Apart from the game taking just over an hour to download updates and install to HDD, I turn all the assists off, steering feedback to rip your arms off and took a Lotus Elise to Trial Mountain.
Things started off well. The tyre model was about 10 million times better than Prologue.
The feedback through the wheel (I have a G27) was simply awesome.
The brakes were over sensitive, but i'm sure I can adjust that somewhere.
And then we came to the **** in the sandwich -
the clutch
Whoever was responsible for this needs to die. Sure, it's analogue and you can slip it which is brilliant! However, reality comes crashing down when you try to Heel & Toe.
The game will not let you press the clutch, throttle and change gear at the same time!!!!
Every time you do, it dumps you into neutral and you spin.
It's like being presented with Polyanna Woodward coated in Honey, only to find out she has a penis.
I cannot understand how this was missed as it renders the clutch useless.
This has got to be fixed in an update, but I fear that too many people will be playing 'The Real Driving Simulator' with a joypad.
I feel sick