Little things you'd like to see in GT5

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Since there'll be damage(hopefully) I want to see a car lot for cars that are wrecked/damaged so you can salvage parts from the car or rebuild it.
We're all hoping that the AI is more challenging but it would be nice to race against a field of your B-Spec drivers, up the challenge if you will. Since the B-Spec grows strength, why not race against it.

AS far as cars, it would be nice to see more era's involved the amount of classics were very nice in GT4, time to build on that and the car cultures. More tuning shops for more cars as well. Maybe even different tire manufactures that have more or less grip to them depending on the car or track?

As far as racing, like I said it would nice to see the Sportscar Series have a GTS and GT championship as well, but you would still compete with LM1, LM2, GTS, and GT cars on track. Just battle for the class victory/championship.

Something for PD and the manufactures to think about for the Formula Car's in the game, since F1 is not in the game, and the cars are a mixture of several cars grouped into one, why not have different manufactures have a Formula car in the game with different abilities. For example Chevrolet, Ford, Audi, Nissan, Jaguar, Renault, Toyota, Honda, BMW, Mercedes, Lotus. And I know the later of the names I listed are in F1 but they wouldn't have to use their F1 cars, just some sort of scheme. It would look much more realistic and give more appeal to that series in the game. And also give you 2-3 tire compounds to choose from. don't go over board on tuning options and no add-on's that you can buy later ie: Turbochargers, just have certain manufactures that have better bottem end and downforce, certain ones with better mid to top, with steady handling. Nothing much and keep it interesting.
I like the idea about the sportscar series 👍 . it could be something like the LMES, or the FIA GT championship. I also like the formula 1 idea, not so much as having the actual cars, but having different schemes for the manufacterers. that puts a lot more creativity in the game 👍 .
Concerning damage; if that is to be implemented, it should be full damage, but for those who are not great drivers (and everybody else too of course...) it should be free of charge to repair, i.e. restart the race and the car is spot on again.

Another feature I would like to see is the possibilty to choose my opponents from a list of allowed cars for that particular race. Sometimes races are simply too easy, and it would be great for photos too!
I restarted The 24 hrs of Le Mans more than 50 times to get the opponents I wanted, but it still wasn´t spot on. (My car: Bentley Speed 8 wishlist: Audi R8, Both pescy´s, BMW V12 LMR and Toyota GT-One. Instead of the Toyota I had another Bentley, but it had to go anyways.)
Concerning damage; if that is to be implemented, it should be full damage, but for those who are not great drivers (and everybody else too of course...) it should be free of charge to repair, i.e. restart the race and the car is spot on again.

Another feature I would like to see is the possibilty to choose my opponents from a list of allowed cars for that particular race. Sometimes races are simply too easy, and it would be great for photos too!
I restarted The 24 hrs of Le Mans more than 50 times to get the opponents I wanted, but it still wasn´t spot on. (My car: Bentley Speed 8 wishlist: Audi R8, Both pescy´s, BMW V12 LMR and Toyota GT-One. Instead of the Toyota I had another Bentley, but it had to go anyways.)
Concerning damage I do agree with full damage(needed indeed) but at the same time, could also be freedom of choice for those who don't want damage, so you could choose to turn on/off damage.
possibility to choose my opponents you think the same way I do!(scary isn't it?). I restart that race many times just to get my desired oppenents(though the ones I wanted were different from yours)-my audi R8 vs. 1-Bentley speed 8. 2-pescarolo(03).3-pescarolo(04). 4-audi R8. 5-BMW V12 LMR. and that didn't work out so I agree with choosing you own opponents.
I think PD lost a little bit of what we love about the GT series in GT4. Event races. We had a lot of substance in GT4, but the event races in GT4 were lacking. I'm not saying we should stop seeing what we had in GT4, Family Cup races (an awesome way to make races challenging on all the courses featured in the game), Mission races, etc. I just want to see more of what the GT series used to be; what it should be.

