Digital Nitrate, I think your the one turning this into a public rant because I stated an opinion I have about updates and because you don't agree with my personal preference your picking it apart, if you like loads of updates that's fine with me!
Except you did not just offer an opinion, you have consistently made false claims... as you have on multiple occasions in the past.
Saying that I'm worried about my console bricking twice a month is a totally reasonable statement as 28% of the time there is more than one update a month.
Except you are cheery picking months. The average is just one, and you know it. Not only that, but based on the number of updates that have had no issues at all, it is quite unreasonable to "worry" about each and every update, and as you have in the past, all you are doing is spreading FUD about these updates rather than offering a reasonable opinion based on actual facts.
So I'll ask again, where did I state the fact that there is on average more than 1 update per month, where did I actually say those words?
Are you serious???? Let's try this again shall we?
In fact why don't you re-read the same statement you took the time to quote and see if you can figure it out
(To make it easy on you, I'll bold a key word you seem to have turned into "said" in order to try and skirt your blatant suggestion):
It is not a fact that on average there are two updates a month, or even more as you have suggested.
Where did I say that there are on average 2 updates per month?
If you honestly are worrying about bricking your console twice a week due to downloading updates - then how on earth is that not
suggesting that on average there are two updates per month??? Enough already!
If you seriously do not understand the difference between saying something and suggesting something, then I suggest you go figure that out before trying to make it appear I said something that I did not! *sigh*
Enough already!
A - Sony responded to the issue with a statement so clearly it was enough to get the corporation to respond, what they said regarding 2.40 is documented everywhere.
Right, and no where has there ever been any proof that it bricked thousands let alone millions of PS3 - or do you have any proof that says otherwise???? So far you have offered no proof, all you have done so far is to make claims with no actual proof.
You say I claimed it was serious, again where did I personally say that is was serious?
Wait? So are you now saying it wasn't serious? Yet, you claim you worry about bricking your PS3 every time there is an update? You aren't even making any sense now.
Obviously Sony found it so serious they publicly issued a statement, withdrew the firmware immediately and issued and entirely new firmware as quick as they could. That's a lot of trouble to go to for a teeny tiny "issue".
Wait, so now you are saying it was a serious issue? Wow...
And as for making a public statement, yes, of course they did. It was an issue, and like any decent company they let everyone know about the issue, even though, as they and confirmed by numerous sources, and even hear on GTP among the thousands that downloaded 2.40 without any problems, that it only effected some users. And they fixed the issue right away.
How many were bricked?.... well more than none that's for sure because Sony wouldn't have responded saying that people had had issues with the console not restarting if the issue didn't exist.
Wait, so you suggest Sony considered it serious because they made a public statement and fixed the issue right away, but apparently it wasn't so serious enough for Sony or anyone else to say how many PS3 were bricked. And if few or none were fixed, as you have suggested, then wouldn't there be plenty of legal documentation (Sony is a public company after all) showing the number of PS3 that needed to be replaced?
B - That's because the majority of people who had problems were those who had upgraded the consoles original hard drive which is a small minority compared to the total number of units out there.
Here is another example where you are not stating an opinion, but making a claim of fact.
So if you know this is a fact then cite your source with proof that the majority of people who had problems were those who had upgraded the console's original hard drive.
If not, stop making false claims and simply stick to just offering a personal opinion.
I know for a fact that I had updated my HDD before 2.40 and had no issues. I also know my nephew's PS3 had a upgraded their HDD before 2.40 and had no issues. I think Foolkiller among several other GTP members had also upgraded their hard drives prior to 2.40 and had no issues with the update.
In addition to that ever single users content on their system is unique, if a person has one demo, game save, setting etc different from someone else it can cause a conflict which can brick the system in ways that only some people will experience.
Ah, the catch-all response. So basically, not only do you have no proof how many PS3 were bricked, nor do you have any explanation on why only a few were bricked, but you also have no proof that all those PS3 were permanently bricked, and had to be replaced.
Yet you continue to claim you worry about bricking the console twice a month due to the updates... brilliant.
My personal opinion based on the facts, you are just spreading more
FUD... and clearly you have no interest in having a reasonable fact based discussion. 👎
As such there is no point in continuing this discussion/argument. We'll let the facts speak for themselves.