GTP_WRS-Online : 2013 WRS F1 Championship (PASM Champion!)

  • Thread starter WRP001
I've had the same problems, I normally have a sound connection with no DC's but last Friday it wouldnt let me join any lounges even after reseting the router, but luckily got in the last minute and I suffered 4 DC's on Thursday night, I ended up changing the port in which I plug the ethernet cable into in my router and that seems to have sorted it (fingers crossed), maybe worth a try.

I tried it and it didn't work, can try it again but not looking good :(

Edit: Just found out from the provider that apparently they are doing maintenance -.-
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Really looking forward to this big field should be a lot of fun also nice everyone signed up can still race unlike Monaco.

No, Vampire is outside looking in. Oink has a seat leaving only 15 for drivers and there are 16 confirmed.

I tried it and it didn't work, can try it again but not looking good :(

Edit: Just found out from the provider that apparently they are doing maintenance -.-

Please try to arrive in the lounge early. If you can't stay connected for more than 10 minutes it might make sense to give your grid spot to Vampire. You've earned your spot and you've taken part in all the races in the series so you deserve a grid spot. I hope your connection holds up, but if you arrive early and can't stay connected for any period of time it doesn't make sense for another guy to sit out and watch when we know you are going to DC in the first 10 laps. It's a shame given your points position, but starting the race and DC'ing after 5 laps isn't going to earn you any championship points either.

I hope they get their maintenance done shortly! Tell them its Sunday and they should go home and rest! :lol:
Here's the starting grid for the Grand Prix today: (taking place in my lounge: GTP_WRP001)


We are running a formation lap and standing start at 4:00.000 (4 minutes) on the race clock. Do not jump as we'll be reviewing the start and issuing penalties if anyone jumps the gun.

Immortal is on pole so will take us around the formation lap. Pablo, please keep the pace at about 70%-80% and drivers are allowed to weave and warm tires as long as they do so in a safe manor. The goal will be to get the final drivers in the grid parked in their spots by around the 3 minute mark which will give us enough buffer time until the 4 minute mark.

All drivers should approach their grid spots with caution and let the drivers in the row in front of you get their spots with a gap as you approach slowly. Most important, you want to avoid over shooting your grid spot because it'll be a mess if the driver behind you has to then back up causing a chain reaction.

If there is a problem with the line up we can delay the start, but it has to be requested within 15 seconds of the start. If there is an issue and we're made aware we'll push the start back 1 minute and a steward will announce over chat. Only text chat is available since mics will be disabled.

Arrive in my lounge at least 15 minutes prior to the race. We are launching this race on time as always and we will not wait for late drivers.

With 10 minutes to start we'll ask all drivers to enter the track and verify there are no invisible driver issues. All drivers will enter track and verify the driver count in the top left is the same (should be 15 if everyone shows). If anyone is invisible we'll have 10 minutes for drivers to leave and rejoin. If you show up late and have invisible driver issues or connection issues there may not be time to correct it and you'll be sitting out.

At the start time, all driver will be ordered in the pits and the stewards will do a tire check (hard compound). Once that's complete we'll start the race countdown timer. Please stay in the pits during the timer and do not enter the track.

Vampire, if you want to be ready to jump in you can warm up in the main lounge (GTP_3D3Racing) and keep an eye on this thread from 15 minutes to race start. If someone drops or is late we'll call you over to join at about 5 minutes to go. I'll post here and send you a PSN message. On the other hand, I understand if you can't reserve the time so just let me know if you are dropping and we won't bother with the alert.

Any questions? We won't have mics so please ask now.
My lounge is open.

I'll be AFK for a bit while I watch the end of the real GP.
Good luck today guys, pls when you drive behind one in the pit dont pusch him full speed in the pit the pit give you penalty you stay longer time in the pit when you drive full speed in the pit
We've got 12 drivers in the lounge. Missing Rocket, Lefty and TamHablo. Show up soon or your spot is up for grabs. Invisible driver check in about 7 minutes.
We are now streaming, as usual you can watch live on my channel, or right here in the forums:

A few guys having connection issues. Spurgy was in for a while, but DC'd just now. Lefty getting dropped. Vampire is not online and didn't accept my FR so I guess he's out.