I miss the event races that allowedyou to race whatever car you wanted. Most of the "Halls" in GT4 had races that limited the car you could use by nationality. For instance, you can only race European cars in the European Hall and US cars in the American Hall. I would love the opportunity to race a US, or Asian, made car in say, the European Hall, or vice versa. They could make the hall limited to that specific car, then "unlock" it once completed. They also need to bring back HP limited races within these event races, too. I miss making or discovering what was the fastest car for it's HP rating. Granted, there's huge room for cheating with mods available, but PD should make these HP limited races with vehicle weight and features in mind, much like the point system in GT4.

I also want racing mods back, better AI, you know, the usual stuff.


Something else that bugs me about GT4 that PD need to fix; cars that aren't purchasable. Once you unlock them, you should be able to purchase them. I have cars that can only be won once that I don't like the color of, but can't do anything about it. Other than have a paint booth, we should be able to buy a new model with the color we want.

Oh, and all the car data should be made available for every car. I'm getting tired of trying to buy a car, or do reasearch, but don't have the basic facts of the car, like vehicle weight, HP, drivetrain, etc.
- A damage model. It should have been in GT2. It's omission in GT3 and GT4 is unacceptable since Jaret and Labonte Racing for the PSone featured realistic car damage, visual and performance based.

- The ability to blow the engine for mis-timed manual downshifting

- A suggested line for every track, including ALL license tests.

- Dispose of drag racing

- The ability to customize cars further, including paint scheme and body kits.

- User scalable A.I., with sliders made popular with sports games

- Make the rally license a unique license again instead of clumping it together with other tests.

- Get rid of the pace car on single lap license tests.

- For any endurance race, the ability to save ithe race in progress. Also, for the 24-hour race, the reward for doing it has to be SIGNIFICANT, something can't be had otherwise and, because of duration, has to be optional as it relates to completion percentage.

- More cars on the track. Dreamcast's 24 Hour Le Mans managed 22 cars on the track at once during a race.

- Point to Point racing as seen in Forza Motorsports.

- Online racing!
Solid Lifters

Oh, and all the car data should be made available for every car. I'm getting tired of trying to buy a car, or do reasearch, but don't have the basic facts of the car, like vehicle weight, HP, drivetrain, etc.

Yes! It's unbelievably stupid when you go to the spec sheet it doesn't list anything for some of the cars, but when you buy it you can check the HP, weight and stuff in the garage columns. :ill:
- A damage model. It should have been in GT2. It's omission in GT3 and GT4 is unacceptable since Jaret and Labonte Racing for the PSone featured realistic car damage, visual and performance based.

- The ability to blow the engine for mis-timed manual downshifting

- Get rid of the pace car on single lap license tests.

- Online racing!
I like the idea of removing the pace car(annoying piece of S***)and along with that, how about putting it in the race where when your on those rolling starts or the caution is out and and restart is about to happen.another thing: have like real time telemetry of the makes, the tire brand, the status of the other cars(pit,engine,mechanical,accident,out) and position. and when its on b-spec mode, have like a radio communication and pit board.
i think they should loose NOS because i think it takes away a level of realisum away from it because in real life you dont get NOS in many race seris also i think that for certain seris i.e. the super gt's you shoulnt be able to modify them. but hey theese are just my thoughts what do you think of them??
N2O should be available. It's allowed in some races. It should just be limited, as other mods are, to use in certain series.
OK, I haven't posted anything in a while or have I got time to read everyone's post-sorry- so if I'm repeating anyone don't hesitate to scream.
My first idea is getting rid of the "racing silencer". I don't want my muscle cars sounding like Japanese crap. I even avoid exhausts ragardless of power!
I do agree that as many forms of drag racing as possible in the game would be sweet. I mean, what was the point of the pointless drag strip in gt4?
Burnouts and doughys would be great (whoever said that), especially with actual smoke spewing out.
If they're going to have spoilers and such, don't make them shopping trolleys, thos things in gt4 were pathetic.
I think some more races based on real events would be good too. (Hoping for v8 supercars)
I think that they should add a menu where if you choose you can purchase a set of neon lights in any color that you wish for a small price for any car that you have in your garage. I like to beable to put body kits on the cars. Tinted windows Headlight and taillight covors spoilers. I want to be able to change the Oil, Tires, Transmission Fluid, Power steering (if any) Fluid.
Just for the record, there is no NOS in GT4. It's nitrous oxide (N2O), NOS is a company. Not trying to be a smart-ass, it just gets on my nerves because everyone thinks NOS is so cool and they all want NOS in their cars (how they fit a company into a car is beyond me).

