Israel - Palestine discussion thread

You seem to have forgotten that Israel receives $3.1 bn in US aid, with most if not all their military equipment being American made.
You're point? That money is directly for military equipment. In fact much of that military equipment has kept thousands of people from dying in this conflict. The money Hamas gets is from various countries of the UN and is solely for humanitarian purposes. Nothing is humanitarian about launching missiles into another country while your citizens starve.
What the 🤬 are some people blabbering out of their mouths here? They're actually defending a terrorist organization whose war tactics involve deliberately having their civilians killed to receive pity from other countries?

The dumps I take after eating a bag of potato chips are worth more than Hamas.

1. Some people are defending innocent palestinian civilians.

I'm not defending Hamas ideias. They're muslim fundamentalists and that alone is against my worldview.
1. Some people are defending innocent palestinian civilians.

I'm not defending Hamas ideias. They're muslim fundamentalists and that alone is against my worldview.
I'm pretty sure everyone here's got some sympathy for civilians. However, people who seriously believe Hamas is up to any good aren't exactly doing them (civvies) any favors.
You're point? That money is directly for military equipment. In fact much of that military equipment has kept thousands of people from dying in this conflict. The money Hamas gets is from various countries of the UN and is solely for humanitarian purposes. Nothing is humanitarian about launching missiles into another country while your citizens starve.

Why should Israel get our money for military equipment? Their economy alone can sustain any military expenditures they seek, and the stuff they have far exceeds that of Hamas. That money is better served staying here in the US and helping out our own people.

Nothing is humanitarian about American built weaponry killing civilians caught in the crossfire either.
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Why should Israel get our money for military equipment? Their economy alone can sustain any military expenditures they seek, and the stuff they have far exceeds that of Hamas. That money is better served staying here in the US and helping out our own people.
And it is. The money we give them is them used to buy our products, stimulating our economy. Without our aid Israel would turn to someone else or start their own production, thus increasing competition and hurting our economy.

Nothing is humanitarian about American built weaponry killing civilians caught in the crossfire either.
Could you please point to where I said that? As I recall I said humanitarian aid sent to Hamas is being used to kill Israeli citizens, instead of helping the Palestinian people. Hell Israel sends humanitarian aid to Hamas, yet Hamas sees it as a hostility.
You're point? That money is directly for military equipment. In fact much of that military equipment has kept thousands of people from dying in this conflict. The money Hamas gets is from various countries of the UN and is solely for humanitarian purposes. Nothing is humanitarian about launching missiles into another country while your citizens starve.

Hamas is an extremist organisation that's getting funded and armed by wealthy and influential Arabs and Persians alike. If you look it up, it was Israel that assisted the creation of Hamas in order to topple the PLO, headed by Yasser Arafat at the time who actually posed a huge threat to the existence of the Israeli state. Here are some links if you don't believe me:

Again, I've said this in a previous post and I'll say it again; it's all a matter of circumstance. If you a oppress a population, restrict their lives and impose sanctions on their economies causing all sorts of negative economic effects, which will in turn result in rises in crime and emotional stress within societies, then you are bound to get groups like Hamas being formed.

The Palestinian people are scared and have been pushed to the extent that they will either flee or live in complete fear if they are unable to do so. With that fear comes the willingness to accept any fearce or crazy ideology that might spring up e.g. Hamas.
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Israel is losing an important ally in their neighbourhood.

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan said this today:

They who judge Hitler every day and night have now surpassed Hitlers barbaric acts.
Israel is losing an important ally in their neighbourhood.

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan said this today:

They who judge Hitler every day and night have now surpassed Hitlers barbaric acts.
Erdogan wasn't much of an ally to be honest.
My godmother's son and one of my best friends has entered service in the Israeli army this week. He will be a dispatcher with the Israeli Air Force, so hopefully he will be relatively safe. Still quite nervous and will be following this conflict closely.:nervous:
What the 🤬 are some people blabbering out of their mouths here? They're actually defending a terrorist organization whose war tactics involve deliberately having their civilians killed to receive pity from other countries?

The dumps I take after eating a bag of potato chips are worth more than Hamas.

Just defending themselfs from innocent woman and children right? Dont make me laugh, you're arrogance is shocking and your lack of empathy is mindboggling. Your propoganda reaks of fasicsm.