Everyone did arrive early so we'll do our best to get them connected.
Spurgy... one more chance and then we'll give the spot to Vampire.

EDIT: sorry about the delay guys... lots of technical problems... wheels, connections, lag, etc. We will start soon hopefully.

Spurgy is trying to join now... if he DC's then we'll give the spot to Vampire.
Spurgy... really sorry... Vampire is joining and we have to launch. Feel bad about it, but we have to start.
Last call Vampire... join now or miss the race.
Well, Was fighting for a podium spot till I spun, Pitted, put too much fuel in and wrong tires, came out, Spun, Spun again, Had a brief battle with otx, Spun again.. Thats enough for me. Spins were barely even my fault, Just the car losing it on tarmac for no reason :rolleyes: I held the fastest lap on the hard tires.. So I atleast showed my pace.. Even though I have the WORST tuning setup on earth
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Just watching a little bit of the stream, very nice work by all the drivers and great commentary :-)
Had a pretty bad race today :grumpy:

First of all, I messed up the start - AGAIN. As a result I got stuck in traffic and quickly fell behind the leaders. Not only that, I had several cars on my tail and due to the excessive draft, I couldn't pull away. I was so desperate to escape the battle that I pitted on lap 10, which turned out to be a big mistake.

Because it was an unexpected pit stop, I spent precious seconds fumbling with the tyres and fuel refill amount. Still, it looked like I would be able to recover and finish well. I managed to catch up to Paul (GTP_Hasslemoff) and overtake, but then we came up to lap Lefty. Such was my eagerness to get past Lefty that I braked much too late and plowed straight into the gravel. Several seconds were wasted at the next pit stop, and just to rub salt into the wound I spun off in the final stint soon after letting Pablo past.

I really wanted to make 3rd place, so I'm rather disappointed to have ended up 6th.

Congratulations to Pablo for the win, and to Bart for securing the championship. :cheers:
Had a pretty bad race today :grumpy:

Well always people that did worse which in this case was me. Had a really good start lifting the brake at the exact time the timer hit 4:00 made up a few positions there, then got into the 4 way battle with tim and a few other guys. Eventually the other guys made mistakes and tim and me were the only ones left battleling for I believe positions 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 and just before my first planned pit **** hit the fan and everything that could've gone wrong went wrong pretty much. Ended up getting lapped by tim twice after battleling him for a position and finished 10th still extremely good first half of the race hopefully I will start to get the later parts of the race down better in the future.
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First of all, I messed up the start - AGAIN. As a result I got stuck in traffic and quickly fell behind the leaders. Not only that, I had several cars on my tail and due to the excessive draft, I couldn't pull away. I was so desperate to escape the battle that I pitted on lap 10, which turned out to be a big mistake.

And I started right behind you and got bottle-necked behind you with guys passing on my left and right. We sunk down the leaderboard like an anchor just through the first chicane. :lol:

I was in that pack and trying to stay clean... rather than take any risks I was just saving my stuff... but it was so slow going that the leaders were literally flying away from us and we would break free of the group behind only to go 2 x 2 into the chicanes and have them back on my tail. I started to get frustrated and then realized I might as well just have fun with it. Starting just enjoying the battles and forgot about anything else. I was going to follow you in when you pitted and thought better of it since that same thing cost me at Spa. I ended up sticking it out and the next couple laps guys starting making mistakes and dropping out of the pack until it was just Mika and myself left.

