Playstation 3 System Update Thread

Well I'm definitely holding out for a Firmware update until I decide my console has died. It seems loads of people are having the exact same issues as me, all after 3.01 has been installed.

Gamespy - US Playstation Boards - US Playstation Boards - US Playstation Boards - Engadget - Eurogamer - etc...

So Sony are expecting everyone to believe it's a coincidence that loads of PS3's all have the same hardware problem at the same time. Yeah riight....

Still like I said, if it still doesn't work after the next firmware update, which I presume shall be soon what with all this pressure to fix the problem, I will concede that my beloved launch 60GB has died and start weighing up my options, should I have it repaired or just buy a new Slim.
Whoa, I didnt realise that was the case, maybe thats why it still isnt forced and it has been around a month. I didnt update to 3.01 because I couldnt be bothered downloading it, I suppose it could potentially be good that I didnt. I hope they dont force 3.01 through and just go straight to whatever the next one is to fix the issue.
I downloaded 3.01, has been fine for me until last night, when I was playing Uncharted 2 co-op with my friend and the game froze. :ouch:
I'm pretty sure it isn't forced because it only fixes the issue with Uncharted : Drakes Fortune. If Sony knew it would break people Blu-Ray drives it wouldn't be an option all together. I only wish I didn't download it now. But for now I would advise anyone that hasn't downloaded it to remain that way until they bring out the next forced update.
So Sony are expecting everyone to believe it's a coincidence that loads of PS3's all have the same hardware problem at the same time. Yeah riight....
Yes, because with every firmware update their is a sudden increase of hardware malfunctions reported. It may be a case of a piece of hardware being on the verge of malfunctioning and then something in the firmware process pushing it over the edge.

The problem with the complaint is that if the issue is firmware, and not your system, then every system would have the issue. At a minimum every model like yours should. If you have two possible variables and one is the exact same for everyone (firmware) but the outcome is different for some then it is much more likely that the differing variable (the individual hardware unit) is the culprit.

Basically, I am not saying that you are wrong that someting during the update broke, but that odds are that the firmware is not the problem. You may have a hardware complaint, but of you are outside of warranty or some consumer protecton law then there is not much you can do.

If you refuse to pay for a repair then your main hope if a firmware update doesn't fix it (and it is extremely unlikely that it will) is that this class action lawsuit turns something up. The problem there is that he will have to prove that the firmware caused the problem and not the hardware, which failed outside of warranty. Unless there is some internal memo that this turns up at Sony saying they are aware they caused the problem I don't see anything coming of this.

I should also add that I have been running 3.01 since the day it rolled out without problem.
Yes, because with every firmware update their is a sudden increase of hardware malfunctions reported. It may be a case of a piece of hardware being on the verge of malfunctioning and then something in the firmware process pushing it over the edge.

After reading more of the Playstation message boards it seems this is the conclusion most people are comming too. What they think is that the firmware is forcing the laser to work harder to prevent in-game freezing but in doing so burning out many of the older consoles. I've also started reading reports that some people are beginning to get their consoles repaired for free, even if they are out of warranty because of this issue.

If I were to send my PS3 off to Sony for repair do I get the exact same PS3 back, or do I get any old refurb?

EDIT: Well I've looked into this even more and run some of my own tests, I've come to the conclusion that my laser is indeed broken, the console now refuses to spin discs at all. I'm not saying that the Firmware update didn't play it's part as it seems to have tipped the laser over the edge. I now have 3 options:

1. Send it back to Sony. (Most expensive option)
2. Buy a new laser and replace it myself. (Cheapest option)
3. Send it off to someone else to repair. (Most likely option)

I think I will send it off to be repaired by Essentially they will do option 2 for me. It's going to cost me more but after looking though the procedure of replacing the part yourself, I figure someone else with more experience would be better off doing it than me.

My advice for those who use their older consoles for a few hours on most days, avoid the firmware update for now. It may end up pushing the laser beyond what it can take anymore, even if you don't update your days are probably numbered by now.
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System update 3.10 went live today. Apparently only a 23mb download, it brings integrated facebook and a few other small improvements.

