GTRA | RSeat WSGTC S3 | Main Thread

  • Thread starter Masi_23
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We're rolling with a full 200KG ballast limit this year.

You are not allowed to enter the tuning menu in-between races, or anytime after HP/PP/WT checks.
It is your responsibility to change your oil before races, you are not allowed to change the oil in-between races, for any reason.
You are not allowed to check your power between races.
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lack of preseason events is pretty clearly not the cause of any problems we've had.
I'll upload it when I get some spare time. Not the whole race just some of the smash em up derby 10 lapper from hell.

If you can load the file to an upload service that would be the best. That way we can follow the link and upload the whole race. It would be the easiest to review with full control of all angles and times.

But if there are certain parts you, or anyone else would like us(stewards) to look at please pm a steward. Preferably Masi, Litchi, CSL, or myself. I am sure I am leaving some of the stewards out, but not on purpose. I can forward the message to any stewards (not involved in an incident) that would also like to review.

No need to call anybody out here in the forum. Please give the stewards the chance to make proper rulings and hand out any neccessary warnings. Thank you.
If you can load the file to an upload service that would be the best. That way we can follow the link and upload the whole race. It would be the easiest to review with full control of all angles and times.

But if there are certain parts you, or anyone else would like us(stewards) to look at please pm a steward. Preferably Masi, Litchi, CSL, or myself. I am sure I am leaving some of the stewards out, but not on purpose. I can forward the message to any stewards (not involved in an incident) that would also like to review.

No need to call anybody out here in the forum. Please give the stewards the chance to make proper rulings and hand out any neccessary warnings. Thank you.

Ok no problem but you will have to advise me on how to do that. Send me a PM with instructions then I can do it.
Seems like you had some eventful racing. Some points.

I think we need another prerace. Issues like the reported comes from inexperiance. One more prerace hopefully make people understand a bit that you will not do well by racing overly agressive.

In terms of dealing with specific racing incidents, it should never discussed in an open forum. Hot emotions get even hotter. Has to be reported by PM to the stewards for decision. The way we delt with it in another league is that ..... if writing a post refering to a specific racing incident naming a driver, you got a penalty for doing just that. It solved it pretty quickly.

Some perspective on racing. You will not win a race in the first corner, first laps, and in most cases not even in the first stint. But you might very well lose it. When it comes to overtaking, at Nurnburg there are only two good places to pass the car in front. If you put pressure on the car in front you will slow him down so when you eventually get past him, the distance to the next car ahead will be longer. At Nurnburg I only go for the pass at the start/finish straight. Its the best overtaking place, and it gives me nearly one lap to biuld a gap so the other driver will not re-pass me. If I do anything else it will just be detrimental to my race result. The only exception is that if I think I'm much faster than the car ahead, such as if I'm on fresh tires and I know the car in front has bad ones.

These are long one hour races and you have to race with patience to do well. The one who recognize this will improve a lot. Example. Some of you might know ImmortalPilot. Whe he joined another racing league he was fast, qualified well, but ended each race far down in the result. He was racing people in every corner and lost out. Fortunately he recognized it, started to race intelligent, and his race result vastly improved.
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Seems like you had some eventful racing. Some points.

I think we need another prerace. Issues like the reported comes from inexperiance. One more prerace hopefully make people understand a bit that you will not do well by racing overly agressive.

In terms of dealing with specific racing incidents, it should never discussed in an open forum. Hot emotions get even hotter. Has to be reported by PM to the stewards for decision. The way we delt with it in another league is that ..... if writing a post refering to a specific racing incident naming a driver, you got a penalty for doing just that. It solved it pretty quickly.

Some perspective on racing. You will not win a race in the first corner, first laps, and in most cases not even in the first stint. But you might very well lose it. When it comes to overtaking, at Nurnburg there are only two good places to pass the car in front. If you put pressure on the car in front you will slow him down so when you eventually get past him, the distance to the next car ahead will be longer. At Nurnburg I only go for the pass at the start/finish straight. Its the best overtaking place, and it gives me nearly one lap to biuld a gap so the other driver will not re-pass me. If I do anything else it will just be detrimental to my race result. The only exception is that if I think I'm much faster than the car ahead, such as if I'm on fresh tires and I know the car in front has bad ones.

These are long one hour races and you have to race with patience to do well.
Some very good points.

I don't see any purpose to another preseason race, because we've done 4-5 now, something like that, it only helps if people show up, and then learn from it.
It's really not to much to learn I don't think.

I think It's time everybody that's going to shows up, and points start getting tallied, ballast added, and even penalties handed out. We can't really penalize a preseason race.
hey guys for starters im sorry for my lagg issue will be fix befor next race but from what im reading things did not go that good sorry to hear that. who won the races ???????
Some very good points.

