread the RBR races next week, but I gotta spice it up and do something different. I hope that there is no rain, just some sun and clouds.
From a bad experience at the start of the week, I’ve finished this week actually enjoying Daily C.

Done around 10 races now over the week and while I’ve not particularly had great results, I’ve had some good races with some good tactical battles with 3/4 drivers.
The driving standards though have been awful in pretty much every race. Last night I started P14, and was P6 by lap 2, I didn’t overtake a single car. It was all made up by a big crash into T1, a crash at the hairpin and spoon, and a few who had binned it too.

Conclusion which I think the majority agree with is, these longer races are a nice refreshing change, but we need larger grids. 20-25 grids would be great.
Not sure if the game can’t handle extra cars or the servers, or they is a development issue? Personally I think they are development issues which is holding the game back. I’ve noticed in lobbies, and the GTWS when they use different time zones the game bugs out and people in the same lobby get different time zones. I’ve had it were an opponent in racing pitch black darkness, yet I’m racing in lighter conditions just after sunset but they is still some light. GTWS had this same issue, and I wonder if this why we don’t see any races at night or evening slots?
I just ran a couple early morning Race Cs in the 6AM and 7AM EST slots, both in the Porsche. Mixed B/S, A/S lobbies in both, with a few A+/S drivers in the first. They were pretty similar in how they played out. I managed to run both races without any major incidents, picking up positions from drivers who spun out or went off the track. The Twitch streamer was back, running their last-to-first challenges in both races. I made sure to let them by as soon as they got into my rear-view mirror. Then I picked up positions from all the cars that went off the track in their barge to the front. Otherwise the driving was pretty clean. Started P10 in both with my QT of 2:00.755. Finished P8 in the first race (with a CRB!) and P4 in the second. Good fun.
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Decided to do one last race.last night. My 8nm boost kit from Amazon came in. Definitely noticed the increased power and finer details. Will have to play with the settings. This race was all B drivers. I started in 6 place. A car didn't move and got rear ended and 5 ace was slow off the start so by turn one I was in 3rd. Did my best to keep up with the front but a few small mistakes pushed me back about 10 seconds off the lead. I pitted on lap 11 so as to not come out in traffic. In no man's land for the rest of the race in 3rd with cars 10 seconds in front and in back. Brought it home in 3rd with my fastest overall time of the week.
Just ran the 10AM EST Race C slot. Mixed lobby A+/A/B. @Revengel was there (I think so, anyways)! It feels like things are getting more competitive now. I'd improved my QT to 1:59.988 (under 2! whohoo!). That started me in P8. I pulled off an overtake at the hairpin, but otherwise I just spent the race trying to drive my fastest laps. There were a few changes of position from being overtaken and passing crashed cars, but I mainly just hovered around P8 the whole race. About 3/4 of the way through, I saw on the board that @Revengel was on my tail. There was 4s gap, but he was closing in fast. Within a couple laps he'd caught me. There wasn't any way I was going to hold him off for the rest of the race, so I let him by without a fight. I just didn't want to risk spoiling both our races with my poor race craft. Finished the race right where I started, in P8. CRB, too!

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