
  • Thread starter s0nny80y
They will go into Iran, it´s just a matter of time.

It´s pretty easy to see aswell if you take a look at the countries USA has invaded or have troops in. The countries all surround Iran making an attack extremely versatile.

I really do hope Iran sends one off if USA steps foot in that country, just to show they aint playing.

So what if Iran builds some nukes to have, nobody would so stupid to actually use them to attack. It would be the end of mankind as we know it and everyone knows that.

If you send one you can be damn sure to recieve one at that.
I don't get why the US, NATO, Israel etc. just won't start talking with the Irani government. Seriously, each to his own: if they want to live like they do - let them.

Is it all about religion, yet again? Sigh...who's having the cooler imaginary friend? Let the nukes decide.
I wouldn't be surprised if Iran actually is telling the truth, and they use their nuclear technology for the good of the matter, and not like Israel for nukes.

And I really don't see the US and/or NATO support (with weapons and such) Israel when they decide they had enough and launch an attack on Iran.
Israel won't attack Iran. Not without attacking everyone else - Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey (strangely enough, they seem to get along well with the Jordanians) - as well. If they did, their neighbours would take the opportunity to strike back.
I think you underestimate the stubborn attitude of the Israeli's. They think they are the superpower in the region. With their army force I can see why they think that, but we live in different times now, and their neighbours have build up their armies too.
And if Turkey should join the fight, not likely, but if they do, Israel will not be the Jewish state anymore when it's over.
Israel reminds me of North Korea.

"If you do that we will start a war"

*does it*

"Ok but next time i promise you it will be a war..."
Is it all about religion, yet again? Sigh...who's having the cooler imaginary friend? Let the nukes decide.
That's what it's always been about, hasn't it? For example, Hitler was mad at the jews for killing Jesus, and see what he did.

I can't tell you how many times I've imagined a world without religion, and I always come to the same conclusion. Much better.
I think nowadays it has more to do with dominance in the region.

Let's see who has the biggest ...
That's what it's always been about, hasn't it? For example, Hitler was mad at the jews for killing Jesus, and see what he did.

I can't tell you how many times I've imagined a world without religion, and I always come to the same conclusion. Much better.

I think it would be far, far worse. But that's for another thread. And btw this is a pure political fight. It's all about power. Religion is, as always, an excellent scapegoat.

PS - That Hitler reference was funny. I think even the jews know better.
I think it would be far, far worse. But that's for another thread. And btw this is a pure political fight. It's all about power. Religion is, as always, an excellent scapegoat.

PS - That Hitler reference was funny. I think even the jews know better.

No offence (I have jewish friends myself :P) but some just don't know better.

Best example: - they're blackmailing the government all the time in Germany ("BUT YOU DID THIS 21830123012830231 YEARS AGO!")...even German Jews hate their own official council. I think lots of Israeli people don't want their country to attack Iran. But does that really mean anything if their government wants to give it a go?
He has called for the destruction of Israel and like Saddam Hussein before him, has Weapons of Mass Destruction and supports Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups.

Ummm, Iraq never had any WMDs.

Plus does America have any money to go to war?
Is it me or the Mossad might be involving into the Iranian nuclear program a bit too much.

Is most certain that Iran is developing WMD, something that is hugely threatening for the current Israeli government, I don't think that Iran have plans to bomb Israel, but the presence of such threat will make the Israelis stop in their constant state of repressing and attempting against the Palestinians in the Gaza strip.

I'm not really sure if Israel is buying some time by stopping the Iranian weapons program, but is certain that the political situation will now become more tense and the outbreak of war more likely.
If they are so sure about the fact that Iran is producing WMD's, rockets and bombs would have been dropped already, just to be sure. But they aren't so sure about it, and they just keep on talking and handing out infractions and such. :lol:
Ummm, Iraq never had any WMDs.

Plus does America have any money to go to war?

Iraq was actually found to be in possession of chemical WMDs. But no evidence of a WMD program was found.

We don't need any money to drop bombs. I'm pretty sure that saves us money actually. It's occupation that we don't have the money for.
And why does America really care if someone has WMDs?, Do they feel emasculated that the nukes they have won't be more than enough?
Or gaining upper-hand in the regional domination struggle for their own benefit with contracts and commercial trades in the region[/A_bit_of_conspiracy_but_kind_of_true].
And why does America really care if someone has WMDs?, Do they feel emasculated that the nukes they have won't be more than enough?

