GTPlanet vs. Wham - Thread of the Year!

  • Thread starter Daniel
I feel like I haven't even been close to a Whamming so far. The false sense of security is kicking in.
I'm currently spending all my time working but there is a TV on some of the time so I reckon I'll end up being Whammed by that Now! Christmas advert.
Or a build-a-bear that plays the music when you squeeze it.
One more word of advice- do not, and I repeat, DO NOT, under any circumstances, give your wife or kids any access to your phone. Do whatever it takes to keep that thing in your hands and only in your hands.
Oh, don't worry @AnthonyD1993. It never leaves my sight. Between this and a young Koios abusing internet privileges, I have no reason to do anything but.

@ildd, they are very much alive and kicking. At least in my neck of the woods.
I still remain safe, the Doctor wasn't feeling festive enough to play Christmas music.

Also, staph infections suck.
So I went to the local Dollar General with my mother.

They were playing Christmas music. No Wham!, but interestingly the instrumental version of "Christmas Time is Here" by Vince Guaraldi from the Charlie Brown Christmas special came on. I'm in a bit of a Christmas spirit just hearing it despite me last listening to it a few years.
I have....

Survived! Another day....

Manned up and drove to the grocery store with the radio on full blast. Got to the grocery and some crappy pop-rock heavy-metal-wannabe song was playing. Then I dared and ventured inside. No Christmas music either.

I've been following my Wham! Protocol at Uni:

Hands inside your pockets,

scarf covering your face like a lower-face shemagh,

aviators on,

and music on full blast.

No one dares to approach me .
They were playing Christmas music at Dollar General tonight. Somehow I survived.

Does your Dollar General have overhead speakers? Ours have just one aftermarket speak set on the entrance left of the building.
They had some setup on the walls around the store. Depends on which one you go to. There's 3 of them around here.
Another 2 days survived from the song. All of the songs I hear are just the typical "Jingle Bells" and "Let it snow". No sign of Wham! though.
So only one day after proclaiming my chances of survival were looking ok today it happened.

Thought of a couple of extra gifts for the kids and headed into the shopping centre after work. All was fine until I was thwarted making a hasty exit pushing the trolley out to the car when the horrible tones began to ring out of the even more horrible speakers of the shopping centre.

Damn you George, damn you Andrew, damn you @Daniel and most of all damn you spoilt children.
Currently I'm trying to convince myself it's for the best and I'm now free of the shackles that is Wham when in reality I'm a gutted man.
I think I must have heard it everyday now since I was Whammed. Can it be East 17 next year? :indiff:
Although Whammed already, it goes without saying that I still live each day to avoid the cursed song. I had a close call last night in what would have been a second Whamming... I listen to Spotify in the car, and occasionally it stops for whatever reason and the radio returns. Before being Whammed, the radio was off so I would just drive in silence. I forgot that I had turned it back on though, and I caught a Christmas song halfway through on Radio 1. The Pogues.
Can never miss that intro beat.

+1 wham tonight.
8 Whams?