ORCA General Discussion

  • Thread starter BrandonW77
Wardez is a fairly new moderator I believe, but a good choice. I'm very interested to see how the new slipstream option works. I did a kart race last night and even on the low setting the slipstream was wicked fast.

Wardez posted that the slipstream "activation" distance has been moved up closer to the kart in front but the "power" added is still the same. So better but not fixed (and I don't think the kart draft is that far off real life).
Wardez posted that the slipstream "activation" distance has been moved up closer to the kart in front but the "power" added is still the same. So better but not fixed (and I don't think the kart draft is that far off real life).

So you have to get closer to the vehicle in front before slipstream takes effect? That's a good improvement, even if the strength is still the same. 👍 I do know that slipstream works well in karts but I don't think it's as extreme as what we saw at High Speed Ring last night. As soon I was in someone's tow I took off like a rocket and flew past them. Made things fun but I think it was a tad on the extreme side. That being said, I've never drafted a kart IRL so maybe it is that extreme.

Any improvement, and adding a third option, is a good thing in my book though, I'm not complaining about any of it! 👍
It isn't... Just a 125cc kart with some fancy paint.

Mega lame. I find non-shifter karts to be pretty much useless because if/when somebody spins you it takes you about 10 minutes to get back up to speed and by that time the rest of the field is half a lap ahead and your race is finished.

This is just my opinion of course, your results may vary.
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The PURE folks posted this on their Facebook page... Seems like the "real" setting is a bit stronger than the "weak" setting? Or maybe my eyes are just bad.

It appeared to me that the "weak" setting did nothing at all? Perhaps the new "real" is what "weak" was before, and now "weak" is "super weak sauce".
It appeared to me that the "weak" setting did nothing at all?
On the back straight, the trailing car is not @ WOT, so disregard that.
On the front straight the lead car is much closer in the "real" setting. I call that test 'inconclusive'. But the "weak" setting did lead to an overtake at the end of the front straight, so it's not nothing at all.
But the "weak" setting did lead to an overtake at the end of the front straight, so it's not nothing at all.

I didn't get to the second half of the video where the overtake occurred, and didn't notice he was at half-throttle on the back straight. I guess that video really doesn't show us anything useful.

In other news, it appears the Red Bull Jr. car may be a worthwhile car. 👍
In other news, it appears the Red Bull Jr. car may be a worthwhile car. 👍

I drove it in the challenge and then briefly on some harder tires afterwards... From a performance and handling standpoint, it definitely fills the niche of a lower tier open wheel (GP3, Formula Mazda) type car that the game is desperately lacking... Too bad it has to look so ridiculous.
That's what I was afraid of. "Oooo, something similar to a lesser open-wheel formula car? That's something we REALLY need!" *goes off to look at Red Bull Jr.* :grumpy: :yuck: :grumpy:
The problem with the draft in GT5/6 wasn't the strength of the pull you get, it was how far back you got the pull from, which was about 1 second back or a football field at 300km/h. If they kept it the same but just move the point where the draft kicked in much closer to the car in front, that would be more realistic.

And you can draft in karts in real life. Even when I started out in 4 stroke karts topping out at 50mph we draft passed all the time, and bump drafted to open gaps. But it didn't kick in from 150 feet away!!!:lol:
@Johnnypenso I believe you sent me a vid showing drafting in a kart and I was surprised how much they draft. I felt, in the game, the long distance at which it activated combined with being possibly a tad too strong made drafting a bit extreme. If they made the activation point closer and left everything else alone, I'm quite happy. 👍

I just did a massive shopping spree in v1.00 and also got 8 piggy bank cars in the garage, I should be set for a while. Downloading v1.02 now.
I have 48 million credits plus 30 or 40 Ford GT40s saved for if they become necessary. Although with the new payouts, I don't think they'll be necessary.
At $500k-1mil to rebuild some of the race cars between test sessions, fuel runs, and races I fully anticipate running low on cash in the future. It's not hard to spend 3-5mil in one night of testing, but then again; I'm rather particular.

