I have noticed that some conservative commentators/websites are boosting Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann as potential candidates. I am just wondering, does anyone take either of those two seriously as contenders for the GOP nomination?
Since when did that count for anything?She has no intellectual bearing like Ron Paul has.
Omigosh, how dare you discriminate against women like that! Dontcha know!They're called hacks.
Personally, I am a Republican yet I can count the number of current Republican politicians I like on one hand. The majority of them disgust me; they are either a bunch of Ultra-conservative Christian fundamentalists that are simply walking the party line and are on a misguided witch hunt for Obama, or intellectual lightweights that simply want to get in front of a TV Camera and spout conspiracy theories (Looking for a shot at the grand prize - a job as a Fox News commentator!). It is irritating me since while I am moderate and like to listen to the issues and do my research, I immediately get clumped in with these idiots because they have so badly defamed the Republican name. We are the party of Lincoln, not the party of Palin!
Omigosh, how dare you discriminate against women like that! Dontcha know!
Imagine how awesome TDS and SNL would be if Palin were president, though. 👍
If Palin did happen to get the nom though, Obama would walk over her. The Christian Right are the only people that would vote for her.
The economy is getting better. It is not nearly as good as it should be, but its not the total mess it was three years ago.
Also, there is no "liberal bias" in the media outside of MSNBC.
Honestly, it hasn't gotten a whole lot worse nor a whole lot better since 2007.
I cannot take Palin seriously. If claiming that being able to see Russia from her home gives her some sort of credentials for foreign policy, then according to her (poor) logic a North Korean border guard also has foreign policy credentials, despite never having left his home country or heard anything but propaganda about the outside world, or a sheep farmer from Donegal (a border county in Ireland) being considered an expert on Northern Irish affairs. I am fed up of the theocrats that run under the Republican ticket.
Starting Monday my entire department will have been completely outsourced to India because we can no longer afford to continue it here. On Monday my title will change from Production Manager to Outsource Production Manager and my job will now be to act as a liaison between sales and our business partner in India. My direct report supervisor is currently in India doing training now.The economy is getting better. It is not nearly as good as it should be, but its not the total mess it was three years ago.
Perception is everything. If you or someone you know lose a job or are struggling financially, the economy is bad. If you or someone you know comes into a new job and/or better money the economy is good.
Well, for the record, she never said that. However, I agree that she could be a foreign policy disaster for us, mainly because of her folksy behavior and beligerant "I'm a hockey mom and I am like a pitbull GRR!" attitude would not win us any new friends overseas. Actually, it would probably get us nuked.
I've heard figures showing the reported unemployment rate is currently about half the real unemployment rate. The rate is calculated from the number of people actually receiving benefits. The other half of them have either exhausted their benefits or have simply given up, like you said.And because unemployment reports are done in such a way as to only measure the people that are applying for jobs the reports we get every month are inaccurate, often showing job growth when the truth is that some people just gave up trying and didn't apply for anything or vice-versa.
OK, I'll admit that I was wrong there. I think she'll probably drag America into another war, and I'm putting my money on a war with Pakistan.
I cannot take Palin seriously. I am fed up of the theocrats that run under the Republican ticket.
Chip BerletSoft Dominionists are Christian nationalists. They believe that Biblically-defined immorality and sin breed chaos and anarchy. They fear that America's greatness as God's chosen land has been undermined by liberal secular humanists, feminists, and homosexuals. Purists want litmus tests for issues of abortion, tolerance of gays and lesbians, and prayer in schools. Their vision has elements of theocracy, but they stop short of calling for supplanting the Constitution and Bill of Rights
WashingtonWe have abundant reason to rejoice, that, in this land, the light of truth and reason has triumphed over the power of bigotry and superstition, and that every person may here worship God according to the dictates of his own heart. In this enlightened age, & in this land of equal liberty, it is our boast, that a man's religious tenets will not forfeit the protection of the laws, nor deprive him of the right of attaining & holding the highest offices that are known in the United States
WashingtonOf all the animosities which have existed among mankind, those which are caused by difference of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought most to be deprecated. I was in hopes that the enlightened and liberal policy, which has marked the present age, would at least have reconciled Christians of every denomination so far that we should never again see the religious disputes carried to such a pitch as to endanger the peace of society.
I agree that she could be a foreign policy disaster for us, mainly because of her folksy behavior and beligerant "I'm a hockey mom and I am like a pitbull GRR!" attitude would not win us any new friends overseas. Actually, it would probably get us nuked.
I think she'll probably drag America into another war, and I'm putting my money on a war with Pakistan.
PalinAt this point, to avoid further mission creep and involvement in a third war – one we certainly can’t afford – you need to step up and justify our Libyan involvement, or Americans are going to demand you pull out. Simply put, what are we doing there? You’ve put us in a strategic no man’s land. If Gaddafi’s got to go, then tell NATO our continued participation hinges on this: We strike hard and Gaddafi will be gone. If, as you and your spokesmen suggest, we’re not to tell Libya what to do when it comes to that country’s leadership, and if you can’t explain to Americans why we’re willing to protect Libyan resources and civilians but not Syria’s, Yemen’s, Bahrain’s, Egypt’s, Israel’s, etc., then there is no justification for U.S. human and fiscal resources to be spent.
Actually kind of liking this idea.No, what America really needs after all this time of losing and hemorrhaging blood and money, is to actually finish and win a war. And profit handsomely by finally taking home the spoils! This is what war should be all about - victory and conquest! This is best done by picking on a rich but weak neighbor. Of course, the obvious helpless victim is Canada - Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin always wanted this one. Canada's gold, water, oil, timber, fisheries and arctic access would do wonders to fix the good old USA's ailing economy, don't you think?
In all facetiousness,
I've heard figures showing the reported unemployment rate is currently about half the real unemployment rate. The rate is calculated from the number of people actually receiving benefits. The other half of them have either exhausted their benefits or have simply given up, like you said.
Seeing as Pakistan is swiftly allying itself with China, you might just want to quickly drag those chips right off the table!
No, what America really needs after all this time of losing and hemorrhaging blood and money, is to actually finish and win a war. And profit handsomely by finally taking home the spoils! This is what war should be all about - victory and conquest! This is best done by picking on a rich but weak neighbor. Of course, the obvious helpless victim is Canada - Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin always wanted this one. Canada's gold, water, oil, timber, fisheries and arctic access would do wonders to fix the good old USA's ailing economy, don't you think?
In all facetiousness,
Actually kind of liking this idea.
Diplomatically, right?then it is the duty of all right-thinking global capitalists to go in and straighten them out.
Ad Astra per Aspera!
Diplomatically, right?![]()
That quote is one of few meaningful things the man contributed to humanity.