I want longer lasting tires too. I remember watching a Grand Prix race and one of the team's strategy was to go the whole race without replacing the tires on the car. Was about 70 laps! I can't even get past 15 laps on a low powered car with RSH. Ok I don't want 70 laps (a bit of a stretch) but I would like at least a couple more laps of tire life, like 25 laps for a weak car with RSH. And a warm-up lap would be nice (optional of course, because it would kill on Nurburgring :P).
^^Yes definately about the tires. Id say a 500-600 hp race car should go around 30 laps on the same tires like the AI in GT3 did. The skylines in the 100lap at tokyo enduro went 27 laps between pit stops, it amazed me how they did it.

Also, I would want the AI to go the same lengh on tires as I do. I hate to go on harder tires just to get a similar strategy on my oponents.

Car info. Kaz said that GT4 was like a car encycolpedia, but there is next to none car info. Either the scrolling like in GT3 or the info screen in the PS1 GT games. I want info, and lots of it. I loved spending time in the dealerships reading about the cars in the older GTs.

Other ideas.

1.C spec racing. Ah this is one of my favorite ideas, especially for enduros and long series racing. What I imagine Cspec is actually Aspec and Bspec put together. You see A+B=C. In a nutshell, Cspec is an entire race team. You drive a car and bspec driver drives as your teamamte. You both share a pit crew which is your own that you train up. You get to be schumacher and Totd at the same time. The downside is that it would be hard to implement. Racing and director isnt usually done at the same time for a reason. Nevertheless, it would be fun to do, going for a 1-2 like micheal and rubens.

2.Online store. Think of it as the GT version of Ebay motors or Autotrader. Say you dont need that 600hp Evo anymore but the game would only give you 10k if you try to sell it. Sell it on GT online store. What if you dont have the car you need in the used car lot? Cant get that tough to get prize car? It would also be a great way to develop the Gt community and trade cars with your friends.

3.Air restrictors. Well its pretty obvious what I mean, You can limit your cars Hp to a lower level to get more Aspec points and get a more challenging race.

4.Control of Turbo boost. So, Your FTO LM is way to fast for those JGTC car races? Limit the power by reducing your boost. Similar to the air restirors but in a way, different. As most of you remember, this feature was in the original Gran Turismo.

5. Back to GT3. Well I hate to say it, but GT4s atmosphere sucks. For GT5, it needs to go back to something like GT3s Menus, menu music, menu color scheme, race music, in-race maps, Speedos etc. GT1 also had some good stuff in this departement but GT4 is not good enough for me. This may be personnal preference, but Id like GT5 to be less like GT4 in this aspect of the game. Also, leave the original courses be. Radioactive green doesnt look that good as the grass of apricot hill.

6. Track creator. You may have heard this before, but it would be a neat feature.

7.Slaloms and skidpads. Yes, in the test section of the game , I want to see what my tuned evo can pull through the slalom. A 600ft slalom and a skidpad test would allow you to run the test and at the end, the game would give you your average speed and your average gs (acceleration of gravity). Your run wouldnt count if you touch one of the cones on the slalom.

