Little things you'd like to see in GT5

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hum. I wish they could bring back ht wheel thingy. So like when you go to your garage you can change differnt wheels without buying them again like gt3
Make it so , somehow someway, we cant enter cars into races that are total overkill. I know some of us have control and can do this ourselves, but I think PD should have a minimum and maximum power/weight ratio limit.

Hey, whats PD?
Make it so , somehow someway, we cant enter cars into races that are total overkill. I know some of us have control and can do this ourselves, but I think PD should have a minimum and maximum power/weight ratio limit.

Hey, whats PD?
Polyphony Digital, the makers of Gran Turismo.
In GT5 they're should be a difference in tuning parts, for example when u buy a turbo kit in Blitz it shouldnt sound the exact same or perfom the same even if u buy it for a different car. There should be a difference for each part for all the tuning companies. 💡
finally someone mentions that! I hate the penalties. like you said, how do expect two cars on a narrow course not to touch. the only way I got through the rally courses was by hitting the cars with the side of mine. you can get away with that :) so try it. I'll give you tips if you ask me.
BTW, they need to expand the selection of LMPs so it will be even better. considering you gonna have twenty cars or so on one track(hopefully), so why not?

U can also use the e-brake if u know ur about to hit the car. You only get penalized wen the front of ur car hits.
Yep, I really miss the way the wheels were in GT3. I think the biggest problem is that we can't put the stock wheels back on, that's terrible :(.

We should be able to save super high-res (3200x2400) images onto a hard drive?

I hate ricers, but Midnight Club 3 had an AMAZING paint system. I would like a paint system similar to that. More specifically:
the possibility to repaint my vehicles in ANY color (from a pie chart or something like photoshop)
to repaint my wheels in at least two different colors (edge and the rest)
Custom pearlescent paint (3 different layers or more like MC3 :D)
Matching spoiler colors

It would be nice to have reflective wheels, the current ones are so boring, plain and flat :(.

I would also like to be able to change tire profile, tire width and wheel size.

I know no games will include no music, but maybe the option? Like one version with no licensed music so we can use our hard drives for music (for a reduced price, probably ~10$?) and one with music.

Reversing lights pleaasseee.

Turning your normal cars into racing cars like in GT2.

I wish that arcade mode wouldn't ruin my cars too. I have a tire setup a certain way for a certain car, tires that I paid for in simulation mode, so why must I use other tires for my car in arcade mode? Should be allowed to use racing tires on sports cars in arcade mode and you should be able to choose different tires for front/rear.

Quote sicbeing:
"Im sure this shouldnt be said, but what if other people racing / driving near us could slightly hear our music we're playing?

When I first heard about how GT4's home page was done, i thought that you'd really be driving around a town going to dealerships and etc, I think this would be an awsome idea for gt5. Maybe have online where you can drive / cruise around that town just to bs around? Go to dealerships to sign up for races, and then drive out of the town to pick which track you'd like to visit "

I really, really like those ideas. I actually thought you'd be driving around in GT4 as well :D About the music, that would be really cool but only with the already included music. Because otherwise, you'd have to wait to download everyone else's songs while connecting.

Maybe instead of having a left/right list of cars to browse through in the garage put some thumbnails? Like the thumbnails in showrooms.
Takumi Fujiwara
High on my list of features is changing time of day in endurance races. Best would be if all tracks had time and weather changes, so you could select conditions for short races.

Less difficult to implement, but also very important, I really want to be able to save in the middle of an enduro.

U should b able to save in the middle of endurance races bcuzz i dont wanna stay up all nite racing. Just turn on the PS2 and continue where u left off. Save wen ur in the pits not while drivin.
1/ More competing cars- sick of spending most of the enduros driving around on my own. I've always though the six car limit was one of the biggest dissappointments in GT since the original game. And put some AI competitors in two player mode.

2/ Throughout the series they've always had a carwash I think - why, when there's no dirt?? Its been mentioned before, but the way real race cars accumulate rubber debris / oil / brake dust etc looks cool. Check out the winners paddock at the end of the next GP.
And while I'm at it, smoke. Tyre smoke / exhaust / clouds of brake dust. And debris on the track/ build up of rubber on the line. Road-kill. And not just 32 slightly different types of Japanese squirrel.

3/ In car view.

4/ Neg-Con support (ok, you can file that under "specialist interest")

5/ I read a lot of posts slagging the old cars- OK, the three wheel motor carriage isn't much fun to drive- but I'd like to see more...Bentleys from the 20s/30s, Alfas and Bugattis, Jags and Astons from the 50s and 60s (shame about Porsche) Racing by era at LeMans / Historic GP, old Lotus, Tyrell, McLaren (shame about Ferrari) etc etc. I guess there's that Auto Union- but there's nothing for it to race against.