I don't see any purpose to another preseason race, because we've done 4-5 now, something like that, it only helps if people show up, and then learn from it.
It's really not to much to learn I don't think.

I think It's time everybody that's going to shows up, and points start getting tallied, ballast added, and even penalties handed out. We can't really penalize a preseason race.

I agree 100%. You only have to look how many people bothered to qualify. We need to get to the real season. We will soon find out who is taking this league seriously.

Once penaltys start to get handed out, the crash, bang and wallop driving will stop.
This is how commited I am;

I can't race in the pal division because I have to fetch my daughter from work at 8pm. I don't get home til approx 8-20, meaning I am too late to join the pal race.

So to be involved in the WSGTC I have to race in the NTSC division. On a Saturday morning I get up with my 18month old baby at 6-30 am, I then have to stay up til 3am for the race. I will get to bed approx 5am. Then just as I start dreaming about the race that's just gone by, my 18month old wakes at 6-30.
This is commitment.
If only my daughter finished work at 7.
Dont know WTF happened last night my power went completey down and i was below 545PP:ouch:

You need to run your car in fully and then do an oil change. You shouldn't really be able to find out though. No one should enter the cars settings between races.
Anyway, good race last night. How did the car feel power wise, compared to the other cars around you?
Dont know WTF happened last night my power went completey down and i was below 545PP:ouch:
All of us lose power over miles. My power was down 11HP after the second race. You are not allowed to enter the tuning screen after checks, and not in between races. At all, for any reason.
It was preseason, you could have ran the second race, just making it clear that you know, you cannot do that. In the season, it's a DQ for the second race.
Thanks again for the races fellas. *

Absolutely horrible sprint race for sure. But thanks for the guys who raced real clean, Trajikone, for one who I had a good pit strategy battle in heat 1.

You got me on cold tires when I came out from pit. Then I slipped up pushing *to stay with you. I just stayed steady and cause I had 1 lap better tires I was able to push ahead. Good clean battle. Thanks

I am not upset with anyone. Just a level of respect and good race manors should be maintained. A little bumping shouldn't be a problem but intentional is to far.*

I still had a good time though and thanks a lot.*
hey guys for starters im sorry for my lagg issue will be fix befor next race but from what im reading things did not go that good sorry to hear that. who won the races ???????

I won the feature race and widowmaker won the 2nd.
Widowmaker is in PAL but decided he wanted to race in our league for practice.
All of us lose power over miles. My power was down 11HP after the second race. You are not allowed to enter the tuning screen after checks, and not in between races. At all, for any reason.
It was preseason, you could have ran the second race, just making it clear that you know, you cannot do that. In the season, it's a DQ for the second race.

2 people entered the tune settings before race 2 started and 1 of them was caught out of their PP, give you 1 guess who that was?
Here s the results GT500 NTSC

Race 1

Race 2
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All of us lose power over miles. My power was down 11HP after the second race. You are not allowed to enter the tuning screen after checks, and not in between races. At all, for any reason.
It was preseason, you could have ran the second race, just making it clear that you know, you cannot do that. In the season, it's a DQ for the second race.

Ok seems that i need to run my car in more 👍

@Twisted the car felt great in the race trim better then qualifying i hit a 2.03.6sec i think in the race :):)
Dont know WTF happened last night my power went completey down and i was below 545PP:ouch:

I'm really sorry for yesterday Toyot cause maybe that I've offended you. But I wonder something:
You were at 545pp before the feature race right? If yes, how did you know that you were below after the race? mh? It's clearly NOT allowed to go in setting page between feature and sprint races. And to know how many pp you have, you're forced to go in settings page...

But, I can close my eyes this time cause it was a preseason race. I don't want to sanction anyone here before the regular season. And in any case, sanctioned isn't my work, but the PURE's work ;)

And maybe that your car need an engine rebuilt Toyot...

Guys, I'm a super cool guy, I promess. But, in other side, I'm extremely strict. I'm strict with the rules, they are clear, so nobody need to discuss them. If you don't follow the rules, you will reach quickly in my sights.

Well, time for me to watch the NTSC GT300 replays ;)

I'd like to send a general message (as a driver, not as a PURE steward), which is to calm down while racing. I know there's prizes and stuff, but we're doing this for fun. And even during the last pre-season race I was shocked to see certain drivers driving so aggressively. I will assume it was not on purpose, just because I want to feel people here are good racers 👍 but some drivers seem to be rather unaware of their surroundings, which makes close-quarters racing dangerous.

I wasn't sure at the end of the first race if you were ironic or not regarding Hellboy and me, and I did want to have a look at the replay first.

