GTRA | RSeat WSGTC S3 | Qualifier **Qualifying Deadline Thursday**

  • Thread starter Masi_23
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.: Final Week of Qualifiers! Sign-up Now! :.​

Color Code: PAL Preferred Times (3 rooms) | NTSC Preferred Times (3 rooms)

Sign-up by replying in this thread. Follow template below:​

PSN ID: Kaz_Yamauchi
GTPlanet ID: Yamacuhi_San
Country of Origin: Japan
Conference: PAL or NTSC
Class: GT500 or GT300
Room Letter: Choose below

Room G
Date: Thursday, December 22, 2011
Connet Time: 19.30 GMT | 11.30 PST | 14.30 EST
Start Time: 20.00 GMT | 12.00 PST | 15.00 EST
Host: Scanny_Flick? / Litchi_GTPlay?
Room Number: TBA

Drivers (PSN ID|GTP ID):
1. Host

Room H
Date: Thursday, December 22, 2011
Connet Time: 18.30 PST | 21.30 EST (Friday 02.30 GMT)
Start Time: 19.00 PST | 22.00 EST (Friday 03.00 GMT)
Host: TBA
Room Number: TBA

Drivers (PSN ID|GTP ID):
1. Host


Rules and Conditions
  • By signing this roll-call, you hereby announce that you have read and familiarized your self with the Rules and Regulations posted in the OP of the Qualifier Thread. (Page 1: Post 1 and 2)
  • You also hereby understand that not showing up on the aforementioned date and time, without prior notification to a Steward, will result into an indefinite ban from the series.
  • In case of connection issues, any problems will not be blamed upon the specific driver. If he is unable to connect, he is allowed to join another session.
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A clean lap is always used before any dirty lap, regardless of total lap time if I'm not mistaken.

So assuming the first lap had an off, and the next three were clean, it doesn't matter what the first lap comes to with a penalty.

However, if he was running 2:10's, the 2:14 might have been dirty also, in which case someone with the replay needs to verify the situation.

Last night was a long night for me. So I can't recall exactly what went down. I do have the replay saved and will check it and update the thread with the appropriate times during my lunch break in a couple hours. :)

As for the question about my class and division....I am signed up for NTSC GT300.
PSN ID: MH4wheel
GTPlanet ID: Otsdarva
Country of Origin: U.S.A
Conference: NTSC
Class: GT300
Room Letter: H

Don't expect something fancy, just hoping to squeak in under the radar.
^ 👍

I can host room H tonight, I just don't know exactly when... I think I can open it early if there's people wanting to qualify.
So I rechecked the replay over lunch and the times are correct as follows.

Session Steward: Overheating
Date: December 21, 2011
Pilot: TroyLee2601
Conference | Class: NTSC | GT300
Nationality: Canada
Flying Laps: 2:10.992 | 2:10.445 | 2:10.243 | 2:14.625
Best 3 Laps Total: 6:31.680

Thank you Litchi for finding the error. Sorry for any confusion it may have caused.

And Thank you to Litchi and Troylee2601 for the kind words. :cheers:
So I rechecked the replay over lunch and the times are correct as follows.

Session Steward: Overheating
Date: December 21, 2011
Pilot: TroyLee2601
Conference | Class: NTSC | GT300
Nationality: Canada
Flying Laps: 2:10.992 | 2:10.445 | 2:10.243 | 2:14.625
Best 3 Laps Total: 6:31.680

Thank you Litchi for finding the error. Sorry for any confusion it may have caused.

And Thank you to Litchi and Troylee2601 for the kind words. :cheers:

No's all good! :cheers:
So I rechecked the replay over lunch and the times are correct as follows.

Session Steward: Overheating
Date: December 21, 2011
Pilot: TroyLee2601
Conference | Class: NTSC | GT300
Nationality: Canada
Flying Laps: 2:10.992 | 2:10.445 | 2:10.243 | 2:14.625
Best 3 Laps Total: 6:31.680

BTW, I'm German although I drive under Canadian flag. ;)
Ok, I'll edit a room number in here shortly.

1472 4711 0467 9858 4327
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Off topic, but just want to know if Im the only one experiencing this:

I have a bug to report that I have found. I am 4 hours into the 24hr Nurburgring. As we know, 2.02 brought a dynamic chase cam. I don't hate it, it's not bad. Well, until I found a bug with it.

The car tends to be twitchy with chase cam, sort of looks like it's lagging. Now, I have the car on the left of my screen. Slightly leaned to the left. It's not on the center of the screen, it is slightly to the left. The car isn't at the middle of the G force bar. Before it would move left and right but it would return to the center of the screen. Now it doesn't. It returns to the center if I save and quit, but after a while it returns to the left again. I have never had problems with any of the updates that PD has released, but this little problem is bugging me a lot. Chase cam is my main view and now it's ruined. I can't even drive properly. I love PD and GT5 and I appreciate their work, but I hope they don't forget to fix this.

I hope PD fixes this bug, or give us the option to choose between the old cam and the new one. I don't want my driving experience ruined.
PM's about it or GT5 forum from here on please.
I completely understand the want to discuss it with people you know Nep, but we can't keep veering off track right now, today is the final day for the qualifier.

Speaking of which -
PM's about it or GT5 forum from here on please.
I completely understand the want to discuss it with people you know Nep, but we can't keep veering off track right now, today is the final day for the qualifier.

Speaking of which -

Question, perhaps stupid.

Do we need to sign up for any of the posted qualfiyng rooms, or just show up.
Question, perhaps stupid.

Do we need to sign up for any of the posted qualfiyng rooms, or just show up.

Hey Johan. You can either sign up on the scheduled rooms or just express your interest to Q on a specific time period and if a Steward is available then he can open a room for you.
Hello i know its a bit last minute. But are there any rooms open today for the qualifier.

I will have a room open tonight. I am not sure of the time yet, but I will post the room number in this thread 👍
Does it look like NTSC GT300 is filling up any? I spun out twice in my qualifier and I'm just wondering how close I am to getting knocked out.. :grumpy:
Sorry about the inactivity, been bogged down with revision for my exams next month :yuck: I can host a room tonight if demand is overwhelming, just tell me when.
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