6/ Why, since GT 1, hasn't the game ever remembered lap records / fastest lap??

7/ Paint shop and race car convertions been mentioned before.

8/ more competitive AI. Can't see any reason why Bob cant do more than 205 mph at Sarthe 2 when I can do 234 in the same car. I think he just likes coming second.

9/ Engine sounds need a LOT more work.

10/ Bring back that tiny little test course from GT2 (Motorsportsland I think it was called) That was fun. and maybe go-carts to go with it. That'd be cool, cos its the one type of motorsport most people have had a chance to participate in, and it would be much easier to model than rallying. I'd be happy to swap the rallying for that. OK, i know its not GTs.

11/ more realistic pit strategy.

12/ onlineonlineonline

12a/ optional qualifying for all races

think thats about it. Apart from Porsches and Ferraris, realistic damage, a free DFP wheel with every game, and the PS3 should make you a nice cup of tea every time you come into the pits.

And please, who, or what, is lol? I've been trying to figure it out for ages. Ta
lol is laugh out loud. . .like hahaha. Us geeks use acronyms a lot.

I think they're putting more competition, in the V:GT video there were a lot of cars racing around the tracks (I know it's not a video of the actual game, but it's there to give us ideas about what is to come).

My brother had a great idea (IMO). If they're going to put more SUVs in the game (which they should) there should be mountains to climb and places to off-road. Like mud, snow, rocks, streams etc. . . that you can charge your way through with an off-road vehicle. I don't know how they'd make into a race (maybe a time trial to the top of the mountain or to a certain point making your own path as you see fit) but it would be a great way to mess around a little. Don't confuse it with a rally :P
Ok, maybe to elaborate on someone elses idea. Some people think the pit crews should have more strategy, well how about a manager? Like, you're the manager and you can fire/hire people for your pit, better people cost up front then xx amount every race. And they could have pit crew points, if you hire someone better your points go up and the more you pit the better they get.

And live ads on the course would be cool, help bring in more revenue to pay for licensing :D. Ok maybe not on the course because that would upset perfectionists (and they really wouldn't be too great I guess) but how about small ads in the loading screens. Only for car affiliated companies, they would have to be checked of course (don't want any porn in my game, have enough on my computer :P) and the companies pay every month, downloaded to our hard drives and picked at random. Those that pay more will be shown more. So maybe, that way, they can license more cars and tracks. I don't mind ads as long as they're unobstrusive.

I should work at PD :P
I don't know if this has been posted but I wanna see more tuner , Hammann , AC Shnitzer , Alpina , Hartge ...ect for BMW , merc tuners even though I don't like mercs ,more amircan tuners
I hope all of these havent been used, but here are some things that I would love to see in GT V:

1) Be able to pick the cars that race against you, the quicker the cars, the more points you will get.

2) Have more wear and tear on the cars, the more you drive it, the more wear on it, the more wear on it, the more it will cost you to fix it.

3) Have track marshalls that wave flags, if you dont do what they say, you get a penelty.

4) More cars to race against you.

5) Tracks at nite time.

6) More rally tracks, especially Italy.

7) Have an in car view on the reply and show a driver, his foot work (heel and toe) his shifts, instrument pannel....ect

8) When you do, lets say 10 laps on a practice track, be able to pick the lap that you want to look at instead of having to wait until that special lap comes up to look at it, fast forwards is sorta useless to me, I would much rather be able to do this.

9) Have the real F1 Tracks.

10) This is something else to do with the pits. Let the player have control of the car in the pits, you will have to hit the rev limitor and come to a complete stop at youre pit, you will also be responisble for finding youre pit by the lolipop guy.

Well, thats some of the things that I would love to see in the next GT game, hope you guys like them. :nervous:
1/ More competing cars- sick of spending most of the enduros driving around on my own. I've always though the six car limit was one of the biggest dissappointments in GT since the original game. And put some AI competitors in two player mode.

2/ Throughout the series they've always had a carwash I think - why, when there's no dirt?? Its been mentioned before, but the way real race cars accumulate rubber debris / oil / brake dust etc looks cool. Check out the winners paddock at the end of the next GP.
And while I'm at it, smoke. Tyre smoke / exhaust / clouds of brake dust. And debris on the track/ build up of rubber on the line. Road-kill. And not just 32 slightly different types of Japanese squirrel.

3/ In car view.

4/ Neg-Con support (ok, you can file that under "specialist interest")

5/ I read a lot of posts slagging the old cars- OK, the three wheel motor carriage isn't much fun to drive- but I'd like to see more...Bentleys from the 20s/30s, Alfas and Bugattis, Jags and Astons from the 50s and 60s (shame about Porsche) Racing by era at LeMans / Historic GP, old Lotus, Tyrell, McLaren (shame about Ferrari) etc etc. I guess there's that Auto Union- but there's nothing for it to race against.

