
  • Thread starter s0nny80y
Sure, but it seems to me that Israel are the ones not playing the game here. Iran, for all we know, signed the NPT in good faith (no pun intended), probably expecting Israel to follow suit. So what happens when Israel renege on the deal, aided and abetted by the USA?

Iran, in my view, has undeservedly and deservedly been vilified by the 'west' - it doesn't help when a firebrand like Ahmadenijad stokes up the rhetoric at every available opporchancity, but at the same time, Iran is fighting for its stake in the grand scheme of things, and more importantly, hasn't actually done anything... except going all Islamic on us, anyway. Tonight, Tariq Aziz has called on US troops to stay in Iraq for fear of Iraq being "left to the wolves". Iraq did do plenty wrong, but yet it is questionable just how much the war against Iraq was justified, based as it was on the thoroughly discredited notion that Iraq were harbouring/making WMD's... sadly, the legacy of the Iraq conflict will have very far reaching implications for the league of nations that think they know better, even if they really do... in terms of how to deal with Iran? Well, the simple (and simplistic) answer is - with considerably more respect and humility and less hubris than Iraq was dealt with.
Iraq did do plenty wrong, but yet it is questionable just how much the war against Iraq was justified, based as it was on the thoroughly discredited notion that Iraq were harbouring/making WMD's...

I still stand strongly behind the justification for war with Iraq - though the George Bush version of the justification is definitely dubious. I definitely don't think the US should be going to war with Iran - even if we do know that they're breaking the NPT.

Regardless of who does what and whether or not war happens - I definitely think an occupation is out of the question at this point.
Iraq has proved a turning point in more ways than one... it has spelled out to we, the moral arbiters of the world, that invasion and occupation is not simply a matter of principle, but a matter of practicality... as if we didn't (or shoudn't) have known that already. More importantly, it has demonstrated to other nations, such as Iran, that there are limits to what the world* (* or should I say, the coalition of the willing) is prepared to do against it - especially when that 'world' is very much divided and very much aware of the double standards being applied between Israel and the rest of the Middle East. We (and I use that term advisedly) invaded Iraq because we could. We (see previous brackets) know that Iran is a different kettle of Dolmeh-yeh Baadenjaan. Similarly, if China were the guilty party, what would we do then? Threaten strategic bombing attacks? I seriously doubt it.
Imagine that, TM. We would threaten to stop sending them our debt so that their citizens could live well and overthrow the reds.
I thoroughly applaud the above series of bold but well grounded posts by TM and other veteran members of GTP. Now if Obama and Netanyahu would only follow suit.

With highest regards,
Israel has perpetrated a seriously destructve cyber attack against Iran. Or maybe it was the US that did it?

This is probably because they are so far frustrated in their plans to physically bomb Iran, it's nuclear plants, general infrastructure and Republican Guard establishment. Apparently millions of Chinese computers have also become infected with this destructive Stuxnet malware. One has to wonder how patiently these Iranians and Chinese are going to absorb provocative attacks before they retaliate in some fashion?

some snippits:

Russian nuclear officials have warned of another Chernobyl-style nuclear disaster at Iran's controversial Bushehr reactor because of the damage caused by the Stuxnet virus, according to the latest Western intelligence reports.

According to Western intelligence reports, Russian scientists warned the Kremlin that they could be facing "another Chernobyl" if they were forced to comply with Iran's tight deadline to activate the complex this summer.

Yesterday, the New York Times reported that the Stuxnet virus had been developed as a joint project by US and Israeli intelligence officials at Israel's top-secret Dimona project in the Negev desert.

Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, recently declared that the Stuxnet virus had set Iran's nuclear programme back by several years.
And so begins the war on Iran. We some bad mother****ers.
So we gave Iran a computer virus and now Russia thinks their reactor is going to blow up because of it?

This piece starts with ...

(AP) JERUSALEM - An Israeli official said Wednesday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to persuade his Cabinet to authorize a military strike against Iran's suspected nuclear weapons program — a discussion that comes as Israel successfully tests a missile believed capable of carrying a nuclear warhead to Iran.

This worries me a lot more than the Greek & Euro crisis ...
So we gave Iran a computer virus and now Russia thinks their reactor is going to blow up because of it?

That´s the thing with computers. If you hack in you can override the system and set everything out of control and eventually something will happen.

If it´s computer controlled, it can be hacked.

And yes i believe it´s a matter of time before USA enters Iran in another war/invasion.
Another nuclear war would be a bad thing for the whole northern hemisphere. Fallout from demolished Iranian nuclear facilities and materiel could go anywhere on the wind.

On the other hand, an Iranian nuclear attack on Israel would be equally horrific.

China and Russia are counseling the US not to attack, on the grounds of unknown consequences.

World leaders, almost every one of them, are currently under a great deal of stress. Potential or real disasters face us on every hand. We need people to stay cool now, and hope or pray for a bit of good luck.

I ment that they are the ones most likely to strike first. So they will use their key to open the very controlled lock.
I ment that they are the ones most likely to strike first. So they will use their key to open the very controlled lock.

If they don't strike first one nuclear weapon strike could decimate the country.:nervous:
Iran won't use a nuclear weapon so close to other Arab nations. That's committing suicide both ways. First off, the UN will go beserk on their ass. Second, the surrounding Arab nations will not be so very happy with all the nuclear fallout in their countries.

If they actually build it, people need to take them seriously, just like India and Pakistan. Why didn't the Afghan war go on into Pakistan? Nukes.

Why keeps the US Pakistan on the good side of the table? Nukes.

I seriously doubt that the US and/or UN will go into a full blown war with Iran, because Israel became triggerhappy.

But when Israel does fire rockets into the supposed nuclear weapon facility, retaliation will happen.
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Ahhh the thrills of the Cold War are back. Living on the edge of a nuclear Armagedon. All it takes is a trigger happy-lunatic. We need Peter Sellers back to show us how.

What's that you say? That fire needs more oil, you say?


Attacking a like is stupid for several reasons. First of all any attack would do nothing but provoke a regionwide conflict. Secondly, Iran has not in no way attacked the united states, nor does it have the capability to even do so.

Other than that the only reason why the west has any animosity towards Iran stand from the fact that 33 years ago a america's favorite dictator in that country(the shah) was thrown out of power. In the end Ron Paul said it right about Iran....instead of starting foolish wars why talk with like we did with communist china and russia?
What's that you say? That fire needs more oil, you say?



That's Israel, I don't think iranians will be too bothered. This is the same as a similar accident happening to the Israeli forces and people celebrating in the streets of Gaza. Nobody cares, it's almost expected.