8.Online free runs. Just an open track online where you can drive around the track while others do the same, starting in the pits youd wait in a line with other cars (not too long though) and youd drive through the pits and onto the track. You would be able to adjust and repair (if damage is included) your car in the pits. You would have to pass slower traffic and give way to faster cars. I imagine this most on complex srtring.

GT5 needs to bring back all the old tracks from the previous GTs as well as alot more real life tracks. A realistic view would be 5-10, though I would like to think it would still be possible to get all the 2005 F1 tracks, plus some big name tracks like Estoril, Sugo, Mugello, Paul Ricard, A1 ring, Valencia, Donington Park, Brands Hatch, Guia, Dubai, Lausitzring in Oval and GP forms and a Full Nurburgring (GP + Nordschleife).

Also some real life Racing additions would improve the realism. Blue flags and full control in the Pits. If we speed in the pits, Notify us of a drive through penalty,which we must do ourselves. If we drivers ignore this, disqualify us. Make it realistic.
^^Yes definately about the tires. Id say a 500-600 hp race car should go around 30 laps on the same tires like the AI in GT3 did. The skylines in the 100lap at tokyo enduro went 27 laps between pit stops, it amazed me how they did it.

Also, I would want the AI to go the same lengh on tires as I do. I hate to go on harder tires just to get a similar strategy on my oponents.

Car info. Kaz said that GT4 was like a car encycolpedia, but there is next to none car info. Either the scrolling like in GT3 or the info screen in the PS1 GT games. I want info, and lots of it. I loved spending time in the dealerships reading about the cars in the older GTs.

Other ideas.

1.C spec racing. Ah this is one of my favorite ideas, especially for enduros and long series racing. What I imagine Cspec is actually Aspec and Bspec put together. You see A+B=C. In a nutshell, Cspec is an entire race team. You drive a car and bspec driver drives as your teamamte. You both share a pit crew which is your own that you train up. You get to be schumacher and Totd at the same time. The downside is that it would be hard to implement. Racing and director isnt usually done at the same time for a reason. Nevertheless, it would be fun to do, going for a 1-2 like micheal and rubens.

2.Online store. Think of it as the GT version of Ebay motors or Autotrader. Say you dont need that 600hp Evo anymore but the game would only give you 10k if you try to sell it. Sell it on GT online store. What if you dont have the car you need in the used car lot? Cant get that tough to get prize car? It would also be a great way to develop the Gt community and trade cars with your friends.

3.Air restrictors. Well its pretty obvious what I mean, You can limit your cars Hp to a lower level to get more Aspec points and get a more challenging race.

4.Control of Turbo boost. So, Your FTO LM is way to fast for those JGTC car races? Limit the power by reducing your boost. Similar to the air restirors but in a way, different. As most of you remember, this feature was in the original Gran Turismo.

5. Back to GT3. Well I hate to say it, but GT4s atmosphere sucks. For GT5, it needs to go back to something like GT3s Menus, menu music, menu color scheme, race music, in-race maps, Speedos etc. GT1 also had some good stuff in this departement but GT4 is not good enough for me. This may be personnal preference, but Id like GT5 to be less like GT4 in this aspect of the game. Also, leave the original courses be. Radioactive green doesnt look that good as the grass of apricot hill.

6. Track creator. You may have heard this before, but it would be a neat feature.

7.Slaloms and skidpads. Yes, in the test section of the game , I want to see what my tuned evo can pull through the slalom. A 600ft slalom and a skidpad test would allow you to run the test and at the end, the game would give you your average speed and your average gs (acceleration of gravity). Your run wouldnt count if you touch one of the cones on the slalom.

8.Online free runs. Just an open track online where you can drive around the track while others do the same, starting in the pits youd wait in a line with other cars (not too long though) and youd drive through the pits and onto the track. You would be able to adjust and repair (if damage is included) your car in the pits. You would have to pass slower traffic and give way to faster cars. I imagine this most on complex srtring.

