Playstation 3 System Update Thread

Have you tried using the controller plugged into the PS3 by its USB cord..? also have you reset the controller using a pin (at the back)

Did you update straight through the PS3 or using a PC then transferring..?

Are you using a wireless internet connection (stuff can get lost in the air leading to corrupt firmware)..

Were you logged into a UK account when you connected to PSN (if you did the update through the PS3)?..... the only reason I ask is because Sony say you should never put firmware designed for other region PS3's than your own on your system...

For example if you were on a US account and went into PSN and it asked you to update its probably downloading the US firmware which wouldn't be fit for a PAL PS3 and bad things could happen...

Its slightly worrying as its a big update, hearing this makes me want to hold off updating it for a while..:nervous: Maybe because its a major overhaul of the Blu Ray system the chances of thing going wrong are a lot higher..

Anyway good luck Sphinx, I hope its nothing too serious... you maybe have to call Sony to see what they say, its probably still under warranty right?

edit- that spinning thing is the 'working' icon, like the hour glass on windows.... it shouldn't be constantly on, if it is then you have a problem..

Have you tried using the controller plugged into the PS3 by its USB cord..?

Yes, numerous times. :(

Did you update straight through the PS3 or using a PC then transferring..?

Straight through the PS3.

Are you using a wireless internet connection (stuff can get lost in the air leading to corrupt firmware)..

My boys were using the PS3 at the time of the update, they were upstairs, so yes, they would've been using the wireless connection.

Were you logged into a UK account when you connected to PSN (if you did the update through the PS3)?..... the only reason I ask is because Sony say you should never put firmware designed for other region PS3's than your own on your system...

UK account.

edit- that spinning thing is the 'working' icon, like the hour glass on windows.... it shouldn't be constantly on, if it is then you have a problem..

I agree, I do have a problem. :grumpy:

Thanks, Robin.
Dont worry Robin I'm sure when you download yours it'll be fine, I did a few hours ago and everything went fine even with a wireless router (I've never used anything else). I feel sorry for you Sphinx but I'm sure this is just a once in a million or a thousand thing. Although I would say you will have to contact Sony about it, theres nothing we can tell you that might help, hopefully you dont have to join Beerz in waiting 5 weeks for it to be fixed.
I have it on memory stick right now (I got it off the web as I feel its safer that way)... now im staring at it thinking.... "should I?" :sly:

Il probably do it tomorrow, good to see it was ok on your GT4 genius.

I feel sorry for you Sphinx but I'm sure this is just a once in a million or a thousand thing. Although I would say you will have to contact Sony about it, theres nothing we can tell you that might help, hopefully you dont have to join Beerz in waiting 5 weeks for it to be fixed.

I believe it's just a corrupt install and rather than wait for Sony, I don't mind re-formatting the HDD externally if I can find a workaround to do it. I will lose my GT-HD and GT5P demo, but hey, that's life.

If I place a re-formatted HDD into the PS3, will the PS3 detect it and do a clean install of the OS?
edit- that spinning thing is the 'working' icon, like the hour glass on windows.... it shouldn't be constantly on, if it is then you have a problem..

I had a problem.
After my PS3 stopped reading discs, and after it started messing up the web browser, that was the last thing she did before dying.
The spinning thing (we really got to have a proper name for this) was constantly on, either while on the browser, on the XMB, while playing music through the HDD (even with the background moving)... Even restarting it wouldn't stop it.

Although I would say you will have to contact Sony about it, theres nothing we can tell you that might help, hopefully you dont have to join Beerz in waiting 5 weeks for it to be fixed.
Hopefully not, but I'm not waiting for it to be fixed. I want a new one, like they promised. :grumpy:

I believe it's just a corrupt install and rather than wait for Sony, I don't mind re-formatting the HDD externally if I can find a workaround to do it. I will lose my GT-HD and GT5P demo, but hey, that's life.

If I place a re-formatted HDD into the PS3, will the PS3 detect it and do a clean install of the OS?
That was my final resource to see if I could 'revive' it, a full format and whatnot. Took over 4 hours for it to complete it, and after all was done, only thing that had changed was the fact that I had lost everything on the HDD that I had no chance of backing up.

Sincerely hope you have much better luck than I did and it's nothing serious. 👍
That was my final resource to see if I could 'revive' it, a full format and whatnot. Took over 4 hours for it to complete it, and after all was done, only thing that had changed was the fact that I had lost everything on the HDD that I had no chance of backing up.

Sincerely hope you have much better luck than I did and it's nothing serious. 👍

She's back up and running fine now. :)

I of course lost everything (demo's and game saves, but oh well. That'll teach me not to do a backup. :dopey:

I took the hard drive out and put it in my laptop, assigned the boot sequence to the CD ROM and then loaded up an XP install disc, booted up the laptop and used XP installer to format the hard drive. I then quit the XP install and put the drive back into the PS3, whereby it recognised the drive, formatted it, and installed the current version (2.20) and now everything works fine... far

Thanks for all your help, guys. 👍👍

I'm glad it's back up and running now, Sphinx, but I'm pretty worried myself. Like Robin. I'm looking at my USB stick and thinking "Is this going to wipe out my Kylie Minogue wallpaper collection?"... I guess I'll do a back up first... quick question on that front, can you do a system backup on to a USB stick first?

