Playstation 3 System Update Thread

Just installed it, took awhile to get logged in, but it eventually did. I have to agree with Jay and alba how the friends are sorted as it just looks like it adds unnecessary clutter. Thats only problem I have with the Update as everything else looks fine. Thankfully the "PS3 new look" logos still look good, although the logos look abit bigger.
I have a little smiley face by the clock and a "1" next to it. Is that friends online or something else?

edit: About the theme... I like it! I think I need to get used to it first but overall I like a change.
Apart from the sparkles and the cool "What's New" section, everything looks horrible. And by everything I mean the friend list. Unneessary clutter.. You can't appreciate a good background like this.
ugly ugly !! what happened, they sacked their designers? Maybe the janitor is doing the updates now ?
Friends list is ugly wth grey backgrounds.. difficult to see their 'comments'.
Font sizes everywhere are too big. The XMB is losing its appeal. The sleek has gone.
The changes they have made to the functionality are a step forward, but the aesthetics are backwards.
some good stuff... 👍 but too much bad stuff:tdown:
Ok, I have the update and im sorry to say but Sony, you have disappointed many a person.

The friends list is horrible, no need to go into it.

The whats new is OK.

The new theme is pretty average, actually the whole lot is pretty average.

For a nice number like 3.0, they didnt do as good as they could have.
Ok what is with the redesigned friends list? As some above me have posted, it looks terrible! And everything is way too big in my opinion! Pretty terrible update to be honest.
Size is fine I think. The sparkles had to go but at least we have the option of going back to the classic theme. Friends list isn't as clean. But it sure is easier to read now as there is a solid background colour behind the text.
I also like the fact that things are bigger now.
I use wallpaper so don't care about the sparkles.
Are there any dynamic themes for free ?
I would take that grey background on friends list away but leave white background for status and I would make status stay after going offline...
I don't mind the sparkles and I can put up with the oversized icons, but the newly designed friends list is just horrible, couldn't they have thought of something nicer looking than this, or leave it as it was, now there is an idea.💡

Also why does the PS Store need two icons now, it won't make people spend more money in it Sony, even if you think it will. I think I am beginning to see where your priorities lie.:yuck: The ONLY reason they have incorporated dynamic themes is to make money off selling them, I for one will not be buying ANY of them. When they bother to release them of course.

While this update has improved a couple of things, others have taken steps backward in my opinion. Sony need to understand that the PS3 and PSN and everything to do with those, needs Evolution and not Revolution, if they want it to achive its potential. All in all this is a very disappointing update.
This update is terrible, it looks very poorly made. I was expecting much better from Sony:tdown:
5 mins to download - installing now - Impressed with the speed this time - usually updates take the best part of an hour to sort out!


Nothing much different really... sparkly background is a bit OTT - otherwise all looks fine.

Not sure what the new updates to trophies are yet tho?

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I dont wanna update now when I get home :( .... but of course I HAVE TO...
Hmm don't like this update at all. It's made the XMB look crowded and cluttered, there is nothing I like about it. Why change the friends list? It worked perfectly fine before, the little box thing as well isn't helpful either. The only things I do like are the moving backgrounds (but even still I didn't need or want them), and the TV section where you can get onto BBC iPlayer. That is it, I don't like this update other than those two things. Sony, fix this update. Please.
Well, reading these responses, I've never been so excited about an update. :lol:

I noticed on the official site, the friend list was recently redone. It's now bigger (very large avatar icons--only 6 viewable at a time) and there's now a huge emphasis on trophy comparison. But details such as when the person last logged in are now missing. I guess I should have suspected an XMB update with a similar look wouldn't be far behind.

Does anybody know if there's a quick and easy way to leave Sony feedback on how we feel about these changes?
Guess I'll be the first to actually like the new background and not mind the other changes. I can't say I "like" everything, but I certainly don't hate it. I think everything looks good.
I just installed it, and I have to be honest it's more than comical how long it took them to figure out to blur out the background so you could read whatever it is you're trying to read (depending on your background, of course) but nonetheless. Same goes for the large text size although I never really had much of a problem with the original print. Two, apparently Sony finds it impossible to allow the PS3 to play music in the background. If you want to listen to music while you're doing whatever it is you (were) doing on the XMB, I hope that's all you want to do.

The image scaling has always annoyed me and apparently it hasn't been fixed. How you can see the image in full bloom when you're just looking at is perfect, but how it's scaled larger once it's set, and then scaled even more once you get back to the main menu is frustrating - I'm referring to images shared from your PC that you'd use as a background just so no one is confused. Call me harsh, call me whatever you wish to, but you'd think the claim of "The next generation begins with the PS3" Sony would have gotten all of this from the get-go, yet, they continue to shoot themselves in the foot.

One way or another.
I haven't installed it yet, but judging from the feedback here and other places, a lot of people are disappointed, Sony should pay more attention to what the users have to say this time.
It's not bad, but many were expecting huge change with 3.0....just some more minor tweeks, the animated backgrounds sound fun but theres none available in the EU, oooops SCEE you forgot us again LOL
I thought for a horrible moment that we could no longer play music and use the XMB (or the web) at the same time... luckily you can, but you have to change Music Settings > Output Frequency to 48 KHz mode.

I'm not liking the sparkles much, so I've reverted to "Classic" background :D. The friends list does let the side down a bit, and I don't like the big fontedness much either, but otherwise it's not a great deal different. I don't like having the Playstation Store in the "Game" section, though - no need for it at all...
Two, apparently Sony finds it impossible to allow the PS3 to play music in the background. If you want to listen to music while you're doing whatever it is you (were) doing on the XMB, I hope that's all you want to do.

I don't have a problem doing this. You can listen to music while using the web browser or using the XMB. Playing music in the background has been possible for a long time.

Try going into "Music Settings" and change from 44.1khz to 48khz

edit: Touring Mars said the same thing.
I don't like having the Playstation Store in the "Game" section, though - no need for it at all...

I just noticed that as well as it also appearing in the "Video" Section aswell. Is Sony that desperate to want us to buy stuff that they've decided to put the logo in unnecessary places as if we are too mentally retarded on how to access it?
Oh my.

How could I have missed this? Consider that statement retracted, and thanks to the both of you. 👍
I just noticed that as well as it also appearing in the "Video" Section aswell. Is Sony that desperate to want us to buy stuff that they've decided to put the logo in unnecessary places as if we are too mentally retarded on how to access it?

Can you blame a company for wanting them advertise the PSN store? I'd/We'd do the same in their position.

Makes sense for PSN to be in Games too, most of it is games anyway.
The update almost looks 'glitchy'. When I exited the web browser it went to a grey screen for a moment. I have also noticed other small glitches switching between tasks on the xmb. Also the text explaining what the settings icons do is almost cluttering up the screen with too much text, though that might just be because I have a small horrible quality tv.
Ive also got a feeling that the response to the update has been mostly negative, people are saying that its buggy and the XMB has got way more 'busy' (sony trying to sell us stuff!)... also something about horrible grey boxes in the friend list and that annoying spinning clock. The thing I dislike the most is the new startup and the removal of the Playstation 3 splash screen when loading games (its a classic feature!).

I havent actually updated yet, just holding back to see if any major issues arise or the firmware gets patched.