GT5 needs to bring back all the old tracks from the previous GTs as well as alot more real life tracks. A realistic view would be 5-10, though I would like to think it would still be possible to get all the 2005 F1 tracks, plus some big name tracks like Estoril, Sugo, Mugello, Paul Ricard, A1 ring, Valencia, Donington Park, Brands Hatch, Guia, Dubai, Lausitzring in Oval and GP forms and a Full Nurburgring (GP + Nordschleife).

Also some real life Racing additions would improve the realism. Blue flags and full control in the Pits. If we speed in the pits, Notify us of a drive through penalty,which we must do ourselves. If we drivers ignore this, disqualify us. Make it realistic.
I love spending time in the dealerships. I did too and I would love to see that back in GT.
C-spec racing.I love that idea 👍 .in GT3, I would always have the a.i. that is in the same car as mine lead while blocking the opposing car, then on the last lap in the last corner, I would pass them and win the race. I would love to have two corvettes finish 1-2, or three audis finish 1-2-3.
Online free runs. that would be awesome and on that note, you could do that with a new car and you'll have options to test it like shakedown, test drive,(and for racing) qualifying, and warm-up.
Track editor. mostly everyone has mentioned that so thats already been heard.
I'd like that turbo control, but as in-race boost control... had it way back on Indy 500 for the PC (back in the stone age), and it was a wonderful thing for controlling pace. If GT5 has engine temp modelling as well as accurate fuel consumption modelling, it would add a whole new dimension to it.
In regard to SagarisGTB's post:
Yes I miss all the information about cars, I like reading that stuff :(
1. Sounds a bit confusing, but I like it anyways. Would love to rip courses up with a teammate. Hey, if they implement that maybe an online mode of it too :D So you could race through those courses with a friend as a teammate OR the AI :D
2. Yes! That is the most genious idea I've ever heard. If they could properly implement it (IE: properly list what damages need repairing, how many miles, what mods it has, etc. . .) then that would be so cool.
3 & 4. I've always wondered why we couldn't adjust the boost on our turbo's, and I would like to see the air restrictors as well, would make it much easier to get your car hp legit for a race (if they include HP limits) or for added A-Spec points.
5. Haven't noticed that, but then again I haven't played GT3 since 1-2 months before GT4 hit the shelves, so wouldn't remember.
6. I don't think this should come with the game, maybe as downloadable content (and Sony BETTER let game devs use the hard drive if they want to) since it would be a bit of a large addition and would work much better with a hard drive (imagine an online database of courses, so you can share your creations!) and I hope it to be easy (easy as in starcraft level creation easy :P)
7. Most definitely, I would love to compare a BMW M5 or something to an F1 car :P I'd always be screwing around with that.
8. Yeah, online free run would be fun, but hopefully no damage. I would hate to see someone with a civic smash into my F1 car for fun :X

That reminds me of two things for online play:
1) We need a database of lap times etc. . .
2) We need a database of users

To elaborate:
1) For users with online it automatically uploads our lap times in a certain car and tells us what rank we're in, and from there we can browse other people's lap times in the same car, in a certain class of cars or all cars. List of HP, mods, etc. . . would be needed (this would probably make online a pay service though, if it won't be :(). Maybe allowed to use 3rd party servers so we wouldn't have to pay extra/month?

2) How many accidents this users been in, how many times he's hit the walls and how many times he's hit other cars and how many disconnects. Plus the standard stuff of course (IE: wins, losses, total races, rank) all shown before the race begins so you can cancel without it being counted as a disconnect (a countdown like in many MP games, where you press a certain button when you're ready). Sorry but this is mandatory, as I said before I don't want to start a race with some dumbass who thinks it's fun to thrash my cars.
I'd like more race series in each place, ie beginner, professional etc. Get rid of the word extreme, its crap and over used. Expert is a much better term for the series.

Race numbers that you could choose for yourself would be cool too, like what people use when they do gymkhanas and stuff, a white box with a large black number in it. obviously not for racing cars that already have numbers on them, but for production cars.

