Israel - Palestine discussion thread

They were collaborators, and have been judged by Gaza's courts. Your own given link says that. Betrayers. They do not kill their own people, fortunately they are not gone crazy until now and probably won't, whole population hates Israel.

I wonder what sort of threshold they have for defining someone as a collaborator. Surely that's a high standard. Probably they had to do something really terrible. I bet that the judicial process is impartial and requires a mountain of evidence.
I wonder what sort of threshold they have for defining someone as a collaborator. Surely that's a high standard. Probably they had to do something really terrible. I bet that the judicial process is impartial and requires a mountain of evidence.
And frankly, there aren't many things the "collaborators" could've done that are worse than Hamas's usual deeds.
Have you gone a little bit emotional in the last part?
Not even slightly.
You see yourself they kill collaborators, not other people.
No, I see that they execute people they accuse of being collaborators. Are you aware of what the word "extra-judicial" means? It means that these people are executed by the accusation alone, without due legal process and certainly not involving a trial.

And they have done it before - many, many times. Sometimes they merely beat up the people they accuse, sometimes they kill them, sometimes they drag their corpses through the streets. Sometimes it's alleged Israeli 'collaborators', sometimes it's people objecting their rule and sometimes it's people who support Fatah, the majority Palestinian party in the West Bank.

So now you've conceded the point that Hamas are killing Palestinians too, which makes your accusation that I was lying when I said that they do this quite false. You can admit that any time you want.
You mention bad things Hamas did, which in fact actually aren't.
Which you've since conceded in fact actually are.
But you do not talk about what Israel does, considering they beeing more cruel, and the list of their actions against humanity is very long.
That's because you want to read my posts as pro-Israel when they are nothing of the sort - to the point of ignoring me saying that I don't support either side and that the fact either side thinks civilian casualties are acceptable is detestable. And then you accuse me of saying "absurd" things about Hamas which are demonstrably true, while you are condoning a missile attack on a civilian nuclear facility as "acceptable".

Defending Hamas's actions in attempting to murder Jews indiscriminately, Palestinians purposely and cause a potential radiological disaster that would not be limited to Israel and Palestinian territories - because radiation doesn't work like that - is not a sound position. Nor is defending Israel's actions in killing Palestinians as acceptable collateral damage.

This is why I do neither.
Where are the anti Palestinians with ridiculous justifications for another zionist state land grab? Not really expecting any condemnation but I love hearing a fantasy explanation of why the zionist state is allowed to commit war crimes :)
I've not seen any anti-Palestinians in this thread, so I don't know who it is you're appealing to.
I love hearing a fantasy explanation of why the zionist state is allowed to commit war crimes :)

The simple and correct explanation is that no one can stop them. Might makes right, and their ends justify their means.
That everyone thinks they have a claim to the land already, so nobody thinks they're actually grabbing anything that isn't already theirs.

Everyone knows they claim that land, yes. But where did you get the idea that nobody thinks they're grabbing other people's land? Do you think they are just taking what is theirs our doesn't have owners?
Everyone knows they claim that land, yes. But where did you get the idea that nobody thinks they're grabbing other people's land? Do you think they are just taking what is theirs our doesn't have owners?

I don't understand your question.

Nobody in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict thinks that they are "grabbing" anyone else's land. They think they have a right to it.
Starting next month, Palestinians on the Westbank aren't allowed to ride Israeli buses anymore. Inhabitants of the illegal settlements called for this measure, for safety reasons.

What's that you say? Untermenschen? Nah...

Hamas and Islamic Jihad hailed the attack, saying it was in reaction to the death of a Palestinian bus driver.

In a statement, the Islamist Hamas movement, which dominates Gaza, said it was “a response to the murder of the martyr Yusuf Ramouni.” It was referring to the bus driver from East Jerusalem who was found hanged inside his vehicle late on Sunday. Palestinian media claimed he was murdered; an autopsy established that he committed suicide.
Everyone knows they claim that land, yes. But where did you get the idea that nobody thinks they're grabbing other people's land? Do you think they are just taking what is theirs our doesn't have owners?

In over-simple terms; they would each believe they were "reclaiming" the land.
EU removes Hamas from terrorist group list

Things like this definitely make EU look even worse in my eyes than before. :rolleyes: I wonder what the EU elite will have to say after the next Palestinian terror attack...

Since you asked:

A single palestinian man walked into a mall and blew himself up killing 25 innocent civilians. The man was known to be mentally unstable and was estranged from his family so he certainly wasn't a terrorist and there's no link to terrorism here ok, he was acting it?!

Better shoot him now, he could grow up to be a terrorist:rolleyes:
Sounds like wrong place at the wrong time to me, caught up in the crossfire:

"A new and in depth examination was conducted following the reports of an injured child being hospitalized and it was found that a number of masked [protesters] threw rocks, Molotov cocktails and shot fireworks at a border police force operating [on Wednesday] on the slopes of Isawiya, to prevent harm to citizens traveling on the road towards Ma’ale Adumim," the police said in its statement.