- 287
- England
- GT_reddevil321
1. It was a promised feature in the ”near term” since March/April - yet nothing has even been even slightly reported about it from PD (although I’m hardly surprised given PD’s ability to enhance responding communication to the players).To the people obsessed with the idea of selling cars - why? Why is this feature being brought up over and over and over again?
Is it because you want more credits to make purchases with? You do realize that PD can just raise the prices of all cars to make the change irrelevant, right?
Is it to clear up a seemingly cluttered garage? Okay, that might make sense. But the collection page will still have a bunch of empty silhouettes. Will that be the new in thing to express annoyance at?
Perhaps it's to rid yourself of duplicates. Sure, but how many duplicates do you have that makes the ability to sell cars something you need post haste? Like a heart attack victim desperately needing his Aspirins.
Or maybe you went ham on the roulette glitch and now have a hundred NSX Gr.B cars sitting in your garage. In which case I have zero sympathy and I doubt PD feels any different.
I'm sorry but the hive mind here has reached Reddit levels. "The ability to sell cars" somehow became a buzzword on GT Planet and it's been annoying to see it pop up again and again and again.
2. It was a feature used in previous games which helped gain credits if you needed a quick influx of credits.
3. The duplicate point - unless you are planning on creating your own custom race series then there is really no point in having the same car twice at least sitting there (some players may view differently and fair enough).
4. If you feel players are “obsessed“ with this request, then I’m a tad concerned - we want the game to be as good as it can be and this is a feature which would help towards that with keeping to the Gran Turismo traditions - “Past, Present and the Future”.
5. I see your point on the roulette glitch but in hindsight, perhaps PD should have prevented that in the first place and then that issue wouldn’t have occurred but there we are.
6. I’m sorry you find the “buzzword” annoying but if that’s the case, then simply ignore it - this ain’t the first time and certainly won’t be the last time that feature request is brought up some way or another.
At the end of the day, you have your opinion and others have theirs.