I can certify that Hellboy did not do it on purpose, he said his tires where still cold and he experienced much more understeer than he thought, pushing you on the side.

Regarding our battle.

I knew I wasn't so fast and I did not practice too much during the week (I couldn't even be there to qualify). So my goal was to pass Scanny Flick ASAP and protect my position. You quickly came back on us, and It made for some entertaining laps, at least from my point of view. We were racing close. Though I understand it could have been frustrating for you, having to deal with slower drivers not letting you pass easily. I could apologize for the first hit, in the 3rd corner of 5th lap. But I won't for the 2nd hit at the end of the 6th lap. I lost the rear end, you were in the inside line, you've been pushed into the rail, got damaged and blatantly made self justice by hitting my car at the corner exit, in order to damage it aswell.

I'm doin my best to be "aware" of my surroundings, though it is mostly a guess play: I'm driving in the cockpit view, narrow settings. I'm tryin to keep enough space open every time;

By the way, I believe weaving is forbidden during warm up lap, right? If so, heads up to hellboyfr. Be careful, because you did it a lot on the sprint race, and if I'm right, it's not allowed.

Yup I think it is forbidden. Though hellboy is not really fluent in english, so I'm tryin to explain every single rule in french and I might forget some. I'll remind this to him.
Does anyone fancy some practice today/later at Fuji (I think that's the circuit for Round 1?)

Sounds like some messiness in the NTSC races - some from the formation lap? Obviously I wasn't there so can't comment for sure! But, it sounds like people were too close on the formation lap - you need to be about 1 1/2 car lengths away from the car in front, if not more. There's no excuse for hitting the car in front on the formation lap.

You also aren't permitted to break formation until you have passed the start line. The leader is free to 'floor it' any time on the approach to the grid, so long as he/she is driving over grid slots. (However it's generally gentlemanly conduct to wait for the rest of the field to be around the last corner and in formation before you do so) - You are permitted to 'floor it' at the same time the leader does, but you cannot pass OR break formation until after the start line. That means you should still be behind one another, you should not be alongside anyone, regardless of whether the guy in front of you has had a bad start, it doesn't matter.

Don't know if this was part of the problem but just wanted to bring that up because distance to the car in front is often the biggest problem with a rolling start. The 'veterans' of the series or of rolling starts no doubt know this stuff but with new people to the series it can take some learning, and some are often over-eager on the starts. The races are long, the driver who is consistent and patient will often come out as winner.

But, this is what Pre Season is for - actually the hardest part of racing in endurance series is knowing what your opponent will do. Over the course of the season you will learn who you can race with, and what they are likely to do. Don't expect that to happen overnight, so expect to have a few incidents in the first two or three races as everyone gets used to one another, and their cars!!
I'm fine with the current PAL timeslot, but to be honest, if it was pushed back an hour, I would be even happier. Just saying ;)

ByGGy, I'm honestly sorry if I sounded rude, but I was majorly pissed off, especially since it was a pre-season race and I wasn't expecting people to dance on the edge of the rules, so to speak. I'm not going to discuss it further, but understeer would not have sent me out of the track the way it did. I'm not accusing anybody, but races are not won on the first corner or first lap. With a big pack of cars, usually you just want to be careful.

As for our three-way battle, it was actually quite good, I agree with this 👍 , but I think you were pushing a bit too hard at some times. At some point you came onto me and I thought you were being too aggressive, and in some other moments I saw you attacking Scanny, and I remember thinking "this isn't gonna end well...". I wasn't frustrated by being "held off" by slower drivers. If they're able to hold me off, they deserve it ;) .

Now I'm sorry but I'm going to take the 6th-7th lap issue to PM, because otherwise I don't want to hijack the thread with a discussion. Let me just say I've never hit anybody on purpose and I never will. I had a DAMAGED CAR and, since it surprised me, it veered to the left. Also I've just checked the replay and your car wasn't damaged.

One small piece of advice, if you play with cockpit view, use your map and put it on the closest possible version, so that you know where your rivals are. It won't be a guess play anymore.

Tell Hellboy I had a great fun battle with him during the sprint race 👍
well lets ask the PAL drivers if they can start an hour later 9pm GMT if people can't then we will just stick to the 8pm GMT slot

No harm in asking....
well lets ask the PAL drivers if they can start an hour later 9pm GMT if people can't then we will just stick to the 8pm GMT slot

No harm in asking....

I am fine with either 👍


Btw is it Fuji GT or F in the first season race?
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well lets ask the pal drivers if they can start an hour later 9pm gmt if people can't then we will just stick to the 8pm gmt slot

no harm in asking....


I prefer 9pm gmt, but I'm fine with 8pm gmt as well.
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