Edi: Oh, and on the draft topic; I haven't done my own testing yet. From the videos of others, including above, the resulting closing speed from the shorter draft reach distance appears to be reduced on 'Real' which I believe should mean fewer L1/T1 crashes and a better racing experience. I'll have my own findings this weekend.
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I drove it in the challenge and then briefly on some harder tires afterwards... From a performance and handling standpoint, it definitely fills the niche of a lower tier open wheel (GP3, Formula Mazda) type car that the game is desperately lacking... Too bad it has to look so ridiculous.
Compared to the new GP3, it is lacking in power but this Red Bull does have mountains of downforce (which it seems to have inherited from big bro). On SS tires, it sticks like glue. It's not ideal or even open-wheel, but still, I guess it's better than nothing.

PD need to go to Dallara and put a proper single-seater like the Formulino into the game, but it's never so simple with PD.
Compared to the new GP3, it is lacking in power but this Red Bull does have mountains of downforce (which it seems to have inherited from big bro). On SS tires, it sticks like glue. It's not ideal or even open-wheel, but still, I guess it's better than nothing.

PD need to go to Dallara and put a proper single-seater like the Formulino into the game, but it's never so simple with PD.

Wow, I didn't realize that they'd upped the engine size and HP so much for the 2013 season. But you're correct, even with sport or comfort tires there is still too much downforce to make it a truly realistic substitute.
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Forget all the Red Bull machines and the arguments over microtransactions.
Even forget GT6.
I want one of these:

It would be awesome - can you image the carnage at the first chicane at Monza?

We'd spend the rest of the weekend cleaning up (and stepping on) millions of Lego blocks! :lol:

So what's everyone doing in GT6 right now? I've kinda had a loss of direction. I do have about 200 oil changes I need to do. :lol: Speaking of, the internets report that there is no longer a break-in period for cars but changing oil right away still increases PP. With karts you can't do an oil change when new but you can restore the engine which nets some power. There are mixed reports of how the decline in oil performance is handled and many are saying that cars require chassis restoration after ~300 miles (see Marcus' post above) which can get pricey on some vehicles.

I was considering starting up a LCC Rocket league but there is already at least 2 of those so I'll probably go in another direction to start. Seriously considering kicking things off with some kind of shifter kart series but I'm also very excited by some of the new race cars in the game, especially some of the vintage race cars. I still have a bit of testing to do and I'm making a list of things to check out this weekend.
Go back to where it all started...

Capp Cup!
Really? A brand new game with over 100 new cars and you want to race that little thing? :lol: Granted, I've not driven it in GT6 yet, but I do own one. Problem is, I prefer tuning prohibited and without being able to add all the go-fast parts to the Capp it's rather tame. I do like the idea of a lower-powered race car but would prefer something over 100hp. I'll have to dig around and see what I can find, I've got my eyes on a few things but I'm always open to feedback.

I have been :drool: over these open-cockpit beauties a bit (but haven't driven any of them yet)....
What about one of the classic Ferrari's or the 64' Shelby Daytona? Or the Genesis Coupe Track Package, Subaru S206 or BMW Z8? Maybe a Base Model GT300 Series?

I wouldn't rule out the Rocket Series just yet either. I wouldn't be surprised if either effort so far never got off the ground. I think one of them is on race tires:odd::eek: as well, complete overkill.
@BrandonW77 - What's the first car in your list? I've not seen that one. :confused:

I drove the Plymouth the other night in one of @watermelonpunch 's rooms. TC was off and I was using the DS3, (excuses) but it was pretty good fun. The cockpit is glorious!

I've bought a Cappy myself but not driven it yet - As you buy the Race Car, is it not fully kitted our already? Must try this when I get a chance. If it is, then we can race them with tuning restricted. :D
Corvette Racing Prototype, I believe it's a prize car for one of the early events. I believe the Cappy comes with racing suspension/transmission but doesn't have all the power parts, you have to add bigger turbos and engine tuning.

@Johnnypenso, I really like the BRZ/86 race cars, especially the higher power ones (the Gazoo is a bit boring) and plan to do some thorough testing with those this weekend. Love the classic Ferrari's too but haven't driven them much yet. I'm always partial to the vintage stuff. 👍

Anyone gonna be interested in testing/racing the BRZ GT300 car this weekend? I want to experiment with qualifying and mandatory pitstops to learn exactly how it all works.
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Ah ha. I've not completed all the licence events yet, but plan on doing a bit more tomorrow and Saturday.

I'll be around saturday evening (GMT) but I've no wheel at the moment so not sure how much use I'll be testing-wise. Still, it should be good craic. :cheers: