ORCA General Discussion

  • Thread starter BrandonW77
Merry Xmas fellas, hope Santa left lots of goodies for everyone! :cheers:


(No, this isn't what was under my tree)
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^ that is pretty much exactly what I've always pictured RDArdvark to look like. Especially the part where the pants are tucked into the socks. :)
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:lol: Ha ha ha! Love it! :lol:
(I do have the football shirt and the facial fungus, but alas that's were the similarities end; no hardened drinker I.

There's more than a lifetime's supply here for me:

^ Do you need my shipping address for all of that? :drool:

So I've dug around in GT6 and gotten fairly familiar with how the online operates now, it's not drastically different and most of the functions seem to operate correctly (but not all). I still want to experiment more with the qualifying features and the pit stop/tire change features to see how exactly they work and make sure there aren't any oddities.

I've done qualifying a few times, it seems to work brilliantly and is pretty much idiot proof. A downside is that if someone joins the room after qualifying has begun there's no way for them to join qualifying or the race. We'd have to stop/restart qualifying. One other slight negative is that when you start qualifying/race it resets the room to whatever time the room was originally set for. With time change I liked start the practice session at mid-day and let the time progress naturally, then start the race at evening time and let it change to darkness, made it feel like we actually spent a day at the track. Now, if it is dusk at the end of practice it will suddenly switch back to early afternoon when qualifying/race is started. Not a big deal, I can work around it by resetting the time to the desired hour right before we start qualifying. I've not had a chance to experience mandatory pitstops/tire changes yet.

I have some ideas floating around my head about what I want to do for organized racing but haven't settled on anything yet. A couple of my ideas are already being done (Rocket car, no-tuning GT300) so I'll put those on the back burner for now and do them at a later time when there's less competition. There are many tasty cars for us to play with though, it shouldn't be a problem finding something good but I'd like to start off with a bang and have something that makes people say "oh yeah, I want to race that!!".

I think to start off I just want to do a big spot race. I want to see what the January update brings for the community features before kicking off something big, but I don't want to wait that long to start racing! Seeing as the 24 Hours of Daytona is happening next month and we have time change at Daytona now, that seems like a logical/popular place to start. I quite enjoy the new BMW race cars (base model and two liveried versions, all identical) and seeing as they're "Le Mans spec" cars they seem like a good choice to use for a spec one-make spot race. The car is good on SS tires and actually it's not bad on RH either. RH seems to be a bit less grippy and more lively than in GT5. I'm thinking a 1.24 hour race would be appropriate (1 hour and 14 minutes) with full time change (possibly weather change?) and mandatory pitstops. I'm not trying to recreate the Rolex 24, just "inspired by" and using a one-make non-tuned car. I think we could do qualifying, short heat race and feature race with reverse grid, it's not very true to the real race but would make the hour+ feature a little more entertaining for everyone.

Thoughts on the spot race and ideas for a series or club? What do you guys want to see that isn't being done yet? I am willing to do a points series again but that will happen after the community update (really hoping it has a feature for tracking results/points). For now I'd like to get a few organized races under my belt so we have opportunities to find any little bugs or quirks in the online racing (GT5 had a lot of these but GT6 seems to be fairly well sorted so far). Oh, and should we keep the ORCA name or start with something fresh for GT6?

I look forward to your input. :cheers:

Oh, and since there seems to be a booze theme.........the guy on the left is doing it right!
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I have some ideas floating around my head about what I want to do for organized racing but haven't settled on anything yet. A couple of my ideas are already being done (Rocket car, no-tuning GT300) so I'll put those on the back burner for now and do them at a later time when there's less competition.

TBH, I wouldn't discount anything. So far I haven't seen a single weekday racing series in a reasonable time slot. So I'd go for a weekday racing series (maybe with a weekend race too). For a weekday league/club there is some competition, so I'm not sure the attendance would be there.

Is BMW race car the same one as in GTP registry qualifier? I've had a handful of laps in that one on RH and have an opinion.

P.S. how many laps can a Tesla model S last? ;)
Not discounting anything, just prefer to kick off with something not currently being done even if it's a different time/day. I plan on having our usual Tuesday evening and Saturday afternoon slots. I'm kinda surprised at the lack of organized racing so far, I figured there'd be plenty of things going on but there's really not much to pick from.

Yeah, it's the same BMW and I'm guessing your opinion isn't positive. I think the car is fine on SS and not too bad on SM (but lots more on-throttle over-steer on SM). I'm not interested in racing electric cars, I'll fall asleep halfway through the second lap. :P
Yeah, it's the same BMW and I'm guessing your opinion isn't positive.
Among FR cars, I enjoy those that are loose a lot more, mostly because only in those I get to experience something resembling driving real cars, where you can't be 100% WOT until you're going straight, and you have to be gradually dialing in more throttle as you go from the apex to track-out.
RH has waaaay to much grip for that car to be like that, and driving it fast turns into the exercise of who can throw the car into a turn the hardest. Nothing wrong with that and it takes skill, I just enjoy it less.

The issue might've been exacerbated by me driving like 50-60 laps in a V8SC on the same track as GTP qualifier combo, just prior to trying the BMW.

I'll try it on SS tires.

TBH, I can race anything with the right crowd, so ignore my grumbling.

Electric car might spark some extra interest just because it's all over the news lately, but I haven't driven it in the GT6, so you could be right on it being utterly boring.
Electric car might spark some extra interest just because it's all over the news lately, but I haven't driven it in the GT6, so you could be right on it being utterly boring.

.....wondering if the "spark" comment is to suggest they may catch on fire half way through the race?? :lol: And I meant I'd fall asleep because they're so quiet. They might be fun to drive, just always feels like you're doing 10mph in first gear.......with ear plugs in.

I agree with your analysis about the tires and I tend to want the same thing out of racing, something that will bite you in the ass if you abuse it. I found the BMW GT car to be as you described on RH, difficult to break the back end loose and very little punishment if you treat it badly. It could get loose but even if it did it was a very tame and controllable experience. Kind of the same story on SS tires but a little more slippery and there is punishment if you cross the line.....it's just a long journey to get to that line. In contrast I did one of the career races last night, GT300 Championship in the BRZ GT300 car. I had to use RH tires as the opponents were on them and SS couldn't quite keep up, but on RH tires the BRZ could get sideways and spin and bite your hand if you were too rough with it, a very different experience from the BMW and actually enjoyable. So RH tires aren't globally as sticky as they were in GT5 but on some cars they still make it feel like you're on rails.

I await your review of the BMW on different tires. I'm going to give the Z4 version of the car a go too, it might be a little less stable and more enjoyable. Feel free to try other similar cars and give me your feedback, I'm not married to the M3.

EDIT: I actually saw a Tesla S in Anderson a couple weeks ago, I presume he was lost.....really lost.
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They might be fun to drive, just always feels like you're doing 10mph in first gear.......with ear plugs in.
Tried it and I disagree. Tire screams, barely tolerable in petrol cars, are unbearable in this thing cause there's nothing else to drown them.

Also did a few laps in the beemer on sport tires. It's better. While, naturally, I like SH the most, SS are tolerable and won't be too scary after some wear.
While, naturally, I like SH the most, SS are tolerable and won't be too scary after some wear.
That's what I ry to think about, the way they'll be after 15 laps, especially with the rumor that there's some kind of accelerated wear bug on the second set of tires. I'll give SM's a more thorough testing, they're good when they're fresh but I want to make sure they aren't to rough when worn. The BMW is just a very good handling car, SH's are even very manageable when they're fresh but get rough when they're worn and have a bit too much snap oversteer that could lead to unintended incidents.
New cars on new tracks is really my only preference at this point. Very high tire wear adds a real premium on being smooth and pretty much forces pit stops in longer races. I prefer street to racing cars but it's not that big of a deal either way. Only thing I really am not interested in is electric cars:yuck::yuck:
Will anyone be around this weekend for some testing and practice at Daytona? I'd like to get two or three other people so I can test the pit stop/tire change procedures and get some photos. I should be around most of the weekend. My pedals/shifters are coming tomorrow, I had them shipped to work so I wouldn't miss the FedEx guy (have to drive 30 minutes to get them if I miss him). Of course, we aren't open on weekends...... so I get to go sit in there just to wait for FedEx. :dunce: Once I get them I plan on doing a lot of driving though!
@BrandonW77 I've got until about 3 or so this afternoon to fool around. Probably back later as well. Which car are you looking to test? Have to make sure I have one.
Right now I'm looking at the BMW M3 GT2 cars running at Daytona on SS tires, untuned of course. I'm still at work waiting on my pedals to arrive, they're listed as "out for delivery" but I have no clue when they'll actually get here. Once I get them I'll probably be on most of the day/evening.

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Everything is setup and seems to be functioning, gonna take a little while to adjust to them but I like them so far. I've got a room open, fooling around at Daytona, feel free to join.