Mika and I made decent time after that... I'm pretty sure I had him out paced by a bit, but there was no way to lose him so we just played see saw and I avoided any mistakes. I wanted a long stint on my hard tires since I basically spent the first 10 laps on the brakes they were pretty fresh. Then we ran up on lapped traffic (Lefty) and he broke on the grass going into ascari and I got collected and ended up on the beach slogging through the deep sand. Mika got away, but then something happened to him... Was very confusing as he was nearly stopped at Parabolica by himself... I'm curious what happened or if he was waiting... I had no idea so I just went by and he followed for a bit. At some point I got clean air and finally able to drive to my potential speed and extended that first stint to 22 laps I think. Could have gone a lot longer, but was set on 2 stops so no point in going more.

2nd and 3rd stints I spent time with lapped traffic, but no time battling with anyone on my lap. Hasslemoff was on the radar behind me, but I managed to keep him out of my draft. Jb was pretty much out of touch in front of me thanks to that first stint so I just settled in to bring it home in 4th and not make any mistakes. Then with about 5 to go I had to turn up the burner a bit as the gap to Immortal went over 1:15 and I didn't want to get lapped. If I had to yield it might be the opening Hasslemoff needed to catch up and get in my draft. Luckily I manged just enough pace so that when Immortal got the checkered flag I was braking for turn 1 (that was close).

I'm lucky to get points for 4th really. Spurgy and TamHablo probably would have finished in front had they not had technical issues. I'll take it.

Thanks for all those guys in the packs I was in for the fun and clean racing. A few bumps here and there, but overall very enjoyable. I have yet to crash or go off track [on my own] in any of the three F1 races I've participated in during this series and that's pretty lucky.

We'll hold off on the official results until after the incident reporting period. I don't know of any incidents being reported as of yet, but it's still early.

I was waiting tim because I wasn't sure what happened and thought I got hit by something so I just wanted to be safe wasn't sure if I caused anything. But then I screwed up by running off in parabolica in a really stupid way.
I was waiting tim because I wasn't sure what happened and thought I got hit by something so I just wanted to be safe wasn't sure if I caused anything. But then I screwed up by running off in parabolica in a really stupid way.

Yah, you had no fault in the incident at all. Lefty broke with right tires slightly in grass, slid across track into me and I got pushed in grass and actually tapped you before going into the sand. I'm sorry you waited, but it does show great sportsmanship and sorry i went by, but i had no clue if you had got stuck in sand or what [and it was ~20 seconds after the incident]. There is a situation where mics would be useful and I could have told you not to wait.

I would have enjoyed trying to hunt you back down. :sly:
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Yah, you had no fault in the incident at all. Lefty broke with right tires slightly in grass, slid across track into me and I got pushed in grass and actually tapped you before going into the sand. I'm sorry you waited, but it does show great sportsmanship and sorry i went by, but i had no clue if you had got stuck in sand or what [and it was ~20 seconds after the incident]. There is a situation where mics would be useful and I could have told you not to wait.

I would have enjoyed trying to hunt you back down. :sly:

haha i'm sure you would've succeeded in doing that i wasn't really on pace with you through the lesmo's although i was faster through the s corner after lesmo (don't know what that corner is called :P).
haha i'm sure you would've succeeded in doing that i wasn't really on pace with you through the lesmo's although i was faster through the s corner after lesmo (don't know what that corner is called :P).

Ascari. I noticed I'd always lose track position to you coming through there. It was the corner I had to compromise on my gearbox... was a bit too short for the best entrance, but made the two Lesmo's a bit better/safer versus running it longer. I was trying very hard also not to cut the entrance to Ascari, which is easy to do, and probably over compensating. In practice races I had a hard time judging that correctly... especially in the draft with early braking putting you at a different spot for turn in.
i repared my throttle , i'll be there for suzuka , sorry for time yesterday i thought i could fix it in few minuts ... looking forward to suzuka :)
The stewards have received no incident reports [and the reporting period has now expired] for the race from participating drivers and the stewards have noticed nothing warranting a mention on review of the race, except... the start.

There was a clearly illegal jump start by Immortal as shown in the following video.

Immortal launched over half a second early (~3:59.346) and accelerated to at least 38 km/h before any other driver even nudged off their grid spots.

