this thread was pretty popular though after release it obviously died down...
Thanks Slip, I'll be the gravedigger and try to resurrect it with this post.
I'm all for a livery editor as my previous posts in this thread will prove and in which I explained my viewpoints before playing GT5.
I own a few RM cars and while some look absolutely spot on (RM '69 Camaro), others, like the RM '97 Civic for example, look quite plain and sterile for a race car making me yearn for a livery editor.
I like my roadcars clean and sober and the ability to paint them in a different colour is more than enough for me (although plenty would want the ability to apply customized paint jobs on roadcars too which I'm not against, just not my thing although that might change if offered perhaps).
On race cars however I really would like the ability to either create (like Forza seems to offer) or choose from a selection of pre-made decals (and the ability to change their size perhaps) or even pre-made livery patterns to be coloured in using several paint chips (whereby you could also use the same paint chip on several parts/lines whereby the pattern automatically changes).
I'm a bit tired of seeing the GT or PD logo on almost everything and the Chromeline cars are proof to me that PD themselves can have questionable taste at times.
It would be far better to have some pre-made decals from companies already seen advertised in the game and the combinations and paint-shop combined with some basic patterns would already be more than enough for those with creative skills, imagination or good taste at least.
Oh yeah, bad taste, it's the only thing that will never run out of fashion I'm afraid, don't let that be an argument anymore please.
I've already seen plenty of horrible customized GT5 cars on this forum alone with only the paint-shop, custom bodyparts and wheel choice as options, in some cases I'd even rather see an offensive livery..........
And a number plate "editor" would also we very welcomed by me, to make the roadcars appear more real and more personal in a subtle way.
Just use the same random system as choosing your B-spec driver name, so nothing offensive can crop up online.
Offer a few options (nations, fonts, plate-sizes perhaps) and add random letter/number combinations and it's done (easy to say that if you're not in charge....