6/ Why, since GT 1, hasn't the game ever remembered lap records / fastest lap??

7/ Paint shop and race car convertions been mentioned before.

8/ more competitive AI. Can't see any reason why Bob cant do more than 205 mph at Sarthe 2 when I can do 234 in the same car. I think he just likes coming second.

9/ Engine sounds need a LOT more work.

10/ Bring back that tiny little test course from GT2 (Motorsportsland I think it was called) That was fun. and maybe go-carts to go with it. That'd be cool, cos its the one type of motorsport most people have had a chance to participate in, and it would be much easier to model than rallying. I'd be happy to swap the rallying for that. OK, i know its not GTs.

11/ more realistic pit strategy.

12/ onlineonlineonline

12a/ optional qualifying for all races

think thats about it. Apart from Porsches and Ferraris, realistic damage, a free DFP wheel with every game, and the PS3 should make you a nice cup of tea every time you come into the pits.

And please, who, or what, is lol? I've been trying to figure it out for ages. Ta
to add on, least twenty will do
2.does need to be brought to the game but also realistic lock-up(for that cloud of brake dust you mentioned) view,want, need.
4.if you going to bring the old cars, bring more then that.
5.motor sports land certainly but rallies just need wider courses, not to get kicked off the game (though frustrating at times, they are fun once you know them.)
6.along with that realistic pit stratagy, real driver changes.
7.Qualifying, yes. final practice, no.
8. along with porsches and ferrari, maserati(that beautiful MC12)and Lamborghini(Murcielagos and diablos, a must have).
Do you race?
If A-Spec points come back in, I'd like to see what value a race is before I'm actually committed to doing it.

Also a reward system for having a certain amount of a-spec points. It would be somthing to look foward to when u get a large amount added to your total.
And the same for b-spec.

faster menus! i bought/won every car from gt4 and it takes far too long to buy everything for a car, ok so about 6 minutes but still, i found it quicker to buy NOT install it at the shop but do it on the setting screen, if they cant sort out the speed i think the shops should maybe have a checklist or something you click a few boxes, it comes up with a running total and THEN you buy and install all you want at once
Um, I don't think it's the PS2's fault that equip is so slow. I mean you can do it in the settings (as stumpydino said) and it doesn't even take any time at all. I noticed the same thing with GTA:SA, when you buy clothes and guns in the computer version it takes as long as the PS2 to load, but our hard drives are a hell of a lot faster than the DVDs.

Oh yeah, it's not the processors it's dependant on either, it's the discs (because it's taking the information off the disc). Blu-Ray 1X discs = 36M ( B or b, not sure) ps.
Here are some things I would like to see in GT5:
1. More Turing car races
2. More classic cars like the Boss Mustang, and Camero's from the Trans Am series in the 60's and Lemans cars like the Cobra Daytona, Ferrari GTO
3. Two words Ferrari, Lamborghini
4. Custom paint mods, if you put race parts on your car it should look like a race car
5. Like others have said more AI cars on longer races
6. Tire marks on the track, if you drift around a corner you should be able to see your work
7. Way better engine sounds
8. More Rally tracks like the ones on TV where your inches from trees and splashing through streams, also I would also like to see Road America and Watkins Glen added to the track list
9. When making pit stops you should have a crew chief that tells you when your fuel milage can take you to the end, and if towards the end of the race have the ability to put on "scuff" tires, tires that have a few laps on them from practice to help speed up warm up.
10. I don't know if this is posible but in racing the air around ather cars affect your car, in the corners if a car is on the outside of your car, your car can become lose and the back end wants to come around, also when in the corners if you get right behind the car infront of you, you can take the downforce off the rear wing and get the competitors car lose and you can drive under them and pass them. It would also be nice IF it can be done, unlike most racing games, that it will affect the AI cars as often as AI cars affect your car.
Here are some things I would like to see in GT5:
1. More Turing car races
2. More classic cars like the Boss Mustang, and Camero's from the Trans Am series in the 60's and Lemans cars like the Cobra Daytona, Ferrari GTO
3. Two words Ferrari, Lamborghini
4. Custom paint mods, if you put race parts on your car it should look like a race car
5. Like others have said more AI cars on longer races
6. Tire marks on the track, if you drift around a corner you should be able to see your work
7. Way better engine sounds
8. More Rally tracks like the ones on TV where your inches from trees and splashing through streams, also I would also like to see Road America and Watkins Glen added to the track list
9. When making pit stops you should have a crew chief that tells you when your fuel milage can take you to the end, and if towards the end of the race have the ability to put on "scuff" tires, tires that have a few laps on them from practice to help speed up warm up.
10. I don't know if this is posible but in racing the air around ather cars affect your car, in the corners if a car is on the outside of your car, your car can become lose and the back end wants to come around, also when in the corners if you get right behind the car infront of you, you can take the downforce off the rear wing and get the competitors car lose and you can drive under them and pass them. It would also be nice IF it can be done, unlike most racing games, that it will affect the AI cars as often as AI cars affect your car.