Given that WMDs aren't the justification for the Iraq war, I don't think it matters. In this particular case, I think it has a lot to do with a proliferation of a mass killing mechanism in a part of the world breeding individuals intent on bringing mass killing to our nation.
I think you underestimate the stubborn attitude of the Israeli's. They think they are the superpower in the region. With their army force I can see why they think that, but we live in different times now, and their neighbours have build up their armies too.
And if Turkey should join the fight, not likely, but if they do, Israel will not be the Jewish state anymore when it's over.
Stubborn, yes - but you can bet your bottom dollar that they won't do anything until they think the world will be on their side.
Nuke iran


I do hope you are joking. A nuke into a country like that would cause more than just Iran getting the blow. Depending on the wind, the high radiation threat caused by todays nuclear warheads would certainly wipe out most things in the region, not to mention the whole world would hate our country more than they do already. Don't forget that we would kill more civilians than terrorists. I'm also pretty sure that we would be violating a nuclear peace treaty we signed, though I'm not 100% sure on it.
Nuke iran

It's pretty clear a covert war against Iran by the US and Israel has been underway for quite some time. It is a dilatory tactic and nothing more. Firmer measures will be necessary.

But Iran is backed technologically and politically to one degree or another by North Korea, Pakistan, Russia and China. Is the weakened West quite ready and eager to assume the risks and responsibilities of nuclear war against such an axis? Likely not.

So what would Sun Tzu or Niccolo Machiavelli recommend be done by the decadent Western Princes against the rising East? They are on record as advocating assassination, sabotage, deceit, trickery, obfuscating alliances, treaties and pacts, and finally striking deep with a long blade when the enemies backs are turned.

Will that blade be nuclear? Look what a wonderful benefit a double nuclear strike turned out to be for those wonderful folks who brought us Pearl Harbor: half a century of peace and prosperity under a Pax Americana. Please don't doubt for an instant that neo-cons and neo-liberals all over the West are currently calculating deep into the night.

Will history repeat itself? Or are the generals forever condemned to fight the previous war with the usual disastrous results? I, for one, am in no hurry to find out. I, along with General Smedley Butler say war is an international racket to benefit the few at the expense of the many.

Respectfully submitted,
They are on record as advocating assassination, sabotage, deceit, trickery, obfuscating alliances, treaties and pacts, and finally striking deep with a long blade when the enemies backs are turned.

That's what the BBC article is about isn't it? At least assassination and sabotage, deceit and trickery is. But it's still only a rumour.
That's what the BBC article is about isn't it? At least assassination and sabotage, deceit and trickery is. But it's still only a rumour.

It is true that the article is purely speculation, but all the evidence points to a black ops attack. Iran never gives out information, so it is possible they know what is going on but not who is doing it and doesn't want to release a general accusation.
It is true that the article is purely speculation, but all the evidence points to a black ops attack. Iran never gives out information, so it is possible they know what is going on but not who is doing it and doesn't want to release a general accusation.

Scary thought. If that is true then Iran is quietly preparing some kind of retaliation-assassination black ops style also. Probably because they think it is useless to voice any kind of outrage about their enemies actions. Funny, US people tend to think institutions like the UN are useless. Well, maybe Iran thinks the same. And we are all past the diplomatic bridges falling down.

This leads nowhere ... but to some kind of doom.
Scary thought. If that is true then Iran is quietly preparing some kind of retaliation-assassination black ops style also. Probably because they think it is useless to voice any kind of outrage about their enemies actions. Funny, US people tend to think institutions like the UN are useless. Well, maybe Iran thinks the same. And we are all past the diplomatic bridges falling down.

This leads nowhere ... but to some kind of doom.

Personally, I think Iran has its horns pulled in. They are currently in no position to be overtly aggressive, or even to be caught in covert ops, which can be a casus belli to the West. They have been there for thousands of years, and intend to stay for the long run. Their immediate future is in the assimilation of Shiite Iraq into their sphere of influence.
