GTRA | RSeat WSGTC S3 | Qualifier **Qualifying Deadline Thursday**

  • Thread starter Masi_23
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While I like the idea of having all the classes full, which this extension is for. (merry christmas thats a good 1!). I'm not happy that now I have a chance of not making it by following the deadline. Could have practiced more for consistency. Oh well.

Happy Holidays to all!!
Yeah, this is bogus IMO. This is my first "organized" racing attempt and it is looking pretty unorganized at this point. No offense..

I spun twice in my qualifier. I would have practiced more if I knew the deadline would be moved.
You signed up November 28th - the Earth had 26 full axis to complete from then until the deadline. That's plenty of time for 'practice.'
Loving the Christmas cheer in here :sly:.

Btw Merry Christmas guys :D.

(Also gotta agree with Pag. CSL and Masi. There was pleanty of time to practice. I personaly did 2 days of 30mins before my qualifier and it was enough for me ;))
You signed up November 28th - the Earth had 26 full axis to complete from then until the deadline. That's plenty of time for 'practice.'

Bottom line, more players means less chance for all of us to win.

Bottom line, all of us have lives outside of this game.

Mine is quite busy, yet I was still willing to comply with the ever-changing guidelines given my limited practice and experience. Unfortunately, myself and others who played by the rules will now be penalized while the slack and the lazy get rewarded. Seems like a new global trend, and people wonder why the economy is where it is...
Bottom line, more players means less chance for all of us to win.

Bottom line, all of us have lives outside of this game.

Mine is quite busy, yet I was still willing to comply with the ever-changing guidelines given my limited practice and experience. Unfortunately, myself and others who played by the rules will now be penalized while the slack and the lazy get rewarded. Seems like a new global trend, and people wonder why the economy is where it is...

Bottom line, you had plenty of time to practice.

Bottom line, everyone has real life commitments.

I've been managing this series inside a hospital room for the past week - the same today. I work and go to school - finals the first 2 weeks of December. There's at least a hundred or so people to supervise - tons of questions to answer. I sent/posted multiple reminders about the deadline. I don't complain. Wanna try be an Admin?

Don't put blame towards the organizers when you had total control of your own fate. It's not our fault you spun during your qualifier.



Turn-out has been great overall - except NTSC GT300, only about 10 submissions. Qualifier will resume Monday 00:01 GMT. Any sessions conducted now and Sunday will not count. More info will be announced soon regarding the conditions of the extension. Stay tuned.

Merry Christmas to all! :cheers:
Qualifiers run after the original deadline will be counted as "late" qualifiers.
A late submission cannot bump a timely submission.​

So if it comes down to people not making the cut, the slowest late submissions will be removed before any timely submissions.

So if you ran the qualifier on time, someone that did not cannot take your spot. We very much appreciate the effort and time everyone has put in already, and we'd like to make sure everyone that did qualify on time will be rewarded as they should be.

Any questions, feel free to ask, thank you all, and have a merry Christmas. :cheers:
That makes sense. Oh and whats the difference between PAL and NTSC?
If you mean in time slots, it's just different time slots. PAL is at a time when people who own PAL versions of the game are at peak hours (evening) and NTSC (North America) is better for people with NTSC copies, and Aussies.

If you already signed up it doesn't matter, but someone NTSC can enter the PAL time slots if they can make the races, they just have to remember it's much earlier, like 12 noon PST. Whereas NTSC races start at 7PM PST.
Well abiding by deadlines and such is something we very much like to reward, given the chance. 👍
We appreciate commitment greatly. :cheers:

Awesome, looking forward to making my first race.

This works cause youll still have to qualify, from your class, in the top 16 of 30 for each race even though youve made it in the series. Still bring the fastest up for the closest races.
Maybe it could be announced how many spots are available in each division. Taking into account the veterans who didn't quallify yet and the on time qualifyers. That way people can target their qualification to a division with open spots
Hey Madcapr, please stop OK? You want an example?

Tony1311 (Supersic)

practice time for the qualifier: 30mn
Actually leader of PAL GT500 conference.
He did his quali the first or second day of opening sessions.

So, if you have any problem with your practice time, your calendar, or else, please don't come on to complain here. this is not our fault. Rules are the same for all.


Anyway Very Merry Christmas to all of you guys ;) :cheers:
Litchi im sure he will be happy after CSLs announcement where all who did on the original deadline cannot be bumped out by a late qualifier :).
All is well! Once again, Happy Christmas and Merry Holidays to all GT fans out there :)

Looking forward for more entries this week coming week :cheers:
After Christmas dinner, once the kids are settled, I will list the drivers who are in season 3. Also will say how many spots are available in each division for late qualifyers.
as things stand with the drivers already qualified and some veterans yet to qualify, this is how many spots are available for the late qualifyers;

pal gt500 division - 25 qualifyers plus 3 veterans = 2 spots remaining
pal gt300 division - 18 qualifyers plus 6 veterans = 6 spots remaining

ntsc gt500 division - 24 qualifyers = 6 spots remaining
ntsc gt300 division - 9 qualifyers plus 2 veterans = 19 spots remaining

the veterans yet to qualify are;
pal gt300

pal gt500

ntsc gt300

if any veterans dont intend to race this season please say so asap so we can update numbers.
it looks like everyone who has submitted their qualifying laps have a place in season 3. congratulations to you all
Uh what? I did Qualify. CSL Watched my time.

PSN ID: MH4wheel
GTPlanet ID: Otsdarva
Country of Origin: U.S.A
Conference: NTSC
Class: GT300
Room Letter: H

Don't expect something fancy, just hoping to squeak in under the radar.

Session Steward: CSLACR
Date: December 22, 2011
Pilot: MH4wheel
Conference | Class: ? | GT300?
Nationality: American
Flying Laps: 2:17.394+5 | 2:13.107 | 2:12.405 | 2:26.062
Best 3 Laps Total: 6:47.906

Oh, I see where the error occurred.
Do the late qualifiers get to choose their car after the people who qualified on time or will they jump ahead even if their times are quicker?
Do the late qualifiers get to choose their car after the people who qualified on time or will they jump ahead even if their times are quicker?

If you are the quickest, you go to the top of the list. It's just that a late quallifyer can't knock out someone who quallifyed on time
There should be no reward for showing up late.

It wouldn't be fair to punish anyone who wasn't on time.
2 examples;
All of the work and time masi has put in, it would be wrong to not allow his time to stand. He has spent a week at the hospital.
The stewards haven't had the time to qualify with holding qualifying rooms and testing of the cars.
Anyone who got in on time cannot be knocked out of the series by someone who qualifyed late.
I think that is fair
Hello, may I try to qualify?

I can't get online at the moment ( family commitments)
I will be online tonight if you can't get a steward earlier.
When I get my gt5 pass stamped by the wife, I will post a room number in this thread
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