The following freeze at 4:00.047 shows every other driver observing the standing start rules, still in their box while Immortal is already over the start/finish line (as illustrated on the map):

The stewards have discussed this at length and the following is our analysis and final ruling:


As shown in the first video, clearly Immortal does lift a bit in third gear and well in front of the rest of the grid and allows Jb to draft past him. However, if you look at PASM's position on the map, clearly Immortal did not relinquish all the advantage gained with the jump start. Immortal basically guaranteed himself a nice safe/clean entry into chicane 1 just behind Jb and a relatively easy draft pass on the following straight before chicane 2 where he regained the lead. PASM had to outbreak Rocket to maintain his position and go in side by side.

The stewards believe this false start deserves to be penalized. These standing starts at a set clock time rely on the honor of all drivers and this is the first time in 4 rounds and 75 driver starts that a driver has jumped the gun.

On the other hand, Immortal did relinquish part of the gain by lifting slightly and allowed Jb to take first before turn 1. Therefore we are not going to apply a 15 second minor penalty (which would effectively take away the win). The stewards believe the benefit from the false start did not directly result in the victory, given the back and forth battles that followed, but did reduce the risk of Immortal potentially losing more positions at the start and thus there was an illegal advantage gained.


The penalty will come in the form of a starting grid penalty of 4 position (two rows) in the next GP (Japan). Immortal is also on notice that another false start will result in a harsher penalty.


Pablo, you are likely to start the next race behind a few drivers that are slower than you due to this penalty. We expect you to respect those drivers and make passes in a safe manor according to the OLR. It's a long race and there is plenty of time to make up the four spots. This penalty will make your race a bit more difficult, but we feel it's a fair compromise versus taking away the win which you fairly earned in the remainder of the race at Monza.

All drivers should be aware that the GP of Japan is the final race of the season so the stewards won't have starting grid spot penalties at our disposal and all penalties will be in the form of seconds added (15 sec or 30 sec) and/or championship points lost.

The official results will be posted in a few minutes.
I dont understand why I get a penatly WRP I have go after the start very much from the throttle have lost all the advatange that I have won on the start I dont have won on the start ground.
I dont understand why I get a penatly WRP I have go after the start very much from the throttle have lost all the advatange that I have won on the start I dont have won on the start ground.

Because you would get a penalty in real life too. Despite showing good sportmanship.

That being said, congrats on the win!
I dont understand why I get a penatly WRP I have go after the start very much from the throttle have lost all the advatange that I have won on the start I dont have won on the start ground.

I explained why. You didn't return all the advantage... you had no pressure from PASM or the other drivers besides Jb because of your jump start. Yes, you gave back most of the advantage, but not all in our opinion. Because you did realize you jumped and slowed we did not take away the win, which was well earned. Congratulations on a great race... besides the small jump start, it was nearly flawless.

Really, I think you can consider this a very minor penalty. I don't suspect you'll have a major problem battling back from it. You can erase the penalty with good driving in the next GP.. Had we assigned you 15 seconds you couldn't have undone it.

So maybe a "thank you for not taking a way my win even though I jumped the start. I won't let it happen again." would be a good response from you. See DrAug's response to his penalty in Germany for a good example. That earned him a lot of respect with all the stewards involved and the other drivers I'm sure.

I dont know if it is just me, but the "video" is just a black screen to me

Hopefully it's just you. Here are the links to youtube's site... maybe they'll work better if not embedded?
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Official Results


Points Standings



Post Race Ceremonies

Congratz to PASM for locking up the driver championship for the 2013 WRS F1 Championship! 👍

Congratz to Immortal on his first WRS-Online Victory! 👍


PS> TamHablo and Spurgy get credit for a race for tie breaker purposes. It amounts to an engine failure on the grid and having to be towed off the starting grid into the garage. :lol: (Sorry you could race guys). :(
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There was a typo in Immortal's fast lap that has been corrected in the table. Let us know if anyone sees any other mistakes.