Sorry to say you're in a dreamworld.
I don't think I am historically, I may be in terms of the current market, I can and will concede that, once we hear that the PS4/Orbis is going to be a POS, but until then, there's every hope that Sony will actually make one good product to try and redeem their last... 7 years of making PsOS.
Although, looking at the PS2 emotion chip vs. the Geforce2, one has to wonder, wtf were they doing at Sony at the time? I know, dedicated/optimised graphics on consoles are superior to the 'equivalent' PC graphics cards, but not to something with twice the power. Anyway, we could get lucky, why not hope that Sony are actually competent for once in their recent lives?
That's still a thing people believe will happen now that even the leaked info about the system suggests that the development kits seem to be designed around 1080p @ 120hz?
ConzaIn the past the graphics of consoles were above, then on par, then for the majority of the time, be behind PCs, but if they started behind this time it would be a real shame and definately limit its life span (as their PS3 specs have... the only way they wouldn't is for Playstation to be stubborn and refuse not to stick to their 10 year dates).
freshseth83What I'm interested in is PS4 in 4k. We saw (vaguely) the GT5 demo of it. Sony will be pushing 4k. They already have 4k blu-ray players and just released an 80"+ TV with 4K resolution. Imagine how good games will look if they can be done correctly in that resolution.
Everyone is going off rumors. And there's rumors of PS4 being able to produce 4K. So until the system comes out or we know for certain from Sony itself no one knows anything officially. So all the talk about believing this and that is pointless. I only said I was interested in it.
SimonKYep. What I don't get is why in this modern age of video games in HD people are still so concerned about the visuals of games rather than the performance and the gameplay which are far more important as far as I'm concerned. Current gen games already look pretty damn good, lightyears beyond even PS1 games just 18 years ago. What they suffer from is poor performance (Because they look so good on old hardware) and a lot of the time, poor gameplay. I mean who would care if Duke Nukem Forever looked photo realistic in 4k resolution, it would still be a crap game. Or a more relevant comparison for this site, GT5 was demoed in (sort of) 4k and people said it looked amazing. Did the game get any better? No.
So personally I don't care about games looking much better, they're fine as they are. I want them performing better and with better gameplay.
SimonKThat's a good point, there has to come a point when devs won't be able to wave their graphics e-peen around anymore, they're going to need another way to sell their games.
I mean don't get me wrong I love stunning graphics as much as the next guy, I can't believe how good Project CARS is currently looking but it would be wasted if the game sucked, to me it's just a bonus. I'm quite happy playing old PC sims that don't look anywhere near as good but have as good/better gameplay/physics.
My favourite game of all time is, as my avatar would hint to, Super Metroid. That game had pretty revolutionary graphics for it's time but by today's standards they're quite weak but I don't care, the world they created in that game and the gamplay are so good, you just don't get that sort of game anymore, you get five or six games and a wall of mirrors for the most part. There aren't many games that come out today and you can say "Wow, that's completely different to anything else" in a good way.
I've only heard bits and pieces, no matter how many scotch and sodas I buy.
Certain devs working on titles not for current gen have production milestones in August. They are apparently under "enormous pressure" by internal tech teams to make sure these milestones are hit. So far, the state of the toolsets has meant delays, however, these are "coming along in leaps and bounds" and hope remains that these targets will be reached.
Performance specs are still in a state of flux although narrowing constantly. I have taken this to mean that the specifications are still being finalised, but a performance range is being targetted. 1080p60 is most definitely being pushed internally.
Specs also currently include a discrete gpu. Whether this is to bolster performance to match that from an unreleased customised AMD chipset, I don't know. I also don't know which gpu. I also do not know the performance level of the current kits, however devs working with them are extremely happy with how they are working and say that performance levels are increasing with each iteration.
It might be something like that yeah."Certain devs working on titles not for current gen have production milestones in August." As in 'ready for the 2013 holiday season'?
With the current news, the "PS4" doesn't look too hot. I mean its 's basically a PS3 with a "better-looking" exterior shell, and a few advancements.
Found this on neogaf, 1080p60 sounds alright