Presidential Election: 2012

  • Thread starter Omnis
If you don't vote, or don't pay taxes, you can't bitch.

Are you counting the money of mine that's held aside for 365 days, re-invested by the government and/or held for interest, and then refunded back to me a year later at a negative interest rate, merely because I can fill out a W-4 form without using the number zero? Or am I not a tax-payer because I'm clever enough to mark off the things which I can deduct in the first place?

Doesn't matter, I'm going pay more, either way the dice fell.
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If I were in the US I would vote for Obama just so I wouldn't have to vote for Romney.

I think this goes to show just how bad a candidate Mitt Romney was. People wanted to vote against Obama, they just couldn't elect Romney.

I really hope that the Republicans takes this as a sign that they need to adjust their platform. Ditch the religious nuts and start standing up for personal freedom.

...somehow I doubt it will sink in.

Anyway, tonight is a major loss for the nation. Nobody should be happy about the outcome. Also tonight would have been a major loss if Romney had won.
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Romney wood have won if the poplar vote meant anything.

Oh well! Rand Paul 2016 **** wit' me.

The announcement that Obama has won is based on projections, projections based on the electoral college system. The popular vote number will change later. I would hold on a bit to see the official pop vote numbers.
The announcement that Obama has won is based on projections, projections based on the electoral college system. The popular vote number will change later. I would hold on a bit to see the official pop vote numbers.

Yep i will just wait to hear about till in the morning. Turned on Sons of Anarchy. More interested in that at the moment. I am not interested in "projections" If that isn't certain.
I don't have to be American to know that if Ron Paul led the Republicans over Romney, America would be red right now.
It blows me away that a guy can be winning the popular vote by almost a half a percent of the entire US population and have no shot of winning. The electoral college was made in a time when the electorate was almost entirely illiterate and information traveled so slowly that no citizen could be properly informed. This needs change.
As I said before, the popular and electoral votes have only differed three times I history. If it happens here it will be fairly historic.

And if it happens here it means Obama doesn't have any kind if mandate to justify bullying through any policy he wants. It will be a message to the Democrats that they can push their side too much and lose in 2016.

Obama wins 4 more years.

Now let's get this country back on track.
He failed to do it before, he won't do it now. The only way he will make any major moves is through executive orders, which makes him just like Bush.

Simply put, the House is Republican controlled, the Senate is Democrat controlled, and Obama is president. Two years, thousands of TV ads, hours of babbling pundits, and billions of dollars spent and nothing has changed.

Congratulations to President Obama for winning the election to be the guy who bombs Iran and many of our allied nations and kills US citizens without due process. You should feel awesome that you get four more years to act just like Bush and destroy liberty.
WOOHOO, tomorrow I'm gonna go out and get a job to celebra- oh yeah that's right.

Yep i will just wait to hear about till in the morning. Turned on Sons of Anarchy. More interested in that at the moment. I am not interested in "projections" If that isn't certain.

I watched a bunch of Dan Vs. episodes that I had taped and checked during commercials.
As I said before, the popular and electoral votes have only differed three times I history. If it happens here it will be fairly historic.

And if it happens here it means Obama doesn't have any kind if mandate to justify bullying through any policy he wants. It will be a message to the Democrats that they can push their side too much and lose in 2016.

He failed to do it before, he won't do it now. The only way he will make any major moves is through executive orders, which makes him just like Bush.

Simply put, the House is Republican controlled, the Senate is Democrat controlled, and Obama is president. Two years, thousands of TV ads, hours of babbling pundits, and billions of dollars spent and nothing has changed.

Congratulations to President Obama for winning the election to be the guy who bombs Iran and many of our allied nations and kills US citizens without due process. You should feel awesome that you get four more years to act just like Bush and destroy liberty.

Yeah that bill that just passed is the reason i didn't vote. Both were garbage candidates in my opinion. Both had huge flaws.
Well now the yougin’s that re-elected him are going to pay the price.

My restaurant company is going to have to cut a lot of our employee’s hours to below 30 a week so we don’t get fined by 0bamacare.

I guess on the upside, we will be hiring a bunch of new part time employees.

