Little things you'd like to see in GT5

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The $85K mod. from GT and GT2.
Carbon fiber that looks like it
Every rally car have dirt and snow tires
No glitches
Not soooooo many Skylines/Lancers you get the idea
Options Options Options!

Same amount of Skylines/Lancers just a hell of a lot more of all the other cars!!!!
A great feature in GT4 is that you can save your pictures on a usb stick and transfer them to a pc. What I don't understand though is why you couldn't do this with replays, that just sucks. I'm pretty sure you will be able to do this in GT5, as you can use a usb stick to save your games.
A great feature in GT4 is that you can save your pictures on a usb stick and transfer them to a pc. What I don't understand though is why you couldn't do this with replays, that just sucks. I'm pretty sure you will be able to do this in GT5, as you can use a usb stick to save your games.

Becouse the replays aren't stored in the memory card as a video file that's why they are small.
Becouse the replays aren't stored in the memory card as a video file that's why they are small.
Yeah, I know, but they could have made it so that when you choose "save to usb stick" it saves it as a video file. Hm, maybe that would be a bit cumbersome. Anyway, I'm just dissapointed I can't transfer my replays to my pc. :indiff:
Quick access to garage wherever you are. (prob mentioned already...)
Surprise events, like a special prizecar when setting a "record" time.
Invitations to special races when you reach a certain level (online racing)
"Build your own car" - prob. won't work well but.....could be fun.
How about when you buy a car you have options to choose from like when you buy a new car in real life such as engine size, fuel type and other things. This could maby cut down on the amount of cars that are just the same with diffrent specs.
How about when you buy a car you have options to choose from like when you buy a new car in real life such as engine size, fuel type and other things. This could maby cut down on the amount of cars that are just the same with diffrent specs.

That's another very good suggestion. Though, I think choosing between fuel types would certainly mean a different engine. That is a really good idea and would make more sense then the way it is done now. Maybe, 500 cars instead of 700 and you can custimize it more. I wouldn't mind loosing a few hundered to gain some custimization.
I would like to hear more serius music in menus, GT auto especially.. The music is really childish, and too cartoony, i don't know... :) For example, i take my black bad a$$ Skyline in GT auto, and it just seems that it's not a simulation game, like it's a Out run ;)
And that when you wash your car, that cartoon sounds, and car is spinning that fast.. i don't know, that just irritates me, i want some inspiring music in menus, you know, to think in myself, "o i am gonna floor this skyline now!!" ..
You know, some god of war music :sly:
What about announcers during the race, with the ability to turn the off and on. I think it would be kinda cool to hear em say "Oh here comes the Penzoil Skyline down the straight now".
That could be interesting. To add to that, maybe for the lower-end races have just PA-type announcements, and for upper-end have television announcers and maybe even a sort of television presentation. And maybe have a variety of nationalities or dialects/accents of announcers. Those who watch F1, GT's, and so forth could choose their usual british voice and americans could choose a southern announcer or a common American English announcer. And all the other countries languages, of course.
That could be interesting. To add to that, maybe for the lower-end races have just PA-type announcements, and for upper-end have television announcers and maybe even a sort of television presentation. And maybe have a variety of nationalities or dialects/accents of announcers. Those who watch F1, GT's, and so forth could choose their usual british voice and americans could choose a southern announcer or a common American English announcer. And all the other countries languages, of course.
that could add to the realism, although I would say to get that right, they would have to do all kinds of voice combinations, which could take probably about maybe two years total when you take into account the many languages and commentators like leigh diffey, Bob varsha, darrell waltrip, benny parsons and so on that can be selected, but its worth a shot. by the way, what would be cool is if they had telemetry data going across the top of the screen like they do on live race coverage like on speed channel or fox during a replay or b-Spec mode.
I'd like to be able to use the USB keyboard so that I can name replay saves easily.
And speaking of saves, I'd like to be able to overwrite a replay file and have it always keep it's original name, instead of having to type it over again.
Oh yeah, I never thought of how long it would take to do all of those combinations. But I would like B-spec to be viewed like a race on TV.
I'd like to be able to use the USB keyboard so that I can name replay saves easily.
And speaking of saves, I'd like to be able to overwrite a replay file and have it always keep it's original name, instead of having to type it over again.

Amen to that! Most annoying retyping everything over again.