A return of the race car mod would be cool too, at least for cars that dont have a race car version in the game.

Id like a return to stock production car series too, no mods but tyres.

A maximum of 10 production Skylines, same for Lancer Evos.
Dunno if it's already been mentioned, but I want a FAST menu system.

- Buying parts and modifications for cars. How about a list with check boxes, and a running total at the bottom of the screen for increase in power and cost? Buy everything you want in one go, avoid the 50 odd clicks it would normally take.

- How about an option to pop up the garage no matter where you are, with the ability to select a car, and STILL be at the screen you were at. Thus you could change cars if you find the one that you intended to use is not eligible for a certain race - avoid all the button pressing and menu trawling.

- How about an "instant oil change" button in the garage, on the same screen as the specs, use, sell buttons. I don't want to see the guy changing the oil every single time.

Speed is the key. I paid money for a driving simulator, not an annoying menu simulator! :)
Yo all. Sorry, this topic is pages long, i dnt really want to sift thorugh it so i may be repeating threads.

Id like in game changing weather effects. This will introduce an amazing level of realism, in race vital tyre changes etc.

An in car view perhaps? So polyphony can show off windscreen wiper effects and such.

When the cars skid out and spin across the track, there isnt enough smoke. I know someone mentioned something simlar earlier. A vehicle skidding across sand in the game doesnt generate enough dust and dirt either. Perhaps if a car spins out, gravel can be kicked on to the track and that area of the track may become slippery.

Brake discs glowing red hot after some use.

Areals on the cars flapping.
The brakes already glow red in GT3 and GT4 and the aerial are already there and they shake and flap just like the mud flaps and wipers do, but adding the rest of that would be nice.
1.the ability to upload your cars from the previous GT games.
2. have feature where you can scan your cars(1:18, 1:43, 1:64) into the game.
I'd like to see "detuning". like taking the turbo off of a car or being able to adjust the boost pressure. adjusting the ECU, valve timeing, that sort of thing. I want to be doing things that real tuners do.
redesign the whole gt system all over again. Make it into a real racing community with the culture of racing.
- Races should be scheduled.
- you are able race against 20+ cars like a real lemans race (gets a little boring in gt4 when ur on the ring way up front and there is no one to give u a challenge.)
- Bring back the horsepower race requirements that gt2 had, this game is about skill and if there is no restriction then anyone can beat this game.
- I would like to see road rallies like: cannonball run, some stuff from mischief.
- bring back pikes peak down hill rallies were so much fun and a lot harder too.
- A drifting compettion would be cool.
- be able to drag race for money would be awesome.
- more cars none of this 50+ of the same car(skyline, rx7, supra, silvia's, etc.)
- at pit crew that you gets better as you move into better classes of racing.
- to be able to compete at pro level you should be invited to compete at this level and you have to obtaina sponership.
- A manager should communicate with you about how far back the car behind you is and about making suggestions when to pit or how to make a move around the car in front.
- make the fuel system better.
- different companies with the same part do different effects to your car.
- get porsche, lambo's, ferrai's and other good europeian companies.

well that's about it for my suggestions. Please don't make remarks about the spelling I now that there is alot miss spelled and i'm just a little tired when i wrote this so please just ignore it, thanks.
Here's my list:
1.Have more body add-ons besides a spoiler and new rims (i.e. side pipes and superchargers that stick out of the hood on muscle cars, body kits on tuner-type cars etc.)
2.Have flames shoot out of the exhaust when NOS is used :lol:
3.When the car revs its engine, it should shake a little, especially on muscle cars.
4.Paint shop
5.Use your own cars on Single-Player Arcade like GT3
6.Don't have the e-brake lock up all the tires, only rear and for as long as the button is held
7.Allow burnouts when the brake and accelerator are held together.
8.Wheel shop in the garage like GT3