Automatic status updates a-go-go 👍

Edit: If anyone works out if Facebook should be on the XMB, let me know because I'm not seeing anything.
A) It was a full 130mb download, maybe 23mb of addons from the previous update.
B) For some reason Facebook is under Account Management down the bottom:dunce:.
Has anyone noticed how most (all) internet video applications don't work anymore?
So much for improved web-browser. :dunce:

Good thing, I don't see stupid moving adds anymore too. :)
I havent set it up for facebook because I dont want it spamming my friends with some nerdy stuff. I at least want some chicks, wont happen with PS3 stuff being posted on the home page.
I havent set it up for facebook because I dont want it spamming my friends with some nerdy stuff. I at least want some chicks, wont happen with PS3 stuff being posted on the home page.
I'm actually kind of curious what the pages of guys with both 360s and PS3s setup look like.

- Achievement -
50G - Never getting a date again.
After the update some of my friends have color around their names instead of silver/gray. How can I change mine?
I havent set it up for facebook because I dont want it spamming my friends with some nerdy stuff. I at least want some chicks, wont happen with PS3 stuff being posted on the home page.

Same, I can't see the point in advertising the fact I play my PS3 quite frequently. If it was so then I could post status' whilst in game or something then maybe that wouldn't be too bad.
I'm actually kind of curious what the pages of guys with both 360s and PS3s setup look like.

- Achievement -
50G - Never getting a date again.
I saw one from Xbox Live, instead of saying from Facebook for Iphone or whatever, it says for Xbox Live. Cant remember the message though.

After the update some of my friends have color around their names instead of silver/gray. How can I change mine?
Mine is yellow. Click on your name on your friends list and click left, click x and it should come up with a colour panel. If it doesnt, just look to the left and you should see a colour panel, navigate to it and there you have it.
Anyone else having trouble syncing trophies? (although I was attempting during the Store update) I haven't tried since, but not being able to sync meant I couldn't change my profile either.
Can anyone fill me in on why it takes so long to download and install the updates?

It took me almost 10 minutes to download this latest update and about 6 to install it. 360 updates never take this long to download or install and I have it networked the same way I have the PS3 networked. They are both through the same router and on the same internet connection.

Is there something in the settings I need to do to make the PS3 faster?

I suppose I don't even need to do the updates though since essentially all my PS3 is, is a media centre.
Can anyone fill me in on why it takes so long to download and install the updates?

It took me almost 10 minutes to download this latest update and about 6 to install it. 360 updates never take this long to download or install and I have it networked the same way I have the PS3 networked. They are both through the same router and on the same internet connection.

Is there something in the settings I need to do to make the PS3 faster?

I suppose I don't even need to do the updates though since essentially all my PS3 is, is a media centre.

The difference is that a PS3 update is a full download and re-install of the OS, and the 360 just patches the OS.

Its arguable that a full download and re-install is the safer option of the two, but given that both systems have had firmware issues, its just that. Arguable.

That's the reason anyway.

Those of you that don't want your trophy information shared on your page, everything related to facebook it automatically turned "off" unless you set it to "on".
Anyone else having trouble syncing trophies? (although I was attempting during the Store update) I haven't tried since, but not being able to sync meant I couldn't change my profile either.

I got it working when I logged in later that night, problem solved :).
Has anyone else had a Connection error with their PS3? Mine won't login at all and I keep getting the stupid "Connection error(8001000B)" message all when its been on a wireless connection that has been perfect since day 1 :grumpy:
Anyone else having trouble syncing trophies? (although I was attempting during the Store update) I haven't tried since, but not being able to sync meant I couldn't change my profile either.

Yeah I've still got this probelm, I've had it since I got Shift. It's weird. :scared:
Has anyone else had a Connection error with their PS3? Mine won't login at all and I keep getting the stupid "Connection error(8001000B)" message all when its been on a wireless connection that has been perfect since day 1 :grumpy:
Have you restarted your system? Have you rebooted your modem and router?

And how long has it been doing it? If it is more than a day and you have restarted your whole network then I suggest calling Sony.