(except for the fact that my PS3 is currently in a box in some Royal Mail depot being delivered to my sister's place in Scotland... now that is worth worrying about :nervous: )
A whole system backup?
I don't think that'll fit on a usb-stick. At this very moment I'm doing a backup of my system to an external HDD and it takes 1 hour to copy all files!
I guess I'll do a back up first... quick question on that front, can you do a system backup on to a USB stick first?
That all depends. How big is your stick. Some are bigger than others, you know.
That all depends. How big is your stick. Some are bigger than others, you know.

Badda boom....

That all depends. How big is your stick. Some are bigger than others, you know.

It's pretty small, but it does the job :D:tup:

I do have an external drive too, so I'll use that... I've never thought it that necessary to backup, but after reading about Sphinx's problems, I think it would be worthwhile.
"Is this going to wipe out my Kylie Minogue wallpaper collection?"...


I know, it would be TRAGIC! :ill:

I still havent installed it, im waiting to see if there is some major problem that has suddenly come to light and maybe Sony will (as customary these days) release a new patch to fix this patch!
Badda boom....
Is that all you have?

You could at least pick a real an American sport. :D

I do have an external drive too, so I'll use that... I've never thought it that necessary to backup, but after reading about Sphinx's problems, I think it would be worthwhile.
After all this I am contemplating getting an external just for my PS3. I was planning to do it anyway after seeing how Prologue would install to the hard drive and realizing that I may need my 60gb just for gaming.

Checking prices online they really are getting extremely reasonable.
Ahhh…well done little grasshoppa!
Notice in the background, we have big balls too. The window factory next door to the Slugger museum and factory couldn't pass up the baseball breaking the window joke.

I know, it would be TRAGIC! :ill:

I still havent installed it, im waiting to see if there is some major problem that has suddenly come to light and maybe Sony will (as customary these days) release a new patch to fix this patch!

I wouldn't worry to much, the chances are your update will go perfectly fine (mine did - direct from the PS3 over a wireless network).

Its also good to see that Sphinx has got his PS3 back up and running. 👍

On the more general topic of the size of updates, as far as I can tell each and every update is basically the entire OS being re-installed from scratch. Hence the reason it takes so long to download each time, and to be honest the insidences of PS3's bricking as a result of updates is very, very low (not that it stops me worrying every time I do one).


Iand to be honest the insidences of PS3's bricking as a result of updates is very, very low (not that it stops me worrying every time I do one).
True, which is why when I get an external drive I will probably just do a backup on occasion, but having a backup of some kind can't hurt.
So whats involved in making a backup? How much space would a backup take and if something goes wrong how do you restore it to the one you have saved?
So whats involved in making a backup? How much space would a backup take and if something goes wrong how do you restore it to the one you have saved?
Well, you plug in your USB external drive, go to your settings and use the backup utility. It makes an image of your drive on your external drive.

Then to restore, you go to the restore utility and say to restore your drive. It copies the image back to the PS3.

Now if you have an issue like Sphinx where you cannot control your system I would say that you just need to pull the PS3's hard drive out and format it using a PC somehow. I would likely just buy a $5 USB external drive case to put it into and then plug it into my PC and format it. Then after putting it back in and letting the PS3 do its thing run the restore utility.
Well, you plug in your USB external drive, go to your settings and use the backup utility. It makes an image of your drive on your external drive.

Then to restore, you go to the restore utility and say to restore your drive. It copies the image back to the PS3.

Now if you have an issue like Sphinx where you cannot control your system I would say that you just need to pull the PS3's hard drive out and format it using a PC somehow. I would likely just buy a $5 USB external drive case to put it into and then plug it into my PC and format it. Then after putting it back in and letting the PS3 do its thing run the restore utility.

Oh rite, it seems quite simple, how big is the backup image? are we talking MB's or GB's? Just so I know how big the external device has to be..

Oh rite, it seems quite simple, how big is the backup image? are we talking MB's or GB's? Just so I know how big the external device has to be..

I would suggest something at least as big as your PS3's HDD. Go bigger so you can use it for storage too.
I would suggest something at least as big as your PS3's HDD. Go bigger so you can use it for storage too.

Yeah, it'll be the same size (unless it compresses it some or there is extra data added) as all of the PS3 content. I think demos aren't backed up though.
She's back up and running fine now. :)

I of course lost everything (demo's and game saves, but oh well. That'll teach me not to do a backup. :dopey:

I recently had to send my PS3 back to Sony and got a brand new 60GB as
a replacement. I had backed up the data, but I also lost all of the demos
that I had previously downloaded.

I logged into my US account, entered the Playstation Store, clicked on
download list at the top right of the screen, and downloaded the GTHD
demo again.

I logged into my Japanese account, did the same thing as outlined above,
and downloaded the Prologue demo again.

I didn't even bother to look around the store in order to determine if these
are still available for download.

I do seem to have lost all of my PS2 game saves, which included recently
completed games of Xenosaga 1, Xenosaga 2, and Wildarms 5.
2.30 is coming in April and is required to access the new look Playstation store, as for other features nothing else has been revealed.

I'm glad they are coming out with a new look for the PSN store, I never really liked how it was. I just hope they don't pull a 360 and make it worse.
I'm glad they are coming out with a new look for the PSN store, I never really liked how it was. I just hope they don't pull a 360 and make it worse.

Check the Playstation Store thread for images.