Here are the four boys that where murdered by idf forces on a beach, where coincidently some international reporters where present and wich saw the whole thing happen. They ran from one explosion to an abandoned fishing shelter to hide, where they where blown to pieces by a missile. They where clearly targeted and killed in cold blood. Too bad it never reached the mainstream media because of that plain crash in Ukraine...DAT timing...


You're hasbara is showing. if you dont know the term go look it up.

Read this and i will qoute a few notable things from it.

The Norwegian professor repeats that Israel "deliberately" targets civilians, "particularly women and children," adding that the majority of the victims are women, children and the elderly. Gilbert has been subject to an Israeli smear campaign; Foreign Ministry spokesperson Yigal Palmor accused him of spreading lies.

Gilbert responds saying: "Regrettably, the Israeli media machine in Europe portrays the victims as members of Hamas. But we will eventually discover that these are lies and rumours. What crime have women and children committed to be killed and bombed?

"If Israel denies my claims, it should open Gaza for international teams to come and see for themselves and issue reliable medical reports," he said defiantly.
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Goebbels would be proud.


We don't need fancy ads and cool looking photoshop pictures and messages to know what's going on in Gaza. A single photograph of a dead palestinian child tells us everything we need to know about this massacre.

That propaganda is madness. I don't understand what they're saying but I think I recognize their message. And I don't find it consistent with the truth and what we see on the palestinian side. They're spreading a message of victims when they only have 2 casualties (1 civilian and 1 soldier) and the palestinians have 330+ victims, 80% civilians and 20% children.
Goebbels would be proud.

Goebbels might chuckle at Israel's futile efforts to rid themselves of their problem. The Israelis really are doing their best to be polite and responsible monsters. Stalin was the last major leader to be willing to use truly extreme measures to accomplish his military and political goals. Will we see his like again? History does not repeat. But it echoes.
That propaganda is madness. I don't understand what they're saying but I think I recognize their message. And I don't find it consistent with the truth and what we see on the palestinian side. They're spreading a message of victims when they only have 2 casualties (1 civilian and 1 soldier) and the palestinians have 330+ victims, 80% civilians and 20% children.

This comes to mind when i see the collective blindness people show to this conflict. There is Israels version and ther is reality.


Here's some Hasbara propoganda. Claiming they use schools, resedential areas and children as human shields. These claims have been shot down by UN reports and they still try to sell it as if its reality. Again Goebels would be proud.


the trope that "Hamas uses human shields" is ubiquitous across the mainstream media. Below is the link to amnesty international's investigation of Israel's assault on gaza in 2008.

They found no evidence that Hamas used human shields. They did find however that Israel used human shields, specifically the IDF used Palestinian civilians as human shields.

The more you know...

Full amnesty report: 22 days of death and destruction.
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@King1982 Please do not post pictures of a graphic nature - the AUP (the rules of the site) prohibit obscene content, but this also applies to graphic images as well. You may post a link with a suitable and clear warning of graphic content instead.
Israel is losing an important ally in their neighbourhood.

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan said this today:

They who judge Hitler every day and night have now surpassed Hitlers barbaric acts.

Quite ironic considering how Turkey is handling Kurds situation and Northern Cyprus.

I guess those Israelis are just setting up death camps now right?

There are no winners in this conflict, but there is one loser. As long as these two sides fight, the Palestinian people will suffer. Unfortunately the side that represents them continues to be the aggressor in this situation. Hamas does not want progress, they want to destroy Israel. Unfortunately this thought is expressed on the flip side with right wing Israeli's, who want to Colonize all of Palestine.

Israeli's and Palestinians used to live well together. Back then peace was actually achievable. Over the years it has flipped between Israel being the biggest roadblock, and Palestine being the biggest roadblock.

Israel does not want war. In fact Israel has undergone IDF budget cuts. They don't have the money. The biggest hurdle now is Hamas, and as long as a terrorist organization is head of Palestine, no progress will be made. Hamas tells citizens not to go to Hospitals like the one I posted above. Hamas tells the people it represents to stay in their homes when Israel warns it isn't safe.

If Hamas wanted peace, they wouldn't have launched rockets. They wouldn't have violated the ceasefires. They wouldn't have tried to use tunnels to invade Israel. Hell they wouldn't do this 🤬. Hamas needs to realize that they will not win. The Palestinian people need to realize that Hamas is not acting in their interest.

The only way peace will be achieved is through diplomacy and politics. Hamas is interested in neither, all they want is Israel destroyed. Unfortunately it isn't Hamas that has to suffer. It's the people they're sworn to protect and represent.[/url]