@ PDX and maxking39 - There are restrictions for all cars to make them on par with each other. And yes, the Qualifier to get in the championship 'officially' persae, will run the whole month of December.
There are no limit for sign-ups - but the driver pool will only be limited to 120 drivers: (Top Qualifiers).
No sign-up limit? So If I fail to qualify say next week, I can sign up & try again the following week? O.O
How do I sign up? I read the op but I'm still kind of confused. I need to sign up.
The deadline to run and submit a qualifier is not till January 2, 2011 - not a problem at all. You can do your qualifier within that time limit. Practice if you get the chance! But don't wait too long with submitting! You might miss it altogether, specially as you need a Steward for supervision.Question: I just moved and in the process of installing my internet, I expect that it will be up in another 5 - 7 days, will this affect qualifers?
Honestly, the "process" is complicated & a little confusing... Must drivers qualify for both Shore & Long tracks or does short & long refer to 300GT & 500GT respectively? & how does one find a steward - choose one from the list? Thanks... =]
doctsuru_69Anyone kind enough to donate these cars?:
Toyota Apex MRS
Toyota Weddsport Celica
Amemiya RX7 '03
Advan Impreza
Arta Garaiya '03
Got fed up waiting for these cars to pop up in UCD. If you give me one, I’ll include you in my prayers to win the RS Evo V3 gaming seat, hehe.
PSN: GTP_Pinoy2