Israel - Palestine discussion thread

I guess those Israelis are just setting up death camps now right?

There are no winners in this conflict, but there is one loser. As long as these two sides fight, the Palestinian people will suffer. Unfortunately the side that represents them continues to be the aggressor in this situation. Hamas does not want progress, they want to destroy Israel. Unfortunately this thought is expressed on the flip side with right wing Israeli's, who want to Colonize all of Palestine.

Israeli's and Palestinians used to live well together. Back then peace was actually achievable. Over the years it has flipped between Israel being the biggest roadblock, and Palestine being the biggest roadblock.

Israel does not want war. In fact Israel has undergone IDF budget cuts. They don't have the money. The biggest hurdle now is Hamas, and as long as a terrorist organization is head of Palestine, no progress will be made. Hamas tells citizens not to go to Hospitals like the one I posted above. Hamas tells the people it represents to stay in their homes when Israel warns it isn't safe.

If Hamas wanted peace, they wouldn't have launched rockets. They wouldn't have violated the ceasefires. They wouldn't have tried to use tunnels to invade Israel. Hell they wouldn't do this 🤬. Hamas needs to realize that they will not win. The Palestinian people need to realize that Hamas is not acting in their interest.

The only way peace will be achieved is through diplomacy and politics. Hamas is interested in neither, all they want is Israel destroyed. Unfortunately it isn't Hamas that has to suffer. It's the people they're sworn to protect and represent.[/url]
More nonsense from you and you are still ignoring the illegal occupation.
Hamas =/= civilians.

Hamas = people pulling the strings and getting their civilians killed while they attempt to appear like freedom fighters.
Ones should told Hamas that one missle from them are 100 missles from Israel.

Though to be fair Israel shouldn't attack recklessly (they pointed to civilians for gods sake). Hell, even freaking America can hunt Osama without having an attack like that (minus the torture, sorry). Main reason why UN sided for Palestinians.

Its safe to say that both is not so different. Palestinians has Hamas, while Israel has some conservatives (Killing of 3 Palestinians, Illegal occupation, etc).

Just hope for the best for both of countries.
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I wonder how long it will take for ISIS to knock on Israel's door. They already claimed that Israel is their next target.
I wonder how long it will take for ISIS to knock on Israel's door. They already claimed that Israel is their next target.
Well, at least those rats are constantly fighting an offensive war, and they don't have any civilians to "protect", so hopefully there will be no moral qualms for throwing everything Israel has at them.
More nonsense from you and you are still ignoring the illegal occupation.
Source? This is what I found. It states the UN and US consider it occupied territory, yet there isn't an explanation why. Though there is this interesting little bit down at the bottom...
To Hamas, Israel's "occupation" is not limited to Gaza and the West Bank. Like many other Islamic militant groups, Hamas views Israel's presence as the de facto occupier of greater Palestine. Hamas' charter calls for the destruction of Israel altogether.
I wonder how long it will take for ISIS to knock on Israel's door. They already claimed that Israel is their next target.
And I'll be treated like a racists :censored:hole, but I really do hope that ISIS knock at Israel door and slaughter the crap out of Israel government.

This is far beyond ridiculous, it started with the kidnapping of Palestinian teen protesters near the border with Israel, then Hamas retaliated by kidnapping 3 Israeli youths, then the Palestinian kids got killed, then Hamas retailed by killing them and sending rockets (killing 5), then Israel retailed by invading (once again) and killing +200, adding to non stopping air-strikes.

I can sympathize with Israelis up to certain point, but watching commoners taking beach seats just observe the rockets falling on civilians and organizing groups just to make a propaganda fanfare of these bombings is far beyond ridiculous, just knowing that the general population support this kind of behaviour is truly disgusting, local Israelis don't support this (even if they have relatives in Tel Aviv), ****ing humanitarian organizations are condemning this and western media just portraits Israel as the injured party, while in true the only aggressors are the Israelis themselves (Israelis, not even their government, they themselves are fuelling this).

Israel needs to burn, I sound like an extremist but since the Yom Kippur War they have acted like as the aggressors, with the support of the UN and western states, the soviet union and Saddam are long gone, so is the former Egyptian government, fundamentalist and extremist had a breaking point of tolerance which was surpassed when Osama bin laden had the resources to fund and fuel the Jihad, Iran doesn't like them, neither Syrian rebels or Al Qaeda, they are surrounded by enemies, and things are reaching a point in which not even the US will intervene.

In this kind of cases war should be asymmetrical, it isn't the case at all times but this kind of conflicts it should be that way, IDF has enough military resources to track down Hamas rebels and eliminate them in a controlled manner, instead they bomb the crap out of Gaza with no other reason just to watch them burn.

US and NATO need to steer away from this, a retaliation for this in a far bigger scale is imminent.

Goebbels would be proud Indeed, this is the first time I would cheer for an Islamic attack on Israel, war is reckless and it should be upon them as well.
What is it with this "Western media supports Israel"? We here get to see both sides of the coin. There is no Pro Israel or Pro Palestina news here.

We don't get the gruesome images on the news but we do see the attacks and the aftermath, from both sides.

And as I stated before, the sympathy for Israel is declining, and it's not just the people, our politicians are also quite fed up with the course Israel is going.
What is it with this "Western media supports Israel"? We here get to see both sides of the coin. There is no Pro Israel or Pro Palestina news here.
Not here, CNN and BBC on the first days of the conflict, which are the main media outlets in the west.

And even then, they are still heavily biased towards Israel.
And I'll be treated like a racists :censored:hole, but I really do hope that ISIS knock at Israel door and slaughter the crap out of Israel government.
You don't really think they'll just slaughter the government and leave it at that, right?
Not here, CNN and BBC on the first days of the conflict, which are the main media outlets in the west.