I like #6 and 8 a lot! 👍 I thought #10 could happen already?
A more structured braking system would be nice, where u can get different brakes to suit your car but they could come with weight penalties ie if you want 12pot calipers on ur focus they would weigh more than some more suitable 4 or 6 pot calipers, also choices of break pads! road pads, track pads, racing pads. For instance sports pads would inporve the original brakes but wouldnt have as much stopping power as a larger brake upgrade or a better pad, and even carbon pads where if they have to warm up before you get them to bite properly and hard also good for endurance races as they last longer.

Also i think it would be good if you could have a true choice of abs or not then the pros who play the game can learn to brake using optimum pressure etc, but when you are starting out you can use abs to prevent things such aslocking up and flatspotting your tyres! then the damage could come into effect, Anybody remember what happened to poor kimi during a recent F1 race after flatspotting his tyres! it would stop you going for maximum attack and just braking as hard as you can before a corner making the whole experience possible a little more fluent

I don't know if it's been mentioned or not, but I think it would be nice to see the pebbling debris build up during the races. It would add a bit of challenge and a lot of detail.
Havent read the entire threads, but please forgive me if these have already bin posted:-

1) At the tuner maker's village, it hink that you should be able to apply that particular tuner's logo to your car to show that it's been tuned by that company. Also, id liek to see more European tuner manufactuers such as Brabus, Broadspeed, irmscher, AMG, ABT, Alpina, etc.

2) Some more features to customise the car other than wings. Dont shoot me, i dont mean neons/vinyls ect, just a bodykit. Also like wings that match the car color.

3) A respray shop, with unique colors, to personalise the car a wee bit further.

4) Reaslistic weather effects - or a chooser before the race.

5) Race mods as well as wings.

6) Some Eastern European POS car makers! Imagine tuning those!! And 1970s British Leyland stuff!

7) Three words: MG Rover, and the Zed saloons. (ZR, ZS ZT)
...and on the replays, the camera angles aren't realistic- I bet the TV producers covering real motorsport events wish they could do some of the angles and tracking you see on GT4, but they can't.

EG, when you're watching a replay of a race at Monaco on GT4, they could make the camera positions match up to those used on the real TV coverage. Duh, i don't know, it'd add something for me- its all just too close up in the game, you can't actually see the racing. They could put it in as an exra option for 5
...and on the replays, the camera angles aren't realistic- I bet the TV producers covering real motorsport events wish they could do some of the angles and tracking you see on GT4, but they can't.

EG, when you're watching a replay of a race at Monaco on GT4, they could make the camera positions match up to those used on the real TV coverage. Duh, i don't know, it'd add something for me- its all just too close up in the game, you can't actually see the racing. They could put it in as an exra option for 5
I agree. can you imagine those realistic camera effects on the ovals too?
It would be nice to change color of a used car instead of waiting for ur desired color to come around. It would also be nice if they would but some aero parts on the cars. Not fancy stuff but just to make the car look a little better. ;)
It would be cool if you could change aspects of set-up while you're driving too- particularly traction control and brake ballance.
We're all hoping that the AI is more challenging but it would be nice to race against a field of your B-Spec drivers, up the challenge if you will. Since the B-Spec grows strength, why not race against it.

AS far as cars, it would be nice to see more era's involved the amount of classics were very nice in GT4, time to build on that and the car cultures. More tuning shops for more cars as well. Maybe even different tire manufactures that have more or less grip to them depending on the car or track?

As far as racing, like I said it would nice to see the Sportscar Series have a GTS and GT championship as well, but you would still compete with LM1, LM2, GTS, and GT cars on track. Just battle for the class victory/championship.

Something for PD and the manufactures to think about for the Formula Car's in the game, since F1 is not in the game, and the cars are a mixture of several cars grouped into one, why not have different manufactures have a Formula car in the game with different abilities. For example Chevrolet, Ford, Audi, Nissan, Jaguar, Renault, Toyota, Honda, BMW, Mercedes, Lotus. And I know the later of the names I listed are in F1 but they wouldn't have to use their F1 cars, just some sort of scheme. It would look much more realistic and give more appeal to that series in the game. And also give you 2-3 tire compounds to choose from. don't go over board on tuning options and no add-on's that you can buy later ie: Turbochargers, just have certain manufactures that have better bottem end and downforce, certain ones with better mid to top, with steady handling. Nothing much and keep it interesting.
I was just thinking. And it would be great if you could just focus on certain sections of a track again and again. Especially on the longer tracks. This would be great for drifting or just trying to focus on a specific technique.