Oh yeah, I never thought of how long it would take to do all of those combinations. But I would like B-spec to be viewed like a race on TV.

yeah, that's what they've done with the vast majority of sports games when you're in spectator mode. It looks just like it does when you're watching the NFL or NBA. No reason we can't have that same effect in GT. Espicially for the rallys.
I would like to see the flag guy start the race and hvae him wave the flag when you win. I think that would be a nice little touch.
I would like to see the flag guy start the race and have him wave the flag when you win. I think that would be a nice little touch.
Sounds cool but to make it even better, he has five flags waving during the course of the race:
Green- Go
Yellow- Caution
Blue with yellow stripe- Traffic
White- One lap to go
Checkerd flag- end of race
that would be sweet.
I'd like to be able to use the USB keyboard so that I can name replay saves easily.
Huh?? I am using a USB keyboard!!! PC and PS2 compatible. It is very easy to be able to use a USB keyboard in GT4!!
I'm still able to use the DFP, DS2 at the same time. 💡 Really!!
Sounds cool but to make it even better, he has five flags waving during the course of the race:
Green- Go
Yellow- Caution
Blue with yellow stripe- Traffic
White- One lap to go
Checkerd flag- end of race
that would be sweet.

I didn't really think about that but it would very cool
I'd love the whole driving around the city thing. Have to start out with a cab dropping you off at a lot or something and having a very limited choice of what you can afford. Then later you could get a truck and trailer, etc. 👍 Test drives would have to be in the city as well. What sane car salesman would let you take his $40,000 Z06 for a test drive on a race track?! All of the city stuff and financing would be awesome. Would definitely make more people aware of what they are paying. Loan stuff online would be interesting.

I'd be willing to pay about $75-$100 if GT5 had all of that, MUCH better AI, more races altogether (random races would be a nice touch), and improved physics. :)
this is a long thread so i dunno if this has been posted already.

more tuned cars in the races. i dont exactly mean tuned as in tuner cars (though it would be nice in gt5) but i dont wanna be the only car out there with lowered suspension, aftermarket wheels, wing, etc. in replays and photos it looks like your picking on them when most of the time a person does that just to keep up with the computer.

just my thought.
Don't forget black flags, and maybe even red flags when getting close to the end of a race.
Oh yeah I forgot. the black flag could be for penalty but I don't recall what the red flag is used for, maybe it could stop a race momentarily but I don't remember what it was for.
I'd love the whole driving around the city thing. Have to start out with a cab dropping you off at a lot or something and having a very limited choice of what you can afford. Then later you could get a truck and trailer, etc. 👍 Test drives would have to be in the city as well. What sane car salesman would let you take his $40,000 Z06 for a test drive on a race track?! All of the city stuff and financing would be awesome. Would definitely make more people aware of what they are paying. Loan stuff online would be interesting.

I'd be willing to pay about $75-$100 if GT5 had all of that, MUCH better AI, more races altogether (random races would be a nice touch), and improved physics. :)
or you would have a cab drop you off at a driving school(like Panoz racing schools or whatever) like daily and when you graduate, a random race team offers you a test drive and if you meet the qualifications, your on the team. and they could have an option where you can select" city cruise" or something like that with you crusing around the city and they would have cut scenes for like the airport or like the harbor or for the bus. and you have a amount of money your paid for you work in a year. how does that sound?
i think they should let you put body kits neons/mufflers/vinyls/graphics/hood scoops/roofscoops ect
and don't forget a bigger selection of wings and other parts available from a variety of tuners like wings west, veilside, pacific-rim, momo Italy, Endless and others too.
Oh yeah I forgot. the black flag could be for penalty but I don't recall what the red flag is used for, maybe it could stop a race momentarily but I don't remember what it was for.

The red flag, at least in NASCAR, is used when there is a big mess to clean up and it would take up too many laps on the yellow, and the field just stops. Don't know if they use this for other series, though..
2player dragstrip... thats pointless to put it there, and you cant use the other lane.. evar.. i'd like to see more american cars.. maybe all the cars that have EVAR been in GT.. THAT would be cool.. .. more european cars.. less of the same japanese cars.. and removal of the pointless ones (1900s ones), but thats outside this arena.. err.. thread.. custom paint... wreckability.. like the car actually wrecks, full 360x360 degree rolls.. that would make for some awesome photos.. maybe a race series JUST for SUVs and one JUST for CONCEPT cars.. 💡 cause some of the cars you get you cant drive.. except in photomode.. like the nike and a few others..
2player dragstrip... thats pointless to put it there, and you cant use the other lane.. evar.. i'd like to see more american cars.. maybe all the cars that have EVAR been in GT.. THAT would be cool.. .. more european cars.. less of the same japanese cars.. and removal of the pointless ones (1900s ones), but thats outside this arena.. err.. thread.. custom paint... wreckability.. like the car actually wrecks, full 360x360 degree rolls.. that would make for some awesome photos.. maybe a race series JUST for SUVs and one JUST for CONCEPT cars.. 💡 cause some of the cars you get you cant drive.. except in photomode.. like the nike and a few others..
that would be awesome but one must question the amount data that would be to fit all the cars from the original GT games and the new cars all into one.