And even then, they are still heavily biased towards Israel.
Yeah, CNN and known to bias whatever their own countries are on their alliance. Interested to see Fox news though :D

Interesting thing is that most if not all of my channel here are now being a bit honest about Hamas and as for Palestinians, they choose to see on the humanitarian side. Those who wants to be Hamas "volunteers" are now getting mocked yo.
Yeah because they are soulless animals and not the Injured party here?

No, it's because ISIS are a bunch of savages who get enjoyment from all kinds of sadistic acts, including beheading and stoning people who don't agree with them. Of course, it's extremely illogical from me to stand up against them because "they are people too" or "they're desperate".

Little note. Ones extremists attack does not justify for hundreds of civilians death. Especially when the main reason of attack is to do revenge on other sides offense (kidnapping).

Also worth noting than moments after Israels attack, its PM said they will not stop attacking Palestine. Tommorow after, he suddenly said that he will stop the attack if Hamas also stop the attack (while still attacking Palestine of course).
Little note. Ones extremists attack does not justify for hundreds of civilians death. Especially when the main reason of attack is to do revenge on other sides offense (kidnapping).

Also worth noting than moments after Israels attack, its PM said they will not stop attacking Palestine. Tommorow after, he suddenly said that he will stop the attack if Hamas also stop the attack (while still attacking Palestine of course).

If you think this all happened because of the kidnapping, I urge you to open up your history books.
I wonder how long it will take for ISIS to knock on Israel's door. They already claimed that Israel is their next target.

ISIS wont stand a chance against them to be fair.

End of Discussion. This map says enough about who is guilty and who is fighting for freedom.


I rest my case your honour..
If you think this all happened because of the kidnapping, I urge you to open up your history books.
I already know why. Im talking about the attack right now. Many months before that aren't much of attack.

There are many instigator of this happening every time, you know, from Palestine disagreement, Israeli-Jordan war, Munich Massacre. random Hamas shooting rockets, to this.
ISIS wont stand a chance against them to be fair.

End of Discussion. This map says enough about who is guilty and who is fighting for freedom.


I rest my case your honour..

I don't have a horse in this race but you can't post something like that and think anyone will take it seriously.

Have you ever thought why those particular dates are used on this map and not other dates?
ISIS wont stand a chance against them to be fair.

End of Discussion. This map says enough about who is guilty and who is fighting for freedom.


I rest my case your honour..
While Israel says it wants to destroy "Hamas" (while killing many civilians, destroys cities, cutting donations(Costa Concordia), claimed Palestine land if they have chance, once called all arabs (not just Palestinians) are terrorists, and treats non-jews on israel like crap).

While Hamas wants to destroys Israel (desperate of having their land and supplies cut off). Yes, there are some extremists lunatics out there who thinks their dead bodies are onto heaven for their war or Israel apocalypse thingy, but alas, they highly desperate and after Arab spring, that thought is debunked and now becomes extremely minor even for Hamas itself.

What im trying to say though is, if Israel really wants to fight Hamas, FIGHT HAMAS, dont take their innocent civilians too and then take advantage on it.
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ISIS wont stand a chance against them to be fair.

End of Discussion. This map says enough about who is guilty and who is fighting for freedom.

I rest my case your honour..
Need I remind you much of that territory was gained in wars the Arab community started because they didn't like Israel?
Kind of belie the Israelis' continued implications that they're operating some sort of sensitive, tight-target war against known hostiles.

Looks like they'll actually take anyone they can get, in my opinion :(
Can't you see? All these darts are specifically guided to known Hamas fighters in the shelled area, hitting them right between the eyes. they are high tech IDF weapons dude!
And the truth comes out, not with a bang but a whimper..

It makes sense. Israel can only gain from having a fractured Palestinian political presence, and the more they can sway Palestinian opinion against them and towards Hamas, the more legitimacy they have for striking Palestine crying "self defence".

Netanyahu remarkebly laid it all out there a week ago:

The Times Israel
But the wider lesson of the current escalation was that Israel had to ensure that “we don’t get another Gaza in Judea and Samaria.” Amid the current conflict, he elaborated, “I think the Israeli people understand now what I always say: that there cannot be a situation, under any agreement, in which we relinquish security control of the territory west of the River Jordan.”

The reason?

The Times Israel
Because, given the march of Islamic extremism across the Middle East, he said, Israel simply cannot afford to give up control over the territory immediately to its east, including the eastern border — that is, the border between Israel and Jordan, and the West Bank and Jordan.

So with a two state solution impossible, who benefits from brewing extremism no matter the short term damage to international opinion?
Sorry. But any indication that these Israeli government may be corrupt? I cannot believe its goverment is that hypocrite and propagandic to its own people. I thought they claimed "the most open countries on middle east"......well according to them.....

....and America. That's not even an conspiracy anymore. Everyone knows its international minister Kerry is just full of biased crap and Obama doesn't do much but agree to majority of the government.
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Israel, the state created after WW II, is a tremendous historic mistake by the powers at the time. Because it can't be undone, and because it can't be safe. Taking someone's land and giving it to someone else was an "imperial" attitude. And please don't tell me there is such thing as an historic right to that land. Ownership of land is a question of power, and Israel is the greatest example available.

Anyway, and since you can't erase palestinians from the face of the Earth, and since palestinians won't forget their land for the next 2000 years (if the long memory of jews is anything to go by and considering how close both peoples are) Israel has only one way forward: The war of a thousand years. Sad that this may well be Hitler's real legacy to the jewish people.