I guess that is what this country is coming to. Just a bunch of part time workers, some with taxpayer funded cell phones.
Gary Johnson just barley got 1% of the vote. Only 4% needed to be shown the respect he deserves.

And the stupidity of the American voter continues.
Well now the yougin’s that re-elected him are going to pay the price.

My restaurant company is going to have to cut a lot of our employee’s hours to below 30 a week so we don’t get fined by 0bamacare.

I guess on the upside, we will be hiring a bunch of new part time employees.

I guess that is what this country is coming to. Just a bunch of part time workers, some with taxpayer funded cell phones.

Presumably your "restaurant company" was already being "fined" by "Obamacare", was it not? If so, I don't see how his re-election would impact the current status of your fiscal balance as an employer. This, to be honest, sounds more like spite.

But then, I'm not an American—I'm not up-to-date on what policy changes may be forthcoming.
Presumably your "restaurant company" was already being "fined" by "Obamacare", was it not? If so, I don't see how his re-election would impact the current status of your fiscal balance as an employer. This, to be honest, sounds more like spite.

But then, I'm not an American—I'm not up-to-date on what policy changes may be forthcoming.

I don’t own the company, I work out of a garage apartment in the owners back yard. I am the corporate office guy. The only one.

We have three locations and there is no way in the world we can afford insurance for our employees.

0bamacare mandates that employer’s with over 50 full time employees must pay for health insurance or pay a fine.

We cannot afford to do either.

So we have to cut our employee’s hours.

Oh, and 30 hours a week is now considered full time for 0bamacare.
Obama wins 4 more years.

Now let's get this country back on track.
Wow... do those two phrases have nothing to do with each other or what... unless you mean "back on track" to economic collapse.

Yep, the president who gave America TWO credit downgrades because he has no clue what the word "budget" means now will be able to issue executive orders willy nilly to do almost anything he wants. Should be one hell of a ride, reminiscent of the fall of the Weimar Republic. I wonder how many people will want to serve as ambassadors for him?
Lucky for the employees.

Lucky that they are going to lose money every week?

A waiter working full time for our company makes about $700 a week. Now those guys are going to go out and find a second job.

It’s just sad.

How in the world, in the USA, can the government tell you, you HAVE to give your employees health insurance.
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Gary Johnson just barley got 1% of the vote. Only 4% needed to be shown the respect he deserves.

And the stupidity of the American voter continues.

Kind of makes sense as he was outspent by both Mitt and Barry by a factor of 100.
I think this goes to show just how bad a candidate Mitt Romney was. People wanted to vote against Obama, they just couldn't elect Romney.

I really hope that the Republicans takes this as a sign that they need to adjust their platform. Ditch the religious nuts and start standing up for personal freedom.

...somehow I doubt it will sink in.

Anyway, tonight is a major loss for the nation. Nobody should be happy about the outcome. Also tonight would have been a major loss if Romney had won.

I think it's a sign of how weak Obama is that Romney still got so many votes, but the whole campaign has been a train-wreck for the Republicans. Romney simply represented too much of the same stuff young voters, women and minorities don't like about the Republican Party. Heck, from CNN:

David Gergen, CNN's senior political analyst, said the Grand Old Party must move its foundation back toward the political center from the increasingly right-wing positions pushed by tea party conservatives.

Big DUH. I doubt the Republicans will reform. Too many entrenched interests to allow a candidate who will truly appeal to swing voters to take the helm.

As opposed to the Democratic Party, who seemingly chose Obama (previously) specifically to win over key demographic groups, rather than for his leadership ability or statesmanship.


Next step, repeal ObamaCare. Or at least make it so that it doesn't hurt small and medium scale enterprises. Fix the budget. Stay out of Iran. Don't sink the economy before the next election. :D
David Gergen is an idiot. Romney didn't win because he wasn't conservative enough. He is a robot-- Kraftwerk Americana-- and exactly the same as Obama in almost every regard. If these two were Nabisco Newtons, Obama would be Socialist Strawberry and Romney Fascist Fig. Same big gov cookie. Romney lost the election after the foreign policy debate because he wanted to be just like Obama and then some.

The GOP needs to align itself with Ron Paul philosophy. It'll go extinct